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Baird's Manual of American College Fraternities (1879)/Kappa Kappa Kappa

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This fraternity was founded at Dartmouth College, in 1842, through the efforts of C. B. Haddock, then a professor in the college. The founders were six in number, but like all the fraternity chapters at Dartmouth the membership has always been large. At the time of its foundation the Zeta Chapter of Psi Upsilon had just been established, and the remaining societies were literary and anti-secret.

Among Tri-Kappa’s eminent members are Ron. John D. Philbrick, Hon. S. G. Nash, of Boston; Hon. Charles H. Bell, H. P. Holfe, Hon. Benjamin F. Ayer, Rev. Arthnr Little, of Chicago; Prof. Mark Bailey, of Yale, and many others.

The society has led a very prosperous life, and like the other local fraternities of New England has been a successful competitor of the chaptered fraternities. It built a hall in 1860, the first in Hanover, and measnres are now being taken for the erection of another and more pretentious building. The society has published its catalogue, a very neat little book, and a collection of songs. Its total membership to date is about 600.

The badge of the society is a gold Corinthian column, surmounted by a capital; at the base are the letters “Κ Κ Κ,” which the society is named. The whole badge is a little over an inch in length.

Among the honorary members were Prof. Haddock, Daniel Webster, Rufus Choate, Joseph Bell, Levi Woodbury, Lewis Cass, George P. Marsh, Daniel Clark, and Ira Perley, all lawyers of national reputations.