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Aviation Accident Report: American Airlines Flight 320/Supplemental Data

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Investigation and Hearings

The Civil Aeronautics Board was notified of the accident on February 4, 1959, soon after occurrence. An investigation was immediately initiated in accordance with the provisions of Title VII of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958. A public hearing was ordered by the Board and was held in New York, New York, March 18, 1959.

Air Carrier

American Airlines, Inc., is a Delaware corporation and maintains its principal offices in New York, New York. The corporation holds a current certificate of public convenience and necessity issued by the Civil Aeronautics Board to engage in the transportation of persons, property, and mail. It also possesses a valid air carrier operating certificate issued by the Federal Aviation Agency, (formerly Civil Aeronautics Administration).

Flight Personnel

Captain Albert Hunt DeWitt, age 59, was employed by American Airlines on June 6, 1929. He held a currently effective airman certificate with airline transport and all other appropriate ratings. He had a total flying time of 28,135 hours, of which 48:13 were an Lockheed Electra aircraft. He satisfactorily passed his last FAA (formerly CAA) physical examination October 16, 1958. His last semi-annual proficiency check was given by one of the company's check pilots December 16, 1958.

First Officer Frank Schopen Hlavacek, age 33, was employed by the company on January 29, 1951. He held a currently effective airman certificate with airline transport rating and Convair 240, 340, and 440 type ratings. He had a total of 10,192 flying hours, of which 36:35 were in Electra aircraft. His last FAA physical examination was satisfactorily passed June 7, 1958.

Flight Engineer Warren Edward Cook, age 36, was employed by the con:me July 28, 1948. He held a current airman certificate with flight engineer rating. He had a total of 8,700 flying hours, of which 81:29 were in Electra aircraft. His last physical examination was satisfactorily completed November 7, 1958.

Stewardess Mae Markidis, age 22, was employed by the company New 7, 1957. Stewardess Joan Zeller, age 21, was employed by the company on July 29, 1958.

The Aircraft

Electra Aircraft, model L-188, N 6101A, was manufactured November 27, 1958, by Lockheed Aircraft Corporation. The aircraft was equipped with four Allison 501D13 engines. The four propellers, model A6441FN–606, blades 6503368, were manufactured by Aero Products, Allison Division, General Motors Corporation.