Balthasar Hübmaier/Index

Anabaptists, why unpopular, 1; chiliastic ideas among, 2, 161, 165 sq.; revolutionary views of some, 3, 162, 164; Luther's treatment of, 6; slanders against, 7, 21; Cornelius on, 7; Beck's book about, 8; Keller's researches on, 9; connection with older sects, 9-13; relation to Reformation, 13; character of, 14; their ideal of the church, 15; repudiate name "Anabaptist," 16, 204; mysticism among, 14, 17; real offence of, 19; their vindication, 20; fate of their leaders, 21; origin in Zürich, 92, 102; Hübmaier joins them, in; charged with schism by Zwingli, 118; why deserving of punishment, 119; Denck unites with them, 142; act of baptism among, 142-145; lords of Lichtenstein join them, 151; great progress of, at Nikolsburg, 152 sq.; Sebastian Franck on, 159; the socialistic wing, 162; doctrine of non-resistance among, 159, 160; schism in Nikolsburg among, 167 sq.; charged with sedition.; how far socialists, 172, 176, 215, 250 sq.; Unitarians among, 184; ritual of 210; use of the ban, 212; singing of hymns, 214; on salvation of infants, 216; banished from Moravia, 257; their protest, 259-264; numbers in Nikolsburg, 267; their martyrs, 269; emigrate to Russia and United States, 270
Aberli, Henry, Anabaptist preacher, 124
Affusion, practised by Hübmaier, 112, 142; by Grebel, 143; by the Mennonites, 145
Albertus Magnus, 47
Albigenses, 10
Anselm, theory of satisfaction, 198
Anthropology, Hübmaier's doctrine of, 190-198
Antinomianism, 189
Apostles' Creed, Hübmaier's paraphrase of, 178
Arkleb, lord of Boskowitz, 152, 275
Articles, Twelve, of the peasants, 96, 241
Atonement, Hübmaier's doctrine of, 198
Augsburg, Latin school at, 26; the Fuggerei, 39; Reichstag of 1518, 41; Hübmaier visits, 142; Anabaptists immerse there, 144; Hans Hut at, 160; Jacob Widemann, 163; death of Hut at, 169
Augustinianism, Luther's, 193, 196
Auspitz, Anabaptist colony, 250
Austerlitz, Anabaptist colony, 249, 251
Austria, difficulty with Waldshut, 74-79; captures Waldshut, 122-123; determined to kill Hübmaier, 238
Ban, among Anabaptists, 212; reckless use of, 255
Baptism, act of, among Anabaptists, 142-145; practice of Hübmaier, 112, 142
Baptism of infants, deemed unscriptural, 10, 16, 102; Swiss reformers uncertain about, 99, 104; questioned by Münzer, 107; attacked by Hübmaier, 99, 114-122; defended by Zwingli, 113, 118, 135
Baptism of believers, 10, 102; Hübmaier's doctrine of, 202 sq.; remission of sins in, 205. See Hübmaier, writings of
Basel, Hübmaier's visit to, 54; approves policy of Schaffhausen, 84
Beck, Dr. Josef, and his book, 8
Blaurock, George, Swiss Anabaptist, 143
Bogomils, 10
Brunnstein, John of, 151
Bullinger, Henry, Swiss reformer and historian, on the Anabaptists, 105, 107; opinion of Hübmaier, 245
Burgher class, rise of, 5
Burian, lord of Konitz, 152
Calvin, doctrines of grace, 186
Campbell, Alexander, doctrine of remission of sins, 205
Capito, Swiss reformer, letters to Zwingli, 22; Zwingli's letters to, 125; burns Hätzer's book, 184
Chiliasm among Anabaptists, 2; at Nikolsburg, 160, 161, 165; Hübmaier opposes, 164; William Miller's, 165
Christianity, essential nature of, 14
Church (a single congregation), nature of, 10; Petrobrusian idea of, 11; Waldensian, ib.; Anabaptist, 15; ideas of Zürich radicals, 101, 103; Hübmaier's doctrine of, 206-208
Church, separation from State, 15, 21; character of a State, 20
Columban, 47
Community of goods, among Anabaptists, 3; Hübmaier's idea of, 164; See Socialism
Constance, Hübmaier accused to bishop of, 80; his visit to the city, 142
Controversy, Hübmaier's love of, 32; between Hübmaier and Zwingli, 119 sq.; between Hübmaier and Œcolampadius, 120-122
Cornelius, of Bonn, and his book, 7
Cranmer, Archbishop, compared to Hübmaier, 237
Czechs in Moravia, 149
Denck, John, Anabaptist preacher, won to Anabaptism by Hübmaier, 142; baptizes Hut, 159, 160; anti-Trinitarian theories, 184
Dietrichstein, Adam von, lord of Nikolsburg, 266; persecutes Anabaptists, 267
Dietrichstein, Cardinal, obtains decree of 1623, 268
Dubcansky, Jan, lord of Zdnym, 152
Ecclesiology, Hübmaier's doctrine of, 201-213
Eck (John Mayer), Dr., Hübmaier's junior, 27; oration on Hübmaier, 28; Hübmaier's eulogy of, 29; fame as a teacher, 31; quarrel with University of Freiburg, 33; goes to Ingolstadt, ib.; tomb of, 35; remains Hübmaier's friend 50; challenged by Hübmaier to disputation, 89 - 91
Effectual calling, 199
Election, Hübmaier on, 186 sq.
Englehard, Swiss reformer, 125
Erasmus, eminent reformer, 22; visit of Hübmaier to, 54; compared to Hübmaier, 155, 156
Eschatology, Hübmaier's treatment of, 216
Exegesis, Hübmaier's method of, 175, 182 sq.; puerile, 191
Faber (Heigelin) John, Roman Catholic theologian, testifies Hübmaier was no iconoclast, 73; celebrates mass in Waldshut, 123; confirms torture of Hübmaier at Zürich, 137; interview with Hübmaier at Greisenstein, 226-230; witness to Hübmaier's eminence, 246
Feet-washing practised at Waldshut, 112
Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria (Emperor, 1556-1564), summons Waldshut, 74; demands expulsion of Hübmaier, 75; becomes his implacable enemy, 76; second charge against Waldshut, 79; demands Hübmaier from Schaffhausen,82; his treachery, 95; answer of Waldshut to, 97; final terms to Waldshut, 122; demands Hübmaier from Zürich, 128; chosen King of Bohemia, 149; elected Margrave of Moravia, 219; edict of 1527, 220; deter:nined on Hübmaier's death, 238; persecutes Moravian Anabaptists, 247; edict of 1535, 257; death of, 264
Feudalism, decay of, 3; significance of, 4
Franck, Sebastian (evangelical reformer, Anabaptist, author, printer), on Anabaptists, 159
Frankenhausen, battle of, 160, 165
Frederick of Silesia, favourable to Anabaptists, 152
Freiburg, University of, 27 sq., 67
Freiburg in Switzerland, 54
Friends, 17
Froschauer. See Sorg
Fuggers, the, of Augsburg, 39
Füsslin, Swiss reformer and historian, and the Anabaptists, 22; account of Hübmaier-Zwingli debate, 127
Glaidt, Oswald, reformer at Nikolsburg, 150
Göschel, Martin, becomes an Anabaptist, 150
Grebel, Conrad, radical leader at Zürich, 65; rebukes Münzer, 107; visits Waldshut, 113; sprinkles Blaurock, 143; immerses Uliman, ib.; baptizes at St. Gall, 133
Greisenstein, castle of, 223
Gynoræus, Peter, Swiss reformer, Zwingli's letter to, 125 sq.
Hatzer, Ludwig, Anabaptist preacher, slanderous charges against, 21; alleged anti-Trinitarian theories, 184
Hofmeister, Sebastian, Swiss reformer, present at Hübmaier-Zwingli debate, 125; on baptism of infants, 127; debates with Hübmaier,
"Householder" among Moravian Anabaptists, 251
Hübmaier, Balthasar, Life of: birth, 24; parentage, 25; early training, 26; matriculates at Freiburg, 27; first residence at Schaffhausen, 29, 30; takes Master's degree, 27, 32; praised by Eck, 28; eulogizes Eck, ib.; love of controversy, 32; follows Eck to Ingolstadt, 33; Doctor in Theology, 34; university preacher, 35; vice-rector, 36; chief preacher at Regensburg, 37; leads anti-Jewish movement, 38 sq.; defends clergy at Augsburg, 41; discreditable conduct, 43; chalpain of the "beauteous Mary," 44; part in the pilgrimages, 45; troubles with the clergy, 47; leaves Regensburg, 49; repute there, 50; pastor at Waldshut, 51; studies the Scriptures, 53; visits Switzerland, 54; reads Luther's tracts, 55; recalled to Regensburg, ib.; returns to Waldshut, 56; friend of Swiss reformers, 57; takes part in second Zürich Disputation, 57-65; speech on supremacy of Scriptures, 58 sq.; against images, 60 sq.; against the mass, 63 sq.; spelling of his name, 66 sq.; publishes eighteen theses, 60-71; institutes reforms in Waldshut, 72; marries Elizabeth Hügline, 73; opposition of clergy, 74; his expulsion demanded, 75; invited to Regensburg and response, 77, 78; accused of Lutheranism, 79; refuses to appear at Constance, 80; leaves Waldshut, 81; second residence at Schaffhausen, 82-92; appeals to council, 83; writes Heretics and Those Who Burn Them 84-88; challenges Eck to disputation, 89-91; returns to Waldshut, 93; relations to peasants' war, 96; not author of Twelve Articles, ib.; zeal for pure gospel, 97, 98; relations to Swiss reformers, 99; not taught by Münzer, 105; begins to oppose infant baptism, 108; letter to Œcolampadius, ib.; publishes Open Appeal, 109; becomes champion of radicals, 110; converted to Anabaptism, 111; baptizes large numbers in Waldshut, 112; writes his Christian Baptism of Believers, 114-117; Zwingli's reply, 118; Dialogues on infant baptism, 119-122; goes to Zürich, 124; his arrest, 125; debate with Zwingli, 125-128; his public "recantation," 129; cruel imprisonment and torture, 130, 137, 147; writes his Twelve Articles, 130-136; his written recantation, 138-140; goes to Nikolsburg, 142; kindly received, 150; great progress of Anabaptists, 152; literary activity, 154; rank as man of letters, 155-157; his ethical tone, 157, 173; controversies at Nikolsburg, 158; opposes Hut and Widemann, 163, 232; true communism, 164; publishes tract On the Sword, 173, 177; arrested and sent to Vienna. 177, 221; unfair attitude towards Zwingli, 210; preliminary examination, 222; imprisonment at Greisenstein, 223; accusations against him, 224, 225; interview with Faber, 226 sq.; how far he yielded, 228-230, 236; his Rechenschaft, 230-235; conduct like Cranmer's, or Savonarola's, 237; makes a supplementary statement, 239; final process at Vienna, 240; record of condemnation, 240-242; his execution described by an eyewitness, 242-244; character and repute, 23, 217, 245; writings put on the Index, 247; life not a failure, 271.
Hübmaier, Writings of (those marked* have been quoted from freely; those marked ** are given in full, or substantially so):
*Appeal to Schaffhausen Council (op. 2), 82
Brotherly Discipline (op. 21), 190, 205
*Christian Baptism of Believers (op. 5), 114-117, 143
Conversation of Balthazar Hübmaier (op. 10), 180
Dialogue between Balthazar Hübmaier and Master Ulrich Zwingli (op. 10), 110
Earnest Plea (op. 2), 82
**Eighteen Theses (op. 1), 69-71
*Form for Baptizing (op. 19), 152, 202, 204, 311
Form of the Supper (op. 20), 152, 210
*Freedom of the Will (op. 23). 171, 178, 183, 186-188, 189, 193-197, 200
Freedom of the Will-Second Book (op. 24), 152, 196, 197
**Fundamental Articles (op. 4), 89-91
Ground and Reason (op. 16), 189, 203, 205, 206
**Heretics and Those Who Burn Them (op. 3), 84-88
*On Infant Baptism (op. 17), 120-122
**On the Sword (op. 25), 152, 170-176, 273-310
Reason Why Every Man should Receive Baptism (op. 16), 151
**Rechenschaft (op. 26), 230-235
* Short Apology (op. 13), 49, 97, 98, 141, 204, 214
*Table of Christian Doctrine (Catechism, op. 11), 178, 183, 186-188, 189, 193-197, 200
**Twelve Articles of Christian Belief (op. 18), 130-136, 178, 185
**Zürich Recantation, 138-140
**Letter to Regensburg Council, 77-79
**Letter to Œcolampadius, 108
Hübmaier, Teachings of: Anabaptism, 204; anthropology, 190-198; antinomianism, 189; atonement, 198; ban, 212-214; baptism, 16, 202-205, 228; church, 206-208; "close communion," 211; communism, 163; ecclesiology, 202-213; election, 186; effectual calling, 199; eschatology, 216; exegesis, 182 sq., 228, 298; fathers, authority of, 180; freedom of conscience, 217; hymns, 214; images, 60-62; imputation, 198; infants, baptism of, 114 sq.; infants, salvation of, 216; Lord's supper, 208-211; mass, 63-65; Scriptures, 180 sq.; sin, 182, 192, 231; soteriology, 198-201; theology, 184-190; will, 193-195, 231
Hügline, Elizabeth, married to Hübmaier, 73; imprisoned at Zürich, 129; drowned at Vienna, 244
Hus, John, Bohemian reformer, at Constance, 53; influence in Moravia, 148
Hut, Hans, Anabaptist preacher, early history, 159; doctrine of the Sword, 160, 162; appears at Nikolsburg, 160; acquaintance with Widemann, 163; compared to William Miller, 165; specimen of his preaching, 166; imprisoned by Lichtensteins, 168; flight to Augsburg and death, 169
Huter, Jacob, Anabaptist preacher, organizer of Moravian communities, 250; death in Tyrol, 256; his protest to the Moravian nobles, 259 sq.
Immersion, by Grebel, 143; at Augsburg, 144; in Poland, ib.; at Rhynsburg, 145
Images, Zwingli's attitude towards, 58; Hübmaier's speech against, 60 sq.; banished from Waldshut, 73
Immelen, Jacob, Swiss reformer, "Dialogue" with Hübmaier, 120-122
Imputation of Adam's sin, 198
Infant baptism. See Baptism of infants, and Hübmaier, Teachings of.
Infants, salvation of, 216
Ingolstadt, University of, 27; history, 33; old building of, 34; certifies to Hübmaier's character, 49
Ingolstadt, Church of the Virgin, 35
Jews, expulsion from Regensburg, 38-44
John, Count Palatine, friend of Hübmaier, 37, 41, 49, 51
Justification, Hübmaier's divergence from Luther on, 201
Keller, Dr. Ludwig, State Archivist at Münster, on the Anabaptists, 9
Kessler, Swiss reformer and historian, on Hübmaier, 245
Konigsfeld, Convent of, 51
Leo Juda, Swiss reformer, at Hübmaier-Zwingli debate, 125; on baptism of infants, 127; debates with Hübmaier, 138
Liberty, Christian, Hübmaier on, 217; case of Hans Hut, 168
Lichtenstein, Leonard, lord, of Nikolsburg, becomes Anabaptist, 151; summons Anabaptists to conference, 167; expels the Schwertler, 249; surrenders Hübmaier, 221, 224, 225; not a persecutor, 265; fortunes of his house, 266
Lichtenstein, John, becomes Anabaptist, 151
Lichtenstein, Prince, Catholic and persecutor, 268
Louis II., King of Bohemia, defeat at Mohacs, 149
Lord's supper, Hübmaier's doctrine of, 208-211. See Mass
Luther, Martin, his early demands for freedom, 6; attitude towards Anabaptists, 7; his Theses, 50; Hübmaier's junior, 27; tracts, 55; his marriage, 73; Hübmaier reckoned his follower, 79; on supremacy of Scripture, 92; his Wider Hans Wurst, 158; his Address to the Christian Nobility, 157; Compared to Hübmaier, 153-157; pamphlets against the peasants 174; his doctrine of the will, 193, 196
Lutherans in Nikolsburg, 148
Manichæan element in mediaeval sects, 10
Mantz, Felix, Anabaptist preacher, 106, 143
Mass, Zwingli's ideas on, 62; Hübmaier's speech against, 63 sq.; his final rejection of, 228, 235
Maximilian II (Emperor, 1564-1576), toleration of Anabaptists, 264
Megander, Swiss reformer, 125 Melanchthon, compared to Hübmaier, 155
Mennonites, practice of affusion, 145
Miller, William, and Hans Hut, 165
Mohacs, battle of, 149
Montanists, 17
Moravia, temporary religious freedom in, 146; influence of Hus there, 148; condition of people, 149; persecution begins, 220; Diet banishes Anabaptists, 257; Diet permits bigamy, 270
Moravians (Unitas Fratrum), survival of, 12
Muller, Hans, insurgent leader, 95
Münzer, Thomas, leader of peasants, 97; not Hübmaier's teacher, 105; rebuked by Grebel, 106; not an Anabaptist, 107; relation to Hans Hut, 160, 162
Mühlhausen and Thomas Münzer, 160, 162; and peasants' rebellion, 106
Myconius, Swiss reformer, debates with Hübmaier, 138
Nikolsburg, Hübmaier goes to, 142; Anabaptists there before Hübmaier, 146; character of town, 147; the evangelicals, 150; the Lichtensteins, 151; controversies at, 158 sq.; Hut appears in, 161; trouble among Anabaptists of, 167; troubles renewed, 248; the Schwertler expelled, 249; falls to Dietrichstein family, 266
Nobles, decline in power of, 3
Non-resistance, Anabaptist doctrine of, 3, 159, 160,162. See Hübmaier's tract On the Sword, Appendix.
Nürnberg, Hut at, 159
Oaths, Anabaptist repudiation of, 3
Œcolampadius, Swiss reformer, holds supremacy of Scriptures, 92; friend of Hübmaier, 99; "Dialogue" with Hübmaier, 120-122; on baptism of infants, 127; letter about Hübmaier, 142
Parousia, Anabaptist ideas of, 2
Paulicians, 10
Peasants, oppression of, 5; their uprising, 6; effect at Waldshut, 95; Twelve Articles of, 96, 241; Luther's attitude towards, 173 sq.; Hübmaier's relation to, 222
Peacock Hall, 31
Persecution, of Anabaptists generally, 19, 20; of Jews at Regensburg, 38-44; of Anabaptists at Zürich, 124, 129, 141, 144; of Anabaptists in Moravia, 220, 257
Peter the Venerable, agamst the Petrobrusians, 11
Petrobrusians, ideas of the church, 11; connection with Anabaptists, 13
Poland, immersion among Anabaptists of, 144
Radicals. See Zürich Reformation, and social changes, 3; reformers before the, 13; relation of Anabaptists to, ib.; in Switzerland, 54; in Moravia, 148
Regensburg, importance of the city, 36; anti-Jewish agitation in, 38 sq.; pilgrimages to, 45; the Neupfarrkirche, 46; Albertus Magnus and his monastery, 47; council testifies to Hübmaier's character, 49; makes him parting gift, 50; recalls Hübmaier, 55; second parting gift, 56; invites Hübmaier to visit, 77, 78; later visit of Hübmaier to, 142
Rhynsburg, immersion in, 145
Ritual among Anabaptists, 210
Röublin, William, Anabaptist preacher, converts Hübmaier to Anabaptism, 111
St. Emeran, monastery at Regensburg, 47
St. Gall, Hübmaier's visit to, 57
Savonarola compared to Hübmaier, 237
Schaffhausen, Hübmaier's first residence at, 67; second residence there, 81 sq.; refuses to surrender Hübmaier, 82; Hübmaier appeals to council of, 82, 83
Scriptures, do not warrant infant baptism, 10, 16, 57; supremacy of, 16, 58, 66, 89 sq., 180; supremacy acknowledged by Swiss reformers, 92; inspiration of, 16; interpretation of, 17, 183 (see also Exegesis)
Schwertler, at Nikolsburg, 248; expelled, 249
Socialism, among Anabaptists, 172, 176, 215, 250 sq. See also Community of Goods
Sorg, Simprecht (Frowschauer), Hübmaier's printer, 153
Soteriology, Hübmaier's doctrine of, 198-201
South Dakota, and colonies of Moravian Anabaptists, 270
Spitalmaier, Hans, reformer at Nikolsburg, 150
Stäbler at Nikolsburg, 249
Sword, Hut's doctrine of, 160, 162; Hübmaier's doctrine summarised, 170-176; his treatise on, 273-310
Taxes, Anabaptist opposition to, 3, 162
Theology, or doctrine of God, 184-190
Theses, Luther's, 50; Hübmaier's eighteen, 69-71; his twenty-six, 89-91
Thomas, Augustinian "reader," 120
Thirty Years' War, 268
Trichotomy, taught by Hübmaier, 191
Turks, threatened invasions of, 148, 166, 248
Uliman, Wolfgang, Swiss Anabaptist, 143
Unitarians among Anabaptists, 184
Unitas Fratrum, early history, 148
Vadianus (Watt), Swiss reformer, friend of Hübmaier, 57; his opinion of Hübmaier, 245
Waldshut,town of, described, 51; character of people, 52; Hübmaier's first pastorate, 51-54; second pastorate, 57; reforms of 1524, 72; opposition of clergy, 74; town summoned by Ferdinand, 74 sq.; second summons, 79; Hübmaier leaves, 81; last negotiations with Ferdinand, 94 sq.; has sympathy of Zürich, 95; hundreds become Anabaptists, 112; visited by Grebel, 113; captured by Austrians, 122, 123; troubles at, charged against Hübmaier, 222, 224
Waldenses, idea of church, 11; extent of, 12; connection with Anabaptists, 13
Water-tower at Zürich, Anabaptist prison, 129
Weissenburger, Wolfgang, Swiss reformer, 120 sq.
Widemann, Jacob, Anabaptist preacher, his communistic ideas, 162; joins forces with Hut, 163; continued activity at Nikolsburg, 150, 176; in the socialistic communities, 251
Will, Luther's doctrine of, 193, 196; Hübmaier's doctrine of, 193-195
Wyeland, William, of Regensburg, kindness to Hübmaier, 49
Zürich, city of, Hübmaier's visit to, 57; second disputation at, 57-65; reform in, 66; conduct of Hübmaier at, 74, 75; first disputation at, 92; people divided, 100; they study the Scriptures, 105
Zürich, council of, decide for Zwingli, 65; adopt severe measures against Anabaptists, 124; refuse to surrender Hübmaier, 128; imprison Anabaptists, 129; banish Hübmaier, 141; penalty for rebaptizing, 144
Zürich, radicals of, 58, 65, 92; demands on Zwingli, 101, 103; Hübmaier becomes their champion, 110; their programme rejected by Zwingli, 103; their able leaders, 111
Zwingli, Huldreich, reformer, 22; friend of Hübmaier, 57; relations to Zürich radicals, 58; attitude towards images, ib.; ideas about the mass, 62, policy as reformer, 66; marriage of, 73; influence on Hübmaier, 74; avows supreme authority of Scripture, 92; his perplexity in 1524, 100; believes radicals impracticable, 103; his exegesis, 104; doubts infant baptism, 127; resents course of Hübmaier, 110; publishes his Baptism, Anabaptism and Infant Baptism, 113; attacked by Hübmaier, 115, 117; his True, Thorough Reply, 118; his statements about Hübmaier, 123; debate with Hübmaier, 125-128; his libererality, 128; sermon at Hübmaier's "recantation," 129; confirms torture of Hübmaier, 137; procures Hübmaier's recantation, 138; intercedes for Hübmaier, 142; his Refutation of the Tricks of Catabaptists, 144; compared as leader and writer to Hübmaier, 153, 157; discredits Anabaptists, 164; his exegesis of "This is my body," 208