Aviation Accident Report: Southeast Airlines Flight 308/Supplemental Data
Investigation and Hearing
The Civil Aeronautics Board was notified of this accident at 2200, January 8, 1959, and an investigation was immediately initiated in accordance with the provisions of Section 701 (a) (2) of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958. A public hearing was held in Kingsport, Tennessee, March 2 and 3, 1959.
Southeastern Aviation, Inc., doing business as Southeast Airlines, is a Tennessee corporation. The corporation was formed in August 1956 and applied to the State Bureau of Aeronautics for a certificate of convenience and necessity for the carriage of persons and property within the State of Tennessee. After qualification, the certificate was issued December 18, 1956, for designated intrastate routes, including the route being flown in this instance. Subsequently, Southeast was given a series of check flights and issued Commercial Operator Certificate No. FW-15(c) by the Civil Aeronautics Administration (now Federal Aviation Agency). Scheduled intrastate operations began February 8, 1957, and have been continued in accordance with the provisions of Part 40 of the Civil Air Regulations.
Flight Personnel
Captain Robert L. Gollmier, age 36, was employed by Southeast February 22, 1957, as a copilot. May 29, 1957, he was promoted to captain. He held a currently effective airman certificate with an airline transport rating, type ratings in the Douglas DC-3, and Convair CV-240, CV-340, CV-440 aircraft, and instrument rating. Captain Gollmier had a total of 7,214 flying hours, of which 2,674 were in DC-3 equipment. He had a total of 449 hours of instrument time, 42 hours of which had been accumulated in the preceding 90 days. He also had executed 38 ILS approaches within the preceding 90-day period. He had received his last line check October 16, 1958, and his last semi-annual proficiency check November 10, 1958. His last first-class physical examination was given September 25, 1958.
Mr. Robert M. Irwin, age 28, was employed by Southeast Airlines August 10, 1958. He held a currently effective airman certificate with a commercial pilot rating for single- and multiengine land aircraft, and an instrument rating. Mr. Irwin had a total of 2,367 flying hours, of which 432 were in DC-3 equipment. He had a total of 202 hours of instrument time, 26 hours of which had been accumulated in the preceding 90 days. He also had executed 13 ILS approaches within the preceding 90-day period. He had received his latest line check August 12, 1958, and his last instrument check August 10, 1958. His last first-class physical examination was given August 7, 1958.
Miss Wanda C. Nalley, age 20, was employed by Southeast Airlines January 1, 1958. She had completed a correspondence course at weaver Airline School and had received 40 hours of ground school training with Southeast Airlines. Her last line check was given August 7, 1958. Her last physical examination was given December 30, 1957.
The Aircraft
N 18941, a Douglas DC-3A, serial No. 2007, was manufactured April 8, 1938. It was purchased by Southeastern Aviation, Inc., on November 19, 1956. At its departure from Memphis the airframe had a total time of 56,755.9 hours. The time since its last overhaul was 7,242 hours. The aircraft had flown 48 hours since its last No. 1 inspection on December 30, 1958, and 132 hours since the last No. 3 inspection on December 15, 1958. Records showed that the aircraft was maintained in accordance with applicable regulations and there were no uncorrected discrepancies or carry-over items of maintenance. The aircraft was equipped with Pratt & Whitney 1830-92 engines and Hamilton Standard propellers 23E50-505.