Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Adams, Julius Walker
ADAMS, Julius Walker, civil engineer, b. in Boston, Mass., 18 Oct., 1812. He entered West Point academy in 1830, but was never graduated. After acting as assistant engineer of various railroads, from 1832 to 1844, he was at Cochituate water-works, Boston, in 1846, and in the same year became superintending engineer of the Erie railway. He removed to Kentucky in 1852, was chief engineer of the Central railroad, and in 1855 of the Memphis and Ohio railroad. He had charge of the establishment of a system of sewers in Brooklyn, N. Y., in 1856, and in 1860 was engineer of the water-works at New Haven, Conn. During the civil war he was colonel of the 67th New York volunteers, and was wounded at Fair Oaks. Since then he has been chief engineer of the city works of Brooklyn, projector of the East River suspension bridge, and for six years consulting engineer to the department of public works, New York. He has been president of the American society of civil engineers, and has published “Sewers and Drains,” and various scientific papers. — His son, Julius W., b. in Westfield, Mass., in April, 1840, d. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 15 Nov., 1865, was graduated at West Point in 1861, served there as assistant instructor of infantry tactics till June, 1862, was wounded and taken prisoner at Gaines's Mills, promoted captain in August, 1862, and served at Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, where he commanded a regiment, and the second battle of Cold Harbor, where he received wounds that caused his death.