Author talk:William Dugald Campbell
Add topicWilliam Dugald Campbell?
He is sometimes named " W D Campbell AICE, FGS" the latter acronym probably meaning "Fellow of the Geographical Society"
The W D Campbell who wrote the paper on the Draining of Towns was apparently a civil engineer with an interest in drainage
Star (Christchurch), Issue 2802, 26 March 1877, Page 2
Noracrentiss (talk) 03:56, 13 April 2023 (UTC)
Other references can be found to W D Campbell AICE, FGS in Papers Past but so far no clues as to his full name.
In this clipping he is described as as an "Associate of King’s College, London, and of the Institute of Civil Engineers"
Kumara Times, Issue 402, 9 January 1878, Page 2
He had a brother Charles Campbell CE i.e. also an engineer
West Coast Times, Issue 2935, 29 August 1878, Page 2<be>
This clipping contains an address for W D Campbell in Auckland: 26, Shortland Street, Auckland, as at 16 September 1880.
New Zealand Herald, Volume XVII, Issue 5877, 17 September 1880, Page 6
UK Civil Engineers List on Ancestry has entry for William Dugald campbell, Associate Member of the Institution of Civi Engineers (elected 6 April 1875), with address 26 Shortland St, Auckland.
William Dugald Campbell turns up carrying out mapping in Western Australia in 1899:
Campbell, W. D. (William Dugald) & Geological Survey of Western Australia (1899).
See also
Topographical map of Menzies, North Coolgardie Gold Field. Geological Survey of Western Australia, Perth, W.A
Campbell, W. D. (William Dugald) & Geological Survey of Western Australia (1899).
The Title includes the author's name:
Topographical map of Menzies, North Coolgardie Gold Field / by W.D. Campbell, A.M.I.C.E. F.G.S. Topographical Surveyor.
Trove article states that William Dugald Campbell graduated from Kings College in 1872 and went to Australia Marriage 1880 reported in West Coast Times