Appointment of a Judge at Bombay Act 1864
27 & 28 Victoria, c. 16 (U.K.)
An Act to confirm the Appointment of Henry Pendock St. George Tucker Esquire as One of the Judges of Her Majesty's High Court at Bombay, and to establish the Validity of certain Proceedings therein.
[Assented to 13th May, 1864.]
'WHEREAS Henry Pendock St. George Tucker Esquire, of the Bombay Civil Service, was on the Twenty-seventh Day of July One thousand eight hundred and sixty-three appointed by Her Majesty to be One of Her Majesty's Judges of the High Court of Judicature at Bombay: And whereas Doubts have arisen whether the said Henry Pendock St. George Tucker Esquire was properly qualified for the Appointment of Judge of a High Court in India, under the Provisions of an Act for establishing High Courts of Judicature in India, passed in the Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth Year of the Reign of Her present Majesty: And whereas it is expedient that his Appointment should be confirmed:' Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, as follows :
1. The Appointment of the said Henry Pendock St. George Tucker shall be and is hereby confirmed.
2. All Acts, Proceedings, and Judgements heretofore done, taken, or given by the said Henry Pendock St. George Tucker in the Capacity or assumed Capacity of Judge of the said High Court, and not set aside by any competent Authority before the Publication of this Act in the Government Gazette at Bombay, shall be deemed to be and to have been as valid and effectual for all Purposes whatever as if the said Henry Pendock St. George Tucker had at the Time of Such Acts, Proceedings, or Judgements respectively been legally and sufficiently authorized to officiate as such Judge.
3. No Action, Prosecution, or other Proceeding shall be brought or taken in any Court against the said Henry Pendock St. George Tucker by reason of the Illegality or Invalidity of any Act, Proceeding or Judgement herein - before declared to be valid and effectual.
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