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Archaeological Journal/Volume 3/Recent Archaeological Publications (Part 3)

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4644134Archaeological Journal, Volume 3 — Recent Archaeological Publications (Part 3)1846



Dictionnaire des Abréviations Latines et Françaises, usitées dans les Inscriptions, les Manuscrits, et les Chartes du Moyen Age, &c. Par L. A. Chassant, Bibliothecaire à Evreux, et auteur d'une Paléographie des Chartes. [This is a portable 12mo. founded on the Lexicon of Walther and the Lists of Abbreviations in the Benedictine folios, and of which the Plates have been all engraved by the author himself.]

Notice de la Cathédrale de Meaux, par Mgr. Allou, the Bishop. 8vo.

Historie et Archéologie des Monastéres du Departement de Seine et Marne, par E. Paty. 4to.

Histoire et Description de Notre Dame de Melun, par B. de la Fortelle; 4to.

Notice sur l'ancienne Collegiate de Champeaux, par A. Taillandier. 8vo.

Note sur les Tombeaux et les Cryptes ue Jouarre, par A. de Caumont. 8vo. de 16 pages.

Manuel d'Archéologie Religieuse, Civile, et Militaire, par J. Oudin. Second edition, 8vo. [This work is a compilation from De Caumont's "Cours d'Antiquités" and other archæological publications.]

Statistique Monumentale du Calvados, par A. de Caumont. Tome premier. Paris, chez Derache, Rue du Bouloy, No. 7. An 8vo. of 425 pages, with 150 woodcuts and 15 lithographs in 4to. relating to the Cantons of Caen and those in its vicinity.

Statistique Monumentale du Departement du Puy-de-Dome, par J. B. Bouillet. 8vo. with an atlas of 35 plates. [The plan of this work is so admirable that perhaps in a future number we may give some further account of it.]

Description Architectonique et Archéologique de la Cathedrale de Tournai, par B. Renard, Architecte de la Ville. Bruxelles, chez Vandalle. Folio, with 25 outline copperplates.

Memoires sur les Antiquités de la Sologne Blesoise, par M. de la Saussaye. This is a republication of some papers honoured a few years ago with a gold medal, by the Academy of Inscriptions, and comprises an account of the ancient roads of that district, and a comparative description of its different cemeteries.

Courses Archéologiques et Historiques dans le Departement de l'Ain, par M. Sirand. 8vo. 264 pages, with 10 plates in outline.

Annuaire de l'Institut des Provinces et des Congrès Scientifiques. 12mo. Paris, chez Derache, Rue du Bouloy, No. 7. [This little and cheap work gives an account of this institution and all the learned Societies in the Departments of France.]

Definition Elementaire de quelques Termes d' Architecture, par M. de Caumont. 8vo. 161 pages. Paris, chez Derache, Rue du Bouloy, No. 7. [This is a little work of similar intent to that of Mr. Parker's "Glossary of Architecture."]

Du feu Gregeois, des feux de Guerre et des Origines de la Poudre à Canon, d'apres des textes Nouveaux, par M. M. Reinaud et Favé, 8vo. pp. 288, avec atlas de 17 planches.

Observations Historiques et Geographiques sur l'Tnscription d'une borne Milliaire qui existe à Tunis et sur la voie Romaine de Carthage à Tevesa, par M. Letronne. Paris, brochure, in 8vo.

Orderici Vitalis, Historia Ecclesiastica, Collatione et Animadversionibus Augusti Le Prevost. Tom. iii. Paris, chez Renouard et Co. 1845. 8vo. pp. 624. Publié par la Societé de l'Histoire de France.

Histoire de Rennes, par M. M. de Villeneuve, et de Maillet, Bibliothecaire de la Ville de Rennes. Rennes, chez Morembe, 1845, 8vo. pp. 547, avec 2 plans.


Mittheilungen des Konigl. Sachsischen Vereins fur Erforschung und Erhaltung der Alterthuemer. Dresden, bei Walther. 8vo. 160 pages, with plates.

Sendschreiben an die Freunde Kirchlicher Alterthuemer im Konigreiches Sachsen. Dresden, bei Blochmann. 12mo. 44 pages, with 4 plates. [A useful book of instructions for describing churches, addressed to members of the Saxon Antiquarian Society.]

Wien's Kaiserliches Zeughaus zum ersten male, von Fr. von Leber. Leipzig, bei Koehler. 8vo. 525 pages, with 2 plates. [This is an excellent Catalogue Raisonné, with an Appendix of Essays on the uses of certain parts of armour not yet well determined. It has also a well-arranged list of extracts from Inventories and other documents relative to armour of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, with similar intent to a work published also at Leipzig (but which we have never seen) entitled "Rustung-Worterbuch."]

Die Ritterburgen Rauheneck, Scharfeneck, und Rauhenstein, von Fr. von Leber. Wien, bei Braumüller. 8vo. 330 pages, with 10 plates. [This is a history and detailed description of some Castles near Baden in Austria, with an account of Tournaments.]

Buchlein von der Fialen. Trier, bei Linz. [This is a reprint from a little work on architectural pinnacles, published in 1486, by Rorizer, an architect of Ratisbon; edited, with an appendix, by M. Reichensperger, of Trèves, and illustrated with 26 figures.]

Sammlung von Gypsabgussen Architektonischer Ornamente aus dem Mittelalterlichen Baukunst, von Fr. Lenhart, Coeln. With a translation in French. 12mo. 51 pages. [This is a priced catalogue of casts from various architectural ornaments in Cologne, made especially for the use of students in Gothic architecture, and well worthy of attention by the Inspector and Directors of Schools of Design.]

Abriss einer Kirchlichen- Kunst-Archaeologie des Mittelalters, von H. Otte. Nordhausen, bei Förstemann. 8vo. 174 pages, with 5 plates. [A concise and geographically arranged account of Gothic edifices, which I found a very useful guide to architectural research in Germany.]

Vergleichenende Sammlungen fuer Christlich Mittelalterliche Baukunst, von Bernhard Grueber. [The first part contains 24 plates, representing various objects of Architecture and Art of the 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries. The second part treats of construction, and has 48 plates of columns, mouldings, and vaulting, &c., with remarks on Materials, Lighting, and Ventilation.]

Chronologie der Deutsche-Mittelalterlichen Baukunst, in geometrischen Zeichnungen mit kurzen Erlaueterung, von G. G. Kalleubach. München, 1844, bei Zach. [This work is in long folio, with very good outline lithographic plates.]

Archaeologische Zeitschrift, von E. Gerhard. Berlin. 4to. with plates.

Mittheilungen der Antiquarischen Gesellschaft zu Zuerich. Zürich. 4to. with plates, bei Meyer.

Die Basilika der Alten mit besonderei Ruecksicht auf diejenige form derselben Welche der Christlichen Kirche zum Vorbilde diente. Berlin, 8vo.

Antiquarisk Tiddskrift: the Bulletins of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of the North, fur 1843, 1844, and 1845 contain Memoirs and Plates on Arrowheaded Inscriptions; on Runic, and what we call Celtic Antiquities; and also an interesting Catalogue raisonne of the Society's Museum at Copenhagen

[W. B.]


Primeval Antiquities. The Olden Times of Denmark and England illustrated by Antiquities found in Grave-hills or Barrows. By J. J. A. Worsaae of Copenhagen, with numerous additions and illustrations of similar remains in England.

Monumental Brasses and Slabs: or Hisiorical and Descriptive Notice of the Incised Monumental Memorials of the Middle Ages. By the Rev. Charles Boutell, M.A., one of the Secretaries of the St. Alban's Architectural Society, a Member of the Archaeological Institute, &c. Originally read, for the most part, before the St. Alban's Architectural Society, at three of their Meetings, held severally at St. Alban's in February, June, and October, 1845.

An Attempt to Discriminate the Styles of Architecture in England. By the late Thomas Rickman, F.S.A. Fifth edition. With numerous engravings on steel and wood, of the best examples, drawn by Mackenzie, engraved by Le Keux and Jewitt.

An Inquiry into the Difference of Style observable in Ancient Painted Glass, with Hints on Glass Painting, by an Amateur. Illustrated by Coloured Plates from Ancient Examples.

Oxford Architectural Society. It is proposed to publish, as soon as a sufficient number of Subscribers are obtained, a Catalogue of the Society's Rubbings of Monumental Brasses, which amount to about 300, from all parts of England. The armorial bearings and inscriptions will be given, and the work will comprise a complete introduction to the subject, and full Indexes. Subscribers' names received by Mr. Parker, Oxford, and all Booksellers, to whom the usual allowances will be made.

Committee Room, Holywell, Oxford, Dec. 12, 1846.


A Manual of Gothic Architecture. By F. A. Paley, M.A., author of "A Manual of Gothic Mouldings," with nearly 70 illustrations. John Van Voorst, Paternoster Row.

Illustrations of the Architectural Antiquities of the County of Durham, Ecclesiastical, Castellated and Domestic, by R. W. Billings. 4to. London, Boone, 29, Bond Street.

Churches in the Archdeaconry of Northampton. Continued on the 1st of each alternate mouth. Proofs, 3s. 6d.; plain, 2s. 6d. — No. I. to V.

A Glossary of Terms used in British Heraldry. 8vo. with Seven Hundred Woodcuts, 16s.

An Architectural Description of St. Leonard's Church, Kirkstead. Published under the superintendence of the Lincolnshire Architectural Society, with illustrations by F. Mackenzie and O. Jewitt. Small folio, 10s.

Remarks on Architectural Character. Read 'before the Lichfield Architectural Society. By the Rev. J. L. Petit, M.A. Royal folio, with 44 Etchings. 1l. 1s.

Remarks on the Principles of Gothic Architecture, as applied to Ordinary Parish Churches. By the Rev. J. L. Petit, M.A. 8vo. with two Etchings. 1s.

Note. — At p. 100, the work entitled "Designs for Churches and Chapels in the Norman and Gothic Styles" is attributed by mistake to the Oxford Architectural Society.