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Archaeological Journal/Volume 3/Recent Archaeological Publications (Part 2)

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The Architecture, History, and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of St. Canice; together with Memoirs of the Bishops of Ossory; the succession of Deans, and other Dignitaries connected with the Church; and some account of the Ancient Episcopal Corporation of Irishtown, Kilkenny. By the Rev. James Graves, A.B., Local Secretary of the Archæological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, and John G. A. Prim. To be Dedicated, by Permission, to the Most Noble the Marquis of Ormonde. 1 vol. 4to. Illustrated by Engravings.

Illustrations of Skelton Church, Yorkshire, consisting of General Lithographic Views in Tints, and a Plan, Elevations, Sections, and Drawings in Detail of all the Mouldings and Enrichments, made from measurements carefully taken for the purpose, by Ewan Christian, Architect, and drawn in outline upon zinc by J. K. Colling. Together with a short descriptive account of the building in its past and present states. The work will contain about 17 plates imperial quarto. Subscribers' names will be received by Mr. Christian at his office, 44, Bloomsbury Square, and by the publisher, George Bell, 186, Fleet Street.

Gothic Ornaments. Being a Series of Examples of Enriched Details and Accessories of the Architecture of Great Britain, drawn from Existing Authorities by James K. Colling, Architect. London, published for the Proprietors by George Bell, 186, Fleet Street.

The Open Timber Roofs of the Middle Ages, Illustrated by Perspective and Working Drawings, and accompanied with Letter Press, by Raphael and J. Arthur Brandon, Architects. George Bell, 186, Fleet Street. Uniform with the Analysis of Gothic Architecture.


Fine Arts.

Peinture sub Verre au XIX siécle, quelques réflexions, par M. G. Bontemps, directeur de la fabrique de Choisy-le-Roi. Paris, 8vo. 1845.

Panorama d' Egypte et de Nubie, texte et planches en fol., par Hector Horeau, architecte. 10e livraison, Paris. Chez l'auteur.

Apulische Vasenbilder des Koeniglichen Museums zu Berlin. Imp. fol. 21 Plates in Colours, £6.

Brief eines deutschen Kunstlers aus Italien aus dessen nachgelassenen Papieren, by Erwin Speckter. 2 vols. 12mo. Leipzig, 8o, 14s.

Vignola's Lehre von den Saeulen-ordnungen. Part 2, fol. München. By Fr. Brühl, 6s.

Schattenseiten der Dusseldorfer Maler, &c. v. A. Ritter, v. W. Comphausen. Parts 1.—4. fol. Dusseldorf. £1 4s.

Neues Allgemeines Kunst-Lexicon, Part 4, 8vo, München, 2s. By C. K. Nagler.

Gothische A. B. C. buch. d. A. Lehrbuch der Grundregeln d. goth, Architectur. Parts 5 and 6 fol. Franfort, 18s. By Fr. Hoffstadt.

Wandiafeln zum ersten Unterricht im ornamenten Zeichnen. Part 2, fol. Munchen, 6s.

Auserlesene griechische Vasenbilder, Hauptsaechlich etruskischen fundorts. Vol. 1 Parts 1 to 30. Berlin, 1839-44, £13 4s. by E. Gerhard,

Etruskische Spiegel. Vol. 1. Parts 1 to 18. 4to. 1839-44. £6. By E. Gerhard. Bibliothek der Schoenwissenschaftlichen literatur v. 1750, bis jetz. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1836-45, 15s. 6d.

Darstellung der Architecionischen Ordnungen der Griechen u. Roemer, &c. &c. 100 Plates, 4to. Potsdam 1845, £2. By J. M. Blanch.

Denkmaler der Kunst, zur uebersicht ihres Entwickelungsgangs, vol. 1. p. 1. fol. Stuttgard. 1845, 7s. By A. Voit.

Bauzeitung, Aallgemeine, mit abbildungeon fuer Architecten, Vol. 11, 12 Parts. Text 4to. ( Plates folio.) Wien, 1846, £2 4s.

Les Peintures de Giotto de l'Eglise de l'Incoronata a Naples, par P. Aloe, Beil. 4to. 1844, 12s.

Ansichtenrisse, u. einzelne Theile des Doms zu Koeln, by S. Boisserée. 18 Plates, fol. 1844, £5 5s.

Die Basiliken des Christlichen Roms, aufgen. von Gutensohn. u. Knapp, &c. &c. &c., herausg. von Chev. C. C. S. Bunsen, 50 plates, folio 1844, £2. 2s.

Entwuerfe z. d. Fresken des Campo Santo in Berlin, herausg. P. v. Cornelius, 11 plates, imp. folio, £4.

Denkmale der Holzbaukunst aus Norwegen, 3 parts, fol. plate, Dresden, 1837, £1 4s.

Geschichte der Buchdruckerkunst in hirer Entstehung, u. Ausbilding, woodcuts and plates, 4to. Leipzig, 1840, £1 11s. 6d. h. K. Falkenstein.

Zurich u. d. Staedte an Rhein mit bezug auf werke d. Architectur, Sculptur, u. Malerei. 2 vols. 12mo. Leipzig, 1846, h. W. Fuessli. 14s.

Kunst auf glas zu. malen, 8vo. 1842. h. M. Gessert, 1s. 6d.

Modern Gallery at Munich, Lithogr. by F. Hohe. Parts 1—12, (36 plates,) imp. fol. 1844. Each £1.

Leuchtenberg Gallery, a selection of the principal paintings in Lithogr. 44 plates, imp. fol. 1844.

Munich Gallery and modern Pictures at Schleissheim. Lithoor. copies by Piloty and Loehle. Parts 1—62, imp. fol. (124 pl.) Munich, 1844.

Berlin Gallery. Lithogr. copies of the principal pictures. 12 parts, imp. fol. (30 plates). Berlin, 1845.

Ausgefuehrhene gebaeude. Parts 1 and 2, (20 plates) imp. fol. h. F. Gaertner, München, 1845, £2 4s.

Dresden Gallery. Lithogr. copies of the principal pictures, by F. Hanfstängl. Parts 1—42, imp. fol. (120 plates.) Dresden, 1845. Each £1.

Geschichte der bildende kunst bei den Christlichen voelkern. Part 1, Alt. Christliche Kunst. 8vo. v. G. Kinkel. Bonn. 1845, 5s. 6d.

Chronologie der Deutsch-Mittelalterlichen-Baukunst. Parts 1—2. (48 plates) fol. v. G. G. Kallenbach. Munchen, 1845, £2 2s.

De Leevens en werken der Hollandsche en Vleamsche Kunstschilders Beeldhouwers, graveurs en Bouwmeisters, 3 vols. 8vo. v. I. Immerziel, Amsterdam, 1844, £2.

Sammlung architectonischer Entwuerfe (20 plates,) fol. v. F. W. Holtz. Berlin, 1843, £1 4s.

Glas-gemaelde in der Kirche "Maria hilf" zu Munchen. Parts 1—7. roy. fol. v. H. Hess, u. Eggert. Munchen, each, 13s. 6d.

Geschichte der Glas malerei, 8vo. 1839. h. M. Gessert, 7s.

Musée des Armes rares anciennes et orientales de L'Empereur des Russies. Liv. 1—20, folio, (120 plates). St. Petersburg, 1845, each, 12s.

Denkmaler der Deutschen baukunst, vol. 3, parts 1—4, 24 plates, fol. 1845, v. G. Moller, fortgesetz v. E. Gladbach. £l 4s.

Die Dresdener Gallerie in ihren bedeuiungsvollen Meisterwerken erklaert. J. Mosen, 12mo. Dresden, 1844, 5s.

Kunstblatt, herausg. v. E. Forster, u. V. Kugler. vol. 27. (105 nos., plates), Stuttgard. 1846. 14s. Koelner Dom-briefe od. beitraege zur Alt. Christl. Kirchenbaukunst. v. I. Kreuser. Berlin, 8vo. 1844, 9s. 6d.

Werke der hoeheren Baukunst, Abth. 1 and 2 parts, fol. 1842-5. v. K. F. Schinkel.

Sammlung architectonischer Entwuerfe, 30 parts, 174 plates. v. K. F. Schinkel. Potsdam, 1843, £12.

Ornamente aus den vorzuglichsten Bauwerken Munchens, v. L. Rottmann. Munchen, Parts 1 and 2, fol. 13s. 6d.

Denkmale der Baukunst des Mittelalters in Sachsen, v. L. Puttrich. 2 Abth. fol. Leipz. 1835-43.

Neues allgemeines Kunstlerlexicon, v. G. K. Nagler. Vols. 1—15, 8vo. Munchen, 1835-45, each 9s.

Kunstlager Catalog. Parts 1—17, 3 Indices; 8vo. 1845. v. R. Weigel, £1 4s.

Baudenkmale der Romisch-periode u. des Mittelalters in Trier. Parts 1 to 5, fol. (44 plates), v. C. W. Schmidt. Treves, 1837-45, £4 10s.

Elevations, Sections, and Details, of Wilcote Church, Oxfordshire. Sm. fol., 6 plates. Published by the Oxford Architect. Society, 1844, 4s.

Elevations, Sections, and Details, of Shottesbroke Church, Berkshire. Sm. fol., 10 plates. Pub. by Oxford Architect. Society, 1844.

Companion to the 4th Edition of the "Glossary of Architecture." 8vo. several plates, 1846; 14s.

Elevations, Details, and Sections of St. Bartholomew's Chapel, near Oxford. Sm. folio, 9 plates. Published by the Oxford Architect. Society, 1844,4s.

Designs for Churches and Chapels in the Norman and Gothic Styles. Sm. folio, 12 plates. Pub. by the Oxford Architect. Society, 1844, 8s. 6d.

Natural System of Architecture, as opposed to the Artificial System of the Present Day. 1845, Royal 4to. plates, by Griffith.

Transactions of the Exeter Diocesan Architectural Society, vol. 2, part 1, 4to. 1845. 6s.

Patterns of Inlaid Tiles from Churches in the Diocese of Oxford. By W. A. Church, 4to. 1845. 4s.

Examples of Decorative Tiles, sometimes termed Encaustic, &c. &c. By I. G. Nichols, 4to. 4 parts, 1845. 15s.

Transactions of the Cambridge Camden Society. Part 3, 4to. 1845. 5s.

Glossary of the Terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic Architecture. 1845, 2 vols. 8vo. £1 12s., 4th edition.

Glossary of Architecture, abridged from the larger work, 12mo. 6s. 6d. 1846.

Ancient Irish ornamental Tiles, exhibiting 32 patterns, illustrated by 40 engravings and descriptions, by Oldham, 4to. 4s.

Quarterly Papers on Architecture, by Weale, 4 vols. 4to. (completed) 1844-5. £5 12s.

Divers works of Early Masters in Christian Decoration: an Historical Account of the achievements of Art from the hands of Albert Durer, with his Biography—of his Master Wohlgemuth and his Friend Pirckheymer, with their Portraits in fac-simile—of Adam Krafft, his Sacramenthauschen—all of Nuremburg: the Account, with Illustrations, of St. Jacques Church at Liége; its rise under Bishop Balderie II. in 1016, to its more decorative state of interior embellishment and magnificent Stained Glass Windows of the Albert Durer School of Design in 1525,—of Gouda in Holland, the Painted Glass Windows of the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, presented by Mary Queen of England and Philip II. of Spain, and by the Nobles and Municipal Bodies of the Cities of Holland, with a Memoir on this and other Painted Glass—Lives and Works of Dirk and Wouter Crabeth, with their Portraits in fac-simile—Stained Glass Windows from York, St. George's Chapel. Windsor, County of Kent, &c., &c., &c.; forming an elaborate work of 70 Plates, the greater part of which are richly coloured. In 2 vols. imp. folio. Weale.

A Critical Dissertation on Professor Willis's Architectural History of Canterbury Cathedral, by C. Sandys, Esq. Canterbury, 8vo. 2s. 6d.

Monasticon Anglicanum, by Dugdale. New and corrected edition, in 8 vols. 1846. fol. £25.

Andeutungen ueber bild-giesserei nach der method der Alten in ihrem verhaeltniss zur galvano-plastik und der Bildgiesserei—methode unserer zeit. V. Demeter Petrowisch. Wien, 8vo. 1845.

Description Méthodique du Musée Céramique de la manufacture Royale de porcelaine de Sevres, par MM. A. Brongniart, and D. Riocreux. 1 vol. in 4to. of text, and an Atlas of 80 plates, of which 67 are coloured.


Bibliothéque de l'école des Chartes, Revue d'érudition consacrée principalement a l'etude du Moyen Age. 2de Serie, tome ii.

Enciclopedia Storica, ovvero Storia universale comparata e documentata,Archeologia Cesare Cantu, Turin 1845. 1 vol. in 8vo. Levr. 1—12.

Antiquités de Rheinzabern, dessinées sous la direction du feu Schweighæuser, in 4to. with 15 plates and 4 pages of text. Paris, Leleux.

Annaler for Nordisk Old Kynlighed, ud givne af. d. Kong., Nord. Oldskr. Silskab. 1840-43, 2 vols. 8vo. Kiobenhavn, 18s. Four vols. are now published by this Society.

Handbuch der Roemischen Alterthuemer, vol. 1—11. part 1. 8vo. Leipzig, 1844. £1 2s.

Romische Typographie in Rom. 8vo. Leipzig, 1844, 1s. 6d.

Atlas von Hellas, und seiner Colonien, by Kiepert, edited by Karl Ritter, with 24 beautifully executed Maps.—This is by far the most valuable work on ancient geography which has yet been published. Folio, £1 11s. 6d.

Urlisch's Romische Typographie in Leipzig. 8vo. Stuttgard, 1845, 4s.

Dictionnaire de l'Architecture du Moyen Age contenant tous les termes techniques, &c. &c., par A. Berty. 1 vol. 8vo. with 300 woodcuts. Paris, Dérache.

Historisch archæologische abhandlung ueber Unter-Italische Keltische gefaesse, by A. Jahn. 4to. Berlin, 3s.

Heidnische Alterthumer der Gegend von Uelzen im ehemaligen Bardengaue, by G. O. C. Estorff. Hanover, fol. £l 4s.

Geschichte der Roemischen Alterthuemer, by J. C. F. Bachr. 2 vols. 8vo. Carlsruhe. 1845, £1.

Zeitschrift fur Alterthumswissenschaft, herausg. v. L. Cæsar u. T. Bergk. New Series. Vol. iii., 12 parts 4to. Marburg. 1845. £1 4s.

Die Mythologie der Griechen, Romer, Ægypter, Germanen u. Slawen, &c. Vol. 1—11. 8vo. Frankfort, 1843-5, by K. Schwenck, 7s. 6d.

Zeitschrift fur Deutsches Alterthum, heraug. v. M. Haupt. Vol. 1—5. 8vo. Leipsig, 1841—5, each 12s.

Leitfaden zur Nordischen Alterthumskunde,8vo. Kiobenhavn, 1837. 2s. 6d.

Zeitschrift fur Geschichtswissenschaft, herausg. v. Boeckh. J. u. W. Grimm, Pertz, Ranke, u. Schmidt, Vols. 1—4. 8vo. Berlin, 1844-5. £2 14s.

Gronland's historiske Mindesmærker (historical monuments of Greenland). Vols. 1,2. 8vo. Kiobenhavn, 1838. 18s.

Denkmale des Mittelalters, S. Gallen's altd. Sprachschatze. Vols. 1—3. p. 1—3. 8vo. St. Gall. 1812-5. Herausg. eg. H. Hattemer. £1 11s. 6d.

Die Ornamentik des Mittelalters. Vols. 1—11. 12 parts 4to. By C. Heideloff. Nurnberg, 1841-5. £3 3s. Oskischen Studien, v. Dr. Theod. Mommsen, Berlin, 8vo. 1845, pp.116.

Bullettino dell' instituto di Corrispondenza Archeologica, per l' anno 1846. Roma, 8vo. 1846. Jan. to May, parts 1—5.

Monuments anciens, recueillies en Belgique, per L. Haghe de Tournai, 1845. Bruxelles, imp. folio.

Archæologische Zeitung, herausg. v. Edward Gerhard. 12th leif. Nos. 34—36. Oct., Nov., Dec., 1845. Berlin, 1845, 4to.

Zwoelf bas-reliefs griechischer Erfindung aus Palazzo Spada, dem Capitolischen Museum et villa Albani, herausg. durch das Institut fur Arch. corrisp. Rom. gedr. C. Salvincci, fol. 1845.

De Romeinsche beelden en gedenksteenen van Zealand, mit 19 Plat. Middelburg 1845. v. Janssen. 8vo.

Jahrbuecher des vereins von Alterthumsfreunden im Rheinlande. Bonn, part 8, 8vo. 1846.

Neue Mittheilungen des Thuringisch-Sachsischen Vereins. VII. Band. 3 Heft. Halle 1845.

Die Romischen Inschriften in Baden, v. Rappenegger. Mannheim, 1845.

Ein Romeinsche tegel vorzein van Lateynsch cursief schrift. St. Gravenhage, 1844. v. Janssen.

Taschenbuch fur geschichte und Alterthum in Suddeutschland. 42 Jahrgang. Frieburg, 1844.

Romeinsche, Germaansche of Gallische oudheden in Nederland, Belgie, een gedeelte der aangrenzende Landen. London, 1845, with 2 Maps.


Revue de Philologie, de literature et d'histoire anciennes, publiée par Lion Rénier. Paris, Klincksieck, 1845. 8vo.

Les Inscriptions Pheniciens, Puniques, Numidiques, expliquées par une méthode incontestable, par le général Duvivier. Paris, 1846, 8vo.

Inscriptiones Græcæ ineditæ, collegit ediditque L. Rossius. Fasc. 1—3. Berlin, 1836-1845. £1 4s.

Ersch. I. G. Bibliographisches Handbuch der philologischen Literatur, herausg. v. C. A. Geisler, 8vo. Leipsig, 1845. 12s.

Die Muntzen der Herzoge von Alemannien, by Baron Frantz de Pfaffenhoffen. Carlsruhe, 1845. 8vo. with 5 plates.

Note sur un denier inedit de Manasses I., archeveque de Reims, par M. Duquenelle, Reims, 1845, 8vo.

Description de Monnaies du XIV siecle, decouvertes à Buissoncourt, par M. G. Rolin, 1845, 8vo.

Notice sur quelques medailles antiques et quelques monnaies du Moyen Age inedites, rares, ou d'interet local, par M. le Baron Chaudrue de Crazannes. Castel-Sarrasin, 1845, in 8vo.

Recherches sur les monnaies des Ducs heriditaires de Lorraine, by F. de Sauley. 1 vol. 4to. 36 plates.

Numismatique de la Gaule Narbonnaise, par M. de la Saussage. 1 vol. 4to. 23 copper plates.

Handbuch zum verstandniss der Namensziffern, &c. auf muntzen, by Schmidt. Dresden, 8vo. 1840.

Wappenbuch, Book of Arms, containing numerous coats of arms printed in colours, by Con. V. Grünberg. Folio. Parts 1—3. Halle, 1843-5. £3.

Die Bracteaten der Schweiz, v. Dr. H. Meyer, mit drei Muntztaf. 1846.

Muntz u. Antiken—Kabinet zu Wien, v. I. Arneth, mit vier Kupfertafeln, Wien, 8vo. 1845.