Author:Richard Watson Gilder/Index of Titles
[edit]"A barren stretch that slants to the salt sea's gray"
The Absent Lover
The Actor
Adele aus der Ohe
After Many Days
"After Sorrow's night"
After-Song: "Through love to light! O, wonderful the way"
After-Song: To Rosamond
Age, and the Scorner
"Ah, be not false"
"Ah, near, dear friend"
"Ah, Time, go not so soon"
Alice Freeman Palmer
All in One
"And were that best!"
"Angelo, thou art the master"
The Anger of Beethoven
The Anger of Christ
The Answer
Art ("A little, loosened leaf of painted paper")
Art ("Following the sun, westward the march of power")
Art and Life
"As doth the bird"
"As soars the eagle"
At Four Score
At Garfield's Grave
At Luther's Grave
At Niagara
At Night
Autumn at Four-Brooks Farm
An Autumn Dirge
An Autumn Meditation
Autumn Trees
[edit]Back from the darkness to the light again
Bards of Britain (1908)
"Because the rose must fade"
Before Sunrise
Before the Grand Jury
"Beyond all beauty is the unknown grace"
"Beyond the branches of the pine"
The Birds of Bethlehem
The Birds of Westland
A Birthday Song
The Blameless Knight
A Blind Poet
Body and Soul
Bread upon the Waters
Builders of the State
The Building of the Chimney
The Burial of Grant
[edit]"Call me not dead"
A Call to the Mountains
"Came to a master of song"
Carl Schurz
The 'Cello
A Child
The Child-Garden
The Christ-Child
A Christmas Hymn
The Christmas Tree in the Nursery
The City ("Come, Spirit of Song! true, faithful friend of mine!")
The City ("O, dear is the song of the pine")
The City of Light
"Come to me ye who suffer"
The Comfort of the Trees
The Condemned
Congress: 1878
Cradle Song
"The critic scanned the poet's book"
Crowned Absurdities
[edit]The Dancers
The Dark Room
A Day in Tuscany
"The day began as other days begin"
"Day unto day uttereth speech"
The Dead Comrade
The Dead Poet
Dedicatory Inscriptions
The Demagogue
The Desert
"Despise not thou"
The Doubter
The Doubter's Soliloquy
The Drama
Drinking Song
[edit]"Each moment holy is"
Early Autumn
Edward Everett Hale
Eleonora Duse
Emma Lazarus
"Even when joy is near"
Evening in Tyringham Valley
"The Evening Star"
[edit]"Fades the rose"
Failure and Success
A Fantasy of Chopin
Farewell to Charleston
Father and Child
The Fire Divine
For a Fan
For an Album
For the City Club
For the Espousals of Jeanne Roumanille, of Avignon
For the Great Pylons of the Triumphal Causeway
For the Propylæa
For the Stadium
Francesca and Paolo
Francesca Mia
The Freed Spirit
"From love to love"
[edit]George MacDonald
The Gift
"Give thy day to duty"
Glen Gilder
The Good Man
"The gray walls of the garden"
The Great Citizen
"Great nature is an army gay"
The Great Remembrance
[edit]"H. H."
Handel's Largo
Hast thou heard the Nightingale?
Hawthorne in Berkshire
"He knows not the path of duty"
"He pondered well"
"Her delicate form"
A Hero of Peace
The Heroic Age
A Hero's Bride
Hide not thy Heart
Holy Land
Home Acres
The Homestead
An Hour in a Studio
How Death may make a Man
"How strange the musician's memory"
"How to the singer comes the song?"
Hymn: "God of the strong, God of the weak"
Hymn: "Great God, to whom since time began"
Hymn: "To Thee, Eternal Soul, be praise!"
[edit]"I asked you to read my poem"
"I care not if the skies are white"
"I count my time by times that I meet thee"
"I dreamed"
"I will be brave for thee"
"If, one great day"
Ill Tidings
In a Concert Room
"In a night of midsummer"
"In her young eyes"
In Palestine
In Praise of Portraiture
"In that dread, dreamed-of hour"
"In the Cities"
"In the hights"
In the White Mountains
In Times of Peace
In Wordsworth's Orchard
Inauguration Day
Indoors, at Night
Indoors in Early Spring
Inscription for a Tower in Florence
An Inscription in Rome
Inscriptions for the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo, 1901
Interlude: "As melting snow leaves bare the mountain-side"
Interlude: "The cloud was thick that hid the sun from sight"
Interlude: "The sun rose swift and sent a golden gleam"
The Invisible
"Is Hope a phantom?"
[edit]J. R. L.
John Carman
John George Nicolay
John Henry Boner
John Malone
John Paul Jones
John Wesley
Josephine Shaw Lowell
[edit]La Salle
A Lady to a Knight
A Lament
The Last Flower of the Garden
Late Summer
A Letter from the Farm
"Life is the cost"
"Life is the hammer"
"The light lies on the farther hills"
"Like the bright picture"
Likeness in Unlikeness
The Lion of Tyringham
Listening to Music
A little longer still in summer suns
The Lonesome Wild
Longfellow's "Book of Sonnets"
"Lost Leaders"
Love and Death
Love, Art, and Time
Love grown Bold
"Love is not bond to any man"
"Love me not, Love, for that I first loved thee"
The Lover's Lord and Master
Love's Cruelty
Love's Jealousy
Love's Monotone
Lyric Lives
A Madonna of Fra Lippo Lippi
The Marble Pool
The Master-Poets
Memorial Day
A Memory of Rubinstein
Michael Angelo's Aurora
Michael Angelo's Slave
A Midsummer Meditation
A Midsummer Song
The Mirror
The Modern Rhymer
A Monument by Saint-Gaudens
Morning, Noon, and Night
Mors Triumphalis
Mother and Child
"Mother of heroes"
A Mother's Picture
Motto for a Tree-Planting
Music and Friendship
Music and Words
Music at Twilight
Music beneath the Stars
Music in Darkness
Music in Moonlight
Music in Solitude
"My love for thee doth march like armèd men"
"My songs are all of thee"
[edit]A Name
A Naval Surgeon of the War for the Union
The Net
New Friends and Old
A New Poet
The New Politician
A New Soul
The New Troubadours
A New World
New Year
"A night of stars and dreams"
The Night Pasture
A Night Song
"Nine years"
"'No, no,' she said"
Non Sine Dolore
"The North Star draws the hero"
The North to the South
"Not here"
"Not wreaths alone"
A November Child
[edit]"O glorious Sabbath sun"
"O, Love is not a summer mood"
"O mighty river, triumphing to the sea"
"O sweet wild roses that bud and blow!"
The Obelisk (1881)
Ode: "I am the spirit of the morning sea"
Ode: "In the white midday's full, imperious show"
Of Henry George
Of One who neither Sees nor Hears
The Old Faith
The Old House
The Old Master
On a Certain Agnostic
On a Portrait of Servetus
On a Woman seen upon the Stage
On a Young Hero
On being asked for a Song
On Reading of a Poet's Death
On the Bay
On the Death of a Great Man
On the Life-Mask of Abraham Lincoln
"On the wild rose tree"
"Once Only"
"Once when we walked within a summer field"
One Country—One Sacrifice
"One deed may mar a life"
"One rose of song"
The Ottoman Empire
Our Elder Poets
"The pallid watcher of the eastern skies"
The Parthenon by Moonlight
The Passing of Christ
The Passing of Joseph Jefferson
"The Pathetic Symphony"
"The Pines"
Pity the Blind
The Poet and his Master
"The poet from his own sorrow"
"The poet's day"
The Poet's Fame
The Poet's Protest
A Poet's Question
The Poet's Secret
The Poet's Sleep
Porto Fino
"A power there is"
Prelude for "A Book of Music"
Prelude: "O white and midnight sky! O starry bath!"
Prelude: "The night was dark, tho' sometimes a faint star"
The President
The Prisoner's Thought
Pro Patria
Proof of Service
Remembrance of Beauty
A Rhyme of Tyringham
A Riddle of Lovers
The River
The River Inn
Robert Gould Shaw
A Rose of Dream
"Rose-dark the solemn sunset"
[edit]A Sacred Comedy in Florence
Sanctum Sanctorum
The Seasons
Shadow and Sun
"Shall we not praise the living?"
Shelley's "Ozymandias"
The Silence of Tennyson
The Singer of Joy
The Singing River
Sir Walter Scott
"The smile of her I love"
"So fierce the buffets"
The Solace of the Skies
"Something missing from the garden"
Song: "A little longer still in summer suns"
Song: "I awoke in the morning not knowing"
Song: "I love her gentle forehead"
Song: "If, lest thy heart betray thee"
Song: "Love, Love, my love"
Song: "Maria Mia"
Song: "My love grew"
Song: "Not from the whole wide world"
Song: "O purer far than ever I!"
Song: "O whither has she fled from out the dawning and the day?"
Song: "The birds were singing"
Song: "Years have flown"
A Song for Dorothea, across the Sea
The Song of a Heathen
The Song of a Song
A Song of Early Autumn
A Song of Early Summer
A Song of Friendship
"A song of the maiden morn"
A Song of the Road
The Song's Answer
Sonnet: "I know not if I love her overmuch"
Sonnet: "I like her gentle hand that sometimes strays"
The Sonnet
A Sonnet of Dante
The Soul
A Soul Lost, and Found
"Sow thou sorrow"
[[The Sower (Gilder)|]]
"Spare me my dreams"
Spring Surprise
The Stairway
The Star in the City
Stratford Bells
The Stricken Player
"Strolling toward Shottery"
Summer Begins
"Summer's rain and winter's snow"
The Sun-Dial
Sunset from the Train
The Sunset Window
"The supper at Emmaus"
The Sword of the Spirit
[edit]The Table Round
"Tell me good-by"
A Temple of Art
A Theme
"There is nothing new under the sun"
"There's no place like the old place"
"This hour my heart went forth, as in old days"
"Thou thinkest thou hast lived"
A Thought
Three Flowers of the Garden
"Through all the cunning ages"
"Thy lover, Love, would have some nobler way"
"Thy mind is like a crystal brook"
To a Departed Friend
To a Southern Girl
To a Young Poet
To an English Friend
To Austin Dobson
To Charles H. Russell
To E. C. S.
To Emma Lazarus
To F. F. C.
To Jacob A. Riis
To L. R. S.
To "Little Lady Margaret"—with a Book of Poems
To Marie Josephine Girard, Queen of the Félibres, on her Wedding-Day
To One Impatient of Form in Art
To One who praised "the gay life"
"To rest from weary work"
To T. B. A.
To the Hero of a Scientific Romance
To the Poet
To the Spirit of Abraham Lincoln
To William Watson
"To-night the music doth a burden bear"
The Tool
The Tower of Flame
A Tragedy of To-day
The Traveler
The Twelfth of December
The Twenty-third of April
Two Heroes
Two Optimists
Two Valleys
Two Worlds
Two Years
[edit]The Valley of Life
The Valley Road
The Vanishing City
The Veil of Stars
The Venus of Milo
The Violet
The Violin
A Vision
The Voice
The Voice of the Hight
The Voice of the Pine
The Voyager
A Warrior of Troy
Washington at Trenton
The Washington Monument
Washington Square
The Watchman on the Tower
"We met upon the crowded way"
Weal and Woe
"A weary waste without her"
A Week's Calendar
"What can love do for thee, Love?"
"What makes the garden grow"
"What man hath done"
"What would I save thee from?"
"What would I win thee to?"
"When Love dawned"
"When the girls come to the old house"
"When the last doubt is doubted"
"When the true poet comes"
"When the war fleet puts to sea"
"When to sleep I must"
"When with their country's anger"
Where Spring began
The White and the Red Rose
"The White City"
The White Czar's People
"White, pillared neck"
The Whisperers
The Winding Path
"Winds to the silent morn"
A Winter Twilight in Provence
The Wintry Heart
With a Cross of Immortelles
With a Volume of Dante
A Woman's Thought
"A wondrous song"
"The woods that bring the sunset near"
The Word of the White Czar
"A word said in the dark"
Words in Absence
Words without Song
The World's End
Written on a Fly-Leaf of "Shakespeare's Sonnets"