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Armistice of Pahrsdorf

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Armistice of Pahrsdorf, 15 July (1800)
Commanders in chief of the French and Imperial Armies.

The Armistice of Pahrsdorf was concluded on the 15 July 1800. The three fortresses of Ingolstadt, Ulm, and Philipsburg were to remain blockaded, but to be daily supplied with provisions during the time fixed for the suspension of arms. The whole of the Tyrol remained in the power of Austria, and the line of demarcation passed by the Iser, to the foot of the Tyrolese mountains. From the 24 June Field-marshal Kray had proposed to observe the armistice concluded at Marengo, of which he had just received intelligence. The remainder of the month of July, and during the months of August, September, October, and part of November, the armies remained in presence of each other; and hostilities were not resumed until November.

Source: Gourgaud, Baron Gaspard, ed. (1823), Memoirs of the history of France during the reign of Napoleon, vol. 4 (Second ed.), H. Colburn and Company, pp. 184–189. 

1463642Armistice of Pahrsdorf, 15 July1800Commanders in chief of the French and Imperial Armies.

ART. I — There shall be an armistice and suspension of hostilities between the army of His Imperial Majesty and his allies in Germany, Switzerland, the Tyrol, and the Grison country, and the French army in the same countries. The resumption of hostilities shall be announced respectively twelve days previous to their commencement.

ART. II — The French army shall occupy all the country comprehended within the following line of demarcation: this line extends from Balzers in the Grisons, upon the right bank of the Rhine as far as the source of the Inn, the whole valley of which it is to include; thence to the source of the Lech, by the back of the mountains of the Vorarlberg, as far as Reuti, along the left bank of the Lech. The Austrian army retains possession of all the passes which lead to the right bank of the Lech; it forms a line which includes Reuti, extends beyond Schebach, near Breitenwang, along the northern bank of the lake from which the Scebach issues, ascends upon the left in Lechtal, as far as the source of the Ammer; thence by the frontiers of the county of Werdenfets, as far as the Loisach. It extends as far as the left bank of that river, to Kochelsee, which it crosses, to the Walchensée, where it intersects the lake so named, and is continued along the northern bank of the Jachnai, to its confluence with the Iser; and, crossing that river, it proceeds upon Reuti, upon the Tegernsee, beyond the Manguald, near Gmünd, and upon the left bank of the latter beyond the Falley; thence it runs by Ob-laus, Reifing, Elkhofin, Frafing, Ecking, Ebersberg, Malckirchen, Hohenlinden, Krainacher, Weting, Reting, Aidberg, Isen, Penzing, Zuphtenbach, along the Iser as far as Furden and Sendorff, where it runs towards the source of the Vilz, which it follows to where it falls into the Danube, and then upon the right bank of the Vilz to Vilsbibourg, and beyond that river to Binabibourg, whence it follows the course of the Bina to Dornaich. It cuts near Sculmshausen, extends towards the source of the Colbach, then along the left bank, to its union with the Vilz; and, bearing upon the left towards Vilz, it extends to where it falls into the Danube. The same line runs upon the right bank of the Danube to Kehlheim, where it crosses the river, and runs upon the right bank of the Altmiihl to Pappenheim: it then bears by the town of Weisseraburg towards the Rednitz, the left bank of which it runs along, until that river joins the Maine; thence it follows the left bank of the latter river to its mouth. The line of demarcation upon the right bank of the Maine, between that river and Dusseldorff, shall not extend towards Mentz, beyond the Nidda. In case, during the interval, the French troops shall have made any progress on this side, they shall preserve or resume the same line which they occupy this day the 15th of July.

ART. III — The Imperial army shall re-occupy the upper and lower Engadine, that is to say, that part of the Grisons, the rivers of which fall into the Inn, and of the valley of Sainte Marie, into the Adige. The French line of demarcation shall extend from Balzers upon the lake of Como, by Coira, Tossanna, Splugen, and Chiavenna, including the Luciensteig. The part of the Grisons, which is situated between thisline and the Engadine, shall be evacuated by both parties. That country shall retain its existing form of government.

ART. IV — The fortified places which are included in the line of demarcation, such' as Ulm, Ingolstadt, and Philipsburg, which are occupied by the Imperialists, shall remain, in every respect, in the same state in which they shall be found by the commissioners named for this purpose by the generals in chief; their garrisons shall not be increased, nor shall they impede the navigation of the rivers, or the passage of the high roads. The territory of each of these fortified places is to extend as far as 2,000 toises from its fortifications; they shall provision themselves every ten days, and, as far as relates to this fixed provisioning, they shall not be considered as included in the countries occupied by the French army, which, on its part, is not to impede the carriage of stores into the said fortresses.

ART. V — The general commanding the Imperial army, is authorized to send into each of those places an officer to communicate to its commander, the line of conduct which he is to observe.

ART. VI — There shall be no bridges upon the rivers which separate the two armies, unless these rivers be crossed by the line of demarcation, and then the bridges shall be erected only within the line, without prejudice, however, to such future arrangements as may be made for the benefit of the armies and of commerce. The respective commanders will have an understanding upon this article.

ART. VII — Wherever navigable rivers separate the two armies, their navigation shall be free for them and for the inhabitants. The same rule shall apply to the main roads comprised within the line of demarcation, during the time of the armistice.

ART. VIII — Those territories of the empire and of the Austrian states, which are found within the line of demarcation of the French army, are under the safeguard of honour and good faith. Private property and existing governments shall be respected, and none of the inhabitants of these countries shall be disturbed, either for services rendered to the Imperial army, or for political opinions, or for having taken an active part in the war.

ART. IX — The present convention shall be carried into effect as quickly as possible.

ART. X — The outposts of the two armies shall have no communication.