Anglo-Saxon Riddles of the Exeter Book/Annotated/34
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34 (k-d 58)
I know a thing with a single foot doing deeds of might. It travels not nor rides much, nor can it fly through the clear air; nor does ship carry it, a boat with nailed planks. It is nevertheless useful to its master at many times. It has a heavy tail and a small head and a long tongue. It has no tooth; part is of iron. It goes through a hollow. It swallows no water, it eats nothing, it desires no fodder. Often notwithstanding it bears water aloft. It boasts not of life or of gifts from its chief. It obeys nonetheless its master’s word. In its name there are three real runes. Rād is the first. |
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Ic wat anfete ellen dreogan wiht on wonge wide ne fereð ne fela rideð ne fleogan mæg þurh scirne dæg ne hie scip fereð naca nægledbord nyt bið hwæþre hyre dryht ne monegum tidum hafað hefigne steort heafod lytel tungan lange toð nænigne Isernes dæl eorðgræf pæþeð wætan ne swelgeþ ne wiht Iteþ foþres ne gitsað fereð oft swa þeah lagoflod on lyfte life ne gielpeð hlafordes gifum hyreð swa þeana þeodne sinum þry sind In naman ryhte runstafas þara is rād furum. |
Rād is the name of the rune for R and also means ‘riding’ (note also “rides” in l. 3); in short, a Riding-well, or well with bucket and sweep.