Author:Richard Milhous Nixon/Executive orders
(Redirected from Author:Richard Nixon/Executive orders)
Administration of Richard Nixon (1969-1974)
[edit]- E.O. 11452 - E.O. 11503 (52 Executive Orders signed)
- Executive Order 11452 − Establishing the Council for Urban Affairs
- Executive Order 11453 − Establishing the Cabinet Committee on Economic Policy
- Executive Order 11454 − Inspection of Income, Excess-profits, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Senate Committee on Government Operations
- Executive Order 11455 − Establishing an Office of Intergovernmental Relations
- Executive Order 11456 − Providing for a Special Assistant to the President for Liaison With Former Presidents
- Executive Order 11457 − Inspection of Income, Excess-profits, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives
- Executive Order 11458 − Prescribing Arrangements for Developing and Coordinating a National Program for Minority Business Enterprise
- Executive Order 11459 − Designation of the Secretary of Transportation to Approve and Certificate Containers and Vehicles for Use in International Transport
- Executive Order 11460 − Establishing the President's Intelligence Advisory Board
- Executive Order 11461 − Inspection of Income, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Committee on Public Works, House of Representatives
- Executive Order 11462 − Providing for the Closing of Government Departments and Agencies on March 31, 1969, and for the Granting of Administrative Leave on March 28, 1969
- Executive Order 11463 − Placing an Additional Position in Level V of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule
- Executive Order 11464 − Modifying Rates of Interest Equalization Tax
- Executive Order 11465 − Inspection of Income, Excess-profits, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Committee on Internal Security, House of Representatives
- Executive Order 11466 − Administration of Certain Jointly Funded Projects
- Executive Order 11467 − Delegating to the Secretary of State Authority to Approve or Reject Recommendations and Actions of Certain Fisheries Commissions
- Executive Order 11468 − Amending Executive Order No. 11248, Placing Certain Positions in Levels IV and V of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule
- Executive Order 11469 − Extending the Life of the National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence
- Executive Order 11470 − Prescribing Arrangements for the Structure and Conduct of a National Program for Voluntary Action
- Executive Order 11471 − Relating to the Implementation of the Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters
- Executive Order 11472 − Establishing the Environmental Quality Council and the Citizens' Advisory Committee on Environmental Quality
- Executive Order 11473 − Amending Executive Order No. 11157 as It Relates to Incentive Pay for Hazardous Duty Involving Participation in Flight Operations on the Flight Deck of an Aircraft Carrier
- Executive Order 11474 − Adjusting Rates of Pay for Certain Statutory Schedules
- Executive Order 11475 − Adjusting the Rates of Monthly Basic Pay for Members of the Uniformed Services
- Executive Order 11476 − Prescribing the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, 1969 (Revised Edition)
- Executive Order 11477 − Authorizing the Atomic Energy Commission to Make Certain Awards Without the Approval of the President
- Executive Order 11478 − Equal Employment Opportunity in the Federal Government
- Executive Order 11479 − The Honorable Everett Mckinley Dirksen
- Executive Order 11480 − The President's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped
- Executive Order 11481 − The Honorable Everett Mckinley Dirksen
- Executive Order 11482 − Establishing a Construction Industry Collective Bargaining Commission
- Executive Order 11483 − Inspection of Income Tax Returns by the Select Committee on Crime, House of Representatives
- Executive Order 11484 − Designating the United International Bureau for the Protection of Intellectual Property (BIRPI) as a Public International Organization Entitled to Enjoy Certain Privileges, Exemptions, and Immunities
- Executive Order 11485 − Supervision and Control of the National Guard of the District of Columbia
- Executive Order 11486 − Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate Disputes Between the Carriers Represented by the National Railway Labor Conference and Certain of their Employees
- Executive Order 11487 − Designation of officers of the Department of the Interior to Act as Secretary of the Interior
- Executive Order 11488 − Including Certain Lands in the Cherokee National Forest
- Executive Order 11489 − Amending Executive Order No. 11248, Placing Certain Positions in Levels IV and V of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule
- Executive Order 11490 − Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Federal Departments and Agencies
- Executive Order 11491 − Labor-management Relations in the Federal Service
- Executive Order 11492 − Amending Executive Order No. 11398 With Respect to the Citizens Advisory Committee on Physical Fitness and Sports
- Executive Order 11493 − Establishing the Council for Rural Affairs
- Executive Order 11494 − Establishing the Presidential Citizens Medal
- Executive Order 11495 − Providing for the Administration of the Disaster Relief Act of 1969
- Executive Order 11496 − Regulation Governing the Entry or Withdrawal From Warehouse of Certain Meat With Respect to Which an Agreement Has Been Concluded
- Executive Order 11497 − Amending the Selective Service Regulations to Prescribe Random Selection
- Executive Order 11498 − Delegating to the Secretary of Defense the Authority to Approve Regulations Governing the Early Discharge of Enlisted Members
- Executive Order 11499 − Amending Executive Order No. 11248, Placing Certain Positions in Levels IV and V of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule
- Executive Order 11500 − Amending Executive Order No. 11452, Establishing the Council for Urban Affairs
- Executive Order 11501 − Administration of Foreign Military Sales
- Executive Order 11502 − Enlarging the Membership of the President's Committee on the National Medal of Science
- Executive Order 11503 − Excusing Federal Employees From Duty on December 26, 1969
[edit]- E.O. 11504 - E.O. 11575 (72 Executive Orders signed)
- Executive Order 11504 − Amending Executive Order No. 11248, placing certain positions in levels IV and V of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule
- Executive Order 11505 − Inspection of income, excess-profits, estate, and gift tax returns by the Senate Committee on the Judiciary
- Executive Order 11506 − Further amending Executive Order No. 11211, relating to the exclusion for original or new Japanese issues as required for international monetary stability
- Executive Order 11507 − Prevention, control, and abatement of air and water pollution at Federal facilities
- Executive Order 11508 − Providing for the identification of unneeded Federal real property
- Executive Order 11509 − Establishing the President's Advisory Council on Management Improvement
- Executive Order 11510 − Amending Executive Order No. 11248, placing certain positions in level IV and V of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule
- Executive Order 11511 − Amending Executive Order No. 11157 as it relates to basic allowances for quarters for members without dependents
- Executive Order 11512 − Planning, acquisition, and management of Federal space
- Executive Order 11513 − Establishing the President's Commission on School Finance
- Executive Order 11514 − Protection and enhancement of environmental quality
- Executive Order 11515 − Terminating certain bodies established by the President
- Executive Order 11516 − Amending Executive Order No. 11248, placing certain positions in levels IV and V of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule
- Executive Order 11517 − Providing for the issuance and signature by the Secretary of State of warrants appointing agents to return fugitives from justice extradited to the United States
- Executive Order 11518 − Providing for the increased representation of the interests of small business concerns before departments and agencies of the United States Government
- Executive Order 11519 − Calling into service members and units of the National Guard
- Executive Order 11520 − Amending Executive Order No. 11407, relating to the Presidential Service Certificate and the Presidential Service Badge
- Executive Order 11521 − Authorizing veterans readjustment appointments for veterans of the Vietnam era
- Executive Order 11522 − Assigning emergency preparedness functions to the United States Information Agency
- Executive Order 11523 − Establishing the National Industrial Pollution Control Council
- Executive Order 11524 − Adjusting rates of pay for certain statutory schedules
- Executive Order 11525 − Adjusting rates of monthly basic pay for members of the Uniformed Services
- Executive Order 11526 − Establishing the National Council on Federal Disaster Assistance
- Executive Order 11527 − Amending the Selective Service regulations
- Executive Order 11528 − Changing the jurisdiction and membership of the New England River Basins Commission
- Executive Order 11529 − Terminating obsolete bodies established by Executive order
- Executive Order 11530 − Amending Executive Order No. 10624, as amended, providing for regulations relating to personnel of the Department of Agriculture assigned to service abroad
- Executive Order 11531 − Delegating authority of the President under section 4102(a)(2)(B) of Title 5, United States Code, to designate U.S. marshals and U.S. attorneys for training
- Executive Order 11532 − Establishing the Interdepartmental Committee for (the) Voluntary Payroll Savings Plan for the Purchase of United States Savings Bonds
- Executive Order 11533 − Administration of the Export Administration Act of 1969
- Executive Order 11534 − Establishing the National Council on Organized Crime
- Executive Order 11535 − Inspection of tax returns by the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives
- Executive Order 11536 − Establishing the President's Commission on Campus Unrest
- Executive Order 11537 − Amending the Selective Service regulations concerning the ordering of registrants for induction
- Executive Order 11538 − Delegating to the Secretary of Transportation the authority of the President to establish and conduct an International Aeronautical Exposition
- Executive Order 11539 − Delegations of authority to negotiate agreements and issue regulations limiting imports of certain meats
- Executive Order 11540 − Amending Executive Order No. 11248, placing certain positions in levels IV and V of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule
- Executive Order 11541 − Prescribing the duties of the Office of Management and Budget and the Domestic Council in the Executive Office of the President
- Executive Order 11542 − Amending Executive Order No. 11248, placing certain positions in levels IV and V of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule
- Executive Order 11543 − Creating an emergency board to investigate disputes between the carriers represented by the National Railway Labor Conferences and certain of their employees
- Executive Order 11544 − Establishing the Vice Presidential Service Certificate and the Vice Presidential Service Badge
- Executive Order 11545 − Establishing the Defense Distinguished Service Medal
- Executive Order 11546 − Establishing the President's Commission for the Observance of the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the United Nations
- Executive Order 11547 − Amending Executive Order No. 11330 with respect to membership and chairmanship
- Executive Order 11548 − Delegating functions of the President under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended
- Executive Order 11549 − Revoking Executive Order No. 10361 of June 11, 1952, establishing the Whittier Defensive Sea Area, Alaska
- Executive Order 11550 − Amending Executive Order No. 11248, placing certain positions in levels IV and V of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule
- Executive Order 11551 − Amending Executive Order No. 11399 with respect to the membership of the National Council on Indian Opportunity
- Executive Order 11552 − Providing for details and transfers of Federal employees to international organizations
- Executive Order 11553 − Amending the Selective Service regulations
- Executive Order 11554 − Suspending the provisions of section 5707(c) of title 10, United States Code, which relate to the establishment of a maximum percentage of Navy officers who may be recommended for promotion from below the appropriate promotion zone
- Executive Order 11555 − Amending the Selective Service regulations
- Executive Order 11556 − Assigning telecommunications functions
- Executive Order 11557 − Enlarging the membership of the President's Commission for the Observance of the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the United Nations
- Executive Order 11558 − Creating an emergency board to investigate disputes between the carriers represented by the National Railway Labor Conference and certain of their employees
- Executive Order 11559 − Creating an emergency board to investigate disputes between the carriers represented by the National Railway Labor Conference and certain of their employees
- Executive Order 11560 − Amending Executive Order No. 11508 with respect to the membership of the Property Review Board
- Executive Order 11561 − Delegation of certain authority under Title VIII of the Economic Opportunity Act
- Executive Order 11562 − Developing and coordinating a national program for physical fitness and sports
- Executive Order 11563 − Amending the Selective Service regulations
- Executive Order 11564 − Transfer of certain programs and activities to the Secretary of Commerce
- Executive Order 11565 − Amending Executive Order No. 11145 with respect to the membership of the Committee for the Preservation of the White House
- Executive Order 11566 − Consumer product information
- Executive Order 11567 − Prescribing the compensation of certain officials in the Bureau of Domestic Commerce, Department of Commerce
- Executive Order 11568 − Exempting A. Everette MacIntyre from compulsory retirement for age
- Executive Order 11569 − Amending the Selective Service regulations
- Executive Order 11570 − Providing for the regulation of conduct for the Postal Rate Commission and its employees
- Executive Order 11571 − Modifying Executive Order No. 6868 of October 9, 1934, as amended, designating the authority to carry out the provisions of the District of Columbia Alley Dwelling Act
- Executive Order 11572 − Providing for the use of transportation priorities and allocations during the current railroad strike
- Executive Order 11573 − Excusing Federal employees from duty for one-half day on December 24, 1970
- Executive Order 11574 − Administration of Refuse Act permit program
- Executive Order 11575 − Providing for the administration of the Disaster Relief Act of 1970
[edit]- E.O. 11576 - E.O. 11638 (63 Executive Orders signed)
- Executive Order 11576 − Adjusting rates of pay for certain statutory pay systems
- Executive Order 11577 − Adjusting the rates of monthly basic pay for members of the Uniformed Services
- Executive Order 11578 − Establishment of the Ohio River Basin Commission
- Executive Order 11579 − Overseas Private Investment Corporation
- Executive Order 11580 − Establishing a Seal for the National Credit Union Administration
- Executive Order 11581 − Amending Executive Order No. 11248, placing certain positions in levels IV and V of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule
- Executive Order 11582 − Observance of Holidays by Government agencies
- Executive Order 11583 − Office of Consumer Affairs
- Executive Order 11584 − Inspection of income, excess-profits, estate, and gift tax returns by the Senate Committee on Government Operations
- Executive Order 11585 − Creating an emergency board to investigate disputes between certain carriers represented by the National Railway Labor Conference and the Eastern, Western and Southeastern Carriers' Conference Committees and certain of their employees represented by the Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen
- Executive Order 11586 − Amending the Selective Service regulations
- Executive Order 11587 − Amending Executive Order No. 11248, placing certain positions in levels IV and V of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule
- Executive Order 11588 − Providing for the stabilization of wages and prices in the construction industry
- Executive Order 11589 − Delegating to the United States Civil Service Commission certain authorities of the President under the Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970 and the Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950
- Executive Order 11590 − Applicability of Executive Order No. 11222 and Executive Order 11478 to the United States Postal Service and of Executive Order No. 11478 to the Postal Rate Commission
- Executive Order 11591 − Amending Executive Order No. 11157 as it relates to basic allowances for quarters for members with dependents
- Executive Order 11592 − Delegating certain authority of the President to the Director of the Office of Management and Budget
- Executive Order 11593 − Protection and Enhancement of the Cultural environment
- Executive Order 11594 − Providing for the use of transportation priorities and allocations during the current railroad strike
- Executive Order 11595 − Amending Executive Order 11583, establishing the Office of Consumer Affairs
- Executive Order 11596 − Designating the Customs Cooperation Council as a public international organization entitled to enjoy certain privileges, exemptions, and immunities
- Executive Order 11597 − Amendment to Executive Order No. 11513 increasing the membership of the President's Commission on School Finance
- Executive Order 11598 − To provide for the listing of certain job vacancies by Federal agencies and Government contractors and subcontractors
- Executive Order 11599 − Establishing a special action office for drug abuse prevention
- Executive Order 11600 − Establishing a Seal for the Office of Management and Budget
- Executive Order 11601 − Amending Executive Order No. 11390, Providing for the Delegation of Certain Functions of the President to the Secretary of Defense
- Executive Order 11602 − Providing for administration of the Clean Air Act with respect to Federal contracts, grants, or loans
- Executive Order 11603 − Assigning additional functions to the Director of ACTION
- Executive Order 11604 − Amending Executive Order No. 11248, placing certain positions in levels IV and V of the Federal executive salary schedule
- Executive Order 11605 − Amendment of Executive Order No. 10450 of April 27, 1953, relating to security requirements for Government employment
- Executive Order 11606 − Amending the Selective Service regulations
- Executive Order 11607 − Establishing the Advisory Council on Intergovernmental Personnel Policy
- Executive Order 11608 − Termination of Federal Field Committee for Development Planning in Alaska
- Executive Order 11609 − Delegating certain functions vested in the President to other officers of the Government
- Executive Order 11610 − Further amending Executive Order 10789 authorizing agencies of the Government to exercise certain contracting authority in connection with national defense functions and prescribing regulations governing the exercise of such authority
- Executive Order 11611 − Inspection of income, excess profits, estate, and gift tax returns by the Committee on Internal Security, House of Representatives
- Executive Order 11612 − Occupational safety and health programs for Federal employees
- Executive Order 11613 − Membership of Environmental Protection Agency on Established River Basin Commissions
- Executive Order 11614 − Establishing the National Business Council for Consumer Affairs
- Executive Order 11615 − Providing for stabilization of prices, rents, wages, and salaries
- Executive Order 11616 − Amending Executive Order No. 11491, relating to labor-management relations in the Federal service
- Executive Order 11617 − Amending Executive Order No. 11615, providing for stabilization of prices, rents, wages, and salaries
- Executive Order 11618 − Further amending Executive Order No. 10713, providing for administration of the Ryukyu Islands
- Executive Order 11619 − Exemption of Rose A. Conway from mandatory retirement
- Executive Order 11620 − The Honorable Hugo L. Black
- Executive Order 11621 − Creating a board of inquiry to report on certain labor disputes affecting the maritime industry of the United States
- Executive Order 11622 − Amending Executive Order 11621 creating a board of inquiry
- Executive Order 11623 − Delegating to the Director of Selective Service authority to issue rules and regulations under the Military Selective Service Act
- Executive Order 11624 − Inspection of income, excess profits, estate, gift, and excise tax returns by the Senate Committee on Commerce
- Executive Order 11625 − Prescribing additional arrangements for developing and coordinating a national program for minority business enterprise
- Executive Order 11626 − The Honorable Dean Acheson
- Executive Order 11627 − Further providing for the stabilization of the economy
- Executive Order 11628 − Establishing a Seal for the Environmental Protection Agency
- Executive Order 11629 − Delegation of authority to the Secretary of State to perform the function vested in the President by article IV of the Convention Between the United States of America and Mexico for the Protection of Migratory Birds and Game Mammals (50 Stat. 1311; TS 912)
- Executive Order 11630 − Amending Executive Order No. 11627 of October 15, 1971, further providing for the stabilization of the economy
- Executive Order 11631 − Inspection of income, estate, and gift tax returns by the Committee on Public Works, House of Representatives
- Executive Order 11632 − Amending Executive Order No. 11627 of October 15, 1971, further providing for the stabilization of the economy
- Executive Order 11633 − Security clearance program for United States citizens employed directly by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the South-East Asia Treaty Organization, and the Central Treaty Organization
- Executive Order 11634 − Amending Executive Order No. 11248, placing certain positions in levels IV and V of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule
- Executive Order 11635 − Continuation of Souris-Red-Rainy-River Basins Commission
- Executive Order 11636 − Employee-management relations in the Foreign Service of the United States
- Executive Order 11637 − Adjusting rates of pay for certain statutory pay systems
- Executive Order 11638 − Adjusting the rates of monthly basic pay for members of the Uniformed Services
[edit]- E.O. 11639 - E.O. 11693 (55 Executive Orders signed)
- Executive Order 11639 − Providing for pay adjustments for Federal prevailing rate systems
- Executive Order 11640 − Further providing for the stabilization of the economy
- Executive Order 11641 − Concentration of law enforcement activities relating to drug abuse
- Executive Order 11642 − Further exempting A. Everette MacIntyre from compulsory retirement for age
- Executive Order 11643 − Environmental safeguards on activities for animal damage control on Federal lands
- Executive Order 11644 − Use of off-road vehicles on the public lands
- Executive Order 11645 − Authority of the Secretary of Transportation to prescribe certain regulations relating to Coast Guard housing
- Executive Order 11646 − Membership of Department of State on the Great Lakes Basin Commission
- Executive Order 11647 − Federal Regional Councils
- Executive Order 11648 − Amendment of Executive Order No. 11183 which established the President's Commission on White House Fellowships
- Executive Order 11649 − Regulations Governing the Seals of the President and the Vice President of the United States
- Executive Order 11650 − Inspection by certain classes of persons and State and Federal Government establishments of returns made in respect of certain taxes imposed by the Internal Revenue Code of 1954
- Executive Order 11651 − Textile Trade Agreements
- Executive Order 11652 − Classification and declassification of national security information and material
- Executive Order 11653 − Exemption of Jack T. Stuart from compulsory retirement for age
- Executive Order 11654 − Transfer of the Federal Fire Council to the Department of Commerce
- Executive Order 11655 − Inspection of income, excess-profits, estate, and gift tax returns by the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives
- Executive Order 11656 − Inspection of income, estate, and gift tax returns by the Select Committee on Crime, House of Representatives
- Executive Order 11657 − Exemption of C. Everette Spangler from compulsory retirement for age
- Executive Order 11658 − Establishment of the Missouri River Basin Commission
- Executive Order 11659 − Establishment of the Upper Mississippi River Basin Commission
- Executive Order 11660 − Amending Executive Order No. 11640, further providing for the stabilization of the economy
- Executive Order 11661 − Relating to facilitating coordination of Federal education programs
- Executive Order 11662 − Further providing for the administration of the Disaster Relief Act of 1970, as amended
- Executive Order 11663 − Creating an emergency board to investigate disputes between the carriers represented by the National Railway Labor Conference and certain of their employees
- Executive Order 11664 − Creating an emergency board to investigate a dispute between the Penn Central Transportation Company and certain of its employees
- Executive Order 11665 − James F. Byrnes
- Executive Order 11666 − Qualification for the investment credit on certain articles and classes of articles of predominantly foreign origin
- Executive Order 11667 − Establishing the President's Advisory Committee on the Environmental Merit Awards Program
- Executive Order 11668 − Providing for a National Center for Housing Management
- Executive Order 11669 − J. Edgar Hoover
- Executive Order 11670 − Providing for the return of certain lands to the Yakima Indian Reservation
- Executive Order 11671 − Committee management
- Executive Order 11672 − Providing for the transfer or furnishing of property under the Postal Reorganization Act
- Executive Order 11673 − Amending Executive Order No. 8684 to redefine the Culebra Island Naval Defensive Sea Area
- Executive Order 11674 − Amending Executive Order No. 11640, as amended, further providing for the stabilization of the economy
- Executive Order 11675 − Exemption of John S. Patterson from mandatory retirement for age
- Executive Order 11676 − Providing for the establishment of an Office of National Narcotics Intelligence within the Department of Justice
- Executive Order 11677 − Continuing the regulation of exports
- Executive Order 11678 − Providing for the repair and restoration of nonprofit private educational institutions damaged by hurricane and tropical storm Agnes
- Executive Order 11679 − Creating an emergency board to investigate a dispute between the Long Island Rail Road Company and certain of its employees
- Executive Order 11680 − Designation of certain officers to act as Secretary of the Treasury
- Executive Order 11681 − Revoking Executive Order No. 5221 of November 11, 1929, establishing a limitation on non-official employment of officers or employees of the American Government
- Executive Order 11682 − Inspection by the Department of the Treasury of tax returns made under the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 for economic stabilization purposes
- Executive Order 11683 − Revoking Executive Order No. 11677 of August 1, 1972, and continuing in effect Executive Order No. 11533 of June 4, 1970, relating to the administration of export controls
- Executive Order 11684 − Amendment of Executive Order No. 11554, suspending the provisions of section 5707(c) of title 10, United States Code, which relate to promotion of Navy and Marine Corps officers
- Executive Order 11685 − Amending Executive Order No. 10973, relating to administration of foreign assistance and related functions, and Executive Order No. 11501, relating to administration of foreign military sales
- Executive Order 11686 − Committee management
- Executive Order 11687 − Delegating functions conferred upon the President by section 1455 of title 10 of the United States Code, establishing the Retired Serviceman's Survivor Benefit Plan
- Executive Order 11688 − Amending Executive Order No. 11399 with respect to the membership of the National Council on Indian Opportunity
- Executive Order 11689 − Extending diplomatic privileges and immunities to the Mission to the United States of America of the Commission of the European Communities and to certain members thereof
- Executive Order 11690 − Delegation of certain functions to the Executive Director of the Domestic Council
- Executive Order 11691 − Adjusting rates of pay for certain statutory pay systems
- Executive Order 11692 − Adjusting the rates of monthly basic pay for members of the Uniformed Services
- Executive Order 11693 − Providing for the closing of Government departments and agencies on December 28, 1972
[edit]- E.O. 11694 - E.O. 11757 (64 Executive Orders signed)
- Executive Order 11694 − Creating an emergency board to investigate a dispute between the Port Authority Trans-Hudson Corporation and certain of its employees
- Executive Order 11695 − Further providing for the stabilization of the economy
- Executive Order 11696 − Excusing Federal employees in the Washington, DC., metropolitan area from duty for one-half day on Friday, January 19, 1973
- Executive Order 11697 − Inspection by Department of Agriculture of income tax returns made under the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 of persons having farm operations
- Executive Order 11698 − Relating to the implementation of the Convention on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters
- Executive Order 11699 − Amending Executive Order No. 11248, placing certain positions in levels IV and V of the Federal Executive Salary
- Executive Order 11700 − Providing for the Closing of Government Departments and Agencies on Thursday, January 23, 1973
- Executive Order 11701 − Employment of veterans by Federal agencies and Government contractors and subcontractors
- Executive Order 11702 − Relative to the Executive Office of the President
- Executive Order 11703 − Assigning policy development and direction functions with respect to the oil import control program
- Executive Order 11704 − Further exempting A. Everett MacIntyre from compulsory retirement for age
- Executive Order 11705 − The Honorable Cleo A. Noel, Junior George Curtis Moore
- Executive Order 11706 − Inspection of returns by U.S. attorneys and attorneys of Department of Justice and use of returns in grand jury proceedings and in litigation
- Executive Order 11707 − Change in boundaries of New England River Basins Commission
- Executive Order 11708 − Placing certain positions in levels IV and V of the Executive Schedule
- Executive Order 11709 − Inspection by Department of Agriculture of income tax returns made under the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 of persons having farm operations
- Executive Order 11710 − National Commission for Industrial Peace
- Executive Order 11711 − Inspection of income, excess-profits, estate, and gift tax returns by the Senate Committee on Government Operations
- Executive Order 11712 − Special Committee on Energy and National Energy Office
- Executive Order 11713 − Delegating certain functions vested in the President to the Administrator of General Services
- Executive Order 11714 − Amending Executive Order No. 11652 on classification and declassification of national security information and material
- Executive Order 11715 − Amending Executive Order No. 11708, placing certain positions in levels IV and V of the Executive Schedule
- Executive Order 11716 − Amending Executive Order No. 11157 as it relates to incentive pay for hazardous duty
- Executive Order 11717 − Transferring certain functions from the Office of Management and Budget to the General Services Administration and the Department of Commerce
- Executive Order 11718 − Designating the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (INTELSAT) as an international organization entitled to enjoy certain privileges, exemptions, and immunities
- Executive Order 11719 − Inspection of income, estate, and gift tax returns by the Committee on Public Works, House of Representatives
- Executive Order 11720 − Inspection of income, excess-profits, estate, gift, and excise tax returns by the Senate Committee on Commerce
- Executive Order 11721 − Providing for Federal pay administration
- Executive Order 11722 − Inspection of income, estate, and gift tax returns by the Committee on Internal Security, House of Representatives
- Executive Order 11723 − Further providing for the stabilization of the economy
- Executive Order 11724 − Federal Property Council
- Executive Order 11725 − Transfer of certain functions of the Office of Emergency Preparedness
- Executive Order 11726 − Energy Policy Office
- Executive Order 11727 − Drug law enforcement
- Executive Order 11728 − Amending section 104(b)(1) of Executive Order No. 11157, as it relates to incentive pay for hazardous duty involving aerial flight
- Executive Order 11729 − Amending Executive Order No. 11710 of April 4, 1973, relative to the National Commission for Industrial Peace
- Executive Order 11730 − Further providing for the stabilization of the economy
- Executive Order 11731 − Amending Executive Order No. 11647 relating to Federal Regional Councils
- Executive Order 11732 − Delegating certain authority of the President to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
- Executive Order 11733 − Further amending Executive Order No. 10122 of April 14, 1950, entitled "Regulations governing payment of disability retirement pay hospitalization, and re-examination of members and former members of the Uniformed Services"
- Executive Order 11734 − Revising the membership of the President's Committee on the National Medal of Science
- Executive Order 11735 − Assignment of functions under section 311 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended
- Executive Order 11736 − Amending Executive Order No. 11708, placing certain positions in levels IV and V of the Executive Schedule
- Executive Order 11737 − Enlargement of the Upper Mississippi River Basin Commission
- Executive Order 11738 − Providing for administration of the Clean Air Act and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act with respect to Federal contracts, grants or loans
- Executive Order 11739 − Adjusting rates of pay for certain statutory pay systems
- Executive Order 11740 − Adjusting the rates of monthly basic pay for members of the Uniformed Services
- Executive Order 11741 − Federal agency use of the official American Revolution Bicentennial symbol
- Executive Order 11742 − Delegating to the Secretary of State certain functions with respect to the negotiation of international agreements relating to the enhancement of the environment
- Executive Order 11743 − Modifying Proclamation 3279, as amended, with respect to the Oil Policy Committee
- Executive Order 11744 − Cost-of-living allowance provided to employees of the Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska
- Executive Order 11745 − Creating an emergency board to investigate a dispute between the Long Island Rail Road and certain of its employees
- Executive Order 11746 − Assigning emergency preparedness functions to the United States Treasury Department
- Executive Order 11747 − Delegating certain authority of the President under the Water Resources Planning Act, as amended
- Executive Order 11748 − Federal Energy Office
- Executive Order 11749 − Consolidating disaster relief functions assigned to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
- Executive Order 11750 − Providing for the closing of Government departments and agencies on Monday, December 24, 1973 and Monday, December 31, 1973
- Executive Order 11751 − Authorizing the Secretary of Transportation to grant exemptions from daylight saving time and realignments of time zone limits
- Executive Order 11752 − Prevention, control, and abatement of environmental pollution at Federal facilities
- Executive Order 11753 − Establishing the President's Export Council and for other purposes
- Executive Order 11754 − Modifying rates of interest equalization tax
- Executive Order 11755 − Relating to prison labor
- Executive Order 11756 − Exemption of Whitney Gillilland from mandatory retirement
- Executive Order 11757 − Exemption of Lawrence Quincy Mumford from mandatory retirement
[edit]- E.O. 11758 - E.O. 11797 (40 Executive Orders signed)
- Executive Order 11758 − Delegating authority of the President under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
- Executive Order 11759 − Prescribing the compensation of certain officials in the Domestic and International Business Administration, Department of Commerce
- Executive Order 11760 − Designating the European Space Research Organization (ESRO) as a public international organization entitled to enjoy certain privileges, exemptions, and immunities
- Executive Order 11761 − To facilitate coordination of Federal education programs
- Executive Order 11762 − Delegating to the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs certain authority relating to grants-in-aid to the Republic of the Philippines for medical care and treatment of veterans
- Executive Order 11763 − Establishing a National Commission for the Observance of World Population Year
- Executive Order 11764 − Nondiscrimination in Federally Assisted Programs
- Executive Order 11765 − Sale of vessels of the Navy
- Executive Order 11766 − Modifying rates of interest equalization tax
- Executive Order 11767 − Designating the Organization of African Unity as a public international organization entitled to enjoy certain privileges, exemptions, and immunities
- Executive Order 11768 − Placing certain positions in levels IV and V of the Executive Schedule
- Executive Order 11769 − Advisory committee management
- Executive Order 11770 − International Symposium on Geothermal Energy--1975
- Executive Order 11771 − Extending diplomatic privileges and immunities to the Liaison Office of the People's Republic of China in Washington, DC and to members thereof
- Executive Order 11772 − Delegating certain authority of the President to the Secretary of State
- Executive Order 11773 − Revoking the authority of the Department of Agriculture to inspect income tax returns
- Executive Order 11774 − Amending Executive Order No. 11768, placing certain positions in levels IV and V of the Executive Schedule
- Executive Order 11775 − Abolishing the Energy Policy Office
- Executive Order 11776 − Continuing the President's Committee on Mental Retardation and broadening its membership and responsibilities
- Executive Order 11777 − Amending Executive Order No. 11691, adjusting rates of pay for certain statutory pay systems
- Executive Order 11778 − Amending Executive Order No. 11692, adjusting the rates of monthly basic pay for members of the Uniformed Services
- Executive Order 11779 − Delegating the authority of the President under section 9 of the United Nations Participation Act, as amended, to the Secretary of State
- Executive Order 11780 − Amending Executive Order No. 11768, placing certain positions in levels IV and V of the Executive Schedule
- Executive Order 11781 − Providing for an orderly termination of the Economic Stabilization Program
- Executive Order 11782 − Establishing the Federal Financing Bank Advisory Council
- Executive Order 11783 − Creating an emergency board to investigate a dispute between the carriers represented by the National Railway Labor Conference and certain of their employees
- Executive Order 11784 − Delegating to the Administrator of General Services certain authority to issue regulations relating to joint funding
- Executive Order 11785 − Amending Executive Order No. 10450, as amended, relating to security requirements for Government employment and for other purposes
- Executive Order 11786 − Inspection of tax returns by the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives
- Executive Order 11787 − Revoking Executive Order No. 10987, relating to agency systems for appeals from adverse actions
- Executive Order 11788 − Providing for the orderly termination of economic stabilization activities
- Executive Order 11789 − President's Committee on East-West Trade Policy
- Executive Order 11790 − Providing for the effectuation of the Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974
- Executive Order 11791 − Exemption of Kenneth H. Tuggle from mandatory retirement
- Executive Order 11792 − Abolishing the Advisory Council on Intergovernmental Personnel Policy
- Executive Order 11793 − Designation of certain officers of the Department of Agriculture to act as Secretary of Agriculture
- Executive Order 11794 − Revoking Executive Order No. 10958, relating to the Civil Defense medical and food stockpiles
- Executive Order 11795 − Delegating disaster relief functions pursuant to the Disaster Relief Act of 1974
- Executive Order 11796 − Continuing the regulation of exports
- Executive Order 11797 − Delegating to the Secretary of Agriculture the function of submitting an annual report to the Congress concerning the location of new Federal facilities in rural areas
[edit]- ↑ NOTE: The total number of Executive orders issued for each administration includes number-and-letter designated orders, such as 10577-A, 10616-A, etc.