Ante-Nicene Christian Library/Index of Subjects (Volume 1)

Adultery, 352.
Afflictions, 391.
Alms-giving, 350.
Angels, the two attendant on man, 359.
Animals, cloven-footed, 109.
— ruminant, 119.
— forbidden or allowed as food to Israel, spiritual significance of, 118, 119.
Antioch, church at, 169, 218, 266.
Antiochians, supposed Epistle of Ignatius to them, 461–466; wherein he speaks of his bonds, of the true doctrine concerning Christ against the views of the early heretics, and exhorts them to certain duties.
Apostates, 400.
Apostles, ordinances as to the ministry, 38, 39.
Baptism prefigured in Old Testament, 120.
Barnabas, who he was, 99. — his epistle, 101–135; wherein he warns his readers against Judaism, and seeks to explain some Jewish customs.
Believers, a spiritual temple, 128, 129; what Christ is to them, 55, 56, 159, 313.
Benediction, forms of, 49, 77, 135, 169, 238, 254.
Birds, allowed as food to Israel, 129.
Bishop, subjection to him, 148, 149, 151, 152, 186, 190, 197, 206, 222, 228, 233, 237, 251.
— though youthful, to be obeyed, 173–175.
Bishop to be consulted in all things, 176, 178, 248.
— duties of, 258, 259–262, 274.
Blessings, divine, how obtained, 28, 33, 55.
Brazen serpent, 123.
Burrhus of Ephesus, 147.
Cain, 9.
Chastisement, 47; of children, 326, 329.
Christ, His person, 158, 124, 153, 163, 165, 166, 168, 177–180, 184, 199, 202, 215, 226, 235, 240, 243, 245, 260, 310, 315, 386, 418, 456, 457, 462, 463, 469, 475.
— His sufferings, 23, 107, 114, 122, 184, 190, 199, 203, 226, 235, 236, 240, 243, 246, 312, 386, 456, 475.
— His resurrection, 25, 70, 200, 241, 242.
— His second coming, 24, 70, 184, 243.
— the source of blessings, 33, 55, 235, 312, 313.
Chastity, 352.
Christians, heirs of the covenant, 124.
— manners of, 307; their relation to the world, 308, 375.
— called children, 442.
Church, order in the, 35, 36, 251; order of ministers in, 36; the regard Moses had for order in, 37; the regard the apostles had for order in, 38; this order disturbed by the wicked, 39-41.
— in its progress, compared to a tower which is building, 333–340, 407, 416.Clement, introductory notice of, 3–5.
— preface to second epistle, 53.
Commandments, of God, 71.
— of Hermas, 349–370; how they can be kept, 371–373.
Confession of sin, 44.
Conformity to Christ, 111.
Corinthians, Epistle of Clement to, wherein he commends them, 7–9; shows the effects of envy among them, 9, 10, 41; exhorts them to repentance, 12; to humility, 16, 18, 21; to peace, 21; to good works, 30; to church order, 34–41; to brotherly love, 42–47.
Crocus of Ephesus, 147.
Cross, the, of Christ prefigured in Old Testament, 121, 123.
— the glory of, 165.
Covenant, the, lost by the Jews, 106; who are heirs of, 124.
Covetousness, 75.
Damas, bishop of Magnesia, 172.
Danaids, martyrdom of, 11.
Daniel, 173.
Darkness, the way of, 133.
David, his humility, 20.
Desire, the twofold, 370, 371.
Devil, snares of the, 188, 232, 251.
— not to be feared, 361, 371, 373.
Diognetus, Epistle to, wherein the writer shows why he wrote it, 303; the vanity of idols, 304; the superstitions of the Jews, 305; the manifestation of Christ, 309; the state of the world before Christ came, 311; why Christ came so late, 312; the blessings He brings, ; the importance of divine knowledge, 315.
Dircae, martyrdom of, 11.
Doctrines, false, 73, 164, 176, 179, 201.
— profound, 198.
Duties, Christian, 70, 71, 74, 131, 132, 341, 349, 370, 376, 384.
— of deacons, etc., 72.
— of presbyters, etc., 72, 73.
— relative, 226–229, 459, 464, 470.
Duties of husbands and wives, 8, 71, 262, 352, 355, 464.
— of the Christian flock, 8, 263.
Ebionite, 231.
Elm tree, similitude of, 377.
Enoch, 13.
Envy, its effects on Corinthian church, 9, 40, 41; on the church in all ages, 9–12.
Ephesians, Epistle of Ignatius to, 145–169; he commends them, 146, 154, 157, 160; exhorts them to unity, 148, 156, 167; to various duties, 157–163; warns against false teachers and doctrines, 155, 156, 163, 164; Syriac version of epistle, 277.
Esther, her example, 46.
Evil deeds, 361, 362, 422, 459.
— desires, 370.
— speaking, 349.
Example of Christ, 18, 74, 158.
Faith, 69, 155, 161, 186, 191, 234, 240, 246, 311, 313, 339, 349, 359, 364, 419.
Falsehood, 350.
Fasting, 73; the acceptable, 104, 381; a type of Christ, 112.
Fathers exhorted, 227.
Fear of God, 159, 196, 349, 361, 371.
Fish, Israel may not eat, spiritual significance of, 118.
Goat, the, sent away, 113.
God, His character, 22, 26, 27, 30, 311, 312, 461.
— how to draw near and serve Him, 27, 28, 62, 70, 376, 380.
— imitators of, 313; of faith in, 349.
Good deeds, 362.
Gospel superior to law, 235, 236.
Grace, 315.
Graces, Christian, 76, 340, 419.
Grief, 366.
Happiness, 313.
Harmony in the church, 177.
Heretics, views of early, 73, 195, 201, 203, 231, 244, 247, 248, .
Hermas, Pastor of, introductory notice of, 319.— his similitudes, nine in number, 375–435.
Hero, deacon of Antioch, epistle of Ignatius to him, 467–473; wherein he is exhorted to earnestness and moderation, cautioned against false teachers, instructed as to certain duties, and pointed out as the future bishop of Antioch.
Holy Spirit, 155, 163, 229, 230, 358, 366, 368, 386, 474.
Humility enjoined, 8, 16, 22, 158, 185; of Christ, 18; of saints, 19, 20.
Husbands, duty of, 227, 263, 275, 352, 464.
Hyssop, 115.
Ignatius, mentioned by Polycarp, 76, 77; introductory note to his epistles, 139–144.
— Epistle to the Ephesians, 145–169.
— Epistle to the Magnesians, 171–178.
— Epistle to the Trallians, 159–206.
— Epistle to the Romans, 207–220.
— Epistle to the Philadelphians, 222–238.
— Epistle to the Smyrnæans, 239–255.
— Epistle to Polycarp, 257–267.
— Syriac versions of his Epistles to Polycarp, Ephesians, Romans, 274–285.
— In them he speaks of his bonds, 169, 172, 185, 192, 208, 251, 252; his desire for martyrdom, 209, 213, 214, 218, 291; seeks the prayers of the churches, 157, 205, 229; speaks of his need of humility, 193; of his knowledge, 194, 233.
— Account of his martyrdom, 291–297; condemned by Trajan, 292; sails to Smyrna, 293; writes to the churches, 294; is brought to Rome, 295; is devoured by wild beasts at Rome, 296; appears in a vision after death, 297.
Ignatius, spurious Epistles of. Introductory note, 451–453; to the Tarsians, 455; to the Antiochians, 461; to Hero, a deacon of Antioch, 467; to the Philippians, 473–482; to, from Maria the Proselyte, 484; to Mary at Neapolis, 487; to John the Apostle, 490; a second Epistle to John, 492; to the Virgin Mary, 493.
Imitators of God, 313; of Christ, 149, 198, 215.
Isaac, 29.
James the Just, 482.
Jews not heirs of covenant, 124.
— superstitions of, 305.
— observances of, 306.
Jewish sacrifices abolished, 102.
John the Apostle, Epistles of Ignatius to him, 490, 492.
Jonah, 12.
Josiah, 174.
Judaizing teachers, 182, 183, 230.
Judas, 442.
Judith, 46.
Judged in the flesh, 61.
Kingdom of God looked for, 63.
Knowledge, 107, 130, 313, 315.
Law of Christ, 131.
Light, way of, 131.
Lot, his example, 14.
Lord's day, 181.
— Moses an example of, 44.
— other examples of, 46.
Magnesians, Epistle of Ignatius to, 171–178; wherein he shows the honour and submission due by them to their bishop, 173–179, 186; warns against Judaism and false doctrine, 179–183.
Martyrs, 11, 84, 212, 314, 333.
Maries, the, in the gospels, 447.Mary, the Virgin, supposed letter of Ignatius to her, and her reply to the same, 493.
Matthew and Mark's Gospels according to Papias, 446.
Messengers of Magnesian church, 172.
— to be sent to Antioch, 266.
Millennium, 445.
Ministers, order of, in church, 36, 39.
Moses, 10, 20, 122–127; quelling strife, 37; his love for Israel, 44.
Mountains, similitude of, by Hermas, 405, 421.
Mystery of circumcision, 116, 117.
Mysteries, three, hid from Satan, 166.
Obedience to God, 16, 22, 381, 384.
— to Christ, 33.
Office-bearers of church at Ephesus, 147; at Magnesia, 172; at Philadelphia, 237.
Onesimus, bishop of Ephesus, 147.
Order in the church, 35, 36, 251.
Papias, fragments of, 441.
Paul and Peter, martyrdom of, 11.
Peace, 17, 21; of universe, 21; of church, 45.
Philadelphians, Epistle of Ignatius to them, consisting chiefly of exhortations to unity, 228–238.
Philippians, Epistle of Polycarp to them, consisting of commendations of them, and exhortations to Christian duties, 69–77.
— Supposed Epistle of Ignatius to them, wherein he declares the unity of the Godhead, also facts in the history of Christ; shows the malignity, folly, inconsistency, and ignorance of Satan, and concludes with exhortations, 473–482.
Phœnix, the, 25.
Polybius, bishop of Tralles, 190, 192.
Polycarp. Introductory notice, 67; his epistle, 69; his humility, 71; his praise of Paul, 71; he is betrayed, 86; he refuses to revile Christ, 88; confesses Christ, 89; his last prayer, 91; in the fire, 92; his body burned, 93.
— mentioned by Ignatius, 169, 254; Epistle of Ignatius to him, consisting of counsels as to his work, 257–267; Syriac version of the same, 273.
Prayer, 73, 76, 157, 179, 258, 278, 363, 378.
Prayers requested, 169, 189, 218, 229.
Presbyters, 39; duties of, 72, 205, 464.
Presbytery, submission to, 148, 149, 151, 191, 248; its function, 197.
Priestly office, contention regarding, 37, 38.
Prophets, the, speak of Christ, 109; to be esteemed, 229; how to judge aright of such in the church, 367–370.
— of conduct, 387.
Quintus the apostate, 85.
Rahab, her example, 15.
Red heifer, 114.
Repentance, 12, 13, 60, 320, 344, 346, 354, 374, 380, 388, 394, 400, 404, 423, 425, 433.
Reprobate men, various classes of, 334–339.
Resurrection, Christ's, 26, 70, 200, 241.
Revelation, inspiration of the, 447.
Righteous, the, their sufferings, 39; we should cleave to them, 40.
Romans, Epistle of Ignatius to, wherein he expresses his desire for martyrdom, and his reasons for the same, 207–220.
— Syriac version of the same, 281–285.
Sabbath, the true, 127; how to be kept, 181.
Sacrifices, Jewish, abolished, 103.
Sadness of heart condemned, 356.— their reward, 444.
Salutations to churches, etc., 7, 69, 145, 171, 187, 205, 207, 218, 221, 238, 254, 266, 460, 466.
Salvation, 56, 108, 172, 230, 313.
Satan, his malignity, folly, inconsistency, ignorance, 475–481.
Schismatics, how to be dealt with, 223–225.
Sedition in church of Corinth, 9.
— to be avoided, 17.
Self-conceit condemned, 35.
Self-restraint enjoined, 362.
Sheep and shepherd, similitude of, by Hermas, 389.
Similitudes of Hermas, 375–425.
Sinners, 380.
Smyrnæans, Epistle of Ignatius to, 239–255; wherein he states incidents in the history of Christ, 240–243; gives views of early heretics, 243–248; and enjoins submission to their bishop, 248–251.
— Christian, 59.
Submission to Christ, 33.
— to one another, 34.
— of authors of sedition, 47.
Sufferings of Christ. See Christ.
Swine not allowed as food to Israel, 117, 118.
Tarsians, supposed Epistle of Ignatius to them, 455–460; wherein he speaks of his sufferings, the true doctrine concerning Christ as against prevailing errors, and exhorts to duties.
Teachers, false, 153, 155, 156, 247, 463, 468.
— fate of such, 163.
Temple, Jewish view of, 128.
Temptation of Christ, 479.
Testament given to Moses and to us, 125, 126.
Tower, church compared to, 333–344, 407–416.
Trallians, Epistle of Ignatius to, 189; wherein he commends them, 190; exhorts them to be subject to their spiritual rulers, 190–192; warns them against heretics, 194, 198, 203, 204; shows the reality of the history given us of Christ, 199–203.
Trees in winter and summer, the similitude of, 379, 380.
Unbelievers, 246.
Unity, exhortations to, 148–150, 168, 179, 186, 205, 223, 225, 226, 233, 234.
Unity of Godhead, 474.
Valens the presbyter, 75.
Vice forsaken and virtue followed, 61, 70.
Vine, the similitude of, 377.
Vineyard, similitude of, 382.
Virgin Mary, supposed letter of Ignatius to her, and her reply, 493.
Visions, five, seen by Hermas, 324, 328, 333, 344, 347.
Water of baptism prefigured in Old Testament, 120.
— of darkness, 133.
Willow and its branches, similitude of, 395–404.
Wives, duties of, 8, 71, 226, 262, 275, 465, 470.
Works, good, 7, 8, 23, 30, 31, 32, 70, 71, 75, 131, 362, 363, 371, 376, 380, 383, 435.
— evil, 9, 32, 70, 362, 419, 459, 465.
World, how we are to regard it, 58, 308, 375.
— its state before Christ's coming, 311.
Youthful piety, 484, 485.
This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.
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