Baird's Manual of American College Fraternities (1879)/Kappa Sigma
The date of the foundation of this fraternity is now unknown to the members. It took place, however, at Baltimore, a short time previous to the outbreak of the Rebellion. During that conflict the records were all lost or destroyed. In 1869 the fraternity was reorganized at the University of Virginia, and has since grown and prospered. The chapter roll is as follows:
- Zeta, Virginia University, 1869.
- Eta, Trinity College (North Carolina), 1870.
- Beta, Mercer College, 1871.
- Alpha, Baltimore Graduate Chapter, 1872.
- Epsilon, Baltimore Medical College, 1873 (died 1875).
- Delta, — —, 1873.
- Mu, Washington-Lee University, 1873.
- Gamma, — —,1874.
- Nu, Virginia Agricultural College, 1874.
- Lambda, — —, 1874.
- Omicron, Emory and Henry College, 1874.
- Xi, Virginia Military Institute, 1873.
- Theta, — —, 1875.
All the chapters are alive and prosperous except the Epsilon, which, from the nature of the institution and the transient character of the students, had its charter withdrawn. Chapters Rho, Pi, and Kappa are chartered, but not yet in organization.
The badge of the fraternity is a five-pointed star surmounted by a crescent. The crescent is of chased gold, and on it are wrought the skull and bones, crossed keys, and crossed daggers. The star is enamelled black and white, and in the centre displays the letters “ΚΣ” in burnished go1d. The badge is sometimes jewelled with the fraternity colors and sometimes plain.
Among the prominent alumni of Kappa Sigma are Dr. G. M. Arnold, of New York City; Surgeon A. C. Heffinger, of the U. S. Navy; Lyon G. Tyler, a son of the ex-President, of Memphis; Prof. E. M. Goolsby, of Weaverville, N. C.; G. D. Williams, of Baltimore; and James H. Durham, of Wilmington, N. C.
The government of the fraternity is vested in the biennial convention, but during its recess the Zeta Chapter is the grand chapter, and governs the order.
Catalogues, songs, etc., have been issued by the society, and efforts are now being made to establish a fraternity magazine.
No honorary members are admitted to the order, and the total membership to date is about 600. The colors are white, green, and purple.