Baird's Manual of American College Fraternities (1879)/Phi Sigma
The secret Phi Sigma League was founded at Lombard University, Illinois, by a number of students in the class of 1857. It was simply a local society for a while, but its ranks were afterwards extended to include other colleges.
There are three degrees in the society, the first two of which are for undergraduates and are known as the “Anchor” and “Harp”; the third degree is for graduates. The two emblems are worn as badges, and admission to each degree implies membership in the preceding.
Chapters have been instituted as follows:
- Lombard University, 1857.
- Knox College.
- Abingdon College.
- Hedding College.
- Eureka College.
- Monmouth College.
- Northwestern University.
They are now all defunct but the parent chapter, and that is in a prosperous condition.
The society proclaims its object to be social and literary culture and the exalting of the Western standard of literary excellence. Annual conventions, called “Pantheonias,” are held at Galesburg, and a general reunion and business meeting takes place.
The league owns a hall in the university building, and has furnished it handsomely.
Its total membership to date is 600.