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Author:Joseph Bramah/Patents

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This page contains a list of patents of invention and specification taken out in the name of Joseph Bramah. There are eighteen (18) in total. Records from Woodcroft.

27th Jan. 1778. 1177. A grant unto Joseph Bramah, of Cross Court, Carnaby Market, in the county of Middlesex, cabinet maker, of his new invented watercloset, which will entirely prevent any offensive smell or stench arising therefrom, and which is in all respects upon a very different and much superior construction from any that ever yet has been invented, and will be much cheaper, and, upon the whole, his invention will be very beneficial to society; to hold, to him, his ex̃ors, adm̃ors, and asss, within England, Wales, and town of Berwick-upon-Tweed for the term of 14 years pursuant to the statute; with a clause to inroll the same within four calendar months from the date hereof. W. H. M. at Westm, the 27th day of January, in the year above.By writ, &c.
1st Dec. 1783. 1402. A grant unto Joseph Bramah, of Denmark Street, in the parish of St Giles, Middlesex, cabinet maker, of his new consturcted watercock, that acts with a plug or valve, convenient and well adapted for every different purpose whatsoever where cocks are employed, vizt, such as admitting and intercepting (at pleasure) the communication of water or other fluids through pipes and other conveniences, and also for cisterns, vatts, casks, and vessels of all kinds out of which fluids are drawn by means of cocks, & are likewise peculiarly useful and effectual in opening and shutting the communication between the bason and soil-pipe of waterclosets, and will be found, for all the purposes above mentioned, much more effectual and durable than any other kind of cocks hitherto known; to hold to him, his ex̃ors, adm̃ors, & assigns, within England, Wales, & town of Berwick-upon-Tweed for the term of 14 years pursuant to the statute; with a clause to inroll the same within four calendar months from the date hereof. W. H. M. at Westmr, the 1st day of December, in the year above.By writ, &c.
23rd April 1784. 1430. A grant unto Joseph Bramah, of Piccadilly, in the county of Middlesex, cabinet maker, of his new invented lock for doors, cabinets, and other things on which locks are used, which is more simple, effectual, and durable, & totally differs from any other sort of lock, being constructed without wheels or wards; and the same is also much cheaper, and cannot possibly be picked or opened by any of the means practised for picking locks, or by any other key then the key which belongs to the lock; to hold to him, his ex̃ors, adm̃ors, & assigns, within England, Wales & town of Berwick-upon-Tweed for the term of 14 years pursuant to the statute; with a clause to inroll the same within four kalendar months from the date hereof. W. H. M. at Westmr, the 23rd day of April, in the year above.By writ, &c.
9th May 1785. 1478. A grant unto Joseph Bramah, of Piccadilly, in the county of Middlesex, engine maker, of his new invented hydrostatical machine and a boiler, on a more peculiar principle than any other ever yet make known to the public, in which said machine may be employed the power of air, steam, or any other elastic vapour, for the purpose of working all kinds of mechanical & other engines; and such machine is also capable of becoming the primordial or first cause of motion in all kinds of inanimate movements whatsoever, & may be employed, instead of pumps or any other hydraulic engine, for the purpose of raising water through any given space, & will for that purpose be found much more effectual, durable, convenient, & less expensive than any other engine or pump yet known or in use; to hold to him, his ex̃ors, adm̃ors, and asss, within England, Wales, & town of Berwick-upon-Tweed for the term of fourteen years pursuant to the statute; with a clause to inroll the same within one calendar month from the date hereof. W. H. M. at Westmr, the 9th day of May, in the year above.By writ, &c.
15th Jan. 1790. 1720. A grant unto Joseph Bramah, of Piccadilly, in the county of Middlesex, engine maker, and Thomas Dickinson, of Bedworth Close, in the county of Warwick, gentleman, of their sundry improvements on an engine or machine originally invented by the said Joseph Bramah, in which said engine or machine may be employed the power or force of steam, condensed air, descents of water, or any other elastic or gravitating fluid, for the purpose of working mills, pumps, and engines or machines of every sort where inanimate power can or may be properly applied to give them motion, and that their said invention, when a power is applied to the center or axis to give it motion, is a compleat engine or machine for raising, pumping, or forcing in any direction air, water, or any other fluid to any given height or distance; and that the said machine or engine is constructed on a rotative principle, or, in other words, an engine or machine, the motion of which is performed round a center axis in a rotative, revolving, or circulating direction; to hold to them, their ex̃ors, adm̃ors, & asss, within England, Wales, and town of Berwick-upon-Tweed for the term of 14 years pursuant to the statute; with a clause to inrol the same within one calendar month from the date hereof. W. H. M. at Westr, the 15th day of January, in the year of our Lord 1790.By writ, &c.
18th April 1793. 1948. A grant unto Joseph Bramah, of Piccadilly, in the county of Middlesex, engine maker, of his new invented improvements and additions to a fire engine, originally invented by him, by means of which improvements and additions the said fire engine will be more complete and effective than any now in use, as it will possess the several advantages, first, that it may be expeditiously conveyed to any distance without the necessity of using a car or other carriage; secondly, that it will contain within itself a new and peculiar reservoir, in which may be kept and conveyed a considerable supply of water, so as to render the engine of immediate use; and, thirdly, that the water, by means of a new constructed nose to the branch pipe, may be dispersed more generally, and in so many directions, at one and the same time, that, were a room on fire in every part, such fire would almost instantaneously be extinguished, and that the said improvements are applicable to engines in common use; to hold to him, his ex̃ors, adm̃ors, & asss, within Engd, Wales, & town of Berwick-upon-Tweed for the term of 14 years pursuant to the statute; with a clause to inrol the same within one calendar month from the date hereof. W. H. M. at Westr, the 18th day of April, in the year above.By writ, &c.
31st March 1795. 2045. A grant unto Joseph Bramah, of Piccadilly, in the county of Middlesex, engineer, of his new invented methods of producing and applying a more considerable degree of power to all kinds of mechanical apparatus, and other machinery requiring motion and force, than by any means at present practised for that purpose; to hold to him, his ex̃ors, adm̃ors, & assigns, within England, Wales, and town of Berwick-upon-Tweed for the term of fourteen years pursuant to the statute; with a clause to inrol the same within one calendar month from the date hereof. Witness His Majesty at Westminster, the 31st day of March, in the year above.By writ, &c.
31st October 1797. 2196. A grant unto Joseph Bramah, of Piccadilly, in the county of Middlesex, engineer, of his new invented method of retaining, clarifying, preserving, and drawing off all kinds of liquors commonly used for the beverage of mankind, more especially those liquors called malt liquors, such as porter, ale, beer, &c, together with sundry improved casks and implements necessary to give his contrivance the full effect; to hold to him, his ex̃ors, adm̃ors, and assigns, within England, Wales, and the town of Berwick-upon-Tweed for the term of fourteen years pursuant to the statute; with a clause to inroll the same within one calendar month from the date thereof. W. H. M. at Westmr, the 31st day of Octr, in the 38th year of His reign.By writ, &c.
3rd May 1798. 2232. A grant unto Joseph Bramah, of Piccadilly, in the county of Middlesex, engineer, for his new improvement on a lock for doors, cabinets, &c, and also in the keys by which they are locked and unlocked (and for which he, in the year 1784, obtained former Letters Patent); to hold to him, his ex̃ors, adm̃ors, and assigns, within England, Wales, and the town of Berwick-upon-Tweed for the term of fourteen years pursuant to the statute; with a clause to inroll the same within one calendar month from the date thereof. W. H. M. at Westmr, the 3d day of May, in the year above.By writ, &c.
28th Nov. 1801. 2560. A grant unto Joseph Bramah, of Pimlico, in the county of Middlesex, engineer, for his invented improvements in the construction of steam engines and boilers used for the purpose of generating steam and other purposes; to hold to him, his ex̃ors, adm̃ors, and assigns, within England, Wales, and the town of Berwick-upon-Tweed for the term of fourteen years pursuant to the statute; with a clause to inroll the same within one calendar month from the date thereof. W. H. M. at Westmr, the 28th day of Novr, in the year above.By writ, &c.
30th October 1802. 2652. A grant unto Joseph Bramah, of Pimlico, in the county of Middlesex, engineer, for his new invented machine for the purpose of producing straights, smooth, and paralell surfaces on wood and other materials; to hold to him, his ex̃ors, adm̃ors, and assigns, within England, Wales, and the town of Berwick-upon-Tweed, for the term of fourteen years pursuant to the statute; with a clause to inroll the same within one calendar month from the date thereof. W. H. M. at Westmr, the 30th day of Octr, in the year above.By writ, &c.
25h April 1805. 2840. A grant unto Joseph Bramah, of Pimlico, in the county of Midđx, engineer, for his invented sundry improvements in the art of making paper; to hold to him, his ex̃ors, adm̃ors, and assigns, within that part of our kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland called England, our dominion of Wales, and town of Berwick-upon-Tweed for the term of fourteen years pursuant to the statute; with a clause to inroll the same within 3 calendar months from the date thereof.By writ, &c.
15th October 1806. 2977. A grant unto Joseph Bramah, of Pimlico, in the county of Midđx, engineer, for his invented certain machine, whereby valuable improvements in the art of printing will be obtained; to hold to him, his ex̃ors, adm̃ors, and assigns, within that part of our united kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland called England, our dominion of Wales, and town of Berwick-upon-Tweed for the term of fourteen years pursuant to the statute; with a clause to inroll the same within one calendar month from the date thereof.By writ, &c.
23rd Sept. 1809. 3260. A grant unto Joseph Bramah, of Pimlico, in the county of Midđx, engineer, for his invented new method of making and constructing pens for writing; to hold to him, his ex̃ors, adm̃ors, and assigns, within that part of our united kingdom of Great Britain, and Ireland called England, our dominion of Wales, and town of Berwick-upon-Tweed for the term of fourteen years pursuant to the statute; with a clause to inroll the same within two calendar months from the date thereof.By writ, &c.
2nd Nov. 1809. 3270. A grant unto Joseph Bramah, of Pimlico, in the county of Midđx, engineer, for his invented certain new improvements in the constructing and making wheels for all kinds of carriages; and also a new method of locking or sledging the wheels of carriages when passing down steep declining hills; to hold to him, his ex̃ors, adm̃ors, and assigns, within that part of our united kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland called England, our dominion of Wales, and town of Berwick-upon-Tweed for the term of fourteen years pursuant to the statute; with a clause for supplying His Majesty’s service with all such articles of the said invention at such prices as shall be settled by the master genl of the ordnance for the time being; and also with a clause to inroll the same within two calendar months from the date thereof.By writ, &c.
31st October 1812. 3611. A grant unto Joseph Bramah, of Pimlico, in the county of Middlesex, engineer, for his invented certain improvements in the method of constructing, laying down, and organizing the main and other pipes for the conveyance of water for the supply of the metropolis of London, and other cities, towns, and places where public water works are adopted; and applying the water so conveyed to a variety of other useful purposes; to hold to him, his ex̃ors, adm̃ors, and assigns, within that part of our united kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland called England, our dominion of Wales, and town of Berwick-upon-Tweed for the term of fourteen years pursuant to the statute; with a clause to inroll the same within 6 calendar months from the date thereof.By writ, &c.
26th Nov. 1812. 3616. A grant unto Joseph Bramah, of Pimlico, in the county of Middlesex, engineer, for his invented certain improvemts in the construction of various parts of wheeled carriages, one of which improvements in applicable to other machinery where a rotatory motion is necessary; to hold to him, his ex̃ors, adm̃ors, and assigns, within that part of our united kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland called England, our dominion of Wales, and town of Berwick-upon-Tweed for the term of fourteen years pursuant to the statute; with a clause to inroll the same within two calendar months from the date thereof.By writ, &c.

Passed by Ld Chancellor’s order, dated 26th Novr 1812.

10th Feb. 1814. 3780. A grant unto Joseph Bramah, of Pimlico, in the county of Middlesex, engineer, for his method of applying a certain species of earth, which will prove useful and be found productive of great public benefit, in as much as it will, when so applied, prevent, destroy, and finally extirpate what is called the dry or fungus rot, and will serve as a substitute for lead in making of oil paints, and also for various other purposes; to hold to him, his ex̃ors, adm̃ors, and assigns, within that part of our united kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland called England, our dominion of Wales, and town of Berwick-upon-Tweed for the term of fourteen years pursuant to the statute; with a clause to inroll the same within two calendar months from the date thereof.By writ, &c.