Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Yung Wing
YUNG WING, diplomatist, b. in Nan Ping,
Province of Kwang Tung, China, 17 Nov., 1828.
He became a pupil of Samuel R. Brown, D. D.,
who was then a teacher in China under the
auspices of the Morrison education society, and
accompanied Dr. Brown to the United States in
April, 1847. He was graduated at Yale in 1854,
and was engaged in the tea and silk business until
1864, when he entered the service of the Chinese
government, and was commissioned to purchase
machinery in the United States for what is now
the Kiang Nan arsenal. In 1870, at Tientsin, he
submitted four propositions to the high
commissioners that had been appointed to settle the affair
of the massacre of Christians at that place. The
first was the transportation of the tribute rice in
steamers by sea, freight to be paid by the
government as subsidy to a Chinese stock company
to create a fleet of ocean and river steamers,.
This company is now the well-known China
merchant steam navigation company. Secondly, he
proposed the education of Chinese youths abroad,
to facilitate intercourse with foreigners, and develop
the resources of the empire. The third
proposal was the opening of the rivers of China, and
the fourth to terminate the pretensions of the
Roman Catholic church in her claim to exercise
jurisdiction over native proselytes. The first and
second propositions were carried out in 1872, and
within the next two years 120 youth were sent to
the United States in charge of commissioners, one
of whom was Yung Wing, who was made a
mandarin of the third rank by brevet. In 1874 he
went to Peru to investigate the affairs of the
Chinese laborers there. In 1878 he was appointed
assistant minister resident of China at Washington,
with privilege of wearing the button of the
second rank by brevet. In 1881 the Chinese
students were recalled, and the educational scheme
was abandoned. In 1882 he returned to China,
and was appointed expectant intendant of Kiang
Su province; but on account of the health of his
wife he returned to Hartford, Conn. He was made
a citizen of the United States on 30 Oct., 1852, and
in 1875, married Miss Mary Kellogg, of Avon, Conn.,
who died on 29 May, 1886.