Aurora Australis/Midwinter Night
The acetylene splutters and flickers,
- The night comes into its own.
Outside Ambrose and Terror
- Are snarling over a bone.
And this is the tale the watchman,
- Awake in the dead of night,
Tells of the fourteen sleepers
- Whose snoring gives him the blight.
The revels of Eros and Bacchus
- Are mingled in some of their dreams,
For the songs they gustin gurgle
- Are allied to bibulous themes.
And subjects re barmaids and bottles,
- Whisky and barrels of beer,
Are mixed with amorous pleadings
- That sound decidedly queer. Darling you really love me?
- Stutters one dreaming swain;
The watchman whispers “Never,”
- And the dreamer writhes in pain.
From the corner cabin a mutter,
- The listener kens not what;
It sounds like “yon pale moon,”
- Or some other poetic rot.
Murder is done in another’s dream
- And falls from shuddering heights;
Erebus rises to dance on the sea
- And the dreamer flees south in tights.
Another sails north on the broken ice
- Just dressed in Nature’s clothes,
Whilst seals and penguins grin in delight
- And the frost plays hell with his toes.
And some see tailors they knew of yore,
- Stalk in with their mile-long bills;
And everyone when morning broke
- Made a rush for calomel pills.