Associations Incorporation Act 1981 (Victoria)/Schedule
- The qualifications (if any) for membership of the incorporated association.
- The register of members of the incorporated association.
- The entrance fees, subscriptions and other amounts (if any) to be paid by members of the incorporated association.
- The name, constitution, membership and powers of the committee or other body having the management of the incorporated association (in this paragraph referred to as the committee) and—
- (a) the election or appointment of members of the committee;
- (b) the terms of office of members of the committee;
- (c) the grounds on which, or reasons for which, the office of a member of the committee shall become vacant;
- (d) the filling of casual vacancies occurring on the committee;
- (e) the quorum and procedure at meetings of the committee.
- The quorum and procedure at general meetings of members of the incorporated association and whether members are entitled to vote by proxy at general meetings.[1]
- The time within which, and manner in which, notices of general meetings and notices of motion are to be given, published or circulated.
- The sources from which the funds of the incorporated association are to be or may be derived.
- The manner in which the funds of the association are to be managed and, in particular, the mode of drawing and signing cheques on behalf of the incorporated association.
- The intervals between general meetings of members of the incorporated association and the manner of calling general meetings.
- The manner of altering the statement of purposes of the incorporated association.
- The manner of altering and rescinding the rules and of making additional rules of the incorporated association.
- Provisions for the custody and use of the common seal (if any) of the incorporated association.[2]
- The custody of relevant documents and securities of the incorporated association.[3]
- The inspection by members of the incorporated association of relevant documents of the incorporated association.[4]
- The disposition of any surplus assets on the winding up or dissolution of the incorporated association.
- The procedure (if any) for the disciplining of members and the mechanism (if any) for appearances by members in respect of disciplinary action taken against them.[5]
- The grievance procedures for settling disputes under the rules between the incorporated association and any of its members or between a member and any other member.[6]