Aunt Jo's Scrap-Bag/Volume 1/Adverts
Crown Buildings, 188, Fleet Street,
London, October, 1871.
A List of Books
In super royal quarto, handsomely bound, 25s.
By Hans Christian Andersen. Illustrated by Twelve Large Designs in Colour,
The Text newly translated by H. L. D. Ward and Augusta Plesner.
The following are the Tales selected, and the subjects chosen for illustration: —
The Ugly Duckling.
The Old Woman, with Cuckoo Shortlegs and the Cat, who wouldn't associate with the Ugly Duckling.
The Wild Swans.
The Dumb Maiden attired gorgeously and shown to the People.
The King riding off with the Dumb Maiden.
The Dumb Maiden's funeral pyre.
The Fellow Traveller.
The Old King pointing out to the Student the Wicked Princess's Garden.
The Wicked Princess in her Garden.
The Snow Queen.
The Witch in the Cherry Garden drawing in Gerda's boat with her crutch.
The Old Witch combing Gerda's hair with a golden comb to cause her to forget her friend.
The Little Mermaid.
Children playing in the water and alarmed by one of the Mermaids approaching the shore.
Thumbkinetta very desolate on the water lily-leaf.
Thumbkinetta borne on the swallow's back to the south, where she sees the Fairy-flower Prince.
The Angel.
The Child after death in the Angel's arms pities the poor Rose-tree with its buds and flowers crushed down and broken.
The Garden of Paradise.
Price complete, with Texts Imp. folio, £3 10s.
Painted from Nature during his travels through Egypt. The first of a series of Water-colour Drawings in perfect fac-simile of the originals, mounted on strong English cardboard, large folio, 23 inches by 171/2 inches, with Preface and descriptive Text by Dr. A. E. Brehm and Dr. Dumichen. The subjects comprise—
Pyramids of Gizeh at Sunrise. Memnon in Moonlight. Temple of Isis. |
Tomb of Sheik Ababde. Nubian Child. Barber's Shop in Achmim. |
*** The Pictures are equally suitable for portfolio or for wall adornment.
Royal live, cloth extra, 10s. 6d.
By Paul Konewka, Author of Illustrations to Shakespeare's "Midsummer Night's Dream," "Falstaff and his Companions," &c. The English Text from Bayard Taylor's Translation.
The illustrations are very finely finished Silhouettes.
Imperial 4to., cloth extra, 63s.
Eighteen Views printed in permanent pigments by the Woodbury process, with descriptive letterpress by John Harrington, author of "The Abbey and Palace of Westminster," dedicated by special permission to the Hon. and Very Rev. the Dean of Windsor. The following are the views selected:—
1. The South Front. 2. The West Front. 3. The Nave, looking east. 4. The Nave, looking south-west. 5. The Choir, east. 6. The Choir, west. 7. The Reredos below the great east window. 8. The Royal Closet. 9. Cross View from South Transept. 10. The Rutland Chapel. |
11. The Bray Chapel. 12. The Beaufort Chapel. 13. Oliver King's Chapel. 14. The Monument of the Duchess of Gloucester. 15. The Cenotaph of H.R.H. the Princess Charlotte. 16. The Oxenbridge Chapel. 17. Oak Panel Paintings. 18. The Aldworth Chapel. |
Super royal 4to., cloth extra, 25s.
Twelve Photographs from the finest Engravings in the British Museum, by Stephen Thompson, with descriptive letterpress by G. W. Reid, Keeper of the Prints, British Museum. The following are the subjects—
The Drinker.By Frans Van Mieris. The Cottage Door.By Isaac Van Ostade. The Smoker.By Adrian Van Ostade. The Dutch Ale House.By Adrian Van Ostade. The Spinner.By Gaspar Netscher. The Trumpeter.By Gerard Terburg. A Conversation.By Jan Steen. |
The Bunch of Grapes.By Gabriel Metzu. The Village Ale House.By Adrian Van Ostade. The Jocund Peasants.By Cornelis Dusart. The Happy Cottagers.By Cornelis Dusart. A Country Gathering.By Isaac Van Ostade. |
GIRLS' BOOKS. A Series Written, Edited, or Translated by the Author of "John Halifax, Gentleman."
Small Post 8vo.Cloth Extra, Gilt Edges.Price of each Volume, 4s.
A Picture from Life. By the author of "John Halifax, Gentleman." (Forming Vol. I. of the " 'John Halifax' Series of Girls' Books."
'This is a pretty narrative of baby life, describing the simple doings and sayings of a very charming and rather precocious child nearly three years old.—Pall Mall Gazette.
"Will be delightful to those who have nurseries peopled by 'Little Sunshines' of their own."—Athenæum.
"The tale is a clever and interesting one."—Athenæum.
"The authoress is equally skilful in the humourous and in the pathetic. . . . Few very few, one may hope, could read with dry eyes of Little David's accident, and quite as few could listen without laughing, to Effie's attempt at a funny tale."—Guardian.
From the Journal of a Girl in her Teens. Edited by the author of "John Halifax, Gentleman." With Illustrations by Sydney Hall.
***Other volumes are in preparation.
By Lucien Biart.With 117 beautiful Illustrations on Wood. Edited and Adapted by Parker Gillmore, Author of "All Round the World," &c. Post 8vo. cloth extra, gilt edges, new edition, price 7s. 6d.
"We can strongly recommend this most attractive boy's book."—Graphic.
"The adventures are charmingly narrated, and information is given about all the trees, plants, and native productions that are met with."—Athenæum.
New Edition, small post 8vo. cloth; uniform with the 6s. Edition of "Lorna Doone," by the same Author.[In the press.
Also Uniform.
[In the press.
Uniform with the "Gentle Life."
Small Post Zvo., cloth extra, gilt edges, 3s. 6d.
Numerous Illustrations, small post 8vo., cloth extra, 3s. 6d.
A Story of Adventure.
2 Volumes, Crown 8vo., 21s.
Small Post 8vo., cloth extra, 3s. 6d.
Or, Born and Bred at Sea.With Illustrations by Sydney Hall.
8vo., cloth.
Small Post, 8vo., cloth extra, 7s. 6d.
Open air Studies of Men and Nature. By Charles Mackay, author of "Studies from the Antique," "Voices of the Crowd," &c.
2 Volumes, Crown 8vo., 15s.
Square 8vo., cloth extra.
Or, Songs for the Nursery. With Notes, Music, and an Account of the Goose or Vergoose Family, and with Illustrations by Henry L. Stephens and Gaston Fay.
In one Vol., medium 8vo., half mor. gilt top, 100,000 Names, occupying 1032 pp., 31s. 6d.
The value and importance of this Dictionary will be best perceived when it is stated that it contains one hundred thousand names, a number which exceeds by many thousands those contained in the most voluminous existing works upon the subject, and upwards of a quarter of a million of references. The chief letters run as follows:—In B, 12,600 names; C, 9,397; G, 5,640; L, 5,481; M, 6,816; S, 7,800.
This work also contains as an addendum, a Classed Index of the principal works on biography, published in Europe and America to the present day, arranged under three divisions, viz.:—General, or those which contain the accounts of individuals of all nations; National, or those which relate to the celebrities of particular countries; and Class, which treat only of the members of respective bodies or professions, &c.
*** Prospectuses, containing sixteen pages of Preface, Explanatory Matter, and Specimen Pages, may be nad on application.
Square, cloth, Illustrated, 2s. 6d.
Being an Introduction to First Steps in German.
Small Post Svo., cloth,
Fcap. 8vo. cloth, 5s.
A volume of Verse. By Thomas Steele, Ceylon Civil Service, Translator of "An Eastern Love Story," &c
Flexible cloth, extra gilt, 2s. 6d.
Or Moral Sentences and Maxims.(New volume of the Bayard Series.)
Uniform with "The Wonders of Italian Art," &c.Numerous Illustrations, square 8vo. cloth extra, gilt edges, 12s. 6d.
Volume I., 4to., cloth extra, gilt edges, 31s. 6d.
An Illustrated Magazine.
This Volume contains a very large amount of matter on Art subjects by the best writers of the day; and in addition thereto upwards of 50 full-page Heliotype Pictures, thus forming a most beautiful Volume for presentation.
Handsomely bound in cloth extra, 21s.
An Entirely New and Extended Edition. With 330 Engravings on Wood, produced in the very best style of woodcut printing.
"It contains upwards of 200 examples of our sweetest singers, illustrated by above 300 engravings. Eye and sentiment are satisfied with this noble gathering of the poets of our land."—Athenæum."What we most like in the Editor is that, with scarcely an exception, he selects whole poems. Extracts and beauties are often as unfair to the writer as they are misleading to the reader."—Saturday Review."When we say that the list of artists includes the names of Messrs. Harrison Weir, Birket Foster, J. C Horsley, Charles Keene, Percival Skelton, John Gilbert, Gustave Doré, and E. Duncan, and that each of these appears to have done his very best, and to have worked in harmony, we have said enough to recommend the re-issue of this volume far and wide. The poems are taken mostly from writers of the last three centuries, and the illustrations amount to upwards of 300."—Times.
In one volume, small 4to., choicely printed on paper specially made, with Title Vignette by Sir Noel Paton, R.S.A., Engraved on Steel by C. H. Jeens, bound cloth extra, l0s. 6d.
Essays in Aid of the Formation of Character.By Hain Friswell.The Queen Edition revised and selected from the Two Series.Dedicated by express permission and desire, to Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen.
New and cheaper edition, 5s.
Hymns of Immanuel, selected from all Ages, with Notes.By Philip Schaff, D.D. Crown 8vo., toned paper, beautifully printed at the Chiswick Press.With Initial Letters and Ornaments, and handsomely bound.
"If works of a religious character are ever seasonable as gift-books, that time certainly is Christmas. Foremost among them we have 'Christ in Song ' by Dr. Philip Schaff, a complete and carefully selected 'Lyra Christologica,' embracing the choicest hymns on the person and work of our Lord from all ages, denominations, and tongues."—Times.
Now Publishing, in 24 Two Shilling Monthly Parts,
From the Earliest Times to the year 1789. Related for the Rising Generation by M. Guizot, Author of "The History of the Civilization of Europe," &c. Translated from the French by Robert Black, M. A. With 100 full-page Engravings, and numerous smaller ones.
Morocco, £5 5s.
Forty Views with Letterpress Description, dedicated by permission to the Very Rev. Dean Stanley.Photographed by John Harrington.
ABBOTT (J. S. C.)History of Frederick the Great, with numerous Illustrations.8vo.1l. 1s.
About in the World, by the author of "The Gentle Life."Crown 8vo. bevelled cloth, 4th edition.6s.
Adamson (Rev. T. H.)The Gospel according to St, Matthew, expounded.8vo.12s.
Adventures of a Young Naturalist.By Lucien Biart, with 117 beautiful Illustrations on Wood.Edited and adapted by Parker Gillmore, author of "All Round the World," "Gun, Rod, and Saddle," &c.Post 8vo. cloth extra, gilt edges, new edition,7s. 6d.
Adventures on the Great Hunting Grounds of the World, translated from the French of Victor Meunier, with engravings, and edition.5s.
"The book for all boys in whom the love of travel and adventure is strong. They will find here plenty to amuse them and much to instruct them besides."—Times.
Alcott (Miss)Old Fashioned Girl, best edition, small post 8vo. cloth extra, gilt edges, y. td.;Low's Copyright Series, is. 6d; cloth, ar.
——— Camp and Fireside Stories.Fcap. 3s. 6d.
——— Little Women.Complete in 1 vol. fcap. 3s. 6d.
——— Little Men: Life at Plumfield with Jo's Boys.By the author of " Little Women."Small post 8vo. cloth, gilt edges, 3s. 6d.
The Guardian says of "Little Women," that it is— "A bright, cheerful, healthy story—with a tinge of thoughtful gravity about it which reminds one of John Bunyan. The Athenæum says of "Old-Fashioned Girl" —"Let whoever wishes to read a bright, spirited, wholesome story, get the 'Old Fashioned Girl' at once."
Among the Arabs, a Narrative of Adventures in Algeria, by G. Naphegyi, M.D., A. M.7s. 6d.
Andersen (Hans Christian)The Story of My Life.8vo.10s. 6d.
——— Fairy Tales, with Illustrations in Colours by E. V. B.Royal 4to. cloth,1l. 5s.
Andrews (Dr.)Latin-English Lexicon.13th edition.Royal 8vo. pp. 1,670, cloth extra.Price 18s.
The superiority of this justly-famed Lexicon is retained over all others by the fulness of its Quotations, the including in the Vocabulary Proper Names, the distinguishing whether the Derivative is classical or otherwise, the exactness of the References to the Original Authors, and by the price.
"The best Latin Dictionary, whether for the scholar or advanced student."—Spectator.
"Every page bears the impress of industry and care"—Athenæum.
Anecdotes of the Queen and Royal Family, collected and edited by J. G. Hodgins, with Illustrations.New edition, revised by John Timbs.5s.
Angell (J. K.)A Treatise on the Law of Highways.8vo.1l. 5s.
Art, Pictorial and Industrial, Vol. I.1l. 11s. 6d.
Audubon. A Memoir of John James Audubon, the Naturalist, edited by Robert Buchanan, with portrait.2nd edition.8vo.15s.
Australian Tales, by the "Old Boomerang."Post 8vo.5s.
BALDWIN (J. D.)Prehistoric Nations.12mo.4s. 6d.
Bancroft's History of America.Library edition,8 vols. 8vo.4l. 16s.
——— History of America, Vol. IX.8vo.12s.
Barber (E. C.)The Crack Shot.Post 8vo.8s. 6d.
Barnes's (Rev. A.)Lectures on the Evidences of Christianity in the 19th Century.12mo.7s. 6d
Barnum (P. T.)Struggles and Triumphs.Crown 8vo. Fancy boards.2s. 6d.
THE BAYARD SERIES. Comprising Pleasure Books of Literature produced in the Choicest Style as Companionable Volumes at Home and Abroad.
Price 2s. 6d. each Volume, complete in itself, printed at the Chiswick Press, bound by Burn, flexible cloth extra, gilt leaves, with silk Headbands and Registers.
The Story of the Chevalier Bayard.By M. De Berville.
De Joinville's St. Louis, King of France.
The Essays of Abraham Cowley, including all his Prose Works.
Abdallah; or, the Four Leaves.By Edouard Laboullaye.
Table-Talk and Opinions of Napoleon Buonaparte.
Vathek: An Oriental Romance. By William Beckford.
The King and the Commons: a Selection of Cavalier and Puritan Song.Edited by Prof. Morley.
Words of Wellington: Maxims and Opinions of the Great Duke.
Dr. Johnson's Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia.With Notes.
Hazlitt's Round Table.With Biographical Introduction.
The Religio Medici, Hydriotaphia, and the Letter to a Friend.By Sir Thomas Browne, Knt.
Ballad Poetry of the Affections.By Robert Buchanan.
Coleridge's Christabel, and other Imaginative Poems.With Preface by Algernon C. Swinburne.
Lord Chesterfield's Letters, Sentences and Maxims.With Introduction by the Editor, and Essay on Chesterfield by M. De St. Beuve, of the French Academy.
Essays in Mosaic.By Thos. Ballantyne.
My Uncle Toby; his Story and his Friends.Edited by P. Fitzgerald.
Reflections; or, Moral Sentences and Maxims of the Duke de la Rochefoucauld.
A suitable Case containing 12 volumes, price 31s. 6d.; or the Case separate,
price 3s. 6d.
Extracts from Literary Notices.
"The present series—taking its name from the opening volume, which contained a translation of the Knight without Fear and without Reproach—will really, we think, fill a void in the shelves of all except the most complete English libraries. These little square-shaped volumes contain, in a very manageable and pretty form, a great many things not very easy of access elsewhere, and some things for the first time brought together.—Pall Mall Gazette."We have here two more volumes of the series appropriately called the 'Bayard,' as they certainly are 'sans reproche.' Of convenient size, with clear typography and tasteful binding, we know no other little volumes which make such good gift-books for persons of mature age."—Examiner."St. Louis and his companions, as described by Joinville, not only in their glistening armour, but in their every-day attire, are brought nearer to us, become intelligible to us, and teach us lessons of humanity which we can learn from men only, and not from saints and heroes. Here lies the real value of real history. It widens our minds and our hearts, and gives us that true knowledge of the world and of human nature in all its phases which but few can gain in the short span of their own life, and in the narrow sphere of their friends and enemies. We can hardly imagine a better book for boys to read or for men to ponder over."—Times.
Beecher (Henry Ward, D. D.) Life Thoughts.Complete in 1 vol. 12mo. 2s. 6d.
8s. 6d.
Crown 8vo. 6s.
post 8vo. 1l. 1s.
Crown 8vo. New Edition, with additions. 2s. 6d.
7s. 6d.
Eating. Post 8vo. 7s. 6d.
s. | d. | |||
No. 1. | A | Small-type Edition, medium 32mo. cloth limp | 0 | 6 |
No. 1. | B | Small-type Edition,dittoroan limp, red edges | 1 | 0 |
No. 1. | C | Small-type Edition,dittomorocco limp, gilt edges | 2 | 0 |
——— | ||||
No. 2. | Second-size type, super-royal 32mo. cloth limp | 1 | 0 | |
No. 2. | A | Small-type Edition,dittoroan limp, red edges | 2 | 0 |
No. 2. | B | Small-type Edition,dittomorocco limp, gilt edges | 3 | 0 |
——— | ||||
No. 3. | Large-type Edition, crown 8vo. cloth, red edges | 2 | 6 | |
No. 3. | A | Small-type Edition,dittoroan limp, red edges | 3 | 6 |
No. 3. | B | Small-type Edition,dittomorocco limp, gilt edges | 5 | 6 |
——— | ||||
No. 4. |
Large-type Edition, crown 8vo. with Introduction and Notes, cloth, red edges |
3 |
6 | |
No. 4. | A | Small-type Edition,dittoroan limp, red edges | 4 | 6 |
No. 4. | B | Small-type Edition,dittomorocco, gilt edges | 6 | 6 |
——— | ||||
No. 5. |
Crown 8vo. with accompanying Tunes to every Hymn, New Edition |
3 |
0 | |
No. 5. | A | Small-type Edition,dittowith Chants | 4 | 0 |
No. 5. | B | The Chants separately | 1 | 6 |
——— | ||||
No. 6. | Penny Edition. | |||
⁂ A liberal allowance is made to Clergymen introducing the Hymnal. |
32mo. cloth, 9d. And in various superior bindings.
Bigelow (John) France and Hereditary Monarchy. 8vo. 3s.
Bishop (J. L.) History of American Manufacture. 3 vols. 8vo. 2/. 5*.
(J. P.) First Book of the Law. 8vo. 1/. ix.
Blackburn (H.) Art in the Mountains : the Story of the Passion Play, with upwards of Fifty Illustrations. 8vo. 12s.
——— Artists and Arabs. With numerous Illustrations. 8vo. 7*. 6d.
——— Normandy Picturesque. Numerous Illustrations. 8vo. i6>
——— Travelling in Spain. With numerous Illustrations. 8vo. idr.
——— Travelling in Spain. Guide Book Edition* i2mo. 2J. 6d.
——— The Pyrenees. Summer Life at French Watering-Places. 100 Illustrations by Gustave Dore, Royal 8vo. i&r.
Blackmore (R. D.) Lorna Doone. New edition. Crown, 8vo. 6s.
" The reader at times holds his breath, so graphically yet so simply does Joh:i Ridd tell his tale . . . . ' Lorna Doone' is a work of real excellence, and as such we heartily commend it to the public"— -Saturday Review.
——— Cradock Nowell. 2nd and cheaper edition, dr. [In the press.
——— Clara Vaughan. [In the press.
——— Georgics of Virgil. Small 4to. 4r. 6d.
Blackwell (E.) Laws of Life. New edition. Fcp. $s. 6d.
Boardman's Higher Christian Life. Fcp. is. 6d.
Bonwick (J.) Last of the Tasmanians. 8vo. idr.
——— Daily Life of the Tasmanians. 8vo. 12s. 6d.
——— Curious Facts of Old Colonial Days. i2mo. cloth. 5s.
Book of Common Prayer with the Hymnal Companion. 32mo. cloth. 8d. ; bound 1s. And in various bindings.
Books suitable for School Prizes and Presents. (Fuller description of each book will be found in the alphabet)
Adventures of a Young Naturalist. 7s. 6d.
——— on Great Hunting Grounds. 5s.
AUcott's Old Fashioned Girl. y. 6d.
——— Little Women. 3*. 6rf.
——— Little Men. 3* &£
Anecdotes of the Queen. 5s.
Bayard Series (See Bayard.)
Blackmort's Lorna Doone. 6*.
Changed Cross (The). as. 6d.
Child's Play. 7* . 6d.
Christ in Song. 5*.
Craik (Mrs.) Little Sunshine's Holiday. 4*
Craik (Miss) The Cousin from India. 4*-
Dana's Two Years before the Mast. 6s.
Erkmah-Chatrian's, The ForesfHouse. y. 6d.
Faith Gartney. y. td. ; cloth boards, is. 6d.
Favourite English Poems. 300 Illustrations, six.
Franc's Emily's Choice. 5*.
——— Marian. 5*.
——— Silken Cord. 5* ,
——— Vermont Vale. 5*.
——— Minnie's Mission. 4*.
Gayworthys (The). 3*. 6d.
Gentle Life, (Queen Edition), ioj. 6d.
Gentle Life Series. (See Alphabet).
Glover's Light of the Word. as. 6d.
Hayes (Dr.) Cast Away in the Cold. 6s.
Healy (Miss) The Home Theatre. 3*. 6d.
Henderson's Latin Proverbs. 10s. 6d,
Hugo's Toilers of the Sea. xor. 6d.
»t »i »i **•
Kingston's Ben Burton, y. 6d.
Kennan's Tent Life. dr.
Lyra Sacra Americana. 4s. 6cL
Macgregor (John) Rob Roy Books. (See Alphabet.)
Maury's Physical Geography of the Sea, dr.
Parisian Family. 5*.
Phelps (Miss) The Silent Partner. $r.
Stowe (Mrs.) Pink and White Tyranny. 3*. 6*.
——— Old Town Folks. Cloth extra 6x. and as. 6d.
——— Minister's Wooing. $s. ; boards, 1s. 6d.
——— Pearl of Orr's Island 5s.
Books for School Frizes and Presents, continued.
Tauchnitz's German Authors. (See Tauchnitz.)
Twenty Years Ago. 4s.
Under the Blue Sky. js. 6d.
Whitney's (Mrs.) Books. {See Alphabet.)
Bowen (Francis) Principles of Political Economy. 8vo. 14*.
Bowles (T. G.) The Defence of Paris, narrated as it was Seen. 8vo. 14*.
Boynton (Charles B., D.D.) Navy of the United States, with Illustrations of the Ironclad Vessels. 8vo. 3 vols. 2/.
Bremer (Fredrika) Life, Letters, and Posthumous Works. Crown 8vo. 10s. 6d.
Brett (E.) Notes on Yachts. Fcp. 6s.
Broke (Admiral Sir B. V. P., Bart., K.C.B.) Biography Of. i/.
Browne (J. R. Adventures in the Apache Country. Post 8vo. 8s. 6d.
Burritt (E.) The Black Country and its Green Border Land : or. Expeditions and Explorations round Birmingham, Wolver- hampton, «c. By Elihu Burritt. Second and cheaper edition. Post 8vo. 6s.
A Walk from London to John O'Groat's, and from London to the Land's End and Back. With Notes by the Way. By Elihu Bureitt. Two vols. Price 6s. each, with Illustrations.
——— The Lectures and Speeches of Elihu Burritt. Fcp. 8vo. cloth, 6s.
——— Burroughs (John), See Wake Robin.
Bush (R. J.) Reindeer, Dogs, and Snow Shoes : a Journal of Siberian Travel 8vo. 12s. 6d.
Bushnell's (Dr.) The Vicarious Sacrifice. Post 8vo. 7s. 6s.
——— Nature and the Supernatural. Post 8vo. 3s.. 6d.
——— Christian Nurture. 3*. 6d.
——— Character of Jesus. 6d.
——— The New Life. Crown 8vo. 3s. 6d.
CHANGED Cross (The) and other Religious Poems, 2s. 6d.
Child's Play, with 16 coloured drawings by E. V. B. An entirely new edition, printed on thick paper, with tints, 7s. 6d.
Child (F. J.) English and Scotch Ballads. A new edition, revised by the editor. 8 vols. fcp. 1l. 8s.
Choice Editions of Choice Books. New Editions. Illustrated by C. W. Cope, R.A., T. Creswick, R.A., Edward Duncan, Birket Foster, J. C. Horsley, A.R.A., George Hicks, R. Redgrave, R.A., C. Stonehouse, F. Taylor, George Thomas, H. J. Townshend, E. H. Wehnert, Harrison Weir, &c. Crown 8vo. cloth, 5s. each; mor. 10s. 6d.
Bloomfield's Farmer's Boy.
Campbell's Pleasures of Hope.
Cundall's Elizabethan Poetry.
Coleridge's Ancient Mariner.
Goldsmith's Deserted Village.
Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield.
Gray's Elegy in a Churchyard.
Keat's Eve of St. Agnes.
Milton's l'Allegro.
Rogers' Pleasures of Memory.
Shakespeare's Songs and Sonnets.
Tennyson's May Queen.
Weir's Poetry of Nature.
Wordsworth's Pastoral Poems.
Christ in Song. Hymns of Immanuel, selected from all Ages, with Notes. By Philip Schaff, D.D. Crown 8vo. toned paper, beautifully printed at the Chiswick Press. With Initial Letters and Ornaments and handsomely bound. New Edition, 5s.
Christabel. See Bayard Series.
Christmas Presents. See Illustrated Books.
Chronicles of Castle of Amelroy. 4to. With Photographic Illustrations. 2l. 2s.
Classified Catalogue of School, College, Technical, and General Educational Works in use in Great Britain, arranged according to subjects. In 1 vol. 8vo. 3s. 6d.
Coffin (G. C.) Our New Way Round the World. 8vo. 12s.
Coleridge (Sir J. D.) On Convents. 8vo. boards, 5s.
Commons Preservation (Prize Essays on), written in competition for Prizes offered by Henry W. Peek, Esq. 8vo. 14s.
Cradock Nowell. See Blackmore.
Craik (Mrs.), Little Sunshine's Holiday (forming Vol. 1. of the John Halifax Series of Girls' Books. Small post 8vo. 4s.
——— (Georgiana M.) The Cousin from India, forming Vol. 2. of John Halifax Series. Small post 8vo. 4s.
——— Hero Trevelyan. 2 Vols. Post 8vo. 21s.
Craik's American Millwright and Miller. With numerous Illustrations. 8vo. 1l. 1s.
Cronise (Titus F.) The Natural Wealth of California, comprising Early History, Geography, Climate, Commerce, Agriculture, Mines, Manufactures, Railroads, Statistics, &c. &c. Imp. 8vo. 1l. 5s.
Cummins (Maria S.) Haunted Hearts (Low's Copyright Series). 16mo. boards, 1s. 6d.; cloth, 2s.
DALTON (J. C.) A Treatise on Physiology and Hygiene for Schools, Families, and Colleges, with numerous Illustrations. 7s. 6d.
Dana ( ) Two Years before the Mast and Twenty- four years After. New Edition, with Notes and Revisions. x2mo. dr.
Darley (Felix O. C.) Sketches Abroad with Pen and Pencil, with 84 Illustrations on Wood. Small 4to. 7s. 6d.
Daughter (A) of Heth, by Wm. Black. Seventh Edition. 3 vols. xl. 11s. 6d.
Dawson (Professor) Archaia. Post 8vo. 6s.
Devonshire Hamlets ; Hamlet 1603, Hamlet 1604. I Vol. 8vo. js. 6d.
Draper (John W.) Human Physiology. Illustrated with more than 300 Woodcuts from Photographs, &c Royal 8vo. cloth extra, 1l. 5s.
Dream Book (The) with 12 Drawings in facsimile by £• V. B. Med. 4to. 1/. 11s. 6d.
Duplais and McKennie, Treatise on the Manufacture and Distillation of Alcoholic Liquors. With numerous Engravings. f 8VO. 2/. 2S.
Duplessis (G.) Wonders of Engraving. With numerous Illustrations and Photographs. 8vo. 12s. td.
Dussauce (Professor H.) A New and Complete Treatise on the Art of Tanning. Royal 8vo. 1/. 10s. General Treatise on the Manufacture of Vinegar. 8vo. z/. is.
ENGLISH Catalogue (The), 1835 to 1863, Amalgamating the London and the British Catalogues. Med. 8vo. morocco. 2/. $s.
——— Supplements, 1863, 1864, 1865, 3s. 6d. each ; z866, Z867, 1868, 5*. each.
——— Writers, Chapters for Self-improvement in English Literature ; by the author of "The Gentle Life." 6s.
Erckmann - Chatrian, Forest House and Catherine's Lovers. Crown 8vo. 3s. 6d.
FAITH GARTNEY'S Girlhood, by the Author of " The Gayworthys." Fcap. with Coloured Frontispiece. 3*. 6d.
Favourite English Poems. New and Extended Edition, with 300 illustrations. Small 4to. 21s.
Few (A) Hints on Proving Wills. Enlarged Edition, sewed. xx.
Fletcher (Rev. J. C.) and Kidder (Rev. D. P.) Brazil and the Brazilians. New Edition, with 150 Illustrations and supplemen- tary matter. 8vo. 18*.
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——— Vermot Vale. Small post 4to., with Frontispiece. 5s.
——— Minnie's Mission. Small post 8vo., with Frontispiece. 4*.
Friswell (J. H.) Familiar Words, 2nd Edition, 6s.
——— Other People's Windows. Crown 8vo. 6s.
——— One of Two. 3 vols. 1/. us. 6d.
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Gentle Life (Queen Edition). 2 vols, in 1. Small 4to. 10*. 6d.
THE GENTLE LIFE SERIES. Printed in Elzevir, on Toned Paper, handsomely bound, form- ing suitable Volumes for Presents. Price 6s. each; or in calf extra, price 10s. 6d.
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Girdlestone (C.) Christendom. i2mo. 3*.
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Glover (Rev. R.) The Light of the Word. Third Edition. 18mo. 2J. 6a
Goethe's Faust. With Illustrations by Konewka. Small 4to. Price 10*. 6a.
Gouffé : The Royal Cookery Book. By Jules Gouffé Chef-de-Cuisine of the Paris Jockey Club ; translated and adapted for English use by Alphonsr Gouffe, head pastrycook to Her Majesty the Queen. Illustrated with large plates, beautifully printed in colours, to- gether with 161 woodcuts. 8vo. Coth extra, gilt edges. 2/. sj.
Domestic Edition, half-bound, ior. 6d.
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The Book of Preserves ; or, Receipts for Preparing and Preserving Meat, Fish salt and smoked, Terrincs, Gelatines, Vege- tables, Fruits, Confitures, Syrups, Liqueurs de Fimille, Petits Fours, Bonbons, &c. &c. By Jules Gouffb, Head Cook of the Paris Jockey Club, and translated and adapted by his brother Alphonsk Gouffe, Head Pastrycook to her Majesty the Queen, translator and editor of " The Royal Cookery Book." 1 vol. royal 8vo., containing upwards of 500 Receipts and 34 Illustrations, 10s. 6d.
Gough (J. B.) The Autobiography and Reminiscences of John B. Gough. 8vo. Cloth, iu.
Grant, General, Life of. 8vo. 12s.
Guizot's History of France. Translated by Robert Black. Royal 8vo. Numerous Illustrations. In Parts. 2s. each (to be completed in about twenty parts).
Guyon (Mad.) Life. By Upham. Third Edition. Crown 8vo. 7*. td.
——— Method of Prayer. Foolscap, is.
HALL (E. H.) The Great West; Handbook for Emigrants and Settlers in America. ' With a large Map of routes, railways, and steam communication, complete to present time. Boards, is.
Harrington (J.) Pictures of Saint George's Chapel, Windson Photographs. 4to. 63*.
Harrington's Abbey and Palace of Westminster. Photographs. 5/. 5*.
Harper's Handbook for Travellers in Europe and the East. New Edition. Post 8vo. Morocco tuck, 1/. u.
Hawthorne (Mrs. N.) Notes in England and Italy. Crown 8vo. xox. 6a
Hayes (Dr.) Cast Away in the Cold; an Old Man's Story 0/ a Young Man's Adventures. By Dr. I. Isaac Hayes, Author of The Open Polar Sea." With numerous Illustrations. Gilt edges, 6*.
Hazlitt (William) The Round Table; the Best Essays of William Hazlitt, with Biographical Introduction (Bayard Series). 2x. 6d.
Healy (M.) Shadow and Substance. A Novel. 3 Vols. il. 11s. 6d.
——— The Home Theatre. Small post 8vo. 3s. 6d.
Henderson (A.) Latin Proverbs and Quotations; with Translations and Parallel Passages, and a copious English Index. By Alfred Henderson. Fcap. 4to., 530 pp. 10s. 6d.
"A very handsome volume in its typographical externals, and a very useful companion to those who, when a quotation is aptly made, like to trace it to its source, to dwell on the minutiae of its application, and to find it illustrated with choice parallel passages from English and Latin authors. "—Times.
"A book well worth adding to one's library."—Saturday Review.
Hearth Ghosts. By the Author of 'Gilbert Rugge.' 3 Vols. 1l. 11s. 6d.
Heber's (Bishop) Illustrated Edition of Hymns. With upwards of zoo Designs engraved in the first style of art tinder the superintendence of J. D. Cooper. Small 410. Handsomely bound, 7*- &f
Hitherto. By the Author of " The Gayworthys," Hew Edition. 6s.
Hoge — Blind Bartimaeus. Popular edition, is.
Holmes (Oliver W.) The Guardian Angel ; a Romance. a vols. 16*.
——— (Low's Copyright Series.) Boards, is. 6d. ; cloth, zs.
——— Autocrat of the Breakfast Table. i2mo. is. ; Illus- trated edition, y. td
——— The Professor at the Breakfast Table. 3s. 6cL
——— Songs in Many Keys. Post 8vo. 7-r. 6d.
———Mechanism in Thought and Morals. i2mo. is. 6d.
Home Theatre (The), by Mary Healy. Small post 8vo. y. td
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Hoppin (Jas. M.) Old Country, its Scenery, Art, and People. Post 8vo. 7*. td.
Howell (W. D.) Italian Journeys. i2mo. cloth. &r. 6d.
Hugo's Toilers of the Sea. Crown 8vo. df.; fancy boards, as. ; doth, as. 64. ; Ill u strated Edition, xor. td.
Hunt (Leigh) and S. A. Lee, Elegant Sonnets, with Essay on Sonneteers, a vols. 8vo. z&r .
——— Day by the Fire. Fcap. dr. 6d.
Huntington (J.D., D.D.) Christian Believing. Crown 8vo. 3*. td.
Hymnal Companion to Book of Common Prayer. See Bickersteth.
Ice, a Midsummer Night's Dream. Small Post 8vo. 3s. 6d.
ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, suitable for Christmas, Birthday, or Wedding Presents. (The full titles of which will be found in the Alphabet.)
Anderson's Fairy Tales. 25*
Werner (Carl) Nile Sketches. 3* ior.
Goethe's Faust illustrations by P. Konbwka. xor. td.
Illustrated Books, continued.
Art, Pictorial and Industrial. Vol. I. 31J. 6d.
St. George's Chapel, Windsor.
Favourite English Poems. 21*.
The Abbey and Palace of Westminster. 5/. 5;.
Adventures of a Young Naturalist. 7s. 6d.
Blackburn's Art in the Mountains. 12s.
——— Artists and Arabs, js. 6d.
——— Normandy Picturesque. 16s.
——— Travelling in Spain. 16s.
——— The Pyrenees. 18x.
Bush's Reindeer, Dogs, &c. 12s. 6d.
Duplessis' Wonders of Engraving. 12s. 6d.
Viardot, Wonders of Sculpture. 12s. 6d.
——— Wonders of Italian Art. 12s. 6cL
——— Wonders of European Art. xar. 6d.
Sauzay's Wonders of Glass Making 12J. 6d.
Fletcher and Kidder's Brazil, x&r.
Gouffe's Royal Cookery Book. Coloured plates. 42.1.
——— Ditto. Popular edition. 10s. 6d.
——— Book of Preserves. zos. 6d.
Heber (Bishop) Hymns. Illustrated edition. 7*. 6tf.
Christian Lyrics.
Milton's Paradise Lost. (Martin's plates). 3/. 13J. 6d.
Palliser (Mrs.) History of Lace. 21s.
Historic Devices, &c. 21$.
Red Cross Knight (The). 25*.
Dream Book, by E. V. B. 21* 6d.
Schiller's Lay of the Bell. 14*.
Peaks and Valleys of the Alps. 6/. dr.
Index to the Subjects of Books published in the United Kingdom during the last ao years. 8vo. Half-morocco, x/. 6s.
In the Tropics. Post 8vo. 6s,
JACK HAZARD, a Story of Adventure by J. T. Trowbridge. Numerous illustrations, small post. 3*. 6d.
KAVANAGH'S Origin of Language. 2 vols, crown 8vo. 1/. is.
Kedge Anchor, or Young Sailor's Assistant, by Wm. Brady. 8vo. 16>.
Kennan (G.) Tent Life in Siberia. 3rd edition. 6s.
" We strongly recommend the work as one of the most entertaining volumes of travel that has appeared of late years."—Atheiutum.
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——— Journey through the Caucasian Mountains. 8vo. cloth. [/» the press.
Kent (Chancellor) Commentaries on American Law. nth edition. 4 vols. 8vo. 4/. iox.
Kilmeney, by Wm. Black. 3 vols. 3U. 6d.
Kingston (W. H. G.) Ben Burton, or Born and Bred at Sea. Fcap. with Illustrations. 3*. 6d.
LANG (J. D.) The Coming Event. 8vo. 12s.
Lascelles (Arthur) The Coffee Grower's Guide. Post. 8vo. 2*. &/.
Lee (G. R.) Memoirs of the American Revolutionary War. 8vo. 16x.
Like unto Christ. A new translation of the " De Imitatione Christi," usually ascribed to Thomas a Kempis. Second Edition. 6s.
Little Gerty, by the author of " The Lamplighter. Fcap. 6d.
Little Men. See Alcott.
Little Preacher. 32010. is.
Little Women. See Alcott.
Little Sunshine's Holiday. See Craik (Mrs.)
Log of my Leisure Hours. By an Old Sailor. Cheaper Edition. 5*.
Longfellow (H. W.) The Poets and Poetry of Europe. New Edition. 8vo. cloth. 1/. ix.
Loomis (Elias). Recent Progress of Astronomy. Post 8vo. 7*. 6d.
——— Practical Astronomy. 8vo. &r.
Lorna Doone. See Blackmore.
Lost amid the Fogs: Sketches of Life in Newfoundland. By Lieut-Col. R. B. McCrea. 8vo. xos. td.
1. Haunted Hearts. By the Author of "The Lamplighter."
2. The Guardian Angel. By "The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table."
3. The Minister's Wooing. By the Author of "Uncle Tom's Cabin."
4. Views Afoot. By Bayard Taylor.
5. Kathrina, Her Life and Mine. By J. G. Holland.
6. Hans Brinker: or, Life in Holland. By Mrs. Dodge.
7. Men, Women, and Ghosts. By Miss Phelps.
8. Society and Solitude. By Ralph Waldo Emerson.
9. Hedged In. By Elizabeth Phelps.
10. An Old-Fashioned Girl. By Louisa M. Alcott.
xz. Faith Gartney.
12. Stowe's Old Town Folks, zs. 6d.; cloth, y.
13. Lowell's Study Windows.
14. My Summer in a Garden. By Charles Dudley Warner.
Each volume complete in itself, price is. 6d. enamelled flexible cover; 2s. cloth.
Low's Monthly Bulletin of American and Foreign Publications, forwarded regularly. Subscription a*. 6d. per annum.
Low's Minion Series of Popular Books, is. each:—
The Gates Ajar. (The original English Edition.) Who is He?
The Little Preacher.
The Boy Missionary.
Low (Sampson, Jun.) The Charities of London. A Guide to 750 Institutions. New Edition. 5*.
Handbook to the Charities of London', for the year 1867. 1*. 6d.
Ludlow (FitzHugh). The Heart of the Continent. 8vo. doth. 14*.
Lyra Sacra Americana. Gems of American Poetry, selected and arranged, with Notes and Biographical Sketches, by C. D. Cleveland, D. D., author of the "Milton Concordance." x8mo. 4s. 6eL
MACGREGOR (John, M. A.) "Rob Roy" on the Baltic. Third Edition, small post, 8vo. 5*.
——— A Thousand Miles in the "Rob Roy"
Canoe. Eleventh Edition. Small post, 8vo. as. 6d.
——— Description of the "Rob Roy" Canoe, with plans, &C. IS.
Macgregor (John M. A.) The Voyage Alone in the Yawl " Rob Roy." Second Edition. Small post, 8vo. 5*.
Mackay (Dr.) Under the Blue Sky. Open-air Studies of Men and Nature. Crown 8vo. Cloth extra, js. 6d.
March (A.) Anglo-Saxon Reader. 8vo. js, 6d.
——— Comparative Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon Language. 8vo. 8*. 6d.
Marcy, (R. B.) Thirty Years of Army Life. Royal 8vo. 1 a*.
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Marsh (George P.) Man and Nature. 8vo. 14J.
——— Origin and History of the English Language. 8vo. x6>.
——— Lectures on the English Language. 8vo. 16j.
Maury (Commander) Physical Geography of the Sea and its Meteorology. Being a Reconstruction and Enlargement of his former Work; with illustrative Charts and Diagrams. New Edition. Crown 8vo. 6>.
McCrea (Col.) Lost amid the Pogs. 8vo. iar. 6d.
Queer Things of the Service. [In the press.
McMullen's History of Canada. 8vo. 16j.
Mercier (Rev. L.) Outlines of the Life of the Lord Jesus Christ, a vols, crown 8vo. 15J.
Milton's Complete Poetical Works; with Concordance by W. D. Cleveland. New Edition. 8vo. 12s.; morocco xl, is.
——— Paradise Lost, with the original Steel Engravings of John Martin. Printed on large paper, royal 4to. handsomely bound. 3l. 13*. 6d.
Missionary Geography (The); a Manual of Missionary Operations in all parts of the World, with Map and Illustrations. Fcap, 3*. 6d.
Monk of Monk's Own. 3 vols. 31s. 6d.
Montaigne's Essays. See Gentle Life Series.
Mountain (Bishop) Life of. By his Son. 8vo. ior. 6d.
My Summer in a Garden. See Warner.
NEW Testament.The Authorized English Version;
with the various Readings from the most celebrated Manuscripts, including the Sinaitic, the Vatican, and the Alexandrian MSS., in English. With Notes by the Editor, Dr. Tischendorf. The whole revised and carefully collected for the Thousandth Volume of Baron Tauchnitz's Collection. Cloth flexible, gilt edges, 2s. 6d.; cheaper style, 2s.; or sewed, 1s. 6d.
Norris (T.)American Fish Culture.dr. 6d.
Nothing to Wear, and Two Millions.By William Allen Butler,is.
OLD Fashioned Girl. See Alcott.
Our Little Ones in Heaven.Edited by Rev. H. Robbins.With Frontispiece after Sir Joshua Reynolds.Second Edition.Fcap.3s. 6d.
PALLISER (Mrs.) A History of Lace, from the Earliest Period. A New and Revised Edition, with upwards of 100 Illustrations and coloured Designs, 2 vol. 8vo. il. is.
"One of the most readable books of the season; permanently valuable, always interesting, often amusing, and not inferior in all the essentials of a gift book."—Times.
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Parsons (T.) A Treatise on the Law of Marine Insurance and General Average. By Hon. Theophilus Parsons. 2 vols. 8vo
Parisian Family. From the French of Madame Guizot De Witt; by Author of "John Halifax." Fcap. 5*.
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Parton (J.) Smoking and Drinking. 3s. 6d.
Peaks and Valleys of the Alps. From Water-Colour Drawings by Elijah Walton. Chromo-lithographed by J. H. Lowes, with Descriptive Text by the Rev. T. G.. Bonney, M.A., F.G.S. Folio, half-morocco, with 21 large Plates. Original subscription, 8 guineas. A very limited edition only now issued. Price 6 guineas.
Phelps (Miss)Gates Ajar.32mo.1s.; 6d.; 4d.
——— Men, Women, and Ghosts.12mo.Sewed, 1s. 6d. cloth, 2s.
——— Hedged In.12mo.Sewed, 1s. 6d.; cloth, 2s.
——— Silent Partner.5s.
Phillips (L.)Dictionary of Biographical Reference.8vo.1l. 11s. 6d.
Plutarch's Lives. An Entirely New and Library Edition. Edited by A. H. Clough, Esq.5 vols. 8vo.3l. 3s.
"'Plutarch's Lives' will yet be read by thousands, and in the version of Mr. Clough."—Quarterly Review.
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——— Morals. Uniform with Clough's Edition of "Lives of Plutarch." Edited by Professor Goodwin.5 vols. 8vo.3l. 3s.
Poe (E. A.)The Poetical Works of.Illustrated by eminent Artists.An entirely New Edition.Small 4to.10s. 6d.
Poems of the Inner Life.Post 8vo.8s.; morocco, 10s. 6d.
Poor (H. V.)Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1868-9; Showing their Mileage, Stocks, Bonds, Cost, Earnings, Expenses, and Organisations, with a Sketch of their Rise, &c1 vol. 8vo16s.
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Publishers' Circular (The), and General Record of British and Foreign Literature; giving a transcript of the title-page of every work published in Great Britain, and every work of interest published abroad, with lists of all the publishing houses.
Published regularly on the 1st and 15th of every Month, and forwarded post free to all parts of the world on payment of 8s. per annum.
RASSELAS, Prince of Abyssinia.By Dr. Johnson. With Leigh Hunt's Critical Essays and Notes; and Introduction by the Rev. William West, Vicar of Nairn (Bayard Series).2s. 6d.
Recamier (Madame)Memoirs and Correspondence of. Translated from the French, and Edited by J. M. Luyster.With Portrait.Crown 8vo.7s. 6d.
Red Cross Knight (The).LuysterSee Spenser.
Reid (W.) After the War. Crown 8vo. 10s. 6d.
Reindeer, Dogs, &c. See Bush.
Reminiscences of America in 1869, by Two Englishmen. Crown 8vo. 7s. 6d.
Rogers (S.) Pleasures of Memory. See "Choice Editions of Choice Books." 5s.
SAUZAY, (A.) Marvels of Glass Making. Numerous illustrations. Demy 8vo. 12s. 6d.
Schiller's Lay of the Bell, translated by Lord Lytton. With 42 illustrations after Retsch. Oblong 4to. 14s.
School Books. See Classified.
School Prizes. See Books.
Seaman (Ezra C.) Essays on the Progress of Nations in civilization, productive history, wealth, and population; illustrated by statistics. Post 8vo. 10s. 6d.
Sedgwick, (J.) Treatise on the Measure of Damages. 8vo. il. iSs.
Shadow and Substance. 3 vols. 31s. 6d. See Healy (M).
Shakespeare's Songs and Sonnets, selected by J. Howard Staunton; with 36 exquisite drawings by John Gilbert. See "Choice Series." 5s.
Sheridan's Troopers on the Borders. Post 8vo. 7s. 6d.
Sidney (Sir Philip) The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia, edited, with notes, by the author of "Gentle Life," 7s. 6d, Large paper edition. 12s.
Silent Hour (The), Essays original and selected, by the author of "The Gentle Life." Second edition. 6s.
Silent Partner. See Phelps.
Silliman (Benjamin) Life of, by G. P. Fisher. 2 vols. crown 8vo. 1l. 4s.
Simson (W.) A History of the Gipsies, with specimens of the Gipsy Language. 10s. 6d.
Smiley (S. F.) Who is He? 32mo. 1s.
Smith and Hamilton's French Dictionary. 2 vols. Cloth, 21s.; half roan, 22s.
Snow Flakes, and what they told the Children, beautifully printed in colours. Cloth extra, bevelled boards. 5*.
Spayth (Henry) The American Draught-Player. 2nd edition. iamo. St.
Spenser's Red Cross Knight, illustrated with 12 original drawings in facsimile. 4to. z/. 5*.
Steele (Thos.) Under the Palms. A Volume of Verse. By Thomas Steele, translator of " An Eastern Love Story." Fcap. 8vo. Cloth, 5*.
Stewart (D.) Outlines of Moral Philosophy, by Dr. McCosh. New edition, iamo. 3s. 6d.
Stories of the Great Prairies, from the Novels of J. F. Cooper. With numerous illustrations. 5s.
Stories of the Woods, from J. F. Cooper. 5*.
——— ——— Sea, from J. F. Cooper. $s.
St. George's Chapel, Windsor, or 18 Photographs with descriptive Letterpress, by John Harrington. Imp. 4to.
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——— square, with illustrations by Harvey. 2s. 6d.
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Stowe (Mrs. Beecher). Dred. Tauchnitz edition. i2mo. $s. 6d.
——— Geography, with 60 illustrations. Square cloth, 4s. 6d.
——— House and Home Papers. i2mo. boards, is. ; cloth extra, at. 6d.
——— Little Foxes. Cheap edition, is. ; library edition, 4J. 6d.
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——— Minister's Wooing. $s. ; copyright series, is. 6d. ; cloth, 2s.
———Old Town Folk. 2s. 6d.
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——— Queer Little People, 1s.; cloth, 2s.
——— Religious Poems; with illustrations. 3s. 6d.
——— Chimney Corner, 1s.; cloth, 1s. 6d.
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Commentaries on the Law of Agency, as a Branch of Commercial and Maritime Jurisprudence. 6th Edition. 8vo. 1l. 11s. 6d.
Commentaries on the Law of Bailments. 7th Edition. 8vo. 1l. 11s. 6d.
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Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States ; with a Preliminary Review of the Constitutional History of the Colonies and States before the adoption of the Constitution. 3rd Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. 2/. ar.
Commentaries on the Law of Partnership as a branch of Commercial and Maritime Jurisprudence. 6th Edition by E. H. Bennett. 8vo. 1/. 11s. 6d.
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Treatise on the Law of Contracts. By William W. Story. 4th Edition, 2 vols. 8vo. 3/. 3J.
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