Author:William Skey
[edit]Contributions to the Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute
[edit]- volume 1
- On a new Mode for the direct Desilvering of Argentiferous Gold (1868)
- On the Amount of Silver in Gold from Makara (1868)
- Results of an Analysis of the fixed Constituents of Rain Water, collected from a Galvanized Iron Roof (1868)
- On Supposed Coal from the Auckland Islands (1868)
- On Extract of Towai Bark (1868)
- On the Water from the Whangaehu River, Onetapu, Auckland (1868)
- On Phosphate of Lime for Manure (1868)
- On Coal from Preservation Inlet (1868)
- Proposed Improvement in the Mechanical Separation of Liquids from each other in certain Analyses for Alkaloids (1868)
- On the Solubility of Alkaloids generally in certain Hydrocarbons, and the proposed Substitution of Benzol for Ether in the Separation of certain of the Alkaloids (1868)
- Notes on the proposed Substitution of Cyanide of Potassium for Sodium, in certain amalgamating Processes for the Extraction of Cold from Metallic Sulphides, &c. (1868)
- volume 2
- On the production of certain Crystalline Phosphates and Arseniates (1869)
- On the effects of the application of the Hot Blast to Blow-pipe purposes; and the proposed substitution of Heated Air for Oxygen in the production of certain thermal and illmninating effects. Preliminary notice. (1869)
- On the alkalinity of Carbonate of Lime (1869)
- On the absorptive properties of Silica; and its direct hydration by contact with water (1869)
- On the examination of the bark of Coprosma grandifolia, for Alkaloids (1869)
- On the extraction of the poisonous principle of the Tutu plant (Coriaria ruscifolia) (1869)
- On the Fusibility of Platinum in the Blow-pipe Flame (1869)
- On the application of Iodine and Bromine, for the detection of gold when in minute quantities (1869)
- On Silver Ore from Stewart's Island (1869)
- volume 3
- On the Absorption of Silver by Gold, and its Effects in Retarding Amalgamation (1870)
- On the Production of a Mono-hydrate of Chloride of Barium (1870)
- Researches on the Absorptive Properties of Platinum (1870)
- On the Capability of Certain Sulphides to form the Negative Pole of a Galvanic Circuit or Battery (1870)
- On the Reduction of Certain Metals from their Solutions by Metallic Sulphides, and the relation of this to the occurrence of such Metals in a Native State (1870)
- On the Electro-motive Power of Metallic Sulphides (1870)
- volume 4
- On the Conducting Power of various Metallic Sulphides and Oxides for Electricity, as compared with that of Acids and Saline Solutions (1871)
- On the Electro-motive and Electrolytic Phenomena developed by Gold and Platina in Solutions of the Alkaline Sulphides (1871)
- Preliminary Notes on the Isolation of the Bitter Substance of the Nut of the Karaka Tree (Corynocarpus lævigata) (1871)
- On a New and Rapid Process for the Generation of Sulphuretted Hydrogen Gas for use as a Re-agent in Laboratory Operations (1871)
- Notes in support of the alleged Alkalinity of Carbonate of Lime (1871)
- On the Alkalinity or Acidity of certain Salts and Minerals, as indicated by their Reaction with Test Paper (1871)
- On a Form of Electro-magnetic Seismograph adapted for Indicating or Registering Minute Shocks (1871)
- New Process for the Manufacture of Sulpho-cyanide of Potassium (1871)
- Absorption of Copper from its Ammoniacal Solution by Cellulose in presence of Caustic Potash (1871)
- Notes on the Presence in Certain Fibres of a substance susceptible of some striking Colorific Changes when chemically treated (1871)
- On the Cause of the Suspension of Clay in Water, and its Precipitation therefrom by certain Substances (1871)
- volume 5
- On the Mode of producing Auriferous Alloys by Wet Processes (1872)
- Critical Notes upon the Alleged Nuclear Action of Gold upon Gold reduced from Solution by Organic Matter (1872)
- On the Absorption of certain Alkaloids by Aluminous Silicates (1872)
- On the Proposed Substitution of Acetate for Sulphate of Copper in the Manufacture of Iodine (1872)
- On the Formation of Gold Nuggets in Drift (1872)
- volume 6
- volume 7
- On the Analogy of Cyanogen to Oxygen (1874)
- On the Evolution of Heat during the Hydration of Clay-slate, Clay, and Coal (1874)
- Notes on the Formation and Constitution of Torbanite and similar Minerals (1874)
- On the Evolution of absorbed Sulphur from Carbon by Voltaic Action; with Notes upon the Rev. H. Highton's Theory for explaining the Evolution of this Gas from certain Batteries in Work (1874)
- On the Position of Sulphocyanogen among the Elements, with Notes upon the Series of double Sulphocyanides discovered by the Author in 1868 (1874)
- volume 8
- On the Oxidation of Silver and Platinum by Oxygen in presence of Water (1875)
- On the Electro-motive Order of certain Metals in Cyanide of Potassium with reference to the use of this Salt in Milling Gold (1875)
- On the Absorption of Antimony and Arsenic from a Solution of their Oxides in Hydrochloric Acid by Charcoal (1875)
- On the Solubility of Alkalies in Ether (1875)
- On the Oxidation of Gold and Supposed Oxidation of Mercury by Oxygen in Presence of Water (1875)
- Notes on the Alleged Replacement of Electro-positive by Electro-negative Metals in a Voltaic Cell (1875)
- Notes on the Electric and Chemical Deportment of Argentic Sulphide (1875)
- On certain Chemical Effects of Oxygenised Graphite and Platinum (1875)
- volume 9
- On a Modification of the Mercuro-iodide test for the Detection of Alkeloidal or Albumenous Matters (1876)
- On the Composition of the Silver Ore of Richmond Hill (1876)
- On a Useful Modification of Common Writing Ink
- Analysis of the Geyser Waters of New Zealand (1876)
- On the Approximate Composition of Winslow's Soothing Syrup (1876)
- volume 1
- On certain of the Mineral Waters of New Zealand (1877)
- On the Result of an Examination of certain of our Manganese Ores for Cobalt (1877)
- On the Solubility of Calcic Carbonate in Solutions of the Alkaline Chlorides (1877)0
- On the Degree of Solubility of certain Earthy Carbonates in pure Water (1877)
- volume 11
- Preliminary Note on the Presence of one or more Hydrocarbons of the Benzol Series in the American Petroleum, also in our Petroleums (1878)
- On a Property possessed by Essential Oils of whitening the Precipitate produced by mixing a Solution of Mercuro-iodide with one of Mercuric-chloride (1878)
- Preliminary Note on the Production of one or more Alkaloids from Fixed Oils by the Aniline Process (1878)
- On the Cause of the Movements of Camphor when placed upon the Surface of Water (1878)
- On Osomose, as the Cause of the persistent Suspension of Clay in Water (1878)
- On the Nature and Cause of Tomlinson's Cohesion Figures (1878)
- On the Production of Platino-iodides of the Alkaloids (1878)
- On the Existence of Hydro-carbons in Fats and Oils (1878)
- volume 12
- On certain Results obtained upon some of the Argentiferous Salts which are affected by Light (1879)
- Further Notes upon the Movements of Camphor on Water (1879)
- On the Mode in which Oil acts as a Nucleus in Super-saturated Saline Solutions; with Notes on the Mode of Action of Solid Nuclei (1879)
- On the Cause of the Deposition of Camphor towards Light (1879)
- On the Nature of the Precipitate formed by certain Mercuric Salts in presence of Essential Oils (1879)
- On the Decomposition of Argentic-oxide by Mercury (1879)
- volume 13
- Notes upon Mr. Frankland's Paper "On the Simplest Continuous Manifoldness of two Dimensions, and of Finite Extent" (1880)
- On an Allotropic Form of Zinc and Cobalt Salts (1880)
- On a Periodide and an Iodo-carbonate of Lead (1880)
- On the Dimorphisim of Magnesia (1880)
- Notes on Dr. Dudgeon's Experiments regarding the Temperature of the Breath (1880)
- volume 14
- On the supposed Paraffin Deposit at Waiapu (1881)
- On a Search for the Poisonous Principle of Brachyglottis repanda and B. rangiora (1881)
- On a new Theory of the Mode by which Photographic Effects are produced with Silver Salts (1881)
- volume 16-20
- On certain Phenomena of Burning Camphor in Water (1883)
- Non-Euclidean Geometry vindicated, being a Reply to Mr. Frankland (1883)
- On a new Mineral (Awaruite) from Barn Bay (1885)
- On the Occurrence of Bismuth at the Owen, New Zealand (1886)
- On the Occurrence of Bismuthic Gold at the Owen Goldfields (1887)
- On the General Association of Grains of Gold with Native Copper (1887)
- On the Formation of Bismuthic Iodides of the Alkaloids (1887)
- volume 21–30
- On the Preparation of Artificial Chromes for Ornamental Purposes (1888)
- On the Fallacy of the Electro-capillary Theory (1888)
- On the Occurrence of Native Lead at Collingwood, and its Association with Gold (1888)
- On Certain Rare Minerals associated with the Tin-ore of Stewart Island (1889)
- On the Nature of Stinkstone (Anthraconite) (1892)
- Further Results obtained in support of my Theory as to the Oxidation of Gold in presence of Air and Water (1892)
- Notes on J. S. Maclaurin's Paper on the Action of Potassium-Cyanide Solutions upon Gold (1895)
- On the Position that Cyanogen holds in Relation to the Simple Radicals, and its Inability to combine directly with Silver or Gold (1896)
- Further Results showing that Free Cyanogen does not dissolve or even attack Gold (1896)
- On the Conductivity of certain Substances hitherto supposed to be Non-conducting for Voltaic Electricity (1896)
- On the Oxidation of Mercury in Air and Water; also of Iron in Alkaline Solution (1896)
- On the Electro-deposition of Gold upon the Gold of our Drifts (1897)
- On the Decomposition of Water by Tannic Acid in Conjunction with an Alkali (1897)
- On the Liberation of Hydrogen in a certain Variation of the Apparatus used for cyaniding Gold (1897)
- On the Rapid Action of Strong Cyanide Solutions on Gold superficially (1897)
Some or all works by this author were published before January 1, 1930, and are in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago. Translations or editions published later may be copyrighted. Posthumous works may be copyrighted based on how long they have been published in certain countries and areas.
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