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Atharva-Veda Samhita/Book VII/Hymn 75 (79)

From Wikisource

75 (79). Praise and prayer to the kine.

[Uparibabhrava.—dvyṛcam. āghnyam. trāiṣṭubham: 2. 3-av. bhurik pathyāpan̄kti.]

Like the preceding hymn, not found in Pāipp. Not used in Kāuç. (if iv. 21. 7 is intended in 19. 14). But the comm. says here that the ritual application in the rite for prosperity of kine has already been stated, referring, probably, to his exposition under iv. 21. 7, where he spoke of two verses, although the hymn had none after 7; possibly the two verses of this hymn are what he had in mind.

Translated: Ludwig, p. 469; Henry, 30, 96; Griffith, i. 364.

1. Rich in progeny, shining in good pasture, drinking clear waters at a good watering-place—let not the thief master you, nor the evil-plotter; let Rudra's weapon avoid you.

Repeated here from iv. 21. 7; for the parallel passages with their variants etc., see the note to that verse.

2. Track-knowing are ye, staying (rámati), united, all-named; come unto me, ye divine ones, with the gods; to this stall, this seat; sprinkle us over with ghee.

Ramati is called by the comm. a gonāman; to "united" he adds "with their calves, or with other kine." ⌊The Anukr. seems to scan 8 + 7: 10: 8 + 8.⌋