- Hastings, George (1488?-1545)
- Haverty, Martin
- Hawker, Peter
- Hawkins, Thomas (1810-1889)
- Hawles, John
- Haynes, Samuel
- Heald, James
- Hedley, William
- Hemphill, Barbara
- Henry Frederick (1745-1790)
- Henty, Edward
- Heydon, John (fl.1667)
- Heytesbury, William A'Court
- Hibberd, Shirley
- Hill, Hugh
- Hobart, George
- Hodges, Edward Richmond
- Hodgson, James
- Hogg, James Macnaghten McGarel
- Holborne, Robert
- Holland, Thomas (1350-1397)
- Honywood, Thomas
- Hook, William
- Hooke, Nathaniel (1664-1738)
- Hope, James (1741-1816)
- Hopkinson, John
- Hopkinson, William
- Hoppus, John
- Hopson, Charles Rivington
- Horneby, Henry
- Horner, William George
- Horrocks, John
- Horsey, Jerome
- Hosack, John
- Hoskins, Anthony
- Houghton, William Hyacinth
- Howard, Bernard Edward
- Howard, Henry (1684-1720)
- Howard, Henry (1757-1842)
- Howard, William (1510?-1573)
- Howell, John (1788-1863)
- Howell, William (1656-1714)
- Howells, William
- Howes, Francis
- Howlet, John
- Hoyland, Francis
- Hubbard, John Gellibrand
- Hudson, Jeffery
- Huet, Thomas
- Hugh, William
- Hughes, John (1776-1843)
- Hughes, Lewis
- Huloet, Richard
- Hume, Patrick (fl.1695)
- Humphreys, David
- Humphreys, James
- Hunne, Richard
- Hunt, John (1812-1848)
- Hunt, John Higgs
- Hunt, Roger
- Hunt, Thomas (1611-1683)
- Hunt, Thomas Frederick (?)
- Hunt, Thornton Leigh
- Hunton, Philip
- Hurrion, John
- Hutchins, Edward
- Hutton, Henry
- Hutton, James (1715-1795)
- Hutton, Matthew (1693-1758)
- Hutton, Robert (d.1568)
- Hutton, William (1798-1860)
- Hyatt, John
- Hyde, William
- Hygdon, Brian
- Hygdon, John
- Ibhar
- Image, Thomas
- Ingham, James Taylor
- Inglis, Charles (1734-1816)
- Jackson, George (1725-1822)
- Jamrach, Johann Christian Carl
- Jardine, John
- Jeanes, Henry
- Jenkinson, Charles Cecil Cope
- Jenkinson, John Banks
- Jenyns, Stephen
- Jermyn, Henry (1636-1708)
- Johnson, Cuthbert William
- Johnson, William (1784-1864)
- Johnston, John (d.1690)
- Johnston, William (1773-1844)
- Jolliffe, William George Hylton
- Jones, Leslie Grove
- Jones, William (1561-1636)
- Jones, William (1808-1890)
- Jordan, William
- Juliana
- Karkeek, William Floyd
- Keate, John
- Keating, Maurice Bagenal St. Leger
- Keegan, John
- Keith, Alexander (d.1819)
- Keith, Robert (d.1774)
- Keith, Thomas
- Kelly, Matthew
- Kelton, Arthur
- Kemble, John (1599?-1679)
- Kendall, John (d.1485)
- Kennedy, Charles Rann
- Kent, Thomas
- King, Robert (d.1557)
- King, Samuel William
- King, William (1809-1886)
- Kingscote, Henry Robert
- Kingsford, Anna
- Kingston, Richard
- Kingston, William (d.1540)
- Knell, Thomas
- Knight, William (1476-1547)
- Knyvet, Thomas (d.1622)
- Kynnesman, Arthur
- Lambart, Charles
- Lambe, Robert
- Lambert, John (d.1538)
- Lambert, John (1815-1892)
- Lancaster, John
- Langton, Robert
- Lanquet, Thomas
- Larpent, Francis Seymour
- Larpent, George Gerard de Hochepied
- Larpent, John
- Lascelles, Henry
- Laski, John
- Lawrence, Giles
- Lawson, George (d.1678)
- Lawson, John Parker
- Lawson, William
- Lawton, Charlwood
- Lawton, George
- Lay, Benjamin
- Layton, Richard
- Lee, Harriet
- Lee, Henry (1530-1610)
- Leedes, Edward (1627-1707)
- Leeds, Edward (d.1590)
- Legge, Thomas
- Legh, Alexander
- Legh, Thomas
- Leigh, Egerton
- Leigh, Jared
- Leigh, Percival
- Lennox, Charles (1672-1723)
- Lennox, George Henry
- Lennox, Malcolm
- Lesieur, Stephen
- Letheby, Henry
- Levinge, Richard George Augustus
- Levizac, Jean Pons Victor Lecoutz de
- Levy, Joseph Moses
- Lewis, Andrew
- Lewis, Edward
- Lewis, John Delaware
- Lewis, Joyce
- Lewis, Samuel Savage
- Lewis, Thomas Taylor
- Lewis, William (1714-1781)
- Lewis, William Garrett
- Leyson, Thomas
- Liddell, Henry Thomas
- Liddell, John
- Lindsay, Alexander William Crawford
- Lloyd, Edward (1815-1890)
- Lloyd, Ridgway Robert Syers Christian Codner
- Lockhart, George (fl.1520)
- Loggon, Samuel
- Long, Lislebone
- Long, Robert (d.1673)
- Long, William
- Longstrother, John
- Lorkin, Thomas
- Lovell, Francis
- Lovell, Thomas
- Lowder, Charles Fuge
- Lowe, John (d.1467)
- Lowe, Peter
- Lucas, Anthony
- Lumley, George
- Lumley, Henry
- Lumley, John (1493-1544)
- Lumley, Marmaduke
- Lumley, Richard
- Lupton, William
- Luxmoore, John
- Lyford, William
- Lygon, Frederick
- Lyle, Robert
- Lynne, Walter
- Macarthur, John
- McArthur, William
- Macbride, David
- M'Cabe, Edward
- Maccall, William
- MacCarthy, Cormac Laidhir Oge
- M'Caul, Alexander
- McCrie, Thomas (1797-1875)
- Macdonald, John (1779-1849)
- Macfarlan, John
- Macfarlan, Patrick
- Macfarlane, Robert (1802-1880)
- MacGregor, James
- Mackenzie, Robert (1823-1881)
- Mackonochie, Alexander Heriot
- Mclean, John (1828-1886)
- Macleay, William
- McLeod, Donald Friell
- McNair, William Watts
- Magnus, Thomas
- Makkarell, Matthew
- Malleson, John Philip
- Malvern, William of
- Manners, Charles Cecil John
- Manners, Edward
- Manners, Francis
- Manners, George
- Manners, Henry
- Manners, John (1604-1679)
- Manners, John (1638-1711)
- Manners, Robert (d.1355?)
- Manners, Roger
- Manners, Thomas
- Martial, Richard
- Minsheu, John
- Mont, Christopher
- Mordaunt, John (1490?-1562)
- Morice, Ralph
- Morison, Richard
- Morton, Albertus
- Morton, John (1420?-1500)
- Morwen, John
- Moyle, Thomas
- Mundeford, Osbert
- Mykelfeld, William
- Nanfan, Richard
- Neville, Charles
- Neville, Christopher
- Neville, Edmund (1560?-1630?)
- Neville, Edward (d.1538)
- Neville, George (1471?-1535)
- Neville, Henry (1564?-1615)
- Neville, John (1490?-1543)
- Neville, Ralph (1499-1550)
- Neville, Richard (1468-1530)
- Neville, Thomas (d.1542)
- Newport, Thomas
- Nix, Richard
- Norris, Henry (d.1536)
- Norton, John (d.1534)
- Norton, Richard (1488?-1588)
- Norton, Sampson
- O'Brien, Conor (d.1539)
- Oking, Robert
- Old, John
- Oliver, John (d.1552)
- O'More, Rory (d.1578)
- Onslow, Richard (1528-1571)
- Ortelius, Abraham
- Osborne, Peter
- Paget, William (1505-1563)
- Pakington, John (d.1560)
- Palmer, Thomas (d.1553)
- Parr, William (1434-1483?)
- Parr, William (1513-1571)
- Parris, George van
- Paston, Robert
- Paston, William (1479?-1554)
- Paulet, Amias (d.1538)
- Penny, John (d.1520?)
- Percy, Alan
- Percy, Henry Algernon (1478-1527)
- Percy, Henry Algernon (1502?-1537)
- Percy, Ralph
- Perkins, John
- Perse, Stephen
- Philpot, John
- Pickering, John
- Plumpton, William
- Pole, John de la (1464?-1487)
- Pole, John de la (1442-1491)
- Pollard, John
- Ponet, John
- Portman, William (d.1557)
- Potter, Barnaby
- Poynings, Thomas
- Price, John (d.1573?)
- Radcliffe, Egremont
- Radcliffe, Robert
- Randolph, Edward (d.1566)
- Rawlins, Richard
- Redman, John
- Rempston, Thomas (d.1458)
- Reynolds, Edward (1599-1676)
- Rickinghale, John
- Ridley, Thomas
- Robertson, Thomas (fl.1520-1561)
- Robin of Redesdale
- Rogers, Edward
- Romilly, Joseph
- Russell, Francis (1527?-1585)
- Russell, John (fl.1450)
- Russell, John (fl.1440-1470)
- Russell, John (1486?-1555)
- Ruthall, Thomas
- St. Leger, Warham
- Sackville, Richard
- Sampson, Richard
- Sandars, Thomas Collett
- Sandys, Edwin (1516?-1588)
- Sandys, William (d.1540)
- Savage, Thomas (d.1507)
- Scales, Thomas de
- Scambler, Edmund
- Schwartz, Martin
- Scory, John
- Senhouse, Richard
- Sheffield, Robert
- Shore, Jane
- Skevington, Thomas
- Skip, John
- Some, Robert
- Somerset, Charles
- Somerville, Hugh
- Soone, William
- Southwell, Richard
- Standish, John
- Starkey, Thomas
- Thorpe, Thomas (d.1461)
- Touchet, James (1465?-1497)
- Tregonwell, John
- Trollope, Andrew
- Tudor, Edmund
- Tudor, Jasper
- Tudor, Owen
- Tyrrell, James (d.1502)
- Vaughan, Thomas (d.1483)
- Vergil, Polydore
- Vincent, Augustine
- Wallop, John (d.1551)
- Warton, Robert
- Welles, Lionel de
- Wenlock, John
- Woodville, Lionel