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Author:John Calvin Coolidge/Proclamations

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Administration of Calvin Coolidge (August 2, 1923 – March 4, 1929)
  • ???? Total Presidential Proclamations Issued
  • Range: Proclamation 1669 thru Proclamation 1869
Signature of Calvin Coolidge


  Proc. No.   Title Date 43 Stat.
• Proclamation 1669 Announcing death of President Warren G. Harding August 4, 1923 1921
• Proclamation 1670 Reappointing James C. Davis, Director General of Railroads August 13, 1923 1922
• Proclamation 1671 Enlarging area of the Coconino National Forest, Arizona August 14, 1923 1922
• Proclamation 1672 Modifying area of the Tonto National Forest, Arizona August 14, 1923 1923
• Proclamation 1673 Diminishing area of the Prescott National Forest, Arizona August 14, 1923 1923
• Proclamation 1674 Designating October 9, 1923, as Fire Prevention Day September 17, 1923 1924
• Proclamation 1675 Setting apart the Allegheny National Forest, Pennsylvania September 24, 1923 1925
• Proclamation 1676 Setting aside November 18-24, 1923, as National Education Week September 26, 1923 1925
• Proclamation 1677 Modifying boundaries of the Sitgreaves National Forest, Arizona October 13, 1923 1926
• Proclamation 1678 Extending time for establishing shipping service, etc., to Virgin Islands to May 1, 1924 October 25, 1923 1928
• Proclamation 1679 Setting aside the Carlsbad Cave National Monument, New Mexico October 25, 1923 1929
• Proclamation 1680 Designating Thursday, November 29, 1923, as a day of general thanksgiving November 5, 1923 1930
• Proclamation 1681 Extending time for paying installments for ceded lands of Crow Indian Reservation, Montana December 18, 1923 1931
• Proclamation 1682 Copyright benefits to Canada extended to mechanical musical reproduction December 27, 1923 1932


  Proc. No.   Title Date 43 Stat.
• Proclamation 1683 Prohibiting illegal shipment of arms to Mexico January 7, 1924 1934
• Proclamation 1684 Diminishing area of the Chelan National Forest, Washington January 16, 1924 1935
• Proclamation 1685 Announcing death of former President Woodrow Wilson February 3, 1924 1938
• Proclamation 1686 Designating week of April 21-27, 1924, as Forest Protection Week, etc February 15, 1924 1939
• Proclamation 1687 Granting amnesty and pardon, etc., in certain cases March 5, 1924 1940
• Proclamation 1688 Determining tariff rates on wheat and wheat products to equalize differences in costs of production, etc March 7, 1924 1941
• Proclamation 1689 Prohibiting illegal shipment of arms, etc., to Honduras March 22, 1924 1942
• Proclamation 1690 Extending time for establishing shipping service, etc., to Virgin Islands to November 1, 1924 April 7, 1924 1943
• Proclamation 1691 Prescribing additional regulation for protection of migratory birds April 11, 1924 1945
• Proclamation 1692 Setting aside the Chiricahua National Monument, Arizona April 18, 1924 1946
• Proclamation 1693 Prohibiting illegal shipment of arms, etc., to Cuba May 2, 1924 1946
• Proclamation 1694 Setting aside the Craters of the Moon National Monument, Idaho May 2, 1924 1947
• Proclamation 1695 Enlarging area of the Natural Bridge National Forest, Virginia May 5, 1924 1948
• Proclamation 1696 Increasing duty on sodium nitrite to equalize differences in costs of production May 6, 1924 1949
• Proclamation 1697 Prohibiting export of arms, etc., to Honduras except with consent of Secretary of State May 15, 1924 1950
• Proclamation 1698 Increasing duty on barium dioxide to equalize differences in costs of production May 19, 1924 1951
• Proclamation 1699 Abrogating certain agreements with Panama respecting Canal Zone May 28, 1924 1952
• Proclamation 1700 Modifying boundaries of the Kaniksu National Forest, Idaho June 4, 1924 1953
• Proclamation 1701 Extending time for paying installments for ceded lands of Crow Indian Reservation, Montana June 9, 1924 1955
• Proclamation 1702 Copyright benefits to subjects of the Union of South Africa extended to mechanical musical reproduction June 30, 1924 1957
• Proclamation 1703 Establishing nationality quota of aliens allowed entry during fiscal year 1924-1925 June 30, 1924 1958
• Proclamation 1704 Enlarging area of the Pinnacles National Monument, California July 2, 1924 1961
• Proclamation 1705 Amending regulations for protection of migratory birds July 2, 1924 1961
• Proclamation 1706 Diminishing area or the Lincoln National Forest, New Mexico July 17, 1924 1963
• Proclamation 1707 Setting aside Cherokee National Game Refuges Numbers One and Two, Tennessee-Georgia August 5, 1924 1964
• Proclamation 1708 Enlarging area of the Medicine Bow National Forest, Wyoming August 8, 1924 1964
• Proclamation 1709 Revoking prohibition against shipment of arms, etc., to Cuba August 29, 1924 1965
• Proclamation 1710 Enlarging area of the Manzano National Forest, New Mexico August 29, 1924 1966
• Proclamation 1711 Directing disposal of certain lands within former Devils Lake Indian Reservation, North Dakota August 29, 1924 1966
• Proclamation 1712 Designating October 9, 1924, as Fire Prevention Day September 12, 1924 1967
• Proclamation 1713 Setting apart designated historic forts as national monuments October 15, 1924 1968
• Proclamation 1714 Extending time for establishing shipping service, etc., to Virgin Islands to May 1, 1925 October 23, 1924 1969
• Proclamation 1715 Designating Thursday, November 27, 1924, as a day of general thanksgiving November 5, 1924 1971
• Proclamation 1716 Urging observance or week beginning November 17 as American Education Week November 11, 1924 1972
• Proclamation 1717 Increasing duty on diethylbarbituric acid, etc., to equalize differences in costs of production November 14, 1924 1973
• Proclamation 1718 Enlarging area of the Harney National Forest, South Dakota November 18, 1924 1974
• Proclamation 1719 Enlarging area of the Targhee National Forest, Idaho and Wyoming November 20, 1924 1975
• Proclamation 1720 Copyright benefits to citizens of Switzerland extended to mechanical musical reproduction November 22, 1924 1976
• Proclamation 1721 Setting aside the Wupatki National Monument, Arizona December 9, 1924 1977
• Proclamation 1722 Transferring the old Honolulu customhouse site to Territory of Hawaii December 22, 1924 1978
• Proclamation 1723 Increasing duty on oxalic acid to equalize differences in costs of production December 29, 1924 1979


  Proc. No.   Title Date 43 Stat.
• Proclamation 1724 Enlarging area of the Manti National Forest, Utah January 7, 1925 1980
• Proclamation 1725 Enlarging area of the Custer State Park Game Sanctuary, South Dakota January 8, 1925 1981
• Proclamation 1726 Diminishing area of the Snoqualmie and Olympic National Forests, Washington January 10, 1925 1982
• Proclamation 1727 Enlarging area of the Carson National Forest, New Mexico January 21, 1925 1984
• Proclamation 1728 Modifying boundaries of the Apache, Crook, and Datil National Forests, Arizona and New Mexico January 23, 1925 1984
• Proclamation 1729 Setting aside a game refuge in South Dakota February 2, 1925 1985
• Proclamation 1730 Setting aside the Meriwether Lewis National Monument, Tennessee February 6, 1925 1986
• Proclamation 1731 Convening special session of the Senate February 14, 1925 1987
• Proclamation 1732 Designating week of April 27-May 3, 1925, as Forest Protection Week, etc. February 21, 1925 1987
• Proclamation 1733 Setting aside the Glacier Bay National Monument, Alaska February 26, 1925 1988

  Proc. No.   Title Date 44 Stat.
• Proclamation 1746 Designating the week beginning Sunday, October 4, 1925, as National Fire Prevention Week September 11, 1925 2583


  Proc. No.   Title Date 4x Stat.


  Proc. No.   Title Date 4x Stat.


  Proc. No.   Title Date 4x Stat.


  Proc. No.   Title Date 45 Stat.
• Proclamation 1869 Increasing rate of duty on whole eggs, egg yolk, and egg albumen, frozen or otherwise prepared or preserved and not specially provided for February 20, 1929 2990

Some or all works by this author are in the public domain in the United States because they are works of the United States federal government (see 17 U.S.C. 105).

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