Asoka - the Buddhist Emperor of India/Index
Âbdâdha, meaning of, 178.
Abalmjani, defined, 178.
Abhisheka, defined, 22.
Accounts Department, 163.
Achasmenian empire, 140; architecture, 140; records, 141.
Admiralty Board, 102.
Afghanistan, 15, 75, 76, 80, 104.
Agents, the king's, 198, 202, 203, 214.
Agikhmâni, meaning of, 166.
Agni Brahma, nephew of Asoka, 236.
Ajâtaśtru, king, 47.
Âjivikas, 32, 54, 60, 62, 70, 73, 134, 225, 226.
Akbar, 84, 138.
Alexander (I) the Great, 11, 13, 68, 72, 75; (2) king of Epirus, 43, 73, 186; (3) of Corinth, 188
Alexandria, bas-reliefs of, 143.
Allahabad, pillar and inscriptions, 54, 119, 146, 218, 219.
Almoner's department, 213.
Almsgiving, 31, 65, 181.
Alphabet, see Script.
Amazonian guards, 89.
Âmbhi = Omphis, q. v.
Amitraghâta, title, 18 n. 72.
Ânanda, stûpas of, 40, 41 n., 254.
Ândhras, 42, 186.
Anigultara, quotation from, 156.
Animal fights, 90.
Animals, regulations concerning, 56, 204.
Ant, queen, eaten, 204.
Antigonos, (I) king of Syria, 14; (2) Gauatas, king of Macedonia, 43, 74, 186.
Antiochos, (I) Soter, 18, 72; (2)Theos. 43, 73, 74, 76, 160, 186
Antipater, 11, 12.
Anulâ, princess, 239, 240.
Anusaṁyâna, technical term, 164.
Aparântaka, coast N. of Bombay, 44, 238.
Arachosia, 11, 15, 16, 75, 76 n.
Aramaic script, 128, 139.
Archipelago, Indian, Buddhism in, 46.
Architecture, of Asoka, 108, 135.
Aria, 11, 15, 75.
Arms, Indian, 103, 104 n.
Army, organization of, 101-3.
Artkaśâtra, 17 n., 83 n., 88 n., 89 n., 93 n., 95 n., 96 n., 98 n., 100-102 n., 104 n'., 163, 173, 175, 196, 206.
Arts, in age of Asoka, 134.
Ârya-sthavira-nikâya, Buddhist school, 243 n.
Asandhimitrâ, queen, 260.
Âsinave, meaning of, 200, 201.
Asoka, early life of, 19; coronation of, 20; chronology of, 21, 68, 72; titles of, 22; wars of, 24-6; conversion of, 27, 28, 199 n. ; ethics of, 30—4, 67; monk and monarch, 35-9; parallel cases, 36-8; made pious tours, 39; converted by Upagnpta, 41; organized missions, 42-7; his brother Mahendra, 49-52; published Rock Edicts, 52; appointed Censors, 53; published Pillar Edicts, 54; Council of, 55; his doctrine of sanctity of life, 56-8; taught reverence, 58; inflicted capital punishment, 59; toleration of, 59-63; virtues taught by, 65; did not abdicate, 69; successors of, 71; extent of empire of, 75-82; daughter and son-in-law of, 78; said to have visited Khotan, 81;
improved Pâtaliputra, 85; autocrat and Head of Church, 92, 217; administration of, 93; personal supervision of, 97; penal laws of, 100; place in history of, 105; character of, 106; buildings of, 107; monasteries of, 109; stûpas of, 110; pillars of, 116, 125; rock inscriptions of, 126-34; cave-dwellings of, 134; arts in age of, 135-8; learning in time of, 139, scripts used by, 139; style of, 144; existing inscribed pillars of, 146; on the duties of censors, 168; on prompt dispatch of business, 172; viceroy at Taxila and Ujjain, 197; reviewed measures of his reign, 209; religous efforts within empire, 212; inscription at Rnmmindei, 221; at Lumbini Garden, 222; visited stûpas of Konâkamana, 224; cave dedications of, 225; Ceylonese legend of, 231; last days of, 245; Indian legends of 247; pilgrimage of, 252; Kunala, son of, 260.
Asokârâma, monastery, 109, 234.
Asokâvadâna, cited, 40, 41 n., 247 u, 252 n., 259 n.
Assam = Kâmnrûpa, 81.
Assyrian models, 143.
Avanti country, 2 35
Âyukta = yukata (yuta), q.v., 53n.
Babylon, death of Alexander at, 11, 72; Seleukos satrap of, 14.
Bactriana, 11.
Bairât, rock inscription at, 132, 134, 154.
Bakhira, pillar at, 117, 120.
Bakkula = Vakkula, q. v.
Bâlapandita, ascetic, 250.
Bali, defined, 222.
Balûchistzin, 15, 75, 81.
Bankioare, 16, 84, 108.
Banyan-tree or Sudâma cave, 225.
Barabar Hills, 70, 134; cave dedications in, 225.
Basâr = Vaisâli, 117.
Bas-reliefs, 137, 142.
Bats, eaten, 204.
Beef, used in ancient India, 207.
Benares, 28n., 40.
Bengal, Śaśânka, king of, 71.
Besnagar, railing at, 114; female statue at, 116;. = Vedisagiri, 235.
Bhâbrû Edict, 30 n., 32, 35, 73, 92, 126, 134, 154.
Bhadrabâhu, leader of Great Migration, 161.
Bhâga, defined, 222.
Bhandu, convert in Ceylon, 239.
Bharhut, stûfpa at, 113, 114.
Bhaṭṭiproḷu, inscription at, 140.
Bhîlsâ, 114.
Bhojas, 42, 186.
Bias, river, 75.
Bible, contrasted with Asoka's teaching, 33.
Bibliographical note, 227.
Bimbisâra, king, 247.
Bindusâra, king, 18-20, 72, 80, 105, 232, 247, 248.
Births and deaths, register of, 87.
Bôdh Gaya, bodhi tree at, 40; railing at, 114.
Bôdh Gaye, or 'supreme knowledge', 176.
Bodhi (bo), tree, 71, 114, 239, 245.
Bodoahprâ, king of Burma, 39 n.
Borderers' Edict, 32 n., 191.
Bow, Indian, 103, 104 n.
Brahmugiri, rock inscription at, 132, 139, 152.
Bruhmanical law, 29.
Brahmans, 152, 165, 167, 168, 176, 178, 180, 182, 185, 210, 211, 234.
Brâhmî,script, 129, 139, 144.
Branding, regulated, 57, 205.
Bṛihascharaṇain (Great Migration), 161.
Bṛihadratha, last of Maurya dynasty, 71, 74.
Buddha, sayings of, 30 n., 32, 65, 193; title of Gautama, 39; childhood of, 40; disciples of, 41; teaching of. 47, 233, 237; 'former', 40, 54, 224: death of, 69, 82, 235 237, 252, 259: relics of, no, 251; images of, 138; mentioned in Bhâbrû Edict, I54; forbade castration, 206; birthplace of, 222; Konâ-kamana. the 'former', 39, 54, 73, 224; statue of, 255; elephant, symbol of, 189.
Buddhism, chronicles of, 23, 43; conversion of Asoka to 28; ethical thought of, 30, 67; in Burma, 44; in other countries.
46; in far South, 49; in Ceylon, 50; holy Places of, 54, 73, 253; sanctity of animal life taught by, 58; and Jainism, 61; not
in Assam, 81; in Khotan, 82; spirit of, 90; technical terms of, 177, 200.
Buddhist, Order, 26, 35, 73, 151; literature, 32, 33, 48, 63, 144; attitude, 34; monks, 36, 234, 254; 'ordination', 38, 156; dhalṁma, or Law of Piety, 34, 39, 98; Council. 55; monarchs, 59; ascetics, 60; philosophy, 65; monasteries, 77, 139; church, 92, 111; Jâtakas, 113; buildings, 115; procession described, 167; doctrine of joyousness, 189.
Bull, as guardian, 222.
Burma, happiness aimed at in, 31; self-reliance in, 34; the Order in, 38; Bodoahpra, king of, 39 n.; Buddhism in, 44, 46; palaces of, 86; Wooden architectnre in, 137; monasteries in, 139; four queens in, 215.
Cambodia, Buddhism in, 46.
Canon, Pâli, 32 n., 156.
Capital, Persepolitan, 140.
Caste, development of, 29, 205.
Castration, regulated, 57, 205, 206.
Casts, of Asoka inscriptions, 268.
Catechism, teaching of, 34 n., 66.
Cauvery, river = Kâviri, q. v.
Cave, dwellings, 134; dedications, 146, 225.
Censors, of Law of Piety, 53, 57, 99, 168, 169, 183, 210; of women, 171, 183.
Ceremonial, true, 178.
Ceylon, Buddhism in, 38, 44-6, 243; in the edicts, 44, 156; legends of, 47, 55, 231-46, 255 n., 258 n., 259 n., 265 n.; Buddhist literature in, 48; monuments in, 50, 51 inscriptions in, 140; Niééanka. Malia, king of, 182; horse as guardian, 222; conversion of, 235.
Châṇakya, minister, 13, 17 n., 83, 88, 89, 93, 96-8, 101, 232.
Chanâr _Chunar), sandstone, 120.
Chandagirika, executioner, 250.
Chaṇḍâla = outcaste, 265 n.
Chandragiri, river, 80.
Chandragupta Maurya, 13-18,72, 75, 161.
Chariots, 101, 102.
Charlemagne, compared with Asoka, 92, 98 n. 106, 199, 214.
Chârumatî, daughter of Asoka, 78.
Chlera, kingdom, 161.
Chikîchha, defined, 162.
China, Burmese Buddhism from, 44; Buddhism in, 46; trade with, 79; Wu-ti, emperor of, 36, 38; Shi—hwang-ti, emperor of, 81.
Chinese pilgrims, 36, 66, 71, 117; settlers in Khotan, 81; version of text, 1 57; dates for Asoka, 241 n.
Chola, kingdom, 42, 43, 48, 160, 186.
Christianity, 61.
Church, Buddhist, 35, 92, 215-19.
Coimbatore, District, 161.
Conjeeveram = Kânchî, q. v., 50.
Constantîne, emperor, 21, 46.
Consular officers, 87 n.
Council, convened by Asoka, 55, 74, 217.
Courtesans, at court, 89; in secret service, 98.
Cow, Hindu reverence for, 58.
Cromwell, letter of, quoted, 182.
Cutch (Kachh), 81.
Cyrene, 43, 68, 73, 188.
Darius, conquest of Indus valley by, 128; rock inscription of, 141.
Daśaratha, grandson of Asoka, 70, 71, 72, 74, 225; cave dedications of, 226.
Death, penalty of, 59, 89.
Deimachos, ambassador, 18, 72
Delhi, inscribed pillars at, I21, 146, 112.
Devânaan piya, title of Asoka, 21; meaning of, 22; Tissa, king of Ceylon, 237.
Devâṁpiyasa Asokasa, 20.
Devapâla, son-in-law of Asoka, 78.
Deva Pâtan, 78.
Devî (1) mother of Mahendra, 235; (2) == Queen, 215; (3) = Durgâ, 127. n.
Dhaṁma, see Dharma.
Dhaṅmapada, cited, 33, 34.
Dhanananda, king, 232.
Dharma (dhaṁma), meaning of, 29-34.
Dharmachakra, wheel of the law, 136.
Dharmâdhikârî, 53.
Dharmaguptaka, Buddhist school, 243 n.
Dharma—mahâmâtra, defined, 53, 88, 216.
Dhamarâja = Asoka, 107 n.
Dharmaynkta, defined, 53, 99, 170.
Dhauli, rock inscription at, 25, 131, 193, 194.
Dinapore (Dhânapur), cantonment, 84.
Dinâra', coin, 256.
Dionysios, mission of, 19.
Dîpavaṁsa, Ceylonese chronicle, 18 n., 74, 231 n. 236 n., 241 n, 259 n.
Divyâvdâna, 265 n.
Drangiana, 11.
Drâvigia, kingdom, 49.
Duty, Law of, see Dharma, 30.
Edicts, style of, 105; in chronological order, 145.
Egypt, embassy from, 19; Ptolemy Philadelphos, king of, 43, 72, 73, 186; irrigation in, 95.
Elephant, figure of, at Kâlsî, 128; image of, at Dhauli, 131; defined, 166; symbol of Buddha, 189; as guardian, 222.
Elephants, accepted by Seleukos, 15; in Maurya army, 102.
Epirus, Alexander king of, 43, 73, 188.
Eudêmos, 12, 13, 72.
Eumenes, 12,
Fa-hien, Chinese pilgrim, 66 n., 107 n., 108.
Female, guards, 89 ; morals, 99 ; establishments, 169.
Firôz Shah, removed pillars, 121, 146, 219.
Folklore, 263 n.
Gaṇanâ = Accounts Department, 164.
Gandhara, country, 44, 141, 170.
Gandhâra, people, 43, 166.
Gangaridae, 138.
Garlic, prejudice against, 265 n.
Gautama Buddha, 59, 224.
Gazalhatti Pass, 161.
Gedrosia, 11, 15, 75.
Ghats (Westetn), 161.
Ghaznî, 75 n.
Ghosha, saint, 263.
Girnâr, rock inscription at, 80, 93, n., 129, 130.
Godâvarî, river, 24.
Gopikâ cave, 226.
Governors, 163, 209; powers and duties of, 201.
Great Migration (Bṛihadcha-ṉain), 161.
Gtsang-ma, Tibetan prince, 51.
Gupta, father of Upagupta, 41, 252.
Hair, penalty of shaving, 100, 142.
Heaven, in the edicts, 64, 65.
Hellenistic motives in art, 142.
Hemachandra, 41.
Herat, 11, 75.
Himalaya (Himavanta), mission to; 44, 45.
Hinduism, 61, 67.
Hindû Kush, 11, 15, 17, 75, 80.
Hindus, notions of, 58, 59.
Hippolytus, legend of, 263 n.
Hiuen Tsang, Chinese pilgrim, 76, 79 n, 108, 110, 117, 223, 259 n.
Horse, as guardian, 222.
Hospitals, 65, 162.
Hsisao-Yen, Chinese emperor, 36, 38.
Hunt, the Royal, 56, 75, 90, 176.
Hyphasis, river, 75.
Indian Museum, 155, 268.
Indra, deity, 267.
Inscriptions, in chronological order, 145.
Inspectors, 99.
Ipsos, battle of, 72.
Irrigation department, 95.
Isila, town, 149.
Itsing, Chinese pilgrim, 206.
Jail deliveries, 204.
Jain, attitude akin to Buddhist, 34.
Jainism, 61, 71.
Jains, 58, 60, 61, 6:, 210.
Jalauka, a son of Asoka, 71.
Jambudvîpa, 150.
Japan, Buddhism in, 46.
Jâtakas, sculptures illustrating, 113.
Jaṭinga-Râmeśvara, rock inscription at, 132, 152.
Jaugada, rock inscription at, 25, 131, 193.
Jetavana, 124, 135 n.
Jûnâgaṛh, 130.
Kâbul, or Paropanisadai, 11; stronghold, 75.
Kachh (Cuteh), 81.
Kâkavarnin, king, 247.
Kalasoka, king, 231.
Kalinga, conquest. of, 24-7, 73, 79, 185, 192; edicts, 131, 144, 191.
Kâlgsî, rock inscription at, 128, 178.
Kalyâṇapuri, river, 80.
Kâmarûpa = Assam, 81.
Kâmboja, tribe, 42, 168, 186.
Kanakarnuni = Konâkamana, q.v.
Kânchì (Conjeeveram), 50.
Kandahâr, 11, 75.
Kangarote, river, 80.
Kankâlî Tîlâ, at Mathurâ, 41.
Kao-tsu Wu-ti, Chinese emperor, 36.
Kapilavastu, 40, 255.
Kapisa, town, 76.
Kapurdagiri inscription = Shâh-bâzgarhi, q. v.
Karma, theory of, 64.
Kâvâkî, family name of Second Queen, 220.
Kashmîr, included in empire, 76, 81; monasteries in,77; mission to, 44, 238.
Kassapa (Kâśyapa), missionary, 44, 45.
Kâśyapiya, school of Buddhism, 243.
Kathâwtthu, publication of, 237, 243.
Kâṭhiâwâṛ; = Surâshṭra, 130.
Kâṭhmâṇḍu, 77.
Kauśâmbî Edict, 54, 218.
Kauṭilya (Kauṭalya), = Châṇakya, q. v., 83.
Kâviri (Kâveri), rlver, 49, 50, 259.
Keraḷa, Malabar, 80.
Keralaputra, kingdom, 43, 160.
Kewats, fishermen, 206.
Khalalika or Viśva-Jhoprî cave, 225
Khallâtaka, minister, 249.
Khâlsî, error for Kâlsî, q. v.
Khâravela, king, 62.
Kharoshṭhî, script, 128, 139, 144.
Khotan, traditions of, 81, 82.
Kirâtas, hill-men, 78.
Konakemana, Buddha, 39, 54, 73, 224.
Korea, Buddhism in, 46.
Korkai, port, 161.
Kós, defined, 91 n.
Krakuchanda, former Buddha, 224.
Kukkuṭârâma, monastery, 109, 255, 265.
Kumarâpâla, king of Gujarât, 379, 41.
Kumrâhâr, remains at, 108.
Kunâla, son of Asoka, 71, 260-4.
Kusinagara, 40, 41 n.
Kûḷadanto Sutta, quoted, 65.
Labranda, donors' records at, 115.
Lalita Pâtan, 77.
Lance, Indian, 103.
Land, revenue, 95, 222.
Lâṭ Bhairo at Benaṛes, 28 n., 109.
Lauriyā-Ararâj, pillar, 120, I46.
Lauriyā.-Nandangaṛh, pillar, 118, 147.
Life, sanctity of animal, 56.
Lion, capitals, 118, 119. 136; as guardian, 222.
Lucknow, Museum, 268.
Lumbini, garden, 39, 40, 222.
Madara, Mount, 241.
Madura, Pandya capital, 49, 161; district, 161.
Magadha, Nanda dynasty of, 13, 231; Asoka, king of, 35, 72, 154; Pâṭaliplltra, capital of, 84; dialect of, 144; Kâlâsoka, king of, 231.
Magas, king of Cyrene, 43, 68, 73, 186.
Maha Arittha, nephew of king of Ceylon, 238.
Mahâ-bhojas, Mahâ.—raṭhis, Mahâ.-senapatis, persons of high social rank, 169.
Mahâbodhi, tree, 263.
Mahâdeva, missionary, 44.
Mahâdhammarakkhita,missionary 317, 44, 245.
Mabâ. Kâśyapa, saint, 254.
Mahâmaṇḍala, king, 247.
Mahâmâtra, defined, 93, 95.
Mahâmegha, garden, 240, 245.
Mahânadî, river, 24.
Mahapaduma Jâtaka, cited, 263 a.
Mahârakkhita, missionary, 44.
Mahârâshṭra, country, 44, 170.
Mahâsaghiku, school of Buddhism, 243 n.
Mahâraṁsa, chronicle, 74, 231 n., 243 n., 255 n., 259 n.
Mahâvihâra, monastery, 231 n., 240.
Mahâryutpcttti, text from, 156.
Mahendra (Mehinda), brother (or ? son) of Asoka, 49-52, 236.
Mahipala, king, 247 n.
Mahîśâsttka, school of Buddhism, 243 n.
Mahîshamaṇḍala = Mysore, 44, 238.
Majjhantika, missionary, 44.
Majjhima, missionary, 44.
Makrân, 11, 15, 75.
Malakotta, or Pâṇḍya, country, 49.
Maṁgalaṁ, rites and ceremonies, 179.
Manju Pâtan, 77.
Mâusahra, rock inscription, 127.
Mantn'—parishad, Council of Ministers, 164.
Maki, inscriptions at, 20, 94n., 132, 153.
Mathiah = Lauṛiyâ-Nandangaṛh, q. v. 147.
Mathurâ, 41, 252.
Maudgalâyana, disciple of Buddba, 254.
Maurya. dynasty. 13, 19, 71; chronology, 72; suzerainty, 79; court, 90; Persian customs, 100; navy, 101; government, 104, 138; jewellery, &c., 137; civilization, 140; art, 143; clan, 232.
Mâyâ, doctrine of, 62, 63.
McCrind1e, works of, 17 n., 86 n.
Meerut (Mîrath), pillar from, 121, 146.
Megasthenes, 16, 17 n., 72, 82.
Mesopotamia, 140.
Mihintalé, monastery, 240.
Mînâr, pillars=milestones, 91 n.
Minor Rock Edicts, distribution of, 132; versions of, 149-54.
Missa, mountain, 239.
Missi dominici, of Charlemagne, 199, 214.
Missionaries, names of, 44, 45, 238.
Missions, Asoka's network of, 42.
Moggali (Mogali), father of Tishya (3). 45, 236, 243, 244.
Monasteries, of Asoka, 109, 139.
Mongolia, Buddhism in, 46.
Monk, 215, 218.
Mudrâ Râkshasa, drama, 17 n., 22 n.
Muṇḍa, king, 247.
Mysore, mission to, 44, 2 38.
Nâblfiiapaṁtis of Nâbhaka, 42, 186.
Nâgârjuni Hills, caves in, 70, 134; cave dedications in, 225.
Nâlandâ, buildings at, 110.
Nanda, dynasty, 13, 104, 231.
Nangrahar (Nangnahar), stûpa at, 76.
Navy, in Maurya. age, 101,
Nepâl, 77, 81.
Niglîva, inscribed pillar at, 39,77, 124, 148, 224.
Nigrodha, legend of, 233, 236.
Nikâya, meaning of, 184, 208.
Nirgranthas = Jains, q. v., 49.
Nirvâna, doctrine of, 64.
Niśśanka Malla, king of Ceylon, 182.
Nîti-śâstras treatises, 196.
Nun, 215, 218.
Nunneries, 139.
Omar, Khaîf, 21.
Omphis, king of Taxila, 12, 72.
Onions, prejudice against, 264, 265.
Order, the Buddhist, 149, 150.
'Ordination', Buddhist, 38, 156.
Orissa, 187, 193.
Oxen, racing, 90.
Oxyartes, satrap, 11.
Pads, scribe, 150.
Paithan, town, 170.
Palaces, Maurya, 85, 107.
Pali canon or scriptures, 63, 156.
Pallava, kingdom, 49.
Pandretghan, city, 76.
Pandyu, kingdom or country, 43, 49, 160, 186.
Panjâb, Pôros and Omphis, lords of, 12.
Parishad (parisâ), meaning of, 164.
Parkham. statue at, 116.
Paropanisadai, satrapy, 11, 15, 75.
Pâsaṁda (Pâshaṇḍa), meaning of, 170, 183.
Paśupati, shrine of, 78.
Pâṭaliputra (Patna), the Maurya Capital. 13, 16, 28 n. 50, 72, 105, 167, 169, 215, 232, 247, 249, 255; hospital at, 66; described, 84, 85, 107; administration of, 86; communications of, 91; procession at, 165; Council of, 217.
Pâtan, city, 77, 78.
Patna = Pâṭaliputra, q. v., 16; railings at, 114.
Patrokles, officer, 19.
Paul, St., 21.
Pegu, .Asoka.‘s alleged mission to, 44.
Peithon, son of Agênor, 11.
Penal law, 99.
Persecutions, 62 n.
Persepolitan capitals, 136, 141.
Persia, influence of, 100, 140, 141, 143.
Phaedra, legend of, 263 n.
Philippos, satrap, 12, 72.
Piety, Law of, see Dharma, 30.
Pillar edicts and miscellaneous inscriptions, 198-230.
Pillars, at Patna, 108, 109, 115; of Asoka numerous, 117, 123; inscribed, 123, 146; undiscovered, 124.
Pingala Vatsâjîva, ascetic, 248.
Pitonika. (Pitinikaf, tribe, 42, 168, 186.
Piyadasi, title of Asoka, 21; meaning of, 22.
Pôres, king, 12, 72, 138.
Prâdesika. = district officers, 163.
Prâkrit, language, 144.
Prasii, nation, 138.
Pravarapura, 76.
Priyadarśin=Piyadasi, q. v.
Proxenos, Indian parallel to, 87.
Ptolemy Philadelphos, king of Egypt, 19, 43, 72, 74, 186.
Pulinda, tribe, 42, 186.
Punarmsu, day, 205.
Pundra vardhana, in Bengal, 255.
Purâṇas, 17 n., 18n.
Pûrnavarman, Râjâ, 71.
Pushpsmitra. (Pushya-), king, 71, 74, 268.
Pushyadharma, king, 268.
Queen ant, 204.
Queen's Edict, 54, 71 n., 220.
Queens, of Asoka, 21 1, 215.
Râdhagupta, minister, 249.
Radhiah = Lanṛiyâ-Araâj, q. v., 146.
Râhula, address to, 154.
Railings, of stûpas, 114.
Bâjagriha, 247, 256.
Râjâkas (Rajjâkas) = Governors, 94, 163, 203.
Rakkhita, missionary, 44.
Bal-pa-chan, king of Tibet, 51.
Râmpurwâ, pillars at, 119, 147, 229.
Rantideva, king, 160.
Rashṭrika, tribe, 43, 168, 170.
Rebirth, theory of, 61.
Reflection, value of, 65.
Register, of births and deaths, 87.
Respite of three days to condemned men, 202.
Revenue, land, 95, 222.
Reverence, duty of, 58.
Ṛishipattana = Sârnâth, q.v, 253.
Roads, 91. 120.
Rock Edicts, distribution of, 126; versions of, 149-97.
Rudradâman, inscription of, 80, 93 n. 95, 130.
Rummindeî, inscribed pillar at, 39, 40, 77, 124, 148, 221.
Rûpnāth, rock inscription at, 132, 133, 150, 152, 227.
Sahālin, king, 247.
Sahasrâm, rock inscription at, 132, 133, 152.
Śakra, god, lord of the Devas, 241.
Śakti, goddesses, 70.
Sâkyas, sage of the, a title of Buddha, 222.
Samâja, meaning of, 159.
Samâpâ, town, 191, 193.
Samataṭa = Gangctic delta, 79.
Saṁbodḣi, meaning of, 177.
Suṁgha (Church), 218, 219.
Samprati (sampadi), grandson of Asoka, 71, 74, 226, 265, 268.
Saṁraṇa, building, 217.
Samudra, ascetic, 250 n.
Sânchî, stûpas at, 45, 110-12; edict, 219.
Sanghhamitrâ, legend of, 48, 52, 236
Sanskrit, language, 144.
Sâriputra, disciple of Buddha, 254.
Sârnâth, visited by Asoka, 40, 41 n.; edict, 54, 55, 92, 215; pillar at, 124, 147; lion capital at, 136, 140.
Sarvâtivâdin, school of Buddhism, 243 n.
Śaśânka, king of Bengal, 71.
Satiyaputra, kingdom of, 43, 80 n., 160.
Satrap, title of, 142.
Satyamangalum Tâlûk, 80, 161.
Schism, penalty of, 215, 218, 219.
Schools, of Buddhism, 243 n.
Script, Brâhmî, 139, 144;
Kharoshṭhî, 128, 139, 144.
Sculpture, handmaid of architecture, 135; in bas—re1ief, 137.
Seasons, three, 194.
Seleukos Nikator, 14-16, 18, 19. 72, 75, 162.
Shahbazgarhi, rock inscription at, 126, 185; blunders in edicts, 190.
Shamasastry, Mr. R.,discovered Artltaśâstra, 6, 17n., 83.
Sh1—hwang-ti, Chinese emperor, 81.
Siam, Buddhism in, 46.
Sibyrtios, satrap, 11, 16.
Siddâpura, rock inscription at, 132, 154.
Silk-cotton, 122.
Sind, 11, 81.
Sistan, 11.
Sogdiana, 11.
Sôn, river, 16, 84, 85.
Sons, missionary, 44.
Sopârâ, rock inscription at, 129.
Śrâvastî, city, 40, 41 n., 135 n.
Śrînagar, city, 76.
Stadium, defined, 91 n.
Stasander, governor, 11.
Stasanor, governor, 11.
Sthavira, school of Buddhism, 243 n.
Stoic ethics, 34.
Stûpa, defined, 107, 110.
Style, of the edicts, 144.
Sublsiadrângî, another of Asoka, 248.
Subscription, building by, 115.
Sudarśans, lake, 130.
Suhmâ, kingdom, 79.
Sumana, (1) brother of Asoka, 232; (2) son of daughter of Asoka, 136.
Sumitra, saint, 237.
Superintendents of pastures, 183.
Supiyâ or Kama-Chaupur cave, 225.
Surāshṭra, 130.
Surpâraka = Sopârâ, q. v.'
Susîma, brother of Asoka, 247, 249.
Susunâga, king, 231 n.
Suvaṇṇbhûmi = Pegu,44, 238.
Suvarṇagiri, town, 26, 93, 94,149.
Svasas, kingdom of, 246.
Swât. valley. 76, 81.
Syria kings of, 14 18,43, 76, 162.
Tāmalipti Tâmra-, port, 78, 238, 240.
Tamilakam, Tamil Land, 81.
Tamlūk = Tâmalipti, q. v. 79.
Tâmrâparṇi, river, 42, 43, 160, 161, 186.
Tamaśattiya, Buddhist school, 243 n.
Tarâi, Nepalese,' 77, 124, 146, 221.
Taxila, city, Omphis king of, 12, 72; Asoka viceroy of, 20 197, 248; highway to, 91; prince of, 93, 94, 196, 249, 260.
Teeth, used as seal, 260.
Thûpârâma, stûpa, 241.
Tibet, Buddhism in, 46; Ral-pa-chan king of, 51; legends of, 81.
Ti1aura Kôṭ = Kapilavastu, q.v., 40 n.
Tirhût, 2 55.
Tîrthyas, Hindus, opponents of Buddhism, 254.
Tishya (Tissa), (1) brother of Asoka, 232, 236, 242, 244; (2) king of Ceylon, 237; (3) son of Mogali (Moggali), 41, 45, 236-8, 242-4; (4) another saint, 237; (5) constellation and day, 192, 195, 204, 205.
Tishyarakshitâ, queen of Asoka, 246. 260, 263.
Tivara, son of Asoka, 73, 215, 220.
Toleration, 60; edict, 127, 182.
Toprâ, pillar from, 121, 123, 146.
Torture = Sanskrit. varikleśa, defined, 196.
Tosali, town, 25, 93, 94, 193.
Trade, Board of, 87.
Trees, planted, 91, 161, 210.
Tripuradeisos, partition of, 11, 12 n., 14, 72.
Tulakuchi, king, 247.
Tuluva, country, 80.
Tushâspha, Yavana Râjâ, 93n., 95.
Udayibhadra, king, 247.
Ujjain, Asoka Viceroy of, 20, 197, 232, 235; prince of, 93, 94., 196; 'hell' or prison at, 251.
Upagupta, preceptor of Asoka, 40, 41, 45n 77, 233.
Upasampadâ, dehned, 38.
Upatishya, Questioning of, 154.
Upayuktas = yukta (yula), 53 n.
Uraiyûr, old Choḷa capital, 161.
Urumunda, mount, 252.
Uttara, missionary, 44.
Uttiya, king of Ceylon, 240.
Vaḍathika. cave, 216.
Vahiyakâ cave, 216.
Vaibâdyuadrâdin, school of Buddhism, 243 n.
Vaisâli = Basâṛ, 117.
Vakkula, saint, 40, 254.
Vanavâsi = N. Kaṇṇara, 44, 238.
Vedisagiri = Besnagar, 235.
Viceroys, 93.
Videha = Tirhût, 255.
Vigaṭasoka (Vîtâsoka), brother of Asoka, 248, 254-7.
Vṛihaspati, king, 268.
Vṛishasena, king, 268.
Vulture’s Peak, 256.
Vyutha, meaning of, 153.
War Office, 101.
Wardens of the Marches, 26, 198.
Water-rates, 95.
Weapons, Indian, 104 n.
Wells, along roads, 91, 161, 210.
Women, censors of, 171, 183; see Female.
Writing, early knowledge of, 138.
Wu-ti, emperor of China, 36, 38.
Yaśas, saint, or Sthavira, 255.
Yavana = Yona, q. v.
Year, three seasons in, 194.
Yona, 42, 53, 93 n, 95, 162, 168, 188.
Yukta (yuta), meaning of, 53n., 93, 163.
Zâbul, city, 75.
Zoroastrian, Buddhist attitude akin to, 34.
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