Atharva-Veda Samhita/Indexes and Other Auxiliary Matter/Index 8
8. Brief Index of Names and Things and Words and Places
⌊An elaborate index uncalled for here.—The existence of Whitney's complete and accurate Index Verborum to the AV. makes needless a full index of Sanskrit words for this work. Again, since the whole text is treated, each place or passage in its natural order, an index of places is also unnecessary. Moreover, an excellent English index of names and things is furnished by Griffith in his Translation. The following index, therefore, may legitimately be kept within very narrow limits. Its purpose is merely to aid in finding a few matters which are not to be found by the help of Whitney or Griffith. On the other hand, it is obvious that it would be possible and most useful to make for this work an exceedingly detailed index, giving, for example, under the heading Surd and sonant interchanged, every case of that kind to be found by careful comparison of the Atharvan text with the variants reported in this work. Such an index would be practically a collection of brief essays upon the subjects named in its headings, and would involve (see p. xxxvii, ¶2) a variety of special investigations which are too large to be undertaken here and must be left for another occasion. I hope that the student of this work will find the arrangement of the matter of the General Introduction so clear, and the analytical table of contents so thorough and perspicuous, that the absence of a detailed index to the matter of the Introduction will not be felt.⌋
⌊Arabic numerals by themselves refer to the pages of the main body of this work, the "Translation and Notes"; Roman numerals by themselves refer to the pages of volume VII. which precede the "Translation and Notes." Numerals in groups refer to book and hymn and verse, or rather to the notes thereon.⌋
Accent heeded by the commentator, xix. 13. 9
Antigone, cited, i. 14. 1
Antiphonal responses, ii. 5, introduction
Asterisms, regents of, xiv. 1. 13; in general, xix. 7 and 8
Athenæum Press, xl
Auditory errors, xcii
Barth, on Griffith's translations, xcv, note
Βεκός story of Herodotus, xviii. 4. 77
Benares, cremation at, xviii. 4. 12
Black sesame for mournful occasion, xviii. 3. 69
Blend-readings, xciii, xiv. 2. 18; xviii. 1. 39, 42; 4. 57
Bloomfield's argument in favor of RW's emendation anticipated and parried by W., xix. 53. 2; his Vedic Concordance, xxxvii, xc, xci; works on the ritual, lxxv, ci
Brahma-jāla-sutta, the name, x. 5. 1
"Brought nearer to completion," meaning of the phrase, xxxiv, xl
Caland, works of, on ritual, lxxv, ci
Cappeller, Carl, xl
Chāndogya Upanishad, vii. 15 discussed at xviii. 4. 12
Cremation at Benares, xviii. 4. 12
Death and Sleep, xix. 56. 1
Decad-sūktas, cxxxii
Dedication of this work, motif of the, xxxix
Delbrück, B., lxxvii, note
Diarrhœa caused by fear, iii. 2. 5
Eleven dishes, deposition of, xviii. 4. 16
Ell-brackets, use of, explained, xxviii, c
Endings, of words, abbreviated, xix. 59. 1
Errors, remarkable series of, xxxvi, note. See Auditory errors and Visual errors
Faulty assimilation of endings, xviii. 4. 87 [cf. Album-Kern, p. 303]
Garbe, Richard, xl, xliv, note, lxxxii
Geldner, Karl F., xliv, note, 816, etc.
Genders, confused?, xiv. 2. 30
Glosses, hypermetric, xciii
Grierson, George A., xl, v. 13. 5
Griffith's translations, Barth on, xcv, note
Hadley, James, xlix, xliii
Halévy, J., on hrūḍu, i. 25. 2
Haplography, cases of, Ixxxiii, xciii, iv. 5. 5; xv. 7. 1
Henri d'Orléans, Prince, on a symbolic practice, vii. 38. 5
Henry, Victor, on hrūḍu, i. 25. 2
Hopkins, E. W., xl, xlviii, xii. i. 51
Index Verborum in fuller form, Whitney's unpublished MS. thereof, xxv, note
Infelicities of expression in the translation, xxxvii, xcviii
Integer vitae, lxxviii
Jacobi, Hermann, xl
Kaegi, Adolf, xliv, note
Karait, venomous little snake, v. 13. 5
Lindner, Bruno, xliv, note
Mahā-bhārata, possible reminiscence of AV. in the, x. 4. 9; verse in AV. resembling adages of, v. 19. 9
Māitrāyaṇī, peculiar orthography of, disregarded, xc
Manuscript D. confused with Op., lxv
Manuscripts, designations of, explained, cix
Messengers of Yama, xviii. 2. 27
Milky Way, vi. 128. 4.
Misdivision between hymns, clx, near end, i. 20. 4 and introd. to i. 21, 1016
Mixed construction, xiv. 2. 72
Moore, George F., xl, xiv. 2. 14
Morgan, Morris H., xl
One hundred and one, i. 30. 3; iii. 11. 5; viii. 2. 27; xi. 6. 16
Pada-pāṭha, blunders of, lxix, xiii. 3. 17; xix. 26. 3; etc.
Paritta, as name for sixteenth book, clviii, note, xv, cxlv, 792, 1023, 1035; as name for the hymn iii. 26, introduction to iii. 26
Pearls formed from rain-drops, introd. to iv. 10
Pischel, Richard, xci, xviii. 1. 1; etc.
Play of words, xviii. 3. 29
Prākritism in orthography, iii. 12. 4; x. 9. 23; xix. 8. 4 [cf. Album-Kern, p. 302]
Protests: against issue of works in confusing subdivisions, xxv, note ; against separate pagination of reprints, xcix, note
Rain-drops become pearls, introd. to iv. 10
Reprints, see Protests
Ryder, A. W., xxxix, lxxxvi, 420, 515, 579, 663, 664, 702, 739, 1039, 1040
Salisbury, Edward E., xliii, xliv, note, xlix, l
Sense-equivalent variants, lxxx, xviii. 2. 16
Seventh book, exceptional character of, cli; one verse its norm, cxlix
Shadow, loss of, xiii. i. 56
Shuffling of pādas, xviii. 2. 2; 3. 38; 3. 47
Sleep and Death, xix. 56. 1
Smith, Theobald, xl, v. 13. 4
Snake-poison, autotoxic action of, v. 13. 4; vii. 88. 1; x. 4. 26
Suggestions for future work relating to the AV.: in general, xxxvii, ¶2, 1042; edition of Pañcapaṭalikā, lxxii; edition of Major Anukramaṇī, lxxii, 1038; edition of Kashmirian text, lxxxvi; sifting of various interpretations, xxxi; criticism of the Pada-pāṭha, lxix; comparison of grouping of mantras in the ritual and in the saṁhitā, lxxv; critical study of hymns that exceed the normal length, cliii and note; question of identity of Sāyaṇa of RV. with "Sāyaṇa" of AV., lxviii; publication of Roth's exegetical notes, xcvi
Suggestions for future work relating to the RV., xxxvii, xxxviii
Suggestions of Roth for future work, xxxviii, note
Surd and sonant confused, lxxxiii, xcii, ii. 13. 3; xiv. 1. 45; xviii. 2. 14; 1045
Tears destroy peace of the dead, xiv. 2. 59
Translation, infelicities of expression in, xxxvii, xcviii
Twin-consonant wrongly inserted or omitted, lxxxiv, xcii, xviii. 2. 3
Ūha-pādas in the saṁhitā, 503, 847 [cf. Album-Kern, p. 301]
Urination, posture in, vii. 102. 1; xiii. 1. 56
Visual errors, xciii
Wales Professorship of Sanskrit at Harvard, xliv, note
Warren, Henry Clarke, vii, xxiv, xxxviii, xxxix
Whitney, Mrs. W. D., xxxix, xlvi
Whitney, Miss Maria, xl
Women likened to field, xiv. 2. 14
Word-endings abbreviated, xix. 59. 1
Word-play, xviii. 3. 29
Yama's messengers, xviii. 2. 27
akṛpran, xviii. 3. 23
ajayānāis, xviii. 2. 53
añjoyānāis, xviii. 2. 53
a-paçcād-daghvan, xix. 55. 5
abhito tatantha, interesting corruption, xiv. 1. 45
arir mitram arer etc., iv. 9. 4
artha-sūktas, cxxxiii
ahighnyo, x. 4. 7
āsandī, xiv. 2. 65
índra-çatru and indra-çatrú, lxviii
āitat, xviii. 3. 40
-ka, as added to stems of participles, ii. 3. 1; iv. 37. 10; v. 13. 9; v. 23. 7; xiv. 2. 63; JAOS. XX. 25
kuṭṭayeyus, xviii. 4. 55
gúggulu, orthography and accent, 957
tu, sole occurrence of, in AV., iv. 18. 6
dhuvana, xviii. 3. 10, 17
nāvaprabhraṅçana, xix. 39. 8
nicṛt, lxxiv, note
pada-nī, xi. 2. 13
paryāya-sūktas, cxxxiii
palāça, xviii. 4. 53
pitṛnidhāna (eleven dishes), xviii. 4. 16
peṭikā = κόφινος, xviii. 2. 25
praṣṭavyā ityādi, 782, foot-note
prāçliṣṭa svarita, xviii. 1. 55
bhurij, lxxiv, note
rakṣohā, (?), neuter, xix. 44. 7
vānya, abhivānya, etc., xviii. 4. 35
virāj, lxxiv, note
viṣāṇā, etymology, iii. 7. 1; vi. 44. 3; vi. 121. 1
vāiyadhikaraṇya, xviii. 3. 2
vyāghrādiṣu etc. of Anukr., xv. 5. 7
saṁçritya, xviii. 4. 55 2, 1046
su-çaṅsa, xviii. 3. 16
suhār, suhārt, xix. 45. 2, 1046
svarāj, lxxiv, note
hariṇīs or 'taking' verses, xviii. 3. 8
ii. 13. 1, lxxiii
iii. 10. 12, lxiv
iii. 12. 1, lxxxiii
iv. 10. 6, lxx
iv. 19. 6, lxvii, lxx
iv. 28. 3, lxvii, lxx
iv. 32. 3, lxxiv
vi. 1. 3, lxix, note
vi. 32. 3, xcii
vi. 70. 3, xcii
vii. 57. 2, xcvii
x. 2. 24, lxxxix
x. 3. 18, 21, 22, lxxxiii
xii. 3. 36, lxxxviii
xiv. 1. 9, lxix
xiv. 2. 18, xciii
xviii. 1. 50, xciv
xviii. 2. 46, lxviii
xviii. 3. 3, xcii
xviii. 4. 40, xcvii
xviii. 4. 61, lxxix
xix. 23, cl, clvii, clix
xix. 50. 5, 7, lxxxiii