Author talk:Abram Smythe Palmer

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Allibones Supplement


Palmer, Rev. Abram Smythe, graduated at Trinity College, Dublin, 1865; ordained 1867; curate of Holy Trinity 1884-87, and since then vicar. 1. Leaves from a Word-Hunter's Note-Book : being some Contributions to English Etymology, Lon., 1876, p. 8vo. 2. Folk Etymology: a Dictionary of Verbal Corruptions, or Words perverted in Form or Meaning by False Derivation or Mistaken Analogy, Lon., 1882, 8vo.

"Besides its bearing on mythology, Mr. Palmer's book is replete with casual matters of Inwrett, odd and out-of-the-way quotations, and 'things not generally known.'"—Sat. Rev., lv. 20.

'We should strongly advise all who are interested in the Study of the English language to procure this book, using it, of course, as every book on etymology always should with a due degree of caution." WALTER W. SKEAT: Acad., xxiii. 47.

3. A Misunderstood Miracle: the Sun standing still in Joshua x. 12, Lon., 1887, i>. Svo. 4. (Ed.) The English Dialect Dictionary, Cambridge, 1887.

Crockford's Clerical Directory


1908, p. 1086 more works by author listed