Atharva-Veda Samhita/Book VII/Hymn 27 (28)
27 (28). Prayer and praise to Iḍā.
[Medhātithi (?).—mantrokteḍādāivatam. trāiṣṭubham.]
Not found in Pāipp., but occurs in ĀpÇS. iv. 13. 4. Kāuç. makes no use of the verse; but in Vāit. (3. 15) it accompanies a libation to Iḍā in the parvan ceremonies.
Translated: Ludwig, p. 433; Henry, 11, 64; Griffith, i. 341.
1. Let Iḍā herself dress us with the vow (vratá), [she] in whose place
{padá) the pious purify themselves; ghee-footed, able, soma-backed, she, belonging to all the gods, hath approached the offering.
Or vratá in a may mean the vrata-milk (comm. simply karman). ĀpÇS. omits eva and reads ghṛtena for vratena in a, and has for c, vāiçvānarī çakvarī vāvṛdhānā. The comm. reads upā ’stṛta in d.