Author:Donald John Trump/Presidential Proclamations
[edit]- Proclamation 9570, National Day of Patriotic Devotion (January 20)
- Proclamation 9571, National School Choice Week (January 25)
[edit]- Proclamation 9572, National African American History Month (February 3)
- Proclamation 9573, American Heart Month (February 2)
[edit]- Proclamation 9574, American Red Cross Month (March 1)
- Proclamation 9575, Irish-American Heritage Month (March 1)
- Proclamation 9576, Women's History Month (March 1)
- Proclamation 9577, National Consumer Protection Week (March 6)
- Proclamation 9578, National Poison Prevention Week (March 17)
- Proclamation 9579, National Agriculture Day (March 21)
- Proclamation 9580, Greek Independence Day: A National Day of Celebration of Greek and American Democracy (March 24)
- Proclamation 9581, Cancer Control Month (March 31)
- Proclamation 9582, National Child Abuse Prevention Month (March 31)
- Proclamation 9583, National Donate Life Month (March 31)
- Proclamation 9584, National Financial Capability Month (March 31)
- Proclamation 9585, National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month (March 31)
- Proclamation 9586, World Autism Awareness Day (March 31)
[edit]- Proclamation 9587, National Crime Victims' Rights Week (April 3)
- Proclamation 9588, Honoring the Memory of John Glenn (April 5)
- Proclamation 9589, Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A. (April 6)
- Proclamation 9590, Pan American Day and Pan American Week (April 7)
- Proclamation 9591, National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day (April 7)
- Proclamation 9592, National Park Week (April 14)
- Proclamation 9593, National Volunteer Week (April 21)
- Proclamation 9594, Days of Remembrance of Victims of the Holocaust (April 24)
- Proclamation 9595, Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month (April 28)
- Proclamation 9596, Jewish American Heritage Month (April 28)
- Proclamation 9597, National Foster Care Month (April 28)
- Proclamation 9598, National Physical Fitness and Sports Month (April 28)
- Proclamation 9599, Older Americans Month (April 28)
- Proclamation 9600, National Charter Schools Week (April 28)
- Proclamation 9601, Small Business Week (April 28)
- Proclamation 9602, Loyalty Day (April 28)
[edit]- Proclamation 9603, National Mental Health Awareness Month (May 1)
- Proclamation 9604, Law Day, U.S.A. (May 1)
- Proclamation 9605, National Day of Prayer (May 4)
- Proclamation 9606, National Hurricane Preparedness Week (May 5)
- Proclamation 9607, Public Service Recognition Week (May 5)
- Proclamation 9608, Military Spouse Day (May 12)
- Proclamation 9609, Mother's Day (May 12)
- Proclamation 9610, National Defense Transportation Day and National Transportation Week (May 12)
- Proclamation 9611, Peace Officers Memorial Day and Police Week (May 15)
- Proclamation 9612, Emergency Medical Services Week (May 19)
- Proclamation 9613, National Safe Boating Week (May 19)
- Proclamation 9614, World Trade Week (May 19)
- Proclamation 9615, Armed Forces Day (May 19)
- Proclamation 9616, National Maritime Day (May 19)
- Proclamation 9617, National Day of Prayer, Memorial Day (May 24)
- Proclamation 9618, African-American Music Appreciation Month (May 24)
- Proclamation 9619, Great Outdoors Month (May 31)
- Proclamation 9620, National Caribbean-American Heritage Month (May 31)
- Proclamation 9621, National Homeownership Month (May 31)
- Proclamation 9622, National Ocean Month (May 31)
[edit]- Proclamation 9623, Flag Day and National Flag Week (June 14)
- Proclamation 9624, Father's Day (June 16)
- Proclamation 9625, Expanding the Generalized System of Preferences Pursuant to sections 501 and 503(a)(1)(A) of the Trade Act of 1974 (June 29)
[edit]- Proclamation 9626, Captive Nations Week (July 14)
- Proclamation 9627, Made in America Day and Made in America Week (July 17)
- Proclamation 9628, 27th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (July 25)
- Proclamation 9629, National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day (July 26)
[edit]- Proclamation 9630, National Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Week (August 20)
- Proclamation 9631, Women's Equality Day (August 25)
- Proclamation 9632, National Preparedness Month (August 30)
- Proclamation 9633, National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month (August 31)
[edit]- Proclamation 9634, National Day of Prayer for the Victims of Hurricane Harvey and for our National Response and Recovery Efforts (September 1)
- Proclamation 9635, National Days of Prayer and Remembrance (September 8)
- Proclamation 9636, Patriot Day (September 8)
- Proclamation 9637, National Hispanic Heritage Month (September 13)
- Proclamation 9638, National POW/MIA Recognition Day (September 13)
- Proclamation 9639, Constitution Day, Citizenship Day and Constitution Week (September 15)
- Proclamation 9640, National Farm Safety and Health Week (September 15)
- Proclamation 9641, National Gang Violence Prevention Week (September 15)
- Proclamation 9642, National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week (September 15)
- Proclamation 9643, Prescription Opioid and Heroin Epidemic Awareness Week (September 15)
- Proclamation 9644, Gold Star Mother's and Family's Day (September 23)
- Proclamation 9645, Enhancing Vetting Capabilities and Processes for Detecting Attempted Entry Into the United States by Terrorists or Other Public-Safety Threats (September 24)
- Proclamation 9646, National Disability Employment Awareness Month (September 28)
- Proclamation 9647, National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (September 29)
- Proclamation 9648, National Cyber Security Awareness Month (September 29)
- Proclamation 9649, National Domestic Violence Awareness Month (September 29)
- Proclamation 9650, Child Health Day (September 29)
[edit]- Proclamation 9651, Honoring the Victims of the Tragedy in Las Vegas, Nevada (October 2)
- Proclamation 9652, German-American Day (October 5)
- Proclamation 9653, Fire Prevention Week (October 6)
- Proclamation 9654, National School Lunch Week (October 6)
- Proclamation 9655, National Manufacturing Day (October 6)
- Proclamation 9656, Columbus Day (October 6)
- Proclamation 9657, Leif Erikson Day (October 6)
- Proclamation 9658, General Pulaski Memorial Day (October 10)
- Proclamation 9659, National Energy Awareness Month, 2017 (October 12)
- Proclamation 9660, National Character Counts Week (October 13)
- Proclamation 9661, National Forest Products Week (October 13)
- Proclamation 9662, Blind Americans Equality Day (October 13)
- Proclamation 9663, National Minority Enterprise Development Week (October 20)
- Proclamation 9664, United Nations Day (October 24)
- Proclamation 9665, Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Month (October 31)
- Proclamation 9666, National Adoption Month (October 31)
- Proclamation 9667, National Entrepreneurship Month, 2017 (October 31)
- Proclamation 9668, National Family Caregivers Month (October 31)
- Proclamation 9669, National Native American Heritage Month (October 31)
[edit]- Proclamation 9670, National Veterans and Military Families Month (November 1)
- Proclamation 9671, Honoring the Victims of the Sutherland Springs, Texas Shooting (November 5)
- Proclamation 9672, Veterans Day, 2017 (November 7)
- Proclamation 9673, World Freedom Day, 2017 (November 8)
- Proclamation 9674, Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War (November 10)
- Proclamation 9675, American Education Week, 2017 (November 10)
- Proclamation 9676, National Apprenticeship Week, 2017 (November 10)
- Proclamation 9677, National Family Week, 2017 (November 17)
- Proclamation 9678, Thanksgiving Day, 2017 (November 17)
- Proclamation 9679, National Impaired Driving Prevention Month, 2017 (November 30)
- Proclamation 9680, World AIDS Day, 2017 (November 30)
[edit]- Proclamation 9681, Modifying the Bears Ears National Monument (December 4)
- Proclamation 9682, Modifying the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument (December 4)
- Proclamation 9683, Recognizing Jerusalem as the Capital of the State of Israel and Relocating the United States Embassy to Israel to Jerusalem (December 6)
- Proclamation 9684, National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, 2017 (December 7)
- Proclamation 9685, Human Rights Day, Bill of Rights Day, and Human Rights Week, 2017 (December 8)
- Proclamation 9686, Wright Brothers Day, 2017 (December 15)
- Proclamation 9687, To Take Certain Actions Under the African Growth and Opportunity Act and for Other Purposes (December 22)
- Proclamation 9688, National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, 2018 (December 29)
[edit]- Proclamation 9689, Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday, 2018 (January 12)
- Proclamation 9690, Religious Freedom Day, 2018 (January 16)
- Proclamation 9691, National Sanctity of Human Life Day, 2018 (January 19)
- Proclamation 9692, National School Choice Week, 2018 (January 22)
- Proclamation 9693, To Facilitate Positive Adjustment to Competition From Imports of Certain Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Cells (Whether or Not Partially or Fully Assembled Into Other Products) and for Other Purposes (January 23)
- Proclamation 9694, To Facilitate Positive Adjustment to Competition From Imports of Large Residential Washers (January 23)
- Proclamation 9695, American Heart Month, 2018 (January 31)
- Proclamation 9696, National African American History Month, 2018 (January 31)
[edit]- Proclamation 9697, Honoring the Victims of the Tragedy in Parkland, Florida (February 15)
- Proclamation 9698, Death of Billy Graham (February 21)
- Proclamation 9699, Modifying and Continuing the National Emergency With Respect to Cuba and Continuing To Authorize the Regulation of the Anchorage and Movement of Vessels (February 22)
- Proclamation 9700, American Red Cross Month, 2018 (February 28)
- Proclamation 9701, Irish-American Heritage Month, 2018 (February 28)
- Proclamation 9702, Women's History Month, 2018 (February 28)
[edit]- Proclamation 9703, National Consumer Protection Week, 2018 (March 2)
- Proclamation 9704, Adjusting Imports of Aluminum Into the United States (March 8)
- Proclamation 9705, Adjusting Imports of Steel Into the United States (March 8)
- Proclamation 9706, National Poison Prevention Week, 2018 (March 16)
- Proclamation 9707, Vocational-Technical Education Week, 2018 (March 16)
- Proclamation 9708, National Agriculture Day, 2018 (March 19)
- Proclamation 9709, Greek Independence Day: A National Day of Celebration of Greek and American Democracy, 2018 (March 22)
- Proclamation 9710, Adjusting Imports of Aluminum Into the United States (March 22)
- Proclamation 9711, Adjusting Imports of Steel Into the United States (March 22)
- Proclamation 9712, Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A., 2018 (March 27)
- Proclamation 9713, Cancer Control Month, 2018 (March 29)
- Proclamation 9714, National Child Abuse Prevention Month, 2018 (March 29)
- Proclamation 9715, National Donate Life Month, 2018 (March 29)
- Proclamation 9716, National Fair Housing Month, 2018 (March 30)
- Proclamation 9717, National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month, 2018 (March 30)
- Proclamation 9718, Second Chance Month, 2018 (March 30)
[edit]- Proclamation 9719, World Autism Awareness Day, 2018 (April 2)
- Proclamation 9720, 50th Anniversary of the Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (April 3)
[edit]- Proclamation 9741, National Day of Prayer, 2018 (May 3)
- Proclamation 9742, National Charter Schools Week, 2018 (May 4)
- Proclamation 9743, National Hurricane Preparedness Week, 2018 (May 4)
- Proclamation 9744, Public Service Recognition Week, 2018 (May 4)
- Proclamation 9745, Be Best Day, 2018 (May 7)
- Proclamation 9746, Military Spouse Day, 2018 (May 10)
- Proclamation 9747, National Defense Transportation Day and National Transportation Week, 2018 (May 11)
- Proclamation 9748, Peace Officers Memorial Day and Police Week, 2018 (May 11)
- Proclamation 9749, Mother's Day, 2018 (May 11)
[edit]- Flying the Flag of the United States at Full-Staff on Inauguration Day (2025-01-20)
- Guaranteeing the States Protection Against Invasion (2025-01-20)
[edit]- Presidential actions Signed by President Donald John Trump | Federal Digital System
- Presidential actions Signed by President Donald John Trump | Federal Register
- Presidential actions Signed by President Donald John Trump | Twitter
- Proclamations | The White House