Anglo-Saxon Riddles of the Exeter Book/Annotated/33
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33 (k-d 91)
My head is forged with the hammer, hurt with sharp tools, smoothed by files. I take in my mouth what is set before me when girded with rings I am forced to strike, hard against hard, pierced from behind, must draw forth what protects at midnight the heart’s delight of my own lord. Sometimes I turn backwards my beak, when, protector of treasure, my lord wishes to hold the leavings of those he had driven from life by battle-craft for his own desire. |
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Min heafod is homere geþuren searopila wund sworfen feole oft ic begine þæt me ongean sticað þōn ic hnitan sceal hringum gyrded hearde wið heardū hindan þyrel forð ascufan þæt mīnes frean mod · ᚹ · freoþað middel nihtum · hwilum ic under bæc bregde · nebbe · hyrde þæs hordes þōn min hlaford wile lafe þicgan þara þe he of life het wælcræf awrecan willū sinū |
Key. (Cf. also 75 [k-d 44], which is Key with a difference.) “Delight” is represented in the manuscript by W, the rune wyn (‘joy,’ ‘pride’). Ll. 8 ff., “open the door so that the lord can stow the plunder of battle.”