Anglo-allied army order of the day

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Anglo-allied army order of the day, 20 June (1815)
J. Waters
1598243Anglo-allied army order of the day, 20 June1815J. Waters

As the army is going to enter the French territory, the troops of different nations, now under the command of Field-marshal the Duke of Wellington, are desired to remember, that their respective sovereigns are the allies of his majesty the King of France, and that France must therefore be considered as a friendly country.

It is ordered, that nothing be taken either by the officers or soldiers without payment.

The commissaries of the army will provide for the wants of the troops in the usual manner, and it is not permitted to the officers or soldiers of the army to make requisitions.

The commissaries will be authorised by the field-marshal, or by the generals who command the troops of the respective nations (that is to say, in case their provisions are not regulated by an English commissary) to make the necessary requisitions, for which they will give regular receipts, and they must perfectly understand that they will be responsible for all that they receive by requisitions, from the inhabitants of France, in the same manner as if they made purchases for the account of their government in their own country.

(Signed) J. Waters acting adjutant-general.