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Aromatics and the Soul: A Study of Smells/Index

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2932702Aromatics and the Soul: A Study of Smells — IndexDaniel McKenzie


Acetone poisoning, Odour of, 84
Adsorption of odours, 113
Æneid, The, Odour in, 72.
Albinos, Anosmia of, 116, 126
Alcoholism, Odour of, 84
Alexander the Great, 77
Ambergris, 106
Ammonia, 94
Animals, Lower, Olfaction in, 21
Aniseed, 71
Anosmia, 23, 113, 142
Anti-demoniac treatment by fumigation, 67
Ants, Olfaction in, 28
Apoplectick, Balsam of Horstius, 69
Aromatics, The, 119
Asthma from horses, 93
Asafœtida, 71
Aura, Olfactory, 91

Bacon, Francis, 84
Badger, Olfaction in, 37
Bat and sound-pictures, 32
Bath, The domestic, 18
Baudelaire, 51
Bay, 73
Bazin, Réné, 144
Bean-flowers, Fragrance of, 145
Beltane fires, 143
Bolboceros beetle, 37
Books, Smell of, 146
Brain, Olfactory Routes in, Unknown, 136
Brewer, Anthony, 53
Browning, Robert, 71
Burton, Robert, 78

Cairo, Cholera in, 68
Camphor as disinfectant, 70
Carminatives, 71
Castelli’s theory of vision, 127
Cats, Aversion towards, 92
Cities and towns, Smells of, 150
Civet, 106
Collins, Wilkie, 47
Colosseum, Perfumes in the, 56
Coumarin, 103
Creighton, 84
Crowd-psychology and Odour, 97

Death, Odour of, 84
Deite, 104, 117
Devil, Odour of the, 63, 73
Dickens, Charles, 54, 148
Disease, Epidemic, and Stenches, 5, 66
Odours of, 83
Disraeli, Benj., 12
Dog, The, and the Abominable, 80
Olfaction in the, 34, 87
truffle-hunter, the, 34
Dostoievsky, 56
Dwelling-houses, Odours of, 148

Eau de Cologne, 57
Einstein and the ether, 138
Ellis, Havelock, 86, 87, 96
Equilibration, Vocabulary of, 59

Fabre, 25, 29, 36, 92
Olfaction in dogs, 36
insects, 25
on nature of odour, 38
Fairbrother, T. H., 120, 132
Farington’s Diary, 151
Farm, Smells of, 153
Favus, Smell of, 84
Fischer and Penzoldt, 108
Fish, Olfaction in, 32
Flavour an odour, 43, 114
Flavours, High, 82
compounding of, 101
Flowers, Perfumes of, Diffusion of, after rain, 112
and insects, 28
Folk-lore, Smell in, 66
Forel, Olfaction in insects, 25, 30
Fumigation, treatment by, 66
for cholera in modern times, 68

Garlic 45, 57
Geraniol, 105
Gladstone, W. E., 90
Goethe, 95
Gordon, Douglas, and olfaction in badger, 37

Hæmorrhage, Odour of, 83
Hamilton, Lord Frederick, 151
Harte, Bret, 51
Hay fever, 93
Head, Henry, 130
Health, Public, and Olfaction, 1
Hearing, End organ of, 98
Exhaustion of, 17
Vocabulary of, 60
Hell, Odour of, 73
Henning, 119
Heyninx, 110, 119
Classification of odours, 103, 124
Undulatory theory of odour, 121
History, Smell in, 77
Hogarth, 70
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, and Olfactory memory, 51
Homer, 73
Homing instinct, 30
Hospitals of olden days, of, 83
Humboldt, 64
Hutchison, 116
Hydrocyanic acid, 119, 131, 157
Hysteria, Treatment of, by stenches, 71

Incense, 51, 53, 56, 63, 72
Incubus repelled by aromatics, 74
Industries Malodorous, 14
Infra-red light rays, 122, 129
absorption by odorous vapours, 131
Insects, Olfaction in, 25
and hygiene, 29
Iodoform, 16, 103, 129, 131
Ireland, Odours in, 3, 152

James I., “Counterblaste,” 142
Jenner, Edward, 151

Kipling, Rudyard, 55

Lavender, English, 106
Lodge, Sir Oliver, 121
London, Smells of, 150
Louis XI., 78
Louis XIV., 77
Love and Olfaction, 85
Lubbock, Sir John, 25, 30

Macrosmatic animals, 22
Memory, Olfactory, 43
Strengthening of, by Odours, 53, 69, 70
Mercaptan, 39
Meredith, George, 89
Microsmatic animals, 22
Mignonette, 105
Molecular structure of odorous bodies, 117
Molecules, Vibration of, 121
Montaigne, 53
Moths, Olfaction in, 25
Mummification by aromatics, 67
Musk, 28, 75, 104, 106, 107, 109, II0, 117

Nauseous remedies, 70
Nephritis, Acute, Smell of, 83
Nerve, Fifth Cranial, 94
Olfactory, 23
Nitrobenzol, 119
Nose, Olfactory Region of, 114
Pigment in, 116

Odericus Vitalis, 76
Odours, Clashing of, 129
Classifications of, 102
Clinging of, 113
Concentrated, Anosmia for, 110
Diffusion of, 39, 108, 112
Effect of cold on, 112
of Disease, 83
Harmony between, 129
Identification of, 65
Nature of, 38, 98 et seq.
Novel, 101
Personal, 76
Physical theory of, 42,
of poisonous herbs, 126
Recollection of, 47
Repulsive, 79
in water, 33
Theories of, 98
Chemical, 116, 132
Undulatory theory of, 42, 116, 120
Criticism of, 129
Varieties of, 100
Ogle, 116
Olfaction. See also Smell.
Altusions to, in literature, 51 et seq.
and digestion, 136
a primitive sense, 21
Evolution of, 21
in fish, 33
in insects, 25
in the lower animals, 21
in the sex-life, 85
Theories of, 98 et seq.
and ventilation, 17, 109
Olfactory cells, 23
hairs, 23, 121
memory, 43
organ, 23
of insects, 28
pictures, 140 et seq.
pigment, 24, 116, 125
region of nose, 114
Onions, effect of, 94 f.n.
Orientation. See Homing Instinct.

Paracelsus, 70
Paris, Smell of, 151
Parker, G. H,, 100, 104, 108
Pawlow, 136
Peppermint, 71
Perfumes, Classification of, 103
New varieties of, 107
Sources of, 105
Pigment, Olfactory, 24, 125
Pinewood, Odour of burning, 143.
Plague, Sweet smell of, 84
Poncelet, P. P., 59

Queen Elizabeth, 3

Reality, Objective, 137
Religion, Smell in, 72
Remedies, Nauseous, 70
Olfactory, 66 Rheumatism, Acute, Acid smell of, 83
Ribot and Olfactory memory, 48, 50
Rimmel, Classification of odours, 103
Roberts, Lord, and cats, 92
Rohmer, Sax, 74
Rose perfume, 57, 105
and exhaustion, 16
Roses, Attar of, 105
Rousseau, 100, 141

Sacrifice, Savour of, 72
Saints, Odour of the, 74
Saintsbury, George, 103
Salerno, Teaching of, on garlic, 47
Salmon's Dispensatory, Fumigation in, 68
Sandal-wood, 113
Scatol 16, 70
Scott, Sir Walter, 67
Sea, Smell of, 144
Sea-anemone, Olfactory cells of, 24
Sensation, Nature of, 134
Tactile. See Touch.
Sensory end-organ, Specific reaction of, 130
Shakespeare, 52, 86-89
Shelley, 47
Shops, Smell of, 149
Sinisfrari of Ameno, 74
Sins, Odour of the, 74
Small-pox, Smell of, 83
Smell and the Emotions, 91, 95, 142 et seq.
in Folk-Lore, Religion, and History, 66
and the Personality, 74, 87, 141
Exhaustibility of, 15, 133
Sensation of, 134
Sense of, Acuteness of, in man, 141
Cultivation of, 140
in old age, 82, 126
in uncivilised man, 64
mystery of, 139
Reaction-time of, 111
Sense Organ of, 23, 101, 107
Delicacy of, 107
Potential responsiveness of, 101
and Speech, 59
Subtlety of, in man, 44, 56
Vocabulary of, Emotional, 61 et seq.
Etymology of, 61 et seq.
Smith, Elliot, 72
Spectrum analysis of odours, 123
Speech and smell, 59
Spiders, Aversion towards, 92
Stenches a nuisance in law, 12
in Cologne, 8
in the East, 10
in Edinburgh, 11
in France, 9
in London, 11, 13
in Lucerne, 8
Industrial, 14
Subconsciousness, Smell and the 44, 56, 64, 65, 79, 91, 95, 139
Sulphur compounds, Organic, 15

Taste and smell contrasted, 43
Exhaustion of, 17
Vocabulary of, 60
Tasting wine with closed eyes, 113
Terminology, Olfactory, Scanty, 59 et seq.
Theatre, The, Perfumes in, 56
Theuriet, André, 148
Tobacco, Effect of, on olfactory Sense, 142
Touch, Vocabulary of, 60
Truffle-hunter, The, 36
Tyndall, 130
Typhus fever, Odour of, 83

Ultra-violet light rays, 122
absorbed by odorous bodies, 122
Unconscious, The. See Subconsciousness.

Valerian 71, 115
Vanillin, 39.
Ventilation and sense of smell, 17, 109
Vervain, 80
Violets, 110
Vision, End organ of, 98
Vocabulary of, 59
Vocabulary of Smell, Scanty, 59 et seq.
Volatility and odours, 113

Walking-stick, Medical, 70
Watkyn-Thomas, F. W., 53
Wilkes, John, 90
Whitman, Walt, 77

Zebethum occidentale, 71
Zwaardemaker, 114
Classification of odours, 102
Olfactometer, 107