Base-Ball Ballads/Play Ball

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Base-Ball Ballads
by Grantland Rice
Play Ball
4544707Base-Ball Ballads — Play BallGrantland Rice



"Play ball"—across the field of green
The signal sounds the game again;
Once more there reels across the scene
The shout and wild acclaim again;
The game is on, the fight begun,
Across the line of battle's span
Until the final score is spun
With every record of the clan.

"Play ball"—the reveille has rolled
The bugle call to play again;
Once more beneath the banner's fold
They troop across the way again;
The game is on, and in the fray
The tumult and the cheering sweep
Across the battle line of play
Until the twilight shadows creep.

"Play ball"—the slogan of the game
Of life, of war, of love or hate;
For rank or wealth, for name or fame
The player stands against the plate;
The game is on, and in the strife
Where Fate, the pitcher, speeds the ball
The player plays the game of life
Until the final shadows fall.