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Anti-Syllabus and Tom Strang Killed/End Matter

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KARL MARXCapital; first English translation in 27 parts at 10 cents; subscription price for the whole work $2 50
KARL MARX—Das Kapital. Vol I., $3.60 ; Vol. II., $2.50.
KARL MARXWage-Labor and Capital; 48 pages 10
KARL MARX—Extracts from "Capital" 10
KARL MARXThe Communistic Manifesto 05
H. M. HYNDMAN—The Historical Basis of Socialism in England 2 50
H. M. HYNDMAN—England for All 20
H. M. HYNDMAN—Coming Revolution in England 20
H. M. HYNDMAN—Socialism and Slavery 20
H. M. HYNDMAN—Social Reconstruction of England 20
HYNDMAN and MORRISPrinciples of Socialism 15
WILLIAM MORRIS—Chants for Socialists 05
WILLIAM MORRIS—Useless Work versus Useless Toil; 24 pages 05
JOHN SKETCHLEY—A Review of European Society; with an exposition and vindication of Social Democracy; with an introduction by William Morris; 240 pages paper, 60c; cloth. 1 00
J. L. JOYNES—Socialist Catechism; 24 pages 05
J. L. JOYNES—Socialist Rhymes 05
LAWRENCE GRONLUND—The Coöperative Commonwealth: An Exposition of Modern Socialism paper, 25c.; cloth. 1 00
ALEXANDER JONAS—Reporter and Socialist : An interview explaining the Aims and Objects of Socialism; 60 pages (per 100, $6.00) 10
HENRY GEORGE— Progress and Poverty paper, 20c; cloth. |35
HENRY GEORGE—Social Problems paper, 20c; cloth. 35
HENRY GEORGE—The Land Question paper, 10c; cloth. 35
HENRY GEORGE—Crime of Poverty: Address delivered before the K. of L, 05
HENRY GEORGE—The Rights of Man 05
HENRY GEORGE—Land and People 05
WENDELL PHILLIPS—Speeches, Lectures and Letters; 562 pages 50
WENDELL PHILLIPS—The Labor Question 25
AVELING and HEADLAM—Christianity and Capitalism 10
FERDINAND LASSALLE—The Workingman's Programme 20
AUGUST BEBEL—Woman, in the Past, Present and Future. 1 80
JOHN STUART MILL—Chapters on Socialism; 65 pages 03
ELISEE RECLUS—Evolution and Revolution 05
ELISEE RECLUS—An Anarchist on Anarchy 10
PAUL KRAPOTKINAn Appeal to the Young 05


EMILE DE LAVELEYE—Socialism of To-day $2 50
W. H. P. CAMPBELL—Robbery of the Poor 40
G. F. KOLB—The Social and Political Condition of Nations. This great work—a "life-work," indeed—gives particulars and statistics on almost every social and political matter of every country; 1,000 pages, large octavo 6 00
A CAPITALIST—Rational Communism; The Present and the Future Republic of North America 1 50
J. K. INGALLS—Social Wealth |1 00
J. K. INGALLS—Work and Wealth 10
STEPNIAK—Underground Russia paper,20c; cloth. 35
STEPNIAK—Russia Under the Czars 20
STEPNIAK—A Female Nihilist 10
MICHAEL BAKOUNINEGod and the State 15
Prostitution and the International Woman's League 15
EDWARD H. G. CLARKE—Man's Birthright 75
HENRY E. CHEROUNY—The Historic Development of the Labor Question 25
DRURY—The Polity of the Labor Movement 20
A PRINTER—Working-People's Rights (per 100, $5.00). 10
THOMAS PAINE—Complete Works 3 00
THOMAS PAINEAge of Reason paper, 25c; cloth. 50
THOMAS PAINERights of Man 75
CHARLES DARWINOrigin of Species 2 00
THOMAS H. HUXLEYMan's Place in Nature 1 25
HERBERT SPENCER—Principles of Sociology. Vol. I. and II. each 2 00
HERBERT SPENCER—Social Statics 2 00
W. S. JEVONS—Logic 45
W. S. JEVONS—Political Economy 45
W. S. JEVONS—Money and the Mechanism of Exchange 1 75
J. N. PATTON— Natural Resources of the United States 45
SHELDON AMOS—The Science of Law 1 75
R. H. THURSTON—A History of the Growth of the Steam-Engine 2 50
HENRY MORSELLI—Suicide: An Essay in Comparative Moral Statistics 1 75

We, or our Agencies, will send any book, on receipt of price.


Labor News and Publishing Association, 705 Broadway, New York.


John Huehler, 315 Stockton street, San Francisco, Cal.
W. J, Dargan, 22 Alamo street, Sau Antonio, Texas.
Jos, R. Buchanan, 368 Larimer street, Denver, Colo.
H. C. Vrooman, 151 Kansas avenue, Topeka, Kan.
Walter W. Vrooman, 122 North Adams street, Peoria, Ill.
J. F. Reynolds, 968 North Morgan street, Decatur, Ill.
J. F. Beel, De Soto, Mo.
H. F. Reilly, Centralia, Columbia county, Pa.
F. Bellmer, 73 Canal street, South Easton, Pa.
S. Seiler, 528 Main street, Bridgeport, Conn.
Edward J. Nieuwland, 157th street and Tenth avenue, New York.



Per year.
BALTIMORE, MD.—The Free Press; weekly; Trades Unions $1 00
BAY CITY, MICH.—The Labor Vindicator; weekly; Trades Unions 1 00
BOSTON, MASS.—Liberty; fortnightly; Anarchist; Single copies, 5 cents 1 00
BOSTON, MASS.—The Index; weekly; Free Religious; Single copies, 7 cents 3 00
BUFFALO, N. Y.—Sunday Truth; weekly; Trades Unions 2 50
BURLINGTON, IOWA.—Morning Justice; daily 5 00
CHICAGO, ILL.—The Sentinel; weekly; Greenback 1 00
CHICAGO, ILL.—The Alarm; weekly; Anarchist 2 00
CHICAGO, ILL.—Vorbote; daily and weekly; Anarchist
CLEVELAND, O.—The Carpenter; monthly; Carpenters and Joiners 50
CINCINNATI, O.—The Unionist; weekly; Trades Unions 1 50
DECATUR, ILL.—Labor Bulletin; daily 5 00
DENVER, COL.—Labor Enquirer; weekly; Socialist; Single copies, 5 cents 2 00
DETROIT, MICH.—Labor Leaf; weekly; Trades Unions 50
DURHAM, N. C.—Workman
EUREKA, CAL.—Western Watchman; weekly; Knights of Labor 1 50
GALVESTON, TEX.—Daily News; daily, $10.00; weekly 1 50
HAMILTON, ONT.—Palladium of Labor; weekly; Trades Unions 1 00
HARTFORD, CONN.—The Examiner; weekly; Knights of Labor 1 00
HAVERHILL, MASS.—Laborer; daily; Knights of Labor 5 00
KANSAS CITY.—Sun and Globe; weekly; Trades Unions 1 00
KEY WEST, FLA.—El Jornalero; fortnightly; Trades Unions 1 00
LEWISTOWN, ME.—The Labor Advocate; weekly; Trades Unions 1 00
LITCHFIELD, MINN.—The Radical; monthly; Anti-monopoly
LONE OAK, MO.—Western Farm Journal; monthly; Greenback 25
LOUISVILLE, KY.—The Post; weekly; Trades Unions 1 25
LYNN, MASS.—The Knight of Labor; weekly; Knights of Labor 1 50
MANCHESTER, N. H.—Budget; weekly; Trades Unions 2 00
MILWAUKEE, WIS.—Arminia ; monthly; Free Religious 1 00
MILWAUKEE, WIS.—Freidenker; weekly 3 00
NASHVILLE, TENN.—The Liberal; monthly; Free Religious 75
NEW HAVEN, CONN.—Workmen's Advocate; weekly; Trades Unions 1 00
NEW ORLEANS, LA.—Vindicator; weekly; Trades Unions 1 50
NEW YORK CITY.—Baeckerzeitung; weekly; German Bakers 1 50
NEW YORK CITY.—Boycotter; weekly; Trades Unions 50
NEW YORK CITY.—Der Sozialist; weekly; Socialist 2 00
NEW YORK CITY.—Freiheit; weekly; Anarchist 2 00
NEW YORK CITY.—Furniture Workers' Journal; fortnightly 75
NEW YORK CITY.—Irish World; weekly; Single copies, 5 cents 2 50
NEW YORK CITY.—John Swinton's Paper; weekly; Single copies, 3 cents 1 00
NEW YORK CITY.—Our Country; weekly; Anti-monopoly 1 50
NEW YORK CITY.—Progress; monthly; Cigarmakers 30
NEW YORK CITY.—Spread the Light; monthly; Free Soil 50
NEW YORK CITY.—The Day Star; weekly; Liberal; Specimen copies free 2 00
NEW YORK CITY.—The Truth Seeker; weekly; Free Thought and Reform 3 00
NEW YORK CITY.—Volkszeitung; Socialist; daily, $7.50; weekly 1 50
PATERSON, N. J.—Labor Standard; weekly; Trades Unions 2 00
PETERSBURGH, ILL.—Voice of Labor
PHILADELPHIA, PA.—Tocsin; weekly; Trades Unions
PHILADELPHIA, PA.—Der Hammer; Trades Unions
PHILADELPHIA, PA.—Tagblatt; daily; Socialist 7 50
PITTSBURGH, PA.—Labor Herald; weekly; Trades Unions 1 50
RICHMOND, VA.—Southern Artisan; Trades Unions
ROCHESTER, N. Y.—Sunday Truth; weekly; Trades Unions 2 00
SALAMANCA, N. Y.—Freethinkers' Magazine; bi-monthly 1 50
SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.—Public Opinion; weekly; Liberal 2 50
ST. LOUIS, MO.—Die Parole; monthly; Anarchist 50
ST. LOUIS, MO,—The Union; weekly; Trades Unions 1 00
ST. PAUL, MINN.—Herald; weekly; Trades Unions 1 50
SEDALIA, MO.—Union; weekly; Trades Unions 1 00
TOLEDO, OHIO.—The Industrial News; weekly; Knights of Labor 50
TOPEKA, KANSAS.—Citizen; daily
WABASH, INDIANA.—Labor Advocate
WASHINGTON, D. C.—The Craftsman; weekly ; International Typographical Union 1 00
WHEELING, W. VA.—The Ohio Valley Boycotter; weekly; Trades Unions 1 00

We are. preparing a complete list of Labor papers, and will be thankful to receive name, address, price, nature, etc, of any paper not published in our list.

Julius Bordollo & Co., 705 Broadway, New York.

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