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Atlantis: The Antediluvian World/Index

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  • Abaras, 441.
  • Ada, 171.
  • Ad, the people of, 236; "as old as Ad," 277; people of, colonized Arabia, 277; empire of, 278; language of, 278; at base of many races, 282.
  • Adah, sons of, 280.
  • Adam, 72; a red man, 193; composed books in Paradise, 230; author of arts and letters, 230, 329.
  • Ad-amah, 279.
  • Ad-ami, the, 236, 281.
  • Ad-im, 279.
  • Ad-ima, 279.
  • Adites, ancient people of Arabia, 27, 276; sun-worshippers, 277; red-men, 278.
  • Aditi, the, 280.
  • Aditya, the, 280.
  • Ad, Mashab, 279.
  • Ad-mi, 281.
  • Adon, 279.
  • Adonài, 425.
  • Adonis, 425.
  • Ad: Shed-Ad, ben, 276.
  • Ægean Sea, 25.
  • Ælian, 27.
  • Afghans, 185.
  • Africa, Egyptian circumnavigation of, 3.
  • Africans not all negroes, 404; red and white races among, 404, 405; origin of these, 407.
  • Agatharcides, 278.
  • Agni, the god, 467.
  • Agriculture, 141; origin of, 453.
  • Agros, 329.
  • Ahuramazda, 89.
  • Alcinous, Gardens of, 2, 323.
  • Alexander the Great, 136.
  • Allah, 425.
  • Alphabet, the, origin of, 214; Egyptians did not invent the, 214; slow growth of ages, 215; letters added by Greeks and Romans, 216; the Phœnician letters, 216; the Maya alphabet, 216; analyzed, 218; table of alphabets, 219; relation of Phœnician and Egyptian alphabets, 232; antiquity of, 235.
  • Amasis, King of Egypt, 7.
  • Ambrosia, 287.
  • America. Deluge legends of, 98.
  • American continent described by priests of Egypt, 10; ruled over by Atlantis, 11; Eastern origin of the races, 165, 167, 168; not all red men, 184; not all of same type, 190.
  • Amon, 465.
  • Ampheres, son of Poseidon, 13.
  • Amyander, 7.
  • Amynos, 329.
  • Ancestor-worship, 155.
  • Ancient ships, of Troy, 446; of Rameses the Great, 446; of Sesostris, 447; of Syracuse, 447; of the Romans, 447; of the Veneti, 447.
  • Animal-worship, 148.
  • Antediluvian patriarchs, 27; kings of Chaldea, 27.
  • Antediluvians, the, possessed an alphabet, 235.
  • Antlan, 168, 171.
  • Anubis, 236.
  • Apache, the, Flood legends, 117.
  • Apar, Aphar, Apara, 409.
  • Apaturia, 7.
  • Apis, 147.
  • Aqueducts, the, of Peru, 141.
  • Arabs, 27; red men, 193.
  • Ar-Ad, 279.
  • Arameans, their Deluge legend, 85.
  • Arch, the, 140; of Central America, 353, 354; of ancient Greece, 357; of the Etruscans, 357.
  • Architecture of Europe and America compared, 136.
  • Ark, the, venerated by different nations, 207; of the Mandans, 111; of the Egyptians, 359.
  • Armenia Major, list of cities in, 178.
  • Aryans, the, from Europe and Atlantis, 177, 423, 426, 456; not from Asia, 457; their civilization, 459; their religion, 462; the two great divisions of, 469.
  • Ascension, the island of, 43.
  • Asgard, 313, 324.
  • Asshurbanapal, 77.
  • Assyrian cycles, 29; exorcisms, 211.
  • Astronomy, perfection of, among ancient Egyptians, 364; origin of, 453.
  • Astynome, 330.
  • Atargatis, 86.
  • Athene, 7, 304.
  • Athens, ancient pre-eminence of, 9; led the forces opposed to Atlantis, 11; founded by Poseidon, 304.
  • At-hotes, the Egyptian god, 278.
  • Atlantes described by Herodotus, 172.
  • Atlantic Ocean impenetrable, 11; origin of name, 13, 171.
  • Atlantids, the, 306.
  • Atlantis, Plato's history of, was true, 1; was the birthplace of civilization, 1; was colonized by Europe and America, 1; was the Garden of Eden, 1; its kings became the gods of Greece, 2; founded Egypt, 2; its Bronze Age, 2; originated one alphabet, 2; original seat of Aryans and Semites, 2; sunk in the ocean, 2; Deluge legends refer to destruction of, 2; Solon's account of, 5; described by priests of Sais, 10; size of, 10; extent of its empire, 11; its invasion of Greece, 11; its destruction, 11; described in detail by Plato, 13; its fruits and flowers, 14; its kings, 14; its animals, 14; its temples, harbors, and docks, 15; its great canal, 15; its architecture, 15; its walls, 15; its baths and race-courses, 16; its docks, 17; its mountaius, 17; its ships and merchants, 17; its great plain, 18; its military service, 18; the arrangement of its government, 19; its columns covered with inscriptions, 19; the administration of justice in, 19; its records, 20; its golden age, 20; its wickedness, 20; traditions of, 276; sun-worship in, 284; its kings become the gods of the Greeks, 283, 285; and of the Phœnicians, 309; original seat of Phœnicians, 310; the Garden of Eden, 323; the colonies of, 348; the inventions derived from, 440; reconstructed, 472; interdiction of swine-flesh in, 472; practice of circumcision in, 472; its religion, 470; its destruction, 478.
  • Atlas, oldest son of Poseidon, 13; supreme ruler of Atlantis, 14, 20, 149; origin of name, 171; mountains of, 172, 308; he lived in the Hesperides, 288, 289.
  • Atl-tona-ti-uh, 282.
  • At-otarho, 149.
  • Atreus, Mycenæ, treasure house at, 205.
  • Attika, 304, 308.
  • At-tit, 282.
  • Augurs, 144, 148.
  • Australian Archipelago, 32.
  • Autochthon, son of Poseidon, 13, 308, 309, 329.
  • Ayar, 391.
  • Aymaras, 189.
  • Azaes, son of Poseidon, 14.
  • Azores, black rocks of, 24; the islands of, are surviving fragments of Atlantis, 26; earthquakes in, 43; revealed by deep-sea soundings, 46; covered with volcanic débris, 46, 50; climate of, 473.
  • Aztlan, 97, 105, 326, 327.
  • Aztecs, the, were from Aztlan, 106; their civilization, 350; their religion, 351; their customs, 351.


  • Baal, 83; in Ireland, 414; the horns of, 427, 428.
  • Baalim, 182.
  • Babel, Tower of, American legend, 200, 202.
  • Babylon, 76.
  • Bacchus, 149, 305, 306, 464.
  • Bacon, "New Atlantis," 23; his opinion of Greek mythology, 283.
  • Balam Agab, 182.
  • Balam Quitze, 176, 182.
  • Balboa, 176.
  • Banana, carried by man in ancient times across the Atlantic, 57.
  • Banbha, the Lady, 408.
  • Baptism, Mexican, described, 158, 208.
  • Barbarians of Homer, 179.
  • Barbary States, 172.
  • Basques, the, described, 388; their language, 172; their American affinities, 173.
  • Baths, hot and cold, in Atlantis, 16.
  • Baukis, 302.
  • Bearded men in America, 165, 166.
  • Bel, 83.
  • Belus, temple of, 335, 341.
  • Berber languages, 196, 407.
  • Berosus, 27; his version of the Chaldean Deluge legend, 75.
  • Beth-el, 308, 425.
  • Bhâgavata-Purâna, 88, 126.
  • Bilma, 172.
  • Bind Madhu, temple of, 334.
  • Black Caribbees, 176.
  • Black Celts, 183.
  • Black Indians of California, 185.
  • Black Sea, 311.
  • Bochica, 105.
  • Boeckh, 27, 91.
  • Brahma, 27, 323.
  • Brahmadikas, the, 27.
  • Brasseur de Bourbourg, 100, 167, 179; his description of Indians, 196; he discovers Landa's MS. in Madrid library, 217, 419.
  • Brazil, fauna of, 53.
  • Bretons, the, 389.
  • Bricks, use of, on both continents, 140.
  • Bride-cake, 158.
  • Brigantia, 411.
  • British Islands, formerly submerged, 34.
  • Britons, a civilized race, 134; ancient, horror of hares, 147.
  • Bronze Age, its origin, 2; Flood occurred during, 90; in Europe, 237; a perplexing problem, 237; preceded by an age of copper and tin, 237; was imported into Europe, 238, 245; not attributable to Romans, 241; nor Phœnicians, 241; represents new people, 248; in Iceland, 249; came from common centre, 250; in Olympus, 290.
  • Bronze celts, 250, 253; one with inscription, 258.
  • Bronze hut-urn, Albano, 255.
  • Bronze knives, 254.
  • Bronze lake-village, 255.
  • Bronze ornaments, 258, 259, 260.
  • Bronze razor-knives, 256.
  • Bronze swords, 251.
  • Bronze was known to the ancient Americans, 140.
  • Buckle, his opinion of Herodotus, 3.
  • Buddha, 195, 316.
  • Buddhists, 323, 332.
  • Burial rites, 154, 155.
  • Burnt offerings, 148.


  • Cabiri, the, 309.
  • Cabyles, the, 389.
  • Cadiz, 172.
  • Cain's migrations, 281; his race did not perish in the Deluge, 281.
  • Calaveras, fossil skull of, 29.
  • Caledonians, the ancient, flattened the skull, 270.
  • Calendar, Nahua, same as Asian, 151.
  • Calendar stone of Mexico, 107.
  • Calmucks' fear of the rabbit, 147.
  • Calypso, 298.
  • Camel, the, fossil remains of, found in Kansas, 55.
  • Canary Islands, 28; earthquakes in, 36, 178.
  • Canoes of bark, 156; of skin, 156.
  • Cara Gigantesca, 140.
  • Cardo, the mountain, 446.
  • Carians, the, 179.
  • Caribs, the, 179.
  • Castes date back to great antiquity in Egypt, 10, 151.
  • Çatapatha Brâhmana, 87.
  • Catlin, Flood legends of Mandans, 111; complexion of Mandans, 185.
  • Cattle, ancient domestication of, 55.
  • Caxapa, 175.
  • Celibacy of Mexican priests, 160.
  • Celts, the, 389.
  • Cement, the use of, 140.
  • Central America ruled over by Atlantis, 23; bronze chisel, 262.
  • Central American colonies from Atlantis, 348; arch of, 353.
  • Cerambos, 91.
  • Cereals, origin of great, unknown, 177.
  • Ceres, 305.
  • Ceridwen, 235.
  • Chacmol, 178, 446.
  • Chaldea, 27.
  • Chaldeans, their Deluge legends, 75; Berosus's version of, 75; the Nineveh legend, 76; their language, its relations to Chinese, 432.
  • Challenger, British ship, its deep-sea explorations, 24, 46.
  • Challenger Ridge, the, 49.
  • Chanes, 314.
  • Charanzanis, the, 196.
  • Chariots of war in Egypt and Britain, 25.
  • Charrnas of Brazil, they were negroes, 176.
  • Cheops, the pyramid of, 335, 338.
  • Cherokees, the ark of the, 207.
  • Chiapas, 26.
  • Chiapenecs, similarity of language to Hebrew, 234.
  • Chiapense, the, hero Votan, 313.
  • Chibchacum, 149.
  • Chibchas, their Flood legend, 105.
  • Chichen Itza, 166, 175, 178.
  • Chickasaws, the, Deluge legends of, 117.
  • Chili, plants of, 61.
  • Chinese, their kings, 27; an Atlantean race, 426; their original location, 431; Deluge of, 431; their language, its relations to Chaldean, 432; to the Otomi of Mexico, 435.
  • Chinooks, the, 271.
  • Chippeways, the, Deluge legends of, 108.
  • Chiquimala, 314.
  • Chiriqui, rock carvings of, 178.
  • Chivim, 314.
  • Cholula, legend of pyramid of, 200, 202, 335, 341.
  • Chronian Sea, the, 289, 301.
  • Chronos, 75, 82, 288, 300, 301, 308, 309, 465.
  • Chua, 309.
  • Circumcision, practised in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, 151; antiquity of, 210; origin of, 472; effects of, on races of Europe and America, 472; practised by Uranos, King of Atlantis, 472.
  • Citlalatonac, 101.
  • Citlallinicué, 101.
  • Civilization, in what it consists, 129; inherited, 133; not communicable to all races, 133; European and American compared, 136.
  • Cleito, wife of Poseidon, 13; her temple, 16.
  • Clement, St., refers to worlds beyond the ocean, 28.
  • Coal measures of Pennsylvania, 31.
  • Coins, of Mexico, 345; of Palenque, 345, 350; of Tyre, 444; of Central America, 445; of Corvo, 479.
  • Codex Chimalpopoca, 100, 145.
  • Colhuas, the, 217.
  • Colonies from Atlantis, 348; to Central America, 348; to Egypt, 358; to Mississippi Valley, 370; to Spain, 387; to Peru, 390; to Africa, 404; to Ireland, 408.
  • Columbus, 311, 472.
  • Complexion of the races of men, 183.
  • Confession of sins practised in Mexico, 144.
  • Connecting ridges of Atlantis, 49.
  • Copper Age, the, found in America, 140, 238.
  • Copper axes, Ireland and Indiana, 266.
  • Cornwall, ancient land to west of, 49.
  • Cosmos, the monk, his map of the world, 95.
  • Cotton, manufacture of, known to ancient America and Europe, 59.
  • Convade, the, 152.
  • Cow-headed idols, 427.
  • Coxcox, the Mexican Noah, 99.
  • Cremation practised on both continents, 152.
  • Critias, 6, 7.
  • Cro-Magnon, the man of, 273.
  • Cromlechs of Africa and Europe, 406.
  • Cross, the, 24, 317; St. George's, 318; St. Andrew's, 318, 334; Maltese, 318, 333; Greek, 318; Latin, 318; of the Nile, 318, 319; of Central America, 319; a symbol of the Garden of Eden, 320; the "key of the Nile," 321; of Nineveh, 321; of Britain, 321; of India, 321; of China, 321; of Scandinavia, 321.
  • Cross-cake of Egyptians, 322.
  • Crow Indians, the, 189.
  • Crux-ansata, the, 332.
  • Çüdüq, 330.
  • Culebres, the, 314.
  • Culhuacan, 97, 326.
  • Cukulcan, 166.
  • Cushites, red men, 194.
  • Customs, similarities of, in Europe and America, 150.
  • Cycles of sixty years, 151.
  • Cyclops, 294.


  • Dagon, 308, 309.
  • Dakota legends of Atlantis, 114.
  • Dances: the buffalo dance, 156; the "mummers," 156; dog dances, 156; Dyonisiac dances, 156.
  • Danes' pipes in Ireland, 63.
  • Dark-whites, the, 195.
  • Darwin, Charles, submarine phenomena, 44; origin of our domestic animals, 55; of our domestic plants, 61.
  • Deformation of skull, 268.
  • Deluge, herdsmen and shepherds only survive in the, 8; there were several deluges, 9; the Bible record, 68; describes destruction of Atlantis, 72, 290.
  • Deluge legends relate to destruction of Atlantis, 2, 65; tradition universal, 66; of the Chaldeans, 75; of America, 98.
  • Demeter, 305.
  • Deucalion, Deluge of, 8, 85, 89, 291.
  • Deva Nahusha, 24, 464.
  • Diaprepes, son of Poseidon, 14.
  • Diodorus Siculus describes Atlantis, 28.
  • Dionysus, 149, 305, 306, 465.
  • Dolphin, U. S. ship, 46.
  • Dolphin's Ridge, 26, 50, 468.
  • Dominica, earthquake in, 119.
  • Donnellv, Miss Eleanor C., poem of, 421.
  • Dropidas, 6, 12.
  • Druids, their books, 235.
  • Dwyfach, 93.
  • Dwyfan, 93.


  • Ea, Chaldean god of the Flood, 75, 83, 125.
  • Earth, 9; submergences of, 31, 83.
  • Eastern origin of American races, 165, 167, 168.
  • Egypt, its mythology from Atlantis, 2; was the oldest colony of Atlantis, 2; founded by Athene, 9; no Flood legends in, 94; vast antiquity of, 131; people came from Atlantis, 132; given by Chronos to Taaut, 309; the pyramids of, 329; colonized by Atlantis, 358; burial rites of, 359; great antiquity of, 360; vast monuments of, 362; laws of ancient, 363; their arts, 364.
  • Egyptian cross, 320; cross-cake, 322.
  • Egyptian plants found in lake dwellings of Switzerland, 62.
  • Egyptian priests gave Solon traditions of Atlantis, 6.
  • Egyptians, circumnavigation of Africa, 3; cycles, 29; red men, 194; their early religion monotheism, 211; aristocratic classes had receding foreheads, 274.
  • El, 182, 425.
  • Elasippus, son of Poseidon, 14.
  • Elephants, in Atlantis, 14; in America, 168; elephant mound, Wisconsin, 169; elephant pipe, Iowa, 169; elephant helmet, 170; Mexican representation of elephant, 170; elephant trunks, 170.
  • Eleusinian Mysteries, the, 463.
  • Eloah, 425.
  • Elohim, 425.
  • Elysian Fields, 1, 288, 359.
  • Elysion, 359.
  • Embalming the dead, 144, 179.
  • England, rock carvings in, 178.
  • Engraving, the art of, very ancient, 141.
  • Epilepsy, 148.
  • Erichthonus, 91.
  • Erythea, 307.
  • Erythræan Sea, 310.
  • Ethiopians, 28; were red men, 194.
  • Etruscans not the authors of the Bronze Age of Europe, 243, 426; they probably possessed the mariner's compass, 446.
  • Eumelus, 13.
  • Evæmon, son of Poseidon, 13.
  • Eve, in Toltec legends, 199.
  • Evenor, 13.
  • Exorcism of demons, 147.


  • Fairies of America and Europe, 157.
  • Fauna of Europe and America compared, 54.
  • Fayal, 24.
  • Fezzan, 172.
  • Fir-Bolgs, the, 409.
  • Fire, sacred, of Mexicans, 146; of Asia Minor, 146; of India, 146; of Sweden, 146; of Romans, 146, 151; of Peru, 151.
  • Flat-head Indians, 271.
  • Flood of Deucalion, 291.
  • Flood tablet, Calendar stone, Mexico, 107.
  • Flora of Europe and America compared, 54.
  • Flora of Pacific States of America, 59.
  • Fogo, 43.
  • Folk-lore, 150, 160.
  • Foolahs, the, 406.
  • Formorians, the, 408.
  • Frog Indians, 272.


  • Gadeirus, 13.
  • Gades, part of empire of Atlantis, 13; why so named, 13, 172.
  • Gæa, 303.
  • Gæthulighe, 411.
  • Galley, of Bronze Age, 256; of Romans, 257; of William the Conqueror, 257.
  • Gama, Vasqnez de, discovery of the Cape of Good Hope, 3.
  • Games the same on both continents, 162.
  • Garden of Eden, 1, 24; cross a symbol of, 320; described, 324, 325, 326.
  • Gauls, possessed traditions of Atlantis, 28; a civilized race, 134.
  • Ge, 308.
  • Genea, 329.
  • Genesis, 27; contains a history of Atlantis, 198; similarities to American legends, 199; its great antiquity, 212.
  • Genos, 329.
  • Geological formation of United States, 32; of Europe, 33.
  • Germans, ancient, a civilized race, 134.
  • Gettysburg, U. S. ship, explorations by, 53.
  • Geryon, 307.
  • Ghosts, belief in, on both continents, 146.
  • Gihon, the river, 312, 325.
  • Glacial Period, the, causes of, 50.
  • Gobi, 429.
  • Gold sacred in Assyria and Peru to the sun, 347.
  • Gold, a sacred metal of Atlantis, 343; a sacred metal of Peruvians, 345.
  • Golden Age, the, 290, 301.
  • Gomer, 412.
  • Gömüshtepe, 429.
  • Goths, ancient writings of, 236; their mythology, 313, 316.
  • Graham's island, 36.
  • Grave-cists, 139.
  • Gray, Professor Asa, on flora of the Pacific coast, 59.
  • Greeks, no history of antiquity, 6; their legends of the Deluge, 89; their divinities the rulers of Atlantis, 283.
  • Gunpowder, its antiquity, 447; known to ancient Chinese, 447; to the Phœnicians, 448; to Hindoos, 448; to Moses, 449; to Atlantis, 450.
  • Guanaani, inhabitants of, 196.
  • Guanches, 178, 179, 180, 473.
  • Guatemala, 26.
  • Gucumatz, 199.
  • Gulf Stream, 50.
  • Gulguntius, 409.
  • Gurani, 179.


  • Haadam, 281.
  • Hades, 288.
  • Ham, what races descended from, 436.
  • Hare, superstitious fear of, 147.
  • Harlequin, 210.
  • Haroeri, 442.
  • Havilah, 325.
  • Hayagriva, 88, 236.
  • Heads, hanging up of enemies', 208.
  • Hebrew language, similarity to Chiapenec, 234.
  • Hebrews, greater health of, 472.
  • Hecla, 43.
  • Hekatoncheires, 294; described, 299.
  • Hellenes, 8.
  • Hera, 86, 303.
  • Herculaneum and Pompeii, once called "the fabulous cities," 3.
  • Hercules, 300; Columns of, 10, 11, 27, 28; the stone of, 441, 443.
  • Hermes Trismegistus, 125.
  • Herodotus, increased respect for, 3; quotation from, 23; burial rites of Scythians, 136; describes the Maxyans, 196; describes Scythian mode of scalping enemies, 209, 333, 362.
  • Hesiod, 7.
  • Hesperides, the gardens of the, were in Atlantis, 288; golden apples of, 306.
  • Hesperis, 306.
  • Hiawatha, 149.
  • Hierapolis, 85; chasm of, 86.
  • Hieroglyphics, 214, 216, 233.
  • Himyaritic-Arabians, 194.
  • Hindoo legends of Deluge, 24, 86, 87, 181.
  • Hivim, 314.
  • Hivites, 314.
  • Homa, water of life, 27.
  • Homer, 7, 181, 297, 324.
  • Hood, Robin, 210.
  • Horse, race-courses and baths for, in Atlantis, 17; associated with Atlantis and Poseidon, 25; originated in North America, 54; domesticated in very ancient times, 55.
  • Hu, 93, 182; the writings of, 235.
  • Hu-hu-nap-hu, 182.
  • Hunaphu, 149, 182.
  • Hunbatz, 182.
  • Huncam, 182.
  • Hue Hue Tlapalan, 165, 384.
  • Humboldt, 151, 327, 335, 341, 426, 438.
  • Huns, the ancient, flattened the skull, 272.
  • Hurakan, a Central American god, 102.
  • Hurricane, origin of word, 103.
  • Hydrophoria, Greek ceremony having reference to Deluge, 90.
  • Hyksos, the, 333.
  • Hyperboreans, people from Atlantis visited the, 27.


  • Iberians, the, a colony from Atlantis, 387.
  • Iceland, great convulsions in, 35; volcanoes of, 43.
  • Igh, 313.
  • Imox, 313.
  • Incarnation of gods, 149.
  • Incense burnt by Peruvians, 144.
  • India, visit of Dionysos to, 465.
  • Indian Deluge legends, 87, 107, 108, 109.
  • Intoxicating beverages, 150.
  • Inventions, no new ones for 6000 years, 130; the great antiquity of, 440; mariner's compass, 440; gunpowder, 447; iron, 451; paper, 451; silk, 451; order of, 455.
  • Iqui-Balam, 182.
  • Iranians, 27; their Deluge legend, 89.
  • Ireland, earthquakes in, 40; tobacco known to the ancient people of, 63; originally colonized from Atlantis, 408; different races of, 409; relations to Deluge, 412; was the "Island of the Sun," 413; the "Garden of Phœbus," 413; called "Ogygia," 413; great antiquity of people of, 413; ancient religion of, 414; ancient customs of, 415; round towers of, 416; traditions of America in, 419; St. Brendan's visit to America from, 419; the name of, Aryan, 470.
  • Irish, ancient, dread of hares, 147.
  • Iron, mined by Incas, 140; antiquity of manufacture of, 451; known in earliest ages to the Egyptians, 451; to the Peruvians, 451; to the Mound Builders, 377, 451.
  • Iron Age, 290.
  • Iroquois, Deluge legends of, 117.
  • Isiris, Egyptian god, 309.
  • Islands of the Blessed, 287.
  • Islands of the Sea, referred to in Bible, 28.
  • Islands, sunken, west of Spain, 53.
  • Isle Royal, Lake Superior, ancient copper mines on, 247.
  • Ixtlilxochitl, 103.
  • Izcalli, 127.


  • Jamassi of Florida, negroes, 176.
  • Jambadwipa, 325.
  • Jamaica, earthquake in, 43.
  • Janus, 301.
  • Java, great convulsions in, 35, 38.
  • Jews, the, their customs similar to those of the Mexicans, 204; the miracle of their continued existence as a race, 213.
  • Josephus, 325.
  • Juno, 303.
  • Jupiter, 464.


  • Kaimeni, Old, 37.
  • Karnac, the temple of, 362.
  • Kaws of Kansas, 184.
  • Kesair, 408.
  • Khasisatra, 75, 78, 81, 84.
  • Koran, Deluge legends of, 86.
  • Krodo, a Gothic god, 316.
  • Kronion, Father, 29.
  • Kuntze, Professor Otto, views of, 56, 57.
  • Kshatriyas, the, 194.
  • Kyklopes, 294; described, 299.


  • Labyrinth, the, 362.
  • Laertas, gardens of, 323.
  • Lake-dwellings, animals of, 55; plants of, 62; bronze representation of, 255.
  • Lake Superior, metallurgy originated on shores of, 130; great extent of ancient copper mining on, 246.
  • Lancerota, island of, 36.
  • Landa, Bishop Diego de, his destruction of Maya books, 217; his preservation of Maya alphabet, 217.
  • Language of Noah, 433; of Chinese, 432; of Chaldeans, 432; of Otomi, 435; of North American Indians, 435; of Ural-Altaic races, 435.
  • Laying on of hands, 147.
  • Lemuria, the drowned continent of the Pacific, 32.
  • Lenni-Lenapi Deluge legends, 109.
  • Lenormant, François, 66, 74, 76, 82, 86, 87, 88, 94.
  • Le Plongeon, Dr., describes negroes, 175.
  • Libyans, the, 195.
  • Lisbon, great earthquake of, 40.
  • Livingstone, Dr., 315.
  • Lost tribes of Jews, 209.
  • Lycanthropy, 147.
  • Lyktonia, 29.
  • Lynd, Major J. W., 186; description of Dakotas, 189.


  • Madeira, 43.
  • Magnetic cup, 254.
  • Magnetic needle, 254; known to ancients, 440.
  • Magog, 412, 437.
  • Maia, wife of Pan, 145.
  • Maize known to ancient Chinese and Egyptians, 60.
  • Man, antiquity of, 29.
  • Mandan Indians, Flood legends of, 110; tradition as to the origin of man, 114.
  • Mantchoos, the, 209.
  • Manu, 87, 181.
  • Manu Vaivasata, 87.
  • Manufactures, ancient, 142.
  • Mariner's compass, 254; probably known to Egyptians, Mexicans, and the Mound Builders of America, 446; antiquity of, 440; known to Phœnicians, 441; known to Chinese, 441; in New Mexico, 445; in Atlantis, 445.
  • Maruts, the, 468.
  • Marriage, 150; to one of same clan interdicted, 155; made but once a year in Peru and Babylonia, 158; in ancient Mexico, 159, 351; in ancient Egypt, 363.
  • Mashab-Ad, 279.
  • Masonry, Free, its origin, 463.
  • Maxyans, the, were red men, 196.
  • Mayapan, city of, 145, 314.
  • Mayas, their alphabet, 216; their conservatism, 218.
  • Medicine, knowledge of, received by Egypt from Atlantis, 101.
  • Mediterranean Sea, 10; a cul de sac, 176.
  • Medusa, 149.
  • Megaros, 90.
  • Meidoun Dachhour, 341.
  • Melicertes, 284.
  • Menaboshu, 108.
  • Menes, 360, 366.
  • Menominees, 184.
  • Men with tails, legends of, 148.
  • Men-wolves, 147.
  • Mermaids in America, 149.
  • Meropes, people of Atlantis, 27, 171.
  • Merops, the hero of the Deluge, 91, 92.
  • Merou, human race issued from, 171, 391.
  • Meru, 326, 465.
  • Mesomphalos, 323.
  • Mestor, son of Poseidon, 14, 309.
  • Metallurgy in Atlantis, 140.
  • Mexico, 26; plants of, 61; Flood legends of, 99; ancient, described, 350; marriage in, 351; slavery in, 351; religion in, 351.
  • Michoacan Indians, ark of, 207.
  • Midas, 27.
  • Milidh or Milesius, 410.
  • Miocene Age, flora of the, 56, 59.
  • Miztecs, Deluge legend of, 327.
  • Mneseus, son of Poseidon, 13, 309.
  • Mœris, the lake of, 362.
  • Mohammed, allusion to Deluge, 86, 92.
  • Money, origin of, 343; articles used for, 343, 344; of Mexico, 345; of Palenque, 345.
  • Mongoloids in Europe, 28.
  • Monte da Guia, 24.
  • Monte Queimada, 24.
  • Montezuma, 326.
  • Months, twelve, used by Peruvians, Egyptians, and Chaldeans, 151, 211; derived remotely from Atlantis, 287, 463.
  • Moon, silver sacred to, 346, 347.
  • Moon-worship, 347.
  • Moses, 412.
  • Mound Builders of America, 23; their leaf-shaped swords, 251; their stone celts, 253; their pottery, 260, 261, 263; their copper implements, 262, 263; from Atlantis, 370; a river people, 370; their works, 371; their civilization, 372; their system of weights and measures, 372; their pyramids, 372; they used the emblem of the cross, 375; their metallurgy, 376; their sculptures, 380; their manufactures, 380; their antiquity, 383; possessed an alphabet, 386; probably had mariner's compass, 446.
  • Mound, great, at Miamisburg, Ohio, 339.
  • Mounds, 136; of England, 341; of Mississippi Valley, 342; of Ireland, 342.
  • Municipal republics, origin of, 452.
  • Music, Highland Scotch and Chinese alike, 142.
  • Mythology of Greeks derived from Atlantis, 283, 308.


  • Nachan, the city of, 313.
  • Nahsu, 194.
  • Nahua, calendar same as that of Asia, 151.
  • Nahuatl, 167, 171.
  • Nata, 100.
  • Navigation, ancient, 446.
  • Nectar, 287.
  • Negro, granite-head, 175.
  • Negroes, no tradition of Deluge among, 66; in ancient America, 174; idols, 174; figure of, at Paleuque, 175.
  • Neimhidh, 409.
  • Neith, Egyptian goddess, 7.
  • Nemaun, 330.
  • Nena, 100.
  • Neph or Num, 425.
  • Nereids in Atlantis, 16, 181.
  • Nicaraguans, Flood legends, 117.
  • Nineveh, Deluge legend dug up at, 76; the library of the palace of, 77.
  • Nirumbees, the, 157.
  • Noah aud the Deluge, 68; his name Aryan, 102.
  • Nod, the land of, 326.
  • Noronha, Fernando de, 43.
  • Nubians, the, 406.
  • Nymphs, the, 306.
  • Nyöe, the new island, 35.


  • Oannes, 236.
  • Obartes Elbaratutu, 75.
  • Obelisks of Egypt and America, 367.
  • Ocean, source of gods and men, 181.
  • Odin, 271, 210; an American hero, 313.
  • Oerafa, 43.
  • Ogyges, Deluge of, 89.
  • Ojibbeways, their vine legend, 207.
  • Okanagans, Deluge legends of, 117.
  • Okeanos, 323.
  • Olmecs, the, 167.
  • Olympus, 2; described, 286; it was in Atlantis, 286; a corruption of the word Atlantis, 291, 303.
  • Origin of American races, 165, 167, 168.
  • Orphic Argonaut, 29.
  • Osiris, 309, 466.
  • Otomi, the, of Mexico, relations of their language to Chinese, 435.
  • Ouranos, 308, 309; invented mariner's compass, 445.


  • Painting, antiquity of the art of, 141.
  • Palenque, negroid figure from, 175, 313.
  • Pan adored in Europe and America, 145.
  • Panathenæa, 91.
  • Panuco, city of, 145.
  • Paper, antiquity of, 451; of Egypt, 451; of Mexico, 451; of Peru, 451.
  • Parian Gulf, Indians of, 196.
  • Partholan, 409.
  • Passage, west, from Atlantis to America, 172.
  • Peisdadien, the, kings, 27.
  • Penance, 144.
  • Penn, William, letter of, describing Indians, 185.
  • Perirrhoos, 91.
  • Persian Gulf, 310, 311.
  • Persian Magi, Flood legend, 92.
  • Peru, description of temple of Cuzco, 22; ruled over by Atlantis, 23; great public roads of, 141; aqueducts, 141; posts, 141; mile-stones, 141.
  • Peruvians, ancient, their color, 189; colonized from Atlantis, 390; their civilization, 392; its antiquity, 392; their great monuments, 393; their pyramids, 393; roads, 394; customs, 396; language, 402.
  • Petecatl, 145.
  • Petris, the ten, 27.
  • Phæacians, the, 298.
  • Phaëton, 8; the myth of, found in America, 145.
  • Phallus worship, 136.
  • Pharaoh Necho, circumnavigation of Africa, 3.
  • Pheryllt, books of, 235.
  • Philemon, 302.
  • Phison, 326.
  • Phœnicians, their gods derived from Atlantis, 2; letters, 2; red men, 194; origin of their alphabet, 214; not the authors of the Bronze Age of Europe, 241, 243; their mythology from Atlantis, 308; they came from the Erythræan Sea, 310; from Atlantis, 310; human sacrifices among, 311; extent of their commerce, 311; association with Bible records, 328.
  • Phoroneus, 8.
  • Phos, Phur, and Phlox, 329.
  • Pico, 43.
  • Pimas, Flood legends of, 118.
  • Pimerital, Señor, 218.
  • Pineapple known to ancient Assyrians, 63.
  • Pipes, tobacco, prehistoric in Ireland, 63; Indian, 64; African, 64.
  • Phlebotomy in America, 160.
  • Plants, ancient, domesticated in Europe and America, 56; origin of, 61.
  • Platicnemism of ancient races, 273.
  • Plato, his story true, 1; his history of Atlantis, 5; probabilities of his history of Atlantis, 22, 177, 235.
  • Plough festivals of Peru and Egypt, 141, 438.
  • Plutarch, opinion of Herodotus, 3; mentions islands in Atlantic, 28.
  • Pluto, 294, 297, 300.
  • Poisoned arrows, 156.
  • Pompeii and Herculaneum once called "the fabulous cities," 3; their discovery, 124.
  • Popul Vuh, 167; Deluge legend of, 102; it describes Atlantis, 175, 419.
  • Port Royal, earthquake at, 43.
  • Porto Praya, 44.
  • Poseidon, receives Atlantis as his share of the world, 13; marries Cleito, 13; builds a city, 13; his temple, 16; his chariot, 16, 25; his grove, 17; ancient worship of, in Europe, 24; called Neptune, 25; associated with the horse, 25; horses sacrificed to, 25; his trident, 26, 196, 294, 297, 300; described, 304, 308, 309, 428.
  • Potato known to ancient Chinese, 60.
  • Pottery of Bronze Age and mounds of United States compared, 261; of Colorado, 202; of Zunis, 262; Switzerland and Mexico, 266.
  • Poulle-i-feron (Hell-hole), 122.
  • Priapus worship, 136.
  • Priesthood, in Mexico, 159; celibacy of, 160.
  • Proclus, his allusion to Atlantis, 27.
  • Protogonos, 329.
  • Ptah-hotep, 212, 213.
  • Ptolemy's list of ancient cities, 178.
  • Public roads of Peru, 141.
  • Pyramid, the, 139, 317; a transcript of the holy mountain, 330; Arabian traditions as to, 331; of India, 330, 334; of Mexico, 335, 336; of Egypt, 335, 336.
  • Pyrrha, 8.


  • Qėn, 329.
  • Qėnath, 329.
  • Quetzalcoatl, 165.
  • Quiches, 106, 175; their gods, 149; their legends of the creation, 198.
  • Quichuas, the, 391.
  • Quinames, the giants, 204.
  • Quipu, the, 438.


  • Ra, 284.
  • Races, the four, known to the Egyptians, 194; to the Aryans, 194.
  • Rainbow, the, 105; sign of promise to Peruvians, 207.
  • Rama, 284.
  • Rana, 359.
  • Rauda Kamba, 43.
  • Rayam, 359.
  • Raymi, 284.
  • Raz, Cape, 297, 359.
  • Reaping-machine, on wheels, of the ancient Gauls, 134.
  • Red men, ancient Egyptians, 174.
  • Red a sacred color, 194; Cushites and Ethiopians red men, 194.
  • Religion of ancient races, 143; the great religions derived from red men, 195; the essence of is conservatism, 210.
  • Republican form of government, origin of, 452.
  • Retzius, Anders, Professor, 179.
  • Rhea, 300.
  • Round-towers, of Ireland, 410; of India, 417; of Sardinia, 417; of the Shetlands, 417; of New Mexico and Colorado, 418.
  • Rua, 314.
  • Ru-Ad, 279.


  • Sabæans, the, 278.
  • Sabian worship, 333.
  • Sailing-vessels known in ancient America, 142.
  • St. Brendan, of Ireland, visits America, 419.
  • St. Helena, 43.
  • St. Paul's Rocks, 49.
  • Sahara, sands of Desert of, 34.
  • Sais, city and district of, in Egypt, 7; priests of told Solon of Atlantis, 5, 7; description of, 7.
  • Sakkarah, 341.
  • Samé, 168.
  • Samson, 204.
  • Sanchoniathon, 308, 309, 310, 312, 329, 330, 445.
  • Sanscrit maps of Western Europe, 211.
  • Santorin, Gulf of, 37.
  • Sarku, the, 281.
  • Satar, a Gothic god, 316.
  • Saturn, 301.
  • Saturnalia, the Roman, 302, 464.
  • Saturnia, 301.
  • Saturnian continent, the, 289.
  • Satyravata, 88.
  • Satyrs, 148.
  • Savonarola, 190.
  • Scalping practised in Europe and America, 209.
  • Scandinavia, mythology of, 313, 324.
  • Scandinavian Flood legends, 93.
  • Scandinavians, 209; ancient, flattened the skull, 270.
  • Schlegel, Frederick, opinion of Herodotus, 3.
  • Schott, Dr. Arthur, 26, 140.
  • Scots, ancient, used iron swords, 134.
  • Sculpture, the art of, 140.
  • Scomalt, 117.
  • Scythians, their burial rites, 136, 412.
  • Seedless plants, 58.
  • Semiramis, 139.
  • Semitic, the, races, 177; from Atlantis, 423.
  • Serpent-mounds, 205.
  • Serpent-worship, 204.
  • Seth, the patriarch, 125.
  • Shedd-Ad-ben-Ad, 276.
  • Sheep, ancient, domestication of, 55.
  • Shem, the oldest son of Noah, 423; what races descended from, 436, 437.
  • Sicanes, an Iberian colony, 387.
  • Sicily, formerly submerged, 34.
  • Sidon, 25.
  • Silenus describes Altantis, 27, 28.
  • Silk, antiquity of manufacture of, 451; known to ancient Hindoos, 452; to ancient Chinese, 452; to Phœnicians, 452.
  • Silsbury Hill, England, 341.
  • Silver Age, the, 290.
  • Silver, a sacred metal of Atlantis, 343; sacred in Assyria to the moon, 347.
  • Similarities of customs, 150; of languages of Mandans and Welsh, 115; Dakota and European tongues, 116.
  • Sindree, submergence of, 38.
  • Sippara, City of the Sun, 75; antediluvian records buried there, 76.
  • Sirens, the Greek, 428.
  • Sithnides, 90.
  • Skull, artificial deformation of, 268; found in Europe, Asia, and America, 268; still practised in Normandy, 269; ancient Swiss skull, 270; Peruvian, 271; shape of in different races, 273; boring holes in by ancient nations, 273.
  • Slieve-donart, 122.
  • Solon wrote an account of Atlantis, 5; he visited Egypt, 5; verses by, 5; his poems recited, 7; his reception at Sais, 8.
  • Soma, 287.
  • Sorcerers who produce fair and foul weather, 148.
  • Spiral, the double, peculiar to Bronze Age, 262.
  • Stone Age in America and Europe, 206.
  • Stone Age of Europe, animals of, 55; its two divisions, 237.
  • Stone-beer, 156.
  • Strabo, 311, 387.
  • Submergences of the earth, 31, 34.
  • Suchiquecal, 199.
  • Sumbawa, convulsions in, 38.
  • Sun-worship, 143; Peru, 283; Egypt, 283; Babylonia, 283; Phœnicia, 283; Atlantis, 284; Samoyeds, 284; American races, 284.
  • Sutteeism, 155.
  • Swine-flesh, use of, 472.
  • Swiss, ancient, pottery of, 261; bronze implements of, 262.
  • Switzerland, fossil beds of, 56.
  • Sydyk, 329, 330.


  • Taaut, the Phœnician god who invented the alphabet, 309.
  • Taautos, 125.
  • Tai-Ko-Fokee, 427.
  • Tamahu, the, 407.
  • Tamhu, 194.
  • Tartars, the, 209.
  • Tattooing practised on both continents, 156.
  • Tell, William, 210.
  • Ten, sacred character of the number, 27.
  • Teneriffe, 43, 178.
  • Tennessee, mummies found in, 190.
  • Teotihuacan, pyramids of, 174, 335.
  • Tethys, 181.
  • Theopompns describes Atlantis, 27.
  • Thia, island of, 37.
  • Thoth, 125.
  • Thrace, 25.
  • Three, sacred character of the number, 26.
  • Tien-Chan, 324.
  • Timagenes, 28.
  • Tin known to ancient Americans, 140.
  • Tir-na-n'oge, description of, 421.
  • Titæa, 306.
  • Titans, the empire of, 294, 297; beaten at Tartessus, 298, 469, 473.
  • Titicaca, Lake, 333.
  • Titlacahuan, 101.
  • Tlaloc, Mexican god of rain, 100.
  • Tobacco known to ancient inhabitants of China and Europe, 60; of Ireland, 64; used originally as incense, 64.
  • Tokhari, the, a Celtic race, 243; invaded Egypt, 243; and Assyria, 244.
  • Toltecs, their Flood legend, 103; came from the East, 165; their religion, 350.
  • Tortoise legends, 113, 115.
  • Totem, the, 155.
  • Tower of Babel, American legend, 200, 202.
  • Transmigration of souls, belief in, in America, 147.
  • Tree-worship, 157.
  • Tristan d'Acunha, 43.
  • Troy, 196; founded by Poseidon, 304.
  • Tsabaism, 215.
  • Tuareg, of Sahara, 185.
  • Tuatha-de-Dananns, 410.
  • Tubal, 412.
  • Tula, 109, 165.
  • Tulan, 106, 166, 314.
  • Tumuli, 139.
  • Turanian, the, races from Atlantis, 423, 426, 437.
  • Turdetani, the, 387.
  • Turduli, the, 387.
  • Tuxtla, 175.
  • Twelve gods, the, 287.
  • Typhon, 442.
  • Tyrrhenia governed by Atlantis, 11, 14.
  • Tzequil nation, 314.


  • Uranos, 280, 294, 300, 425, 463, 469.
  • Uruk, 77.
  • Ushas, 467.


  • Vaivasvata, the king, 468.
  • Valentini, 231.
  • Valum-Votan, 314.
  • Varuna, 280, 463.
  • Verde, Cape de, islands, 43.
  • Vestal virgins, 144.
  • Vigile, an Irish saint, 419.
  • Viracocha, 189.
  • Vishnu, 236.
  • Vocal statues in Peru, 149.
  • Volney, 152.
  • Votan, a Chiapenic hero, 210, 313.


  • Wales, Flood legends of, 93.
  • War-paint, 157.
  • Weapons of Old and New World the same, 143.
  • Weeks and months, origin of, 211.
  • West India Islands, described by Egyptian priests, 10; earthquakes in, 43, 172.
  • Wheel of Kronos, 140.
  • Wheel symbol found in America, 140.
  • White deer, 147.
  • Wife-capture, 158.
  • Wild Huntsman, the, 210.
  • Winchell, Professor, changes of the earth's surface, 34.
  • Witchcraft in America, 149, 150.
  • Woden or Wuotan, 313.


  • Xblanque, 149.
  • Xibalbay described, 166.
  • Xicalancans, the, 167.
  • Xisuthros, 75.
  • Xochiquetzal, wife of the Mexican Noah, 99, 107.
  • Xololt, 149.


  • Yama, 281.
  • Yavana, the, 470.
  • Year, same number of days in both Europe and America, 151.
  • Yima, the father of men, 89, 281.
  • Yirad, 329.
  • Yucatan, 20; legends of, 167.
  • Yum-ala, 425.


  • Zalmat-Qaqadi, 281.
  • Zamna, the culture-hero, 167.
  • Zeus, resolves to destroy Atlantis, 21; his tomb in Crete, 285, 300, 301, 303, 304, 306, 309, 464, 465.
  • Zipanca, 204.
  • Zoutem-que, 200.
  • Zuavas, the, 196.
  • Zunis, 184; their color, 184.