Ante-Nicene Christian Library/Index of Subjects (Volume 2)

Advents of Christ, 126, 153, 236–238.
Æschylus on the unity of God, 330.
Analogies, heathen, to Christ's doctrine, 24.
— to Christ's history, 25.
— to the Sonship of Christ, 26.
Analogy of death and sleep, 444.
Anaximander and Anaximenes, 289.
Angels, how they transgressed, 75, 197, 405.
— their office, 406.
— their freedom of will, 227, 276, 358, 406.
Antoninus, emperor, epistle in behalf of the Christians, 67.
Archelaus the Athenian, 289.
Argument, the, of Justin's apology stated, 27.
Aristotle, opinions of, 290–292.
Atheism, 10.
Athenagoras, notice of, 373; his martyrdom of the martyrs, 367–370; his plea for Christians to the emperors, 375–421; his work on the resurrection, 423–456.
Baptism, Christian, 59, 104, 140.
— its imitation by demons, 60.
Birds, the two, in Lev. xiv., 357.
Chariton, examination of, by the prefect Rusticus, 368.
Children, exposed, 30; murdered, 419.
Christ Jesus, 26, 43, 76, 148, 191–196, 247, 266, 357.
— shown to be God, from His appearances to Abraham, 157–163; objection met, that He ate, 164; from visions to Jacob, 165; from His interviews with Moses, 167; from the testimony of Proverbs, 171.
— called the Lord of Hosts, 132, 205, 358.
— distinguished from the Father, 261–263.
— called the Word, 10, 15, 25, 36, 83, 260–262, 385.
— the Son of God, 11, 17, 26, 27, 46, 57, 76, 140, 148, 228, 245, 247, 261, 385.
— His humanity, 26, 27, 36, 47, 48, 83, 140, 148, 173, 178, 204, 358.
— His early history, 195–197, 227.
— crucified, 16, 34, 37, 47, 49, 156, 221–232.
— His work, 47.
— blood of, 35, 101, 156, 173.
— His cross, symbols of, 54, 207–212, 221.
— the curse He endured, 218–222.
— His advent foretold, 34–37, 40.
— His appearances before His coming in the flesh, 259–261.
— His titles in Scripture, 76, 258, 259.
— His first and second coming, 124, 126, 153, 236–238.
— testimony of Scripture regarding Him: of Moses, 34, 153, 158, 191; of David, 40, 42, 127–130, 132–135, 174, 175, 190, 203, 205, 222–232; of Isaiah, 35, 49, 101, 192–197, 204; of Micah, 36; of Zephaniah, 38; of Zechariah, 155.
— the Holy Spirit received by Him, 210.
— figures of: Joshua, 240–248, 266; Noah, 273–275; Mosaic laws, 137–140.— His reign and majesty, 42, 45, 50, 124, 192, 270.
— not a magician, 32.
— compared with Socrates, 79.
— His resurrection, 232–235, 351.
— His rejection by the Jews, 39, 48, 234, 271.
— of faith in, 80, 97, 245, 252.
— salvation alone in, 119, 142–145.
Christians, apologies for, by Justin Martyr, 7–84; by Athenagoras, 375–421.
— their treatment at the hands of the heathen world, 27, 33, 56, 72, 78, 237, 375–378.
— testimonies of Roman emperors as to, 66–69.
— accused of atheism, 10, 379–385, 387.
— other charges against, 415.
— inquiry into charges against them demanded, 7–11, 377, 378.
— charges refuted: shown they do not worship idols, 13, 28; nor offer sacrifices, 388.
— worship God, 11, 12, 379–394.
— their teaching, 386.
— their moral life, 14–17, 30, 31, 75, 81, 237, 416–419.
— their worship, 63–65, 385, 390, 394.
— their treatment at the hands of the Jews, 38, 108, 135, 136, 220, 243.
— blamed for not observing the law, 98, 109.
— for not submitting to be circumcised, 116, 122, 242.
— have the true righteousness, 123.
— shown to be called like Abraham, 248; promised as a seed to the patriarchs, 250; are the true Israel, 254, 270; are the sons of God, 256.
Church, Jacob's marriages a figure of, 269.
Circumcision, 106, 110, 116, 216, 122, 242.
Continence of Christians, 31.
Corruption, 358.
Creation, purpose of, 437.
Crescens, his prejudices, 74.
Cross, symbols of the, 54, 207–212, 221.
Cruelty condemned, 419.
— of Christ predicted, 231.
Deeds, evil, their punishment, 12.
— their detection, 15.
Demons, 17, 75, 82; their imitations of divine things, 54, 55, 60; cause persecution, 56; allure to image worship, 408; artifices of, 410.
Devils, 54, 66, 60, 63, 78, 198, 245.
— distort the truth, 184, 185.
Devil as a roaring lion to Christ, 229.
— why plots against us, 356.
Dialogue of Justin Martyr with Trypho the Jew, 85–278.
Divinations, 22.
Dream senders, 22.
Elijah, 149.
Emperors, Roman, testimony to Christians, 66–69.
Epicurus, opinions of, 82, 289.
Eucharist, 64.
Euripides, on a future judgment, 333; on false gods, 336–338.
Fables, heathen, 184.
Faith in Christ, 80, 97, 245, 252.
Fasting, 105.
Flesh, human, 432.
Foreknowledge of God, 45.
Forerunner of Christ, 151–153.
Free will in man and angels, 227, 276, 358.
Gentiles, 52; conversion of, 235–237, 252, 263, 264.
Giants, 406.
Goats, the two, 358.
God, 11–15, 31, 45, 76, 94, 98, 99, 355.
— His care for men, 31.
— how He appeared to Moses, 61.
— not give His glory to another, 177.
— what He decreed concerning Christ, 227.
— His namelessness, 305.
— rejected by Jews, 271.
— His unity and sole government, treatise by Justin on, 329–340.— Opinions of Greek philosophers as to, 288–293, 380.
— Christian doctrine as to, 382, 385, 390.
— testimonies of the prophets, 384.
Gods, false, 25, 28, 62, 184, 389.
— of recent date, 392.
— created, 394.
— narrations of, 396.
— impure love ascribed to, 398.
— pretended symbolical representations of, 400–405.
— were men, 410.
Greeks, Justin's discourse to, 279–283; wherein he justifies his departure from Greek customs, 279: exposes the Greek theogony, 280: the follies of the Greek mythology, 281; the shameless practices of the Greeks, 282; calls upon them to study the Divine Word, 283.
— Justin's hortatory address to, 285–328; wherein he shows that their poets are unfit to be religious teachers, 286–288.
— Opinions of their philosophers, as Thales, 288; of Pythagoras and Epicurus, 289; of Plato and Aristotle, 290–295.
— what their philosophers and poets learned from Moses' writings, 301–326.
Happiness, 90.
Heraclitus and Hippasus, 289.
Hercules, 80.
Hesiod, 413.
Homer, passages from, showing his views as to his gods, 286–288; his testimony to monotheism, 304.
— his obligations to the sacred writers, 310, 315; his knowledge of man's origin, 318.
Hystaspes, 24.
Images, 322.
Immorality of the heathen, 30, 282.
Israel, applied to Christ, 257; He is King of, 270.
Jacob, his marriages a figure of the church, 269.
Jews, their treatment of Christ, 39-48, 234.
— treatment of Christians, 38, 108, 136, 220.
— blame Christians for not observing the law, 98.
— they violate the eternal law, and interpret ill that of Moses, 101.
— why circumcision given, 106.
— why the law was given them, 109.
— why the choice of meats was prescribed to, 111.
— the Sabbaths instituted, and sacrifices and oblations, 113.
— the injury to God from their opinion of the law, 115.
— they boast in vain that they are the sons of Abraham, 117, 275.
— in disputations, 243.
— how they treat the Scriptures, 183–190.
— their interpretations, 254.
— their circumcision differs from the Christian, 242.
— their hard-heartedness, 267.
— salvation for them only in Christ, 118, 142–144.
— rejecting Christ, they reject God, 271.
— exhorted to repent and be converted, 247, 272.
Jonah, the sign of, 233.
Joshua, a figure of Christ, 240–248, 266.
Judea, its desolation foretold, 47.
Judge, the, 52.
Judgment, future, testimonies of Greek writers to, 332–334.
— has a reference to soul and body, 446, 450–454.
Justice demanded for Christians, 7–11, 377, 378.
Justin of Neapolis quoted, 356.
Justin Martyr, introductory notice of, 1–5.
— his first apology for Christians, 7–70.
— his dialogue with Trypho, a Jew, 85–278; he studies philosophy, 87; his conversion, 89; his arguments in favour of Christianity as against Judaism, 90–278.
— on the sole government of God, 329–340.
— on the resurrection, 341-353.
— fragments from his lost writings, 355–361.
Justin the prefect examines and condemns Christians at Rome, 367–370.
Kingdom, Christians look for, 14.
Knowledge, 90.
Lamb, a type of Christ, 137.
Law, the, 98, 101, 109, 137–147.
Life, 95.
Lucius the philosopher, 7.
Man, his creation, 14, 171, 172, 227.
— corrupt, 358.
— origin of Homer's opinion of, 319.
Marcus Aurelius, the emperor, his testimony of the Christians, 68.
Marriage, 417.
Martyrdom of holy martyrs at Rome, 367–370.
Meats, choice of, why prescribed to Israel, 111.
Menander, 29; his views of God, 335–338.
Mithras, mysteries of, 186.
Monotheism, testimonies to, of Orpheus, 302; of the Sibyl, 303; of Homer, 304, 310; of Pythagoras, 305; of Plato, 306, 310, 311.
Moses, predicts Christ's coming, 34.
— God appears to, 61–63, 158–169.
— foretells Christ's cross, 213–215.
— his antiquity proved by Greek writers, 295, 299.
— heathen oracles testify of, 297.
— training and inspiration of, 297.
— Plato indebted to, 57, 313, 318–322.
— Homer indebted to, 315.
Mosaic laws, figures of things which pertain to Christ, 137–142.
Mythology, heathen, its origin, 53.
— Greek, the follies of, 279.
Names of God and Christ, 76, 259.
Necromancy, 22.
Noah a figure of Christ, 273–275.
Obedience, civil, 21.
Oracles, heathen, 22; testify of Moses, 297.
Orpheus, his testimony to monotheism, 302, 331.
Patience, 20.
Peripatetics, 87.
Philemon, testifies to a future judgment, 333; shows how God is appeased, 334.
— have not true knowledge, 324.
— Greek, their opinions of God, 288–293, 380.
— opinions as to the resurrection, 346.
— their indebtedness to Moses, 57, 313, 301–326.
Phylactery, 146.
Plato, 12, 24, 44, 58, 290–294, 306; ambiguity of, 308; self-contradiction of, 309; his agreement with Homer, 310; his knowledge of God's eternity, 311; indebted to Moses, 57, 58, 313, 318–322; to the prophets, 312; his knowledge of the judgment, 314; his doctrine of form, 318; of the heavenly gift, 320; of the beginning of time, 321; of the universe, 346; of unity of God, 381; of the name of God, 405.
Platonists, 88.
Polytheism, absurdity of, 383.
Prayers, 246.
Prophecy, different modes of, 38.
— certainly fulfilled, 50.
Prophecies concerning Christ, 34–52, 126–142, 152, 173–181, 191–197, 203–207.
Prophets, Hebrew, 32; use the past tense, 46; truth learned from them, 95.
— testimonies of, 384.
Providence, divine, denied, 407.
Psalms that speak of Christ, 40, 42, 127–130, 132–135, 174, 190, 203, 205, 222–232.
Ptolemæus, 73.
Punishment, everlasting, 12, 15, 22, 31, 79, 355, 356.
Purification, 104.
Pythagoras, opinions of, 289, 305.
Pythagorean, 88.
— Treatise of Athenagoras on, 423–456.
— objections to, 342; if the members rise, must they discharge the same functions as now, 343; must the deformed rise deformed, 344.
— the body that rises, 431.
— not impossible, 345, 425–431.
— arguments for: Christ has risen, 352; God's power and willingness to raise our bodies, 433–435; his purpose in man's creation, 437; the fact of a future judgment, 440; this refers to soul and body, 446.
— in order that the judgment may be just, 450.
— proved from the nature of man, 442.
— from the analogy of death and sleep, 444.
— changes now traced in man render it probable, 445.
— if not, we are more unfavourably situated than the beasts, 448.
— argument for, from the chief end of man, 454.
— necessary for the soul's happiness, 455.
— its bearing on practices of Christians, 420.
Righteousness, 104, 121, 123, 143, 145, 149, 215–218.
Rusticus the prefect examines and condemns Christians, 367–370.
Sabbath, why instituted, 112, 115, 120, 359.
Sacraments, the, 63.
Sacrifices, why instituted, 113.
Saturn, 82.
Scriptures, 96, 97, 182, 183, 188, 215.
Septuagint, history of, 299–301.
Septuagint, treatment of, by Jews, 187.
Simon, the Samaritan, 29, 56, 84.
Sins forgiven, 101.
Socrates, 80.
Sophocles, on unity of God, 331.
— on future judgment, 333.
Spirit, Holy, 11, 17, 45, 210, 386.
Sunday, 65.
Swearing, 20.
Teachers, Christian, their antiquity, inspiration, and harmony, 274.
Thales, his views as to God, 288.
— as to idols, 403.
Theogony, Greek, exposed, 280.
Titus the emperor, 7.
Traditional opinions, 7.
Trinity, the, 11, 64, 385, 405.
Truth, the, 16; known from the prophets, 95, 328.
Types of Christ, 137–140, 240, 266, 273.
Urbicus condemns the Christians to death, 72.
Verissimus the philosopher, 7.
Vice and virtue, 81.
Wicked, their punishment, 12, 15, 22.
Word, the, is Christ, 10, 15, 25, 46, 76, 78, 83, 261, 283.
World preserved for sake of Christians, 77.
Worship, weekly, of Christians, 65.
— who is worthy of, 182.
— heathen, 27.
Xenophon, 80.