Atharva-Veda Samhita/Book XIX/Hymn 12
12. For success and long life.
[Brahman (çāntikāmaḥ).—ekarcam. sāumyam. trāiṣṭubham.]
The hymn, or verse, is wanting in Pāipp. Its first half is identical with RV. x. 172. 4; its second half, with RV. vi. 17. 15 (also SV. i. 454). It is reckoned as a çanti-hymn, and used as such in company with the hymns that precede it ⌊see note to Kāuç. 9. 7⌋.
Translated: Griffith, ii. 273; and by the RV. translators.
1. The dawn, with nobleness, makes the darkness roll together [and] away on her sister's track; therewith may we win the prize (vā́ja) set by the gods; may we revel, living a hundred winters, rich in heroes.
The sense of the first half-verse is difficult and doubtful. Ápa in a is really an emendation ⌊following RV.⌋, all our mss. ⌊save B., which has áṣaḥ⌋, and very nearly all SPP's (only one has ápa ⌊and one, apá⌋) reading instead ápaḥ; the comm. has apa. Half ⌊of SPP's authorities, and one or two of W's⌋ give in b suyātátā. The comm. amuses himself with etymologizing svasṛ as svayant eva sāriṇī.