Ante-Nicene Fathers/Volume V/Hippolytus/Appendix to the Works of Hippolytus/Discourse on Eschatology/Section XLIII

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Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol. V, Hippolytus, Appendix to the Works of Hippolytus, Discourse on Eschatology
Philip Schaff et al.
Section XLIII
157706Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol. V, Hippolytus, Appendix to the Works of Hippolytus, Discourse on Eschatology — Section XLIIIPhilip Schaff et al.


Then shall the righteous answer, astonished at the mighty and wondrous fact that He, whom the hosts of angels cannot look upon openly, addresses them as friends, and shall cry out to Him, Lord, when saw we Thee an hungered, and fed Thee? Master,[1] when saw we Thee thirsty, and gave Thee drink? Thou Terrible One,[2] when saw we Thee naked, and clothed Thee? Immortal,[3] when saw we Thee a stranger, and took Thee in? Thou Friend of man,[4] when saw we Thee sick or in prison, and came unto Thee?[5] Thou art the ever-living One. Thou art without beginning, like the Father,[6] and co-eternal with the Spirit. Thou art He who made all things out of nothing.  Thou art the prince of the angels. Thou art He at whom the depths tremble.[7] Thou art He who is covered with light as with a garment.[8] Thou art He who made us, and fashioned us of earth. Thou art He who formed[9] things invisible.[10] From Thy presence the whole earth fleeth away,[11] and how have we received hospitably Thy kingly power and lordship?

  1. δέσποτα.
  2. φοβερέ.
  3. ἀθάνατε.
  4. φιλάνθρώπε.
  5. Matt. xxv. 37, etc.
  6. συνάναρχος.
  7. 4 Esdr. iii. 8.
  8. Ps. civ. 2.
  9. δημιουργήσας.
  10. Col. i. 16.
  11. Rev. xx. 11.