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Ante-Nicene Fathers/Volume VI/Archelaus/Acts of Disputation/Chapter XII

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Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol. VI, Acts of Disputation
by Archelaus, translated by Stewart Dingwall Fordyce Salmond
Chapter XII
158394Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol. VI, Acts of Disputation — Chapter XIIStewart Dingwall Fordyce SalmondArchelaus

12. When Turbo had made this statement, Archelaus was intensely excited; but Marcellus remained unmoved, for he expected that God would come to the help of His truth. Archelaus, however, had additional cares in his anxiety about the people, like the shepherd who becomes concerned for his sheep when secret perils threaten them from the wolves. Accordingly Marcellus loaded Turbo with the most liberal gifts, and instructed him to remain in the house of Archelaus the bishop.[1] But on that selfsame day Manes arrived, bringing along with him certain chosen youths and virgins to the number of twenty-two.[2] And first of all he sought for Turbo at the door of the house of Marcellus; and on failing to find him there, he went in to salute Marcellus. On seeing him, Marcellus at first was struck with astonishment at the costume in which he presented himself. For he wore a kind of shoe which is usually called in common speech the quadrisole;[3] he had also a party-coloured cloak, of a somewhat airy[4] appearance; in his hand he grasped a very sturdy staff of ebony-wood;[5] he carried a Babylonian book under his left arm; his legs were swathed in trousers of different colours, the one being red, and the other green as a leek; and his whole mien was like that of some old Persian master and commandant.[6] Thereupon Marcellus sent forthwith for Archelaus, who arrived so quickly as almost to outstrip the word, and on entering was greatly tempted at once to break out against him, being provoked to that instantly by the very sight of his costume and his appearance, though more especially also by the fact that he had himself been turning over in his mind in his retirement[7] the various matters which he had learned from the recital of Turbo, and had thus come carefully prepared. But Marcellus, in his great thoughtfulness, repressed all zeal for mere wrangling, and decided to hear both parties. With that view he invited the leading men of the city; and from among them he selected as judges of the discussion certain adherents of the Gentile religion, four in number. The names of these umpires were as follows: Manippus, a person deeply versed in the art of grammar and the practice of rhetoric; Ægialeus,[8] a very eminent physician, and a man of the highest reputation for learning; and Claudius and Cleobolus,[9] two brothers famed as rhetoricians.[10] A splendid assemblage was thus convened; so large, indeed, that the house of Marcellus, which was of immense size, was filled with those who had been called to be hearers. And when the parties who proposed to speak in opposition to each other had taken their places in view of all, then those who had been elected as judges took their seats in a position elevated above all others: and the task of commencing the disputation was assigned to Manes. Accordingly, when silence was secured, he began[11] the discussion in the following terms:[12]


  1. The words, the bishop, are omitted in the Codex Bobiensis.
  2. But Codex Bobiensis gives duodecim, twelve.
  3. But the Codex Bobiensis gives trisolium, the trisole. Strabo, book xv., tells us that the Persians wore high shoes.
  4. Aërina, sky-like. [This portrait seems from life.]
  5. Ducange in his Glossary, under the word Εβέλλινος, shows from Callisthenes that the prophets or interpreters of sacred things carried an ebony staff. [Ezek. xxvii. 15; Routh, p. 71.]
  6. The text is, “vultus vero ut senis Persæ artificis et bellorum ducis videbatur.” Philippus Buonarruotius, in the Osservazioni sopra alcuni frammenti di vasi antichi di Vetro, Florence, 1716, p. 69, thinks that this rendering has arisen from the Latin translator’s having erroneously read ὡς δημιουργοῦ καὶ στρατηγοῦ instead of ὡς δημάρχου καὶ στρατηγοῦ. Taking στρατηγοῦ, therefore, in the civil sense which it bears in various passages, he would interpret the sentence thus: “His whole mien was like that of an old Persian tribune and magistrate.” See Gallandi’s note [in Routh, p. 71].
  7. The text is secretius factum, etc. Routh suggests secretius factus, etc.
  8. The Codex Bobiensis reads “Ægidius.”
  9. Epiphanius gives Κλεόβουλος.
  10. Codex Casinensis reads rectores, governors. And Epiphanius, num. 10, makes the first a professor of Gentile philosophy, the second a physician, the third a grammarian, and the fourth a rhetorician.
  11. For primum the Codex Casinensis reads plurima, = he began a lengthened statement, etc.
  12. Thus far Valesius edited the piece from the Codex Bobiensis.