Baird's Manual of American College Fraternities (1879)/Kappa Alpha Theta
The society of Kappa Alpha Theta was the first of the ladies' societies organized with principles and methods akin to those of the Greek-Letter fraternities. It was founded at Indiana Asbury University, Indiana, Jan. 27, 1870, the charter members being Mrs. B. M, Hamilton, née Locke, Mrs. Alice O’Brandt, née Allen, Miss Bettie Tipton, and Mrs. Jennie Shaw, née Fitch. The chapter was founded with a national charter, and established branches elsewhere, as follows:
- Indiana Alpha, Indiana Asbury University, 1870.
- Indiana Beta, Indiana University, 1870.
- Indiana Gamma, Moore's Hill College, 1871
- Indiana Delta, Butler University, 1874
- Illinois Alpha, Illinois Wesleyan University, 1875
- Ohio Alpha, Wooster University, 1875.
- Ohio Beta, Ohio University, 1876.
- Pennsylvania Alpha, Allegheny College, 1876 (not in organization)
The chapters are all of them prosperous, and the same care and discrimination in selecting members, and the same electioneering methods are adopted as those used by the fraternities in the same col1eges. The society is too young to have many eminent alumni as yet, though many have distinguished themselves while active members.
The badge of the society is a gold plate about an inch in length, having four curved sides which are equal in length two and two, one pair being much longer than the other. In the irregular space so enclosed is a chevron on which are inscribed the letters “Κ Α Θ,” above are two stars, and below the letters "αωο" The society's colors are black and gold. The total number of members is about 275.