Author talk:Herbert George Wells
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Latest comment: 15 years ago by Jayvdb in topic Famous Works
Can we host Men Like Gods here? Yann 23:17, 18 May 2007 (UTC)
[edit](Entries marked with an * are available at the Project Gutenberg website.)
- "The Chronic Argonauts" (short story, 1888)
- Textbook of Biology (1893) (revised in 1898 as Textbook of Zoology)
- Honours Physiography, co-written with R. A. Gregory, (1893)
- Select Conversations with an Uncle (now extinct) (1895)
- The Time Machine: An Invention (1895)*
- The Wonderful Visit (1895)
- The Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents (1895)*
- The Argonauts of the Air (1895)
- Under the Knife(novel) (1896)
- In The Abyss (1896)
- The Island of Doctor Moreau (1896)*
- The Red Room (1896)*
- The Wheels of Chance: A Bicycling Idyll (1896)*
- The Sea Raiders (1896)
- The Crystal Egg (1897)
- The Star (1897)
- A Story of the Stone Age (1897)
- The Plattner Story, and Others (1897)
- The Invisible Man: A Grotesque Romance (1897)*
- Certain Personal Matters: A Collection of Material, Mainly Autobiographical (1898)
- The War of the Worlds (1898)*
- The Man Who Could Work Miracles (1898)
- When the Sleeper Wakes (1899) (later revised as The Sleeper Awakes, 1910)*
- Tales of Space and Time (1899)
- A Story of the Days To Come (1899)
- Love and Mr Lewisham: The Story of a Very Young Couple (1900)*
- A Dream of Armageddon (1901)
- The First Men in the Moon (1901)*
- Filmer (1901)
- The New Accelerator (1901)
- Anticipations of the Reaction of Mechanical and Scientific Progress upon Human Life and Thought (1902)
- The Discovery of the Future (1902)
- The Sea Lady: A Tissue of Moonshine (1902)
- Mankind in the Making (1903)*
- The Magic Shop (1903)*
- Twelve Stories and a Dream (1903)
- The Truth About Pyecraft (1903)
- The Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth (1904)*
- The Land Ironclads (1904)
- Kipps: The Story of a Simple Soul (1905)
- A Modern Utopia (1905)*
- The Empire of the Ants (1905)
- In the Days of the Comet (1906)*
- The Future in America: A Search After Realities (1906)
- Faults of the Fabian (1906)
- Socialism and the Family (1906)
- Reconstruction of the Fabian Society (1906)
- This Misery of Boots (1907), reprinted from the Independent Review, Dec. 1905.
- Will Socialism Destroy the Home? (paper, written in 1907)
- New Worlds for Old (1908)
- The War in the Air (1908)*
- First and Last Things: A Confession of Faith and Rule of Life (1908)*
- The Valley of Spiders (1909)
- Ann Veronica (1909)*
- Tono-Bungay (1909)*
- The History of Mr. Polly (1910)*
- The Sleeper Awakes (1910)* - Revised edition of When the Sleeper Wakes 1899
- The Late Mr Elvesham (1911)
- The New Machiavelli (1911)*
- The Country of the Blind and Other Stories (1911)*
- The Door in the Wall and Other Stories (1911)
- Floor Games (1911)*
- The Great State: Essays in Construction (U.S. title: Socialism and the Great State: Essays in Construction) (edited by Wells, G. R. S. Taylor and Lady Warwick (1912)
- The Labour Unrest (1912)
- Marriage (1912)
- War and Common Sense (1913)
- Liberalism and Its Party: What Are the Liberals to Do? (1913)
- Little Wars: A Game for Boys from Twelve Years of Age to One Hundred and Fifty and for that More Intelligent Sort of Girls who Like Boys' Games and Books (1913)
- The Passionate Friends: A Novel (1913)
- An Englishman Looks at the World: Being A Series of Unrestrained Remarks upon Contemporary Matters (U.S. title: Social Forces in England and America) (1914)
- The World Set Free: A Story of Mankind (1914)
- The Wife of Sir Isaac Harman (1914)
- The War That Will End War (1914)
- The Peace of the World (1915)
- Boon, The Mind of the Race, The Wild Asses of the Devil, and The Last Trump: Being a First Selection from the Literary Remains of George Boon, Appropriate to the Times (the first edition was published pseudonymously under the name 'Reginald Bliss') (1915)
- Bealby: A Holiday (1915)
- Tidstänkar (1915)
- The Research Magnificent (1915)
- What is Coming? A Forecast of Things After the War (1916)
- Mr. Britling Sees It Through (1916)
- The Elements of Reconstruction: A Series of Articles Contributed in July and August 1916 to The Times (the first edition was published pseudonymously under the initals 'D. P.') (1916)
- God the Invisible King (1917)*
- War and the Future: Italy, France and Britain at War (US edition published as Italy, France and Britain at War) (1917)*
- The Soul of a Bishop (1917)*
- A Reasonable Man's Peace (1917)
- Joan and Peter: The Story of an Education (1918)
- In the Fourth Year: Anticipations of a World Peace (1918)
- The Undying Fire: A Contemporary Novel (1919)
- The Idea of a League of Nations (with Viscount Edward Grey, Lionel Curtis, William Archer, H. Wickham Steed, A. E. Zimmern, J. A. Spender, Viscount Bryce and Gilbert Murray) (1919)
- The Way to a League of Nations (with Viscount Edward Grey, Lionel Curtis, William Archer, H. Wickham Steed, A. E. Zimmern, J. A. Spender, Viscount Bryce and Gilbert Murray) (1919)
- History is One (1919)
- The Outline of History: Being a Plain History of Life and Mankind, I, II (1920, 1931, 1940; posthumous revisions by Raymond Postgate 1949, 1956, 1961, 1971)
- Russia in the Shadows (1920)
- The Salvaging of Civilization (1921)
- The New Teaching of History. With a Reply to Some Criticisms of 'The Outline of History' (1921)
- Washington and the Hope of Peace (US title: Washington and the Riddle of Peace) (1922)
- What H. G. Wells Thinks about 'The Mind in the Making' (1922)
- University of London Election: An Electoral Letter (1922)
- The World, its Debts and the Rich Men (1922)
- A Short History of the World (1922, 1931, 1938, 1945; with several posthumous revisions by G. P. Wells and Raymond Postgate)
- The Secret Places of the Heart (1922)*
After 1923
[edit]- Men Like Gods: A Novel (1923)
- Socialism and the Scientific Motive (1923)
- To the Electors of London University, University General Election, 1923, from H. G. Wells, B.Sc., London (1923)
- The Labour Ideal of Education (1923)
- A Walk Along the Thames Embankment (1923)
- The Story of a Great School Master (1924)
- The Dream: A Novel (1924)
- The P.R. Parliament (1924)
- A Year of Prophesying (1924)
- Christina Alberta's Father (1925)
- A Forecast of the World's Affairs (1925)
- The World of William Clissold: A Novel at a New Angle, I, II, III (1926)
- Mr. Belloc Objects to the 'Outline of History' (1926)
- Mr. Wells and Mr. Vowles (1926), letter to the Editor of The New Age Vol. XXXVM, no. 24, p. 251. Letter concerning troublesome collaboration with Hugh Pembroke Vowles.
- Democracy Under Revision (1927)
- Playing at Peace (1927)
- Meanwhile: The Picture of a Lady (1927)
- The Stolen Body (1927)
- The Short Stories of H. G. Wells (1927) (later retitled The Complete Short Stories of H. G. Wells and subsequently updated in 1998) - includes A Vision of Judgment
- The Way the World is Going: Guesses & Forecasts of the Years Ahead (1928)
- The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution (1928, 1930 [subtitled A Second Version of This Faith of a Modern Man Made More Explicit and Plain], 1933 [no subtitle]), also published under the title What are We to do With our Lives? [1931])
- Mr. Blettsworthy on Rampole Island: Being the Story of a Gentleman of Culture and Refinement who suffered Shipwreck and saw no Human Beings other than Cruel and Savage Cannibals for several years. How he beheld Megatheria alive and made some notes of their Habits. How he became a Sacred Lunatic. How he did at last escape in a Strange Manner from the Horror and Barbarities of Rampole Island in time to fight in the Great War, and how afterwards he came near returning to that Island for ever. With much Amusing and Edifying Matter concerning Manners, Customs, Beliefs, Warfare, Crime, and a Storm at Sea. Concluding with some Reflections upon Life in General and upon these Present Times in Particular (1928)
- The Book of Catherine Wells (1928) (edited by Wells)
- The King Who Was A King: The Book of a Film (US subtitle An Unconventional Novel) (1929)
- Common Sense of World Peace (1929)
- The Adventures of Tommy (1929)
- Imperialism and The Open Conspiracy (1929)
- The Autocracy of Mr. Parham: His Remarkable Adventures in this Changing World (1930)
- The Science of Life: A Summary of Contemporary Knowledge about Life and its Possibilities, I, II, III (with Julian S. Huxley and G. P. Wells) (1930) (subsequently reissued in nine volumes, 1934-1937, under the general title The 'Science of Life' Series)
- The Way to World Peace (1930)
- The Problem of the Troublesome Collaborator: An Account of Certain Difficulties in an Attempt to Produce a Work in Collaboration and of the Intervention of the Society of Authors Therein (1930)
- Settlement of the Trouble between Mr. Thring and Mr. Wells: A Footnote to the Problem of the Troublesome Collaborator (1930)
- What Are We To Do With Our Lives? (revision of The Open Conspiracy) (1931)
- The Work, Wealth and Happiness of Mankind (USA 1931; first UK edition, 1932)
- After Democracy: Addresses and Papers on the Present World Situation (1932)
- The Bulpington of Blup: Adventures, Poses, Stresses, Conflicts, and Disaster in a Contemporary Brain (1932)
- What Should be Done Now? (1932)
- The Shape of Things to Come: The Ultimate Revolution (1933)
- Experiment in Autobiography: Discoveries and Conclusions of a Very Ordinary Brain (since 1866), I, II (1934) (a third volume, entitled H. G. Wells in Love was published posthumously in 1984)
- Stalin-Wells Talk: The Verbatim Record and a Discussion (with Josef Stalin, George Bernard Shaw, J. M. Keynes, Ernst Toller and Dora Russell (1934)
- The New America: The New World (1935)
- Things to Come: A Film Story (1935)
- The Anatomy of Frustration: A Modern Synthesis (1936)
- The Croquet Player (1936)
- The Idea of a World Encyclopaedia (1936)
- The Man Who Could Work Miracles: A Film (1936)
- Star Begotten: A Biological Fantasia (US title, Star-Begotten) (1937)
- Brynhild, or the Show of Things (1937)
- The Camford Visitation (1937)
- The Informative Content of Education (1937)
- The Brothers: A Story (1938)
- World Brain (1938)
- Apropos of Dolores (1938)
- The Holy Terror (1939)
- Travels of a Republican Radical in Search of Hot Water (1939)
- The Fate of Homo Sapiens: An unemotional Statement of the Things that are happening to him now, and of the immediate Possibilities confronting him (US title: The Fate of Man) (1939)
- The New World Order: Whether it is attainable, how it can be attained, and what sort of world a world at peace will have to be (1939)
- The Rights of Man, Or What Are We Fighting For? (1940)
- Babes in the Darkling Wood (1940)
- The Common Sense of War and Peace: World Revolution of War Unending (1940)
- All Aboard for Ararat (1940)
- Guide to the New World: A Handbook of Constructive World Revolution (1941)
- You Can't Be Too Careful (1941)
- The Outlook for Homo Sapiens: An unemotional Statement of the Things that are happening to him now, and of the immediate Possibilities confronting him (1942) (this is an amalgamation of The Fate of Homo Sapiens and The New World Order)
- Science and the World-Mind (1942)
- Phoenix: A Summary of the Inescapable Conditions of World Reorganization (1942)
- A Thesis on the Quality of Illusion in the Continuity of Individual Life of the Higher Metazoa, with Particular Reference to the Species Homo Sapiens (1942)
- The Conquest of Time (1942)
- The New Rights of Man: Text of Letter to Wells from Soviet Writer, Who Pictures the Ordeal and Rescue of Humanistic Civilization - H. G. Wells's Reply and Program for Liberated Humanity (with Lev Uspensky) (1942)
- Crux Ansata: An Indictment of the Roman Catholic Church (1943)
- The Mosley Outrage (1943)
- The Rights of Man: An Essay in Collective Definition (edited anonymously by Wells) (1943)
- '42 to '44: A Contemporary Memoir upon Human Behaviour during the Crisis of the World Revolution (1944)
- The Illusion of Personality (1944)
- The Happy Turning: A Dream of Life (1945)
- Mind at the End of Its Tether (1945)
- The Desert Daisy (posthumous publication of a work written in c. 1878-1880) (1957)
- The Wealth of Mr Waddy (posthumous publication of a work written in c. 1898-1905, which Wells revised and published as Kipps, edited by Harris Wilson) (1969)
- H. G. Wells in Love (posthumous third volume of his autobiography, edited by G. P. Wells) (1984)
- The Betterave Papers and Aesop's Quinine for Delphi, edited by John Hammond (2001)
[edit]I'll have part of Chapter I online shortly, as it appeared in the February 1907 edition of the Review Sherurcij Collaboration of the Week: Author:Honoré de Balzac 21:28, 4 March 2008 (UTC)
Famous Works
[edit]I think there should be a place in the article where we put Wells most famous work. Like "War of the Worlds" and "The Invisible Man". 1st (talk) 23:10, 28 February 2009 (UTC)
- This is easy to do when there are only a few contributors. You add a prominent section listing the books you think should be highlighted, and nobody else complains. However what do we have lots of contributors, and some opinionated person decides to complain? How would we decide which deserve prominence, and which don't?
- That is a bit difficult to do without trying to define "most famous", which is what the Wikipedia article is there for.
- This is the problem we have avoided by using chronological order on the Author pages.
- But it is an interesting problem; we should look for non-contentious ways that Author pages can be dressed up to benefit the reader.
- We could say "still in print, ISBN ....", as that is an unambiguous statement of fact which suggests continued popularity.
- We could also have little icons to indicate awards given to a work.
- If you want to overhaul this page and give prominence to works you think deserve it, go for it. It is through experimentation that we learn. If someone doesn't like it, they can revert to the boring list and we can discuss it.
- John Vandenberg (chat) 00:52, 1 March 2009 (UTC)