Author:Samuel Francis Smith/Poems
[edit]- Abounding Mercy
- Abraham Lincoln
- Adoniram Judson Gordon
- After the Soldier's Funeral
- Agatha E. Claflin
- The Aged Pastor
- All one in Christ
- The All-sufficient Refuge
- All Things are yours
- America
- America, the Western Flower
- America's Christian Centennial
- Anniversary Hymn
- Arouse ye, O Servants of God!
- As Summer Clouds
- At the Old Hearthstone again
[edit]- Be Joyful
- Benefits of the Ministry
- The Birthday of Washington
- A Blessing sought upon a Pastor
- Blest be the Bonds of Christian Love
- Blest be the Holy Bands
- Blind Anna
- Blossoming on the Other Side
- Burial of General Grant
[edit]- The Canary at Sea
- A Centenary Hymn
- A Century Hymn. 1789-1889
- Change and Work
- Cherished Names
- Childhood Memories
- The Children's Independence Day
- The Chosen of God
- Christ, the Corner-stone
- Christ's Disciples divide the Field
- Christian Fellowship
- The Christmas Tree
- The Cincinnatae
- The Closing Week
- Come! O Divine Shekinah, come!
- Come to the Festal Day
- Come unto me
- Consecration
- The Consecration of a Cemetery
- Cradle Song (translation of Schlaf, Kindlein, schlaf)
[edit]- Dangerous Precocity
- The Daughters of the American Revolution
- Daniel Appleton White
- Deacon George W. Chipman, at Seventy
- Decoration Day
- Dedication Hymn
- Dedication of Caryville Chapel
- The Departed Teacher
- Despondency
- The Dewdrop and the Soul
- The Divine Presence invoked
- Divine Providence
- Dorcas
- The Doxology of Redemption
- The Dying Christian
[edit]- Early Consecration
- Echoes of "America"
- Edward Everett
- Elizabeth, the Infant Angel
- Eloquence
- The Eloquence of Nature
- Epitaphs
- The Eve of Decoration Day
- The Everlasting Shelter
- Ewing at Twenty-one
[edit]- Fair Seat of Learning! who shall tell
- Fair Suffield. Thy Children return to thy Halls
- Fair Worcester
- Faith's Triumph
- Far from Earth
- Farewell to the Old Church
- Farewell to the Village
- The Fathers remembered
- The Fathers, where are they?
- The Flag in Nature
- Fleeting Blessings
- Fling out the Banner
- Flowers
- Flowers in Winter
- Following Christ
- For the Dinner of the First City Government of Newton, Mass.
- A Foretaste of Heaven
- The Fourth of July remembered
- Freedom advances
- The Friendships we formed
[edit]- The Garden
- Gardner Colby
- The Gentle Muse of To-day
- George C. Lorimer
- Gethsemane
- God all in all
- God be our Staff and Friend
- God be with thee
- God Ever Glorious
- God of the Mountains and the Sea
- God of the Starry Worlds above
- A Golden Wedding
- A Golden Wedding Song
- The Good and Great Man
- The Grave
- Great is the Work, but Thine the Power
- The Great Salvation
[edit]- Hail, Bethlehem's Star!
- Harriet J. Wardwell
- Harvest-time
- Heaven
- Heralds of Salvation
- How blest are they, in Christ, who die!
- How Blest the Art that links in Sacred Bonds
- The Huntsman's Song
- Hymn for Dedication of a School-house
- Hymn for Newton Theological Institution
- Hymn
- Hymn for the Fourth of July
[edit]- The Illinois Nineteenth Regiment and Captain Bremner
- Importunity in Prayer
- In Faith this Corner-stone we lay
- In Loving Faith this Stone we place
- In Memory of Mary White Smith
- In Memory of a Young Maiden
- Independence Day, July 4, 1776
- Invitation to the Country
[edit]- The Lady and the Poet
- The Last Supper
- Life's Rapid River
- Light o'er the Hills
- The Little Cricket
- The Little Star
- A Little Uppish
- The Little Weaver
- The Living Bread
- The Living Church sweeps on
- Living still
- The Lone Star
- The Lord is come
- The Lord is risen!
- Lord, remember me!
- The Lord's Day
- A Loving Bequest
- Lyman Jewett, D.D., on his Seventy-fifth Birthday
[edit]- Martha and Mary
- Mary Pond
- Memorial Day, 1894
- Memorial Honors
- Memorial Hymn
- A Merry Hour
- 'Mid the Tempest and the Strife
- The Missionary Angel
- The Missionary's Farewell
- Morn of Zion's Glory
- The Morning cometh
- The Morning Light is Breaking
- Morning Prayer
- Mrs. Joseph W. Parker, Los Angeles, Cal., on her Eighty-third Birthday
- My Country 'Tis of Thee
- My Delight
- My Humble Home
- My Native Land
- My Wife, to a Friend who would guess her Age
[edit]- N. P. Willis
- Native Land, so lovely
- Not yet Complete,—the Hall we rear
- Not yet the Frost of Age
- Nothing without Effort
[edit]- Ode in Memory of Franklin
- Of Such is the Kingdom of Heaven
- Oliver Wendell Holmes
- On Waking in the Morning
- On the Erection of a Soldier's Monument
- Onward! Christian Warriors
- Our Beloved Teachers
- Our Fallen Comrades
- Our Fifty-ninth Marriage Anniversary
- Our Frank
- Our Golden Wedding
- Our Pleasant Village
- Our Years roll on
[edit]- Passing on, passing up
- Patriot's Day
- Patriot Sons of Patriot Sires
- Paul Revere's Ride
- Perfect in Christ
- The Pilgrim Fathers
- The Pine and the Palm
- The Planting Song
- The Pleasures of Innocence
- Pleasures of Nature
- Prayer before School
- Prayer for the Heathen
- Precious Lives
- The Present and the Eternal
- A Present Help in Trouble
- Prince of Peace, oh, come!
- The Prince of Salvation in Triumph is riding
[edit]- The Rain
- The Reapers
- The Redeemer's Tears
- Religion
- Remember thy Creator
- Requiem
- Rev. Isaac Backus
- Rev. James Freeman Clarke's 70th Birthday Celebration
- Re-union in Heaven
- A Rich Bequest
- The Rock of Ages
[edit]- Sabbath Evening
- Sabbath Morning
- A Sabbath-School Hymn
- Sacred, O God, to Thee
- Sallie
- Sallie's Home
- Salutation to the Village
- Salvation
- Saturday Evening
- The Seal once laid on Pliant Wax
- Seventy
- Sibylline Leaves
- The Sickle and the Sheaf
- Sixtieth Anniversary of our Wedding
- Sleep, Comrades, sleep!
- A Song in the Woods
- A Song of "Lang Syne"
- A Song of Spring
- Soul-liberty, the Watchword of the World
- Sowing and Reaping
- Speed on Thy Victory, Mighty King!
- Spring Flowers
- The Spring is come
- Stewardship
- The Student Soldiers
- The Success of the Gospel assured
- Summer Evening
- Sweep on, O Car of Light!
[edit]- Tea-drinking
- Thanksgiving
- There's Rest for thee
- These Modern Times
- Things Small and Great
- The Three Flowers
- Thy Kingdom come, Immortal King!
- Thy Will, O Lord, be done
- To Deacon J. W. Converse, on his Eightieth Birthday
- To Little Ann
- To Little Mary White
- To a Departing Missionary
- To a Sorrowing Mother
- To a Young Friend at Twenty-one
- To a Young Maiden
- To Carrie on her Fiftieth Birthday
- To die is gain
- To Frank, on his Twenty-first Birthday
- To Mary Reed (Frank's Wife), at Fifty
- To Mr. Seth Davis, School-master
- To my Beloved Wife, at Seventy
- To my Blessed Wife
- To my Daughter Mary, on her Eighteenth Birth-day
- To my Daughter Mary, on her Wedding Day
- To my Daughter, Mary W. Jones
- To my Wife, at Eighty-one
- To my Wife at Fifty
- To my Wife on her Eightieth Birthday
- To my Wife on her Eighty-second Birthday
- To my Wife on her Seventy-fifth Birthday
- To Sallie, on her Eighteenth Birthday
- Tree-planting, or Arbor Day
- A Tribute to Columbus
- Triumphs of the Gospel
- True Greatness
- The Trusting Soul
- The Twenty-fifth G. A. R. Encampment
- Two Gardens
[edit]- Wave the Flag on high
- Welcome to a Pastor
- Welcome to a Returning Missionary
- Where are the Boys of Earlier Years?
- Where is thy Victory, O Grave!
- Wild Strawberries
- William Hague, D.D.
- Woman
- Woman, a "Side-issue"
- Women's Rights
- The Word of God
- The Word of God glorified
- The World's Need