Anglo-Saxon Riddles of the Exeter Book/Annotated/67
67 (k-d 95)
This, the last riddle in the Exeter book, is unhappily the most difficult. The text is complete but almost certainly corrupt, and any attempt to translate it is only a desperate hope, even after the experts have done their best with emendations.
I am a lordly, thing known to nobles, and often I rest, famous among peoples, the mighty and the lowly; I travel widely and to me first a stranger remains to my friends the delight of plunderers, if I am to have success in the cities or bright reward. Now wise men exceedingly love my presence. To many I shall declare wisdom. There they speak not, none the world over. Though now the sons of men who live on the earth eagerly seek the tracks that I make. I sometimes conceal those paths of mine from all mankind. |
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Ic eom Indryhten ⁊ eorlum cuð ⁊ reste oft ricum ⁊ heanū folcū gefræge fereð wide ⁊ me fremdes ær freondum stondeð hiþendra hyht gif ic habban sceal blæd in burgum oþþe beorhtne god nu snottre men swiþast lufiaþ midwist mine Ic monigum sceal wisdom cyþan no þær word sprecað ænig ofer eorðan þeah nu ælda bearn londbuendra lastas mine swiþe secað ic swaþe hwilum mine bemiþe monna gehwylcum |