Anthology of Japanese Literature/Short Bibliography
Short Bibliography
- General Works
- Aston, W. G. A History of Japanese Literature. London, 1899.
- Benl, Oscar. Die Entwicklung der japanischen Poetik. Hamburg, 1951.
- Bonneau, Georges. Anthologie de la poésie japonaise. Paris, 1935.
- . L’expression poétique dans le folk-lore japonais. Paris, 1933.
- Bowers, Faubion. Japanese theatre. New York, 1952.
- Florenz, Karl. Geschichte der japanischen Litteratur. Leipzig, 1905.
- Keene, Donald. Japanese Literature. New York, 1955.
- Miyamori, Asatarō. Masterpieces of Japanese Poetry. Tokyo, 1936.
- Piper, Maria. Die japanische Theater. Frankfurt a. Main, 1937.
- Revon, Michel. Anthologie de la littérature japonaise. Paris, 1910.
- Sansom, George. Japan; a short cultural history. London, 1931.
- Waley, Arthur. Japanese poetry. Oxford, 1919.
- Ancient and Heian Periods
- Beaujard, André (tr.). Les notes de chevet de Séi Shōnagon. Paris, 1934.
- Bonneau, Georges. Le monument poétique de Heian. Paris, 1933.
- Man’yōshū. Published for Nippon gakujutsu shinkōkai. Tokyo, 1940.
- Omori, Annie S. and Doi, Kochi (trs.). Diaries of Court Ladies of Old Japan. Tokyo, 1935.
- Porter, William N. (tr.). The Tosa Diary. London, 1912.
- Reischauer, Edwin O. and Yamagiwa, Joseph K. (trs.). Translations from Early Japanese Literature. Cambridge (Mass.), 1951.
- Seidensticker, E. G. (tr.). “Kagerō Nikki,” Transactions, Asiatic Society of Japan, Third Series, 4, 1955.
- Waley, Arthur (tr.). The lady who loved insects. London, 1929.
- . The pillow-book of Sei Shōnagon. London, 1928.
- The tale of Genji. 1 vol. London, 1935. .
- . “Some Poems from the Man’yōshū and Ryōjin-hishō,” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1921.
- Whitehouse, Wilfrid (tr.). Ochikubo Monogatari. Kobe, 1934.
- Kamakura and Muromachi Periods
- Peri, Noël. Le nô. Tokyo, 1944.
- Pound, Ezra. The Translations of Ezra Pound. New York, 1953.
- Sadler, A. L. (tr.). “Heike Monogatari,” Transactions, Asiatic Society of Japan, 46, 2 (1918) and 49, 1 (1921).
- Sakanishi, Shio (tr.). Kyôgen, comic interludes of Japan. Boston, 1938.
- Sansom, George (tr.). “The Tzuredzure gusa of Yoshida no Kaneyoshi,” Transactions, Asiatic Society of Japan, 39 (1911).
- Shidehara, Michitarō and Whitehouse, Wilfrid (trs.). “Seami’s Sixteen Treatises,” Monumenta Nipponica, 4, 2 (1941) and 5, 2 (1942).
- Suzuki, Beatrice Lane (tr.). Nōgaku, Japanese nō plays. New York, 1932.
- Waley, Arthur (tr.). The Nō Plays of Japan. London, 1921.
- Tokugawa Period
- Blyth, R. H. Haiku. 4 vols. Tokyo, 1949–52.
- . Senryū, Japanese satirical verses. Tokyo, 1950.
- Bonneau, Georges. Le Haiku. Paris, 1935.
- Henderson, Harold Gould. The Bamboo Broom. Boston, 1934.
- Iacovleff, Alexander and Elisséeff, Serge. Le théâtre japonais. Paris, 1933.
- Keene, Donald (tr.). The Battles of Coxinga. London, 1951.
- Miyamori, Asatarō (tr.). An anthology of haiku. Tokyo, 1932.
- . Masterpieces of Chikamatsu. Kobe, 1926.
- Satchell, Thomas (tr.). Hizakurige. Kobe, 1929.
- Shively, Donald H. (tr.). The love suicide at Amijima. Cambridge (Mass.), 1953.
- Uyehara, Yukuo and Sinclair, Marjorie (trs.). The Poems of Kotomichi Ōkuma. Honolulu, 1955.
- Whitehouse, Wilfrid (tr.) “Ugetsu Monogatari” (by Ueda Akinari), Monumenta Nipponica, 1, 2 (1938) and 4, i (1941).
Note: A much more extensive bibliography may be found in Borton, Hugh, et al., A Selected List of Books and Articles on Japan in English, French and German, Revised Edition, Cambridge (Mass.), 1954.