Author:Warren Gamaliel Harding/Executive orders
Administration of Warren G. Harding (March 4, 1921 – August 2, 1923)

[edit]3416 | Mar 04 | Authorizing Appointment of Miller W. Gieseking to Clerical Position in Classified Civil Service |
3428 | Apr 08 | Addition to Quarry Heights Military Reservation |
3434 | Apr 14 | Relating to Licensing of Vehicles, Road Rules, Use of Lights, Tags, and Signals, and Speed Regulations in the Canal Zone |
3435 | Apr 15 | Diminishing Certain Lands of Crook National Forest, Arizona |
3445 | Apr 30 | Extending Trust Period of Fond du Lac Reservation in Minnesota for Ten Years |
3450 | May 03 | Withdrawing Lands in New Mexico to Determine Advisability for Inclusion in National Monument |
3455 | May 10 | Concerning Appointments of Postmasters |
3457 | May 12 | Amending the Executive Order of August 8, 1918, to Permit Temporary Stop-overs at ports of the United States Without the Requirement of Visaed Passports |
3461 | May 16 | Revocation of Emergency War Orders |
3474 | May 31 | Transferring Naval Petroleum Reserves in California and Wyoming, and Naval Shale Reserves in Colorado and Utah, to Interior Secretary under Supervision of the President |
3501 | Jun 25 | Amending Civil Service Rules Relating to Reinstatement |
3513 | Jul 09 | |
3524 | Jul 28 | Directing that Designs for Medals, Coins, etc., and Statues, Fountains, Monuments, Parks and Buildings in the District of Columbia be Submitted to the Commission of Fine Arts |
3542 | Aug 31 | Revoking Executive Order of May 3, 1921, Temporarily Withdrawing Lands in New Mexico to Determine Advisability for Inclusion in National Monument |
3543 | Aug 31 | Transferring Naval Hospital, Fort Lyon, Colo., to United States Veterans' Bureau |
3546 | Oct 10 | Transferring Portion of Naval Hospital, Great Lakes, Ill., to United States Veterans' Bureau |
3560 | Oct 14 | Concerning Civil Service Ratings for Presidential Postmaster Candidates who Served in the World War |
3577 | Nov 08 | Prescribing the Manner of Dating Proclamations, Commissions and Similar Executive Documents |
3578 | Nov 08 | Prescribing Regulations Governing the Preparation and Submission of the Budget and the Conduct of the Budget Bureau |
3585 | Dec 03 | Conditions of Employment For Panama Canal Employees, Relating to Rent, Fuel, Electric Current, Water, and Services |
3596 | Dec 22 | Setting Apart the Montana National Bison Range, Sullys Hill (N. Dak.) National Park Game Preserve, and Elk Refuge (Wyo.) as Bird Refuges |
3597 | Dec 24 | |
3600 | Dec 24 | Prescribing Provisions for Temporary Operation of the Naba-Yap-Guam Cables Under Agreement With Japan |
3601 | Dec 24 | Establishing the Purchasing Commission for Russian Relief, Appointing Membership of Same and for Other Purposes |
3603 | Dec 30 | Prescribing Rules of Practice and Procedure of the United States District Court In and For the Canal Zone |
3604-A | Dec 31 | Amending Application Rules Governing the Granting and Issuance of Passports in the Philippines and Virgin Islands |
[edit]3605 | Jan 03 | Transferring Described Portions of Holy Cross National Forest to the White River National Forest, Colorado |
3617 | Jan 13 | Reserving Land in Alaska for use in Administration of Mount McKinley National Park |
3644 | Feb 28 | Withdrawing Certain Described Lands in Montana Pending Legislation |
3650 | Mar 22 | Withdrawing Land in South Dakota for Classification and Pending Legislation for its Disposition |
3668 | Apr 29 | |
3669 | Apr 29 | Establish Benefits for Veterans |
3678 | May 20 | Reserving lands on Kodiak Island, Alaska for the use of the Department of Agriculture as an addition to the U.S. Agriculture Experiment Station situated near Kodiak, Kodiak Island, Alaska, created by Executive Order dated 3/28/1898 |
3705 | Jul 01 | Revoking Executive Order No. 2658 of August 16, 1917 Reserving Certain Described Lands in Oklahoma for Possible Military Use and Placing Control of Said Lands Under the Department of the Interior for Disposal |
3705-A | Jul 01 | |
3705-B | Jul 01 | Prescribing Regulations Governing Increased Pay for Duty Involving Flying for the Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard |
3706 | Jul 10 | Consolidating the Offices of Register and Receiver at the Del Norte and Sterling Land Offices in Colorado |
3746 | Oct 07 | Directing All Requests and Petitions Under Tariff Act be Referred to United States Tariff Commission |
3748 | Oct 23 | Withdrawing Land in South Dakota for Classification and Pending Legislation for its Disposition |
3750 | Oct 30 | Amending of Prescribed Regulations Governing Increased Pay for Duty Involving Flying for the Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard |
3762 | Dec 09 | Authorizing the Rating of Prentice O'Rear's Examination Papers for Postmastership without Regard to the Provisions of Executive Order No. 3455 of May 10, 1921 |
3769 | Dec 28 | Removing Lands from Papago Saguaro National Monument |
3770 | Dec 30 | Anna M. Curran Made Eligible for Appointment as Printer's Assistant in the Engraving and Printing Bureau, Treasury Dept. without Regard to Civil Service Rules |
3770-A | Dec 30 | Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private sale certain real estate in San Francisco, California, the property of Maria Hau, née Browning, of Sievern, Kreis Lehe, Germany |
[edit]3771 | Jan 02 | Executive Order No. 9 of Jan. 17, 1873, prohibiting Federal employees from holding any State, Territorial, county, or municipal Government office amended to permit appointment as special agents in the Labor Dept. any person holding State, Territorial, county, or municipal positions, when the Labor Sec'y deems it necessary in order to secure a more efficient administration of the said Labor Dept. |
3772 | Jan 08 | Mrs. Frank L. Scott made eligible for appointment |
3773 | Jan 12 | Federal Council of Citizenship Training Established and Duties Prescribed |
3774 | Jan 12 | Transfer of Harbor Tug No. 68 from Navy Department to Shipping Board |
3775 | Jan 12 | Withdrawing Certain Islands in Cross Lake, La., for classification and pending legislation |
3776 | Jan 22 | Authorizing the Rating of Examination Papers of James J. Dickerson for the Postmastership at Paris, Texas without regard for age limits |
3777 | Jan 22 | Diminishing Certain Lands of Harney National Forest, South Dakota |
3778 | Jan 24 | Modification of Executive Order No. 3644 of February 28, 1922 Withdrawing Certain Described Lands in Montana Pending Legislation |
3779 | Jan 26 | Abolishing Customs Collection District No. 25 (San Diego) Consolidating with Customs Collection District No. 27 (Los Angeles) |
3780 | Jan 30 | Authorizing the Rating of Examination Papers of Cornelius V. Collins for Postmastership at Troy, N.Y., without Regard to the Provisions of Executive Order No. 3455 of May 10, 1921 |
3781 | Jan 31 | Reserving Certain Described Lands in California for use by Bureau of Mines |
3797-A | Feb 27 | Certain Described Petroluem Seepage Lands Along the Arctic Coast of Alaska Reserved as a Naval Petroleum Reserve |
3800 | Mar 02 | Reserving Additional Lands for Administration of Mount McKinley National Park |
3860 | Jun 07 | |
3885 | Jul 27 | Certain right-of-way and three tracts of lands on Keaau Ridge, Kaena Point, and Puu-O-Hulu, Oahu, T. H., reserved for military purposes |
[edit]- ↑ NOTE: The total number of Executive orders issued for each administration includes number-and-letter designated orders, such as 9577-A, 9616-A, etc.