Ante-Nicene Fathers/Volume VI/Arnobius/Adversus Gentes/Book VII/Chapter L

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Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol. VI, Adversus Gentes, Book VII
by Arnobius, translated by Hamilton Bryce and Hugh Campbell
Chapter L
159025Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol. VI, Adversus Gentes, Book VII — Chapter LHamilton Bryce and Hugh CampbellArnobius

50.[1] What shall we say then? Was Hannibal, that famous Carthaginian, an enemy strong and powerful, before whom the fortunes of Rome trembled in doubt and uncertainty, and its greatness shook—was he driven from Italy by a stone?[2] was he subdued by a stone? was he made fearful, and timid, and unlike himself by a stone? And with regard to Rome’s again springing to the height of power and royal supremacy, was nothing done by wisdom, nothing by the strength of men; and, in returning to its former eminence, was no assistance given by so many and so great leaders by their military skill, or by their acquaintance with affairs? Did the stone give strength to some, feebleness to others? Did it hurl these down from success, raise the fortunes of others which seemed hopelessly overthrown? And what man will believe that a stone taken from the earth, having[3] no feeling, of sooty colour and dark[4] body, was the mother of the gods? or who, again, would listen to this,—for this is the only alternative,—that the power[5] of any deity dwelt in pieces of flint, within[6] its mass,[7] and hidden in its veins? And how was the victory procured if there was no deity in the Pessinuntine stone? We may say, by the zeal and valour of the soldiers, by practice, time, wisdom, reason; we may say, by fate also, and the alternating fickleness of fortune. But if the state of affairs was improved, and success and victory were regained, by the stone’s assistance, where was the Phrygian mother at the time when the commonwealth was bowed down by the slaughter of so many and so great armies, and was in danger of utter ruin? Why did she not thrust herself before the threatening, the strong enemy? Why did she not crush and repel assaults[8] so terrible before these awful blows fell, by which all the blood was shed, and the life even failed, the vitals being almost exhausted? She had not been brought yet, says my opponent, nor asked to show favour. Be it so;[9] but a kind helper never requires to be asked, always offering assistance of his own accord. She was not able, you say, to expel the enemy and put him to flight, while still separated from Italy[10] by much sea and land. But to a deity, if really one,[11] nothing whatever is remote, to whom the earth is a point, and by whose nod all things have been established.


  1. 47 in Orelli.
  2. Lit., “did a stone drive,” etc.
  3. Lit. “moved by.”
  4. So the ms. and edd.; but, on account of the unnecessary repetition, Ursinus proposed to delete atri. Unger (Anal. Propert., p. 87) has suggested very happily arti—“of confined, i.e., small body.’”
  5. Vim, suggested by Orelli, and adopted by Hild. and Oehler.
  6. Lit., “subjected to.”
  7. So Hild. and Oehler, reading moli for the unintelligible ms. more.
  8. Lit., “so great assaults of war.”
  9. So Oehler, adding -o to the ms. est. The word immediately preceding is in the ms. pavorem—“panic,” which is of course utterly out of place, and is therefore corrected, as above, f- in all edd., except 1st, Ursinus, and Hild.
  10. So—ab Italia—Oehler has admirably emended the ms. habitabilia.
  11. Lit., “if he is.”