Author:Andrew Johnson/Executive orders

Administration of Andrew Johnson (April 15, 1865 – March 4, 1869)
1865 |
3 | Apr 29 | Restrictions on Commercial Intercourse in Parts of South Within Military Occupation Discontinued, Except Those Imposed by Congress and Trade in Contraband |
4 | May 09 | Voiding Acts of the Confederacy and Ordering Reestablishment of United States Laws in Virginia |
1866 |
5 | Apr 13 | Ordering Closure of Public Offices on First Anniversary of Assassination of Abraham Lincoln |
1868 |
6 | Jul 20 | Ratification of 14th Amendment Certified as Valid, Provided Consent of Ohio and New Jersey be Deemed as Remaining in Force |
7 | Jul 28 | Ratification of 14th Amendment Certified as Valid |