Ante-Nicene Fathers/Volume IX/Origen on John/Origen's Commentary on the Gospel of John/Book X/Chapter 6

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Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol. IX, Origen on John, Origen's Commentary on the Gospel of John, Book X
by Origen, translated by Allan Menzies
Chapter 6
161432Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol. IX, Origen on John, Origen's Commentary on the Gospel of John, Book X — Chapter 6Allan MenziesOrigen

6.  Different Accounts of the Call of Peter, and of the Imprisonment of the Baptist.  The Meaning of “Capernaum.”

These examples may be serviceable to illustrate statements not only about the Saviour, but about the disciples too, for here also there is some discrepancy of statement.  For there is a difference in thought perhaps between Simon who is found by his own brother Andrew, and who is addressed “Thou shalt be called Cephas,”[1] and him who is seen by Jesus when walking by the sea of Galilee,[2] along with his brother, and addressed conjointly with that brother, “Come after Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”  There was some fitness in the fact that the writer who goes more to the root of the matter and tells of the Word becoming flesh, and hence does not record the human generation of the Word who was in the beginning with God, should not tell us of Simon’s being found at the seashore and called away from there, but of his being found by his brother who had been staying with Jesus at the tenth hour, and of his receiving the name Cephas in connection with his being thus found out.  If he was seen by Jesus when walking by the sea of Galilee, it would scarcely be on a later occasion that he was addressed, “Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build My church.”  With John again the Pharisees know Jesus to be baptizing with His disciples,[3] adding this to His other great activities; but the Jesus of the three does not baptize at all.  John the Baptist, too, with the Evangelist of the same name, goes on a long time without being cast into prison.  With Matthew, on the contrary, he is put in prison almost at the time of the temptation of Jesus, and this is the occasion of Jesus retiring to Galilee, to avoid being put in prison.  But in John there is nothing at all about John’s being put in prison.  Who is so wise and so able as to learn all the things that are recorded about Jesus in the four Evangelists, and both to understand each incident by itself, and have a connected view of all His sojournings and words and acts at each place?  As for the passage presently before us, it gives in the order of events that on the sixth day the Saviour, after the business of the marriage at Cana of Galilee, went down with His mother and His brothers and His disciples to Capernaum, which means “field of consolation.”  For after the feasting and the wine it was fitting that the Saviour should come to the field of consolation with His mother and His disciples, to console those whom He was training for disciples and the soul which had conceived Him by the Holy Ghost, with the fruits which were to stand in that full field.


  1. John i. 41.
  2. Matt. iv. 18.  Cf. Mark i. 16.
  3. iv. 1, 2.