Ballads of Battle/Sheath not the Sword

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4610006Ballads of Battle — Sheath not the SwordJoseph Lee


"Peace, peace, when there is no peace."

Sheath not the Sword ere yet the strife is ended;
Prate not of peace before proud wills are bended—
Sheath not the Sword!

Sheath not the Sword! What of thy valiant dead?
'Twas not for this their rich hearts' blood was shed—
Sheath not the Sword!

Sheath not the Sword! Thousands our kinsmen stand
Waiting the issue in that Shadow land—
Sheath not the Sword!

Sheath not the Sword! Thousands thy kinsmen wait
To enter at thy need stern Death's dark gate—
Sheath not the Sword!

Harden thy heart! Stay not the slaying hand,
Till each, erect, stand in his cleanséd land—
Sheath not the Sword!

Harden thy heart! Withhold the pitying ear,
Until their Hymn of Hate turn to a cry of fear!—
Sheath not the Sword!